Normal Walk Act 1

"I was just taking a walk m-"

"How the hell did a walk result in this?!?!"

Raven screams in insanity, only a little, as she spreads her arms out gesturing at the flames, rubble, and dead bodies lying around Alice.

"It was a very enthusiastic walk."

As Alice says this she looks straight into Raven's eyes, her face set into a deadpan expression.

"I was just taking a, very enthusiastic, walk, minding my own business whe-"

"What the hell do you mean by minding your own business!!?!?? You were standing outside a government-owned facility mugging their guards right on camera!!?!?!"

"I was taking a, very enthusiastic walk, minding my own business whe... Hmmm... I'll start from the beginning... I walked out the front door, saying "I'll be....

--- --- ---

Many hours earlier

--- --- ---

.... on a walk."

As Alice said she would be on a walk she walked out the front of the door, still in her slippers, already prepared for the normal walk that awaits her. As she's walking down the empty morning streets she tugs at the strap of a bag she had on, bringing the bag in front of her she observed it, it was purple in color and in the shape of a bunny plushie, peeking inside of it a glint of greed flashed through her otherwise dead eyes. Inside the bag there were various things, things that were not hers, IDs, phones, wallets, cash, even some weapons, all of which she had stollen from the guards and from the facility yesterday.

'Raven mentioned something about a blackmarket....'

Alice then continues on her normal, but not totally legal, walk intending to A. Sell some stuff, B. Buy some stuff, and C. Get more stuff to sell. Walking down the street, as it had been a while now since she set off and many people were now wandering the street, many people gave her an odd look, since she seemed to be a little girl wandering right into the bad part of town, but they didn't bother her since it wasn't their problem... well most people didn't.

"Excuse me, little miss, where are your parents?"

Alice, looking up from the sidewalk, came eye to eye blue eyes not dissimilar to her own, in front of her was someone who could probably pass as her mother, or maybe her sister, she had white hair and her blue eyes were vibrant, the only thing setting them apart from Alices seemingly dead ones. She seemed to be an officer of the law, considering her attire.

"Orphan.... running errands"

Alice says so to the woman, very slow and deliberately, not ever changing her expression. When the lady hears this she just nods sadly.

"Well do you know where you're going little girl, I could give you directions?"

Alice stops to think for a moment, before shrugging, this lady might actually know where she wants to head. Nodding her head at the woman she opens her mouth to speak.

"The black market"

"right the black market that should b..."

As the woman turns around to think, she suddenly stops and turns around at lightning speeds to question Alice, only to find that she's already gone. Shocked and slightly curious, the woman stands in place, only to be called out of her stupor by a concerned citizen.

"... Officer Necro, are you okay?!?"

Nodding her head, the now dubbed, officer necro continues on her job in a slight daze, meanwhile, Alice is already continuing on her walk mostly forgetting about her previous encounter until later. Alice nearing the end of her walk, act 1, stops in front of a large metal door with a slit on it covered by metal, that does not radiate illegal vibes. As she stands there for a few moments, seemingly having a debate with herself, she nods, as if to reaffirm her decision, before disappearing from in front of the door.

Appearing inside the very legal place, Alice observes her surroundings ignoring the shocked and on-guard expressions of everyone around her. She is currently in a room, the room is littered with tables surrounded by chairs, whilst on one wall there seems to be a bar and on the opposite there is a railing with two sets of stairs, leading down into a mall-like area, just more 'legal'.

Nodding to herself, as she found her destination, she stops when she was about to take a step as someone had stopped in front of her.

"Who are you?"

The little boy in front of her says, he has neck-length fluffy and thick black hair, while his orange bangs rest between his bright green eyes, he is roughly the same height as Alice, and they both have the same neutral expression on their face.


*Blink sfx x2*



The boy nods, as Alice blinks again as does the boy a few moments later.


They both stare silently at each other for a few more moments before the boy blinks.


Alice nods, as they both blink again.

"How'd you find here?"

The boy asks with a tilt of his head.





The boy nods in understanding before Alice goes to ask another question.

"Her brother...?"

Alice asks, and the boy nods with a slight sigh.

'So, this is Raven's brother, and the boss around here, how strange, I'm glad she told me about him...'

They continue their stare off for a few more moments before Peng nods, stepping to the side as Alice nods in return, making her way towards the stairs. The people have many different expressions, some shocked and confused at what just happened, some showed understanding at the mention of the loud-mouthed girl, whilst some others were disturbed by how similar the two were.

Alice on the other hand ignores everyone in the surroundings making her way down the stairs to the more than legal shopping mall-like area to buy some items to help her on her current and future walks.

--- --- ---

Words 993

Kuhahahaha, I've written this chapter as evilly as possible *Cool pose SFX*

Anywho, I might release another chapter today, no promises, I feel as if I've been filled with determination hu hu hu hu~

Bye bye~