
"Oh my word!! You are so heavy, its pissing me off" Helena keeps pressing the door bell repeatedly, abusing it with anger, while supporting the drunk Raymond.

The door was opened from the inside and a petite gentle woman wearing a cartoon gown pajamas and a pink fluffy home slippers appeared, her short curly hair makes her seemingly younger than her actual age. Her face flashed an apologetic look upon seeing Helena with Raymond that is barely able to stand.

Helena cant bear to let Raymond taking a cab to go home, the man cant even open his eyes and his rationality seems to be don in a drain, he literally putting all his body weight on Helena for support. If it wasn't due to him being someone important in her life, she will definitely leave him at the side of the street to fend for himself.

Helena smiled awkwardly showing her beautiful perfect white teeth to the woman in front of her, her shoulder started to feel a little but numb from supporting him. Carla saw Helena shoulder trembling and she hurriedly helped her and lead them to the L shape sofa in the middle of the living room.

Right after they placed Raymond on the sofa, Carla goes to the kitchen not far from the open space apartment they reside to get a warm wet towel for Raymond and a small bucket just incase he needs it later to vomit. Alcohol stench on him make Carla pinched her nose while other hand wiping his face and un buttoning his shirt for him to be comfortable.

Helena keeps watching Carla every movement, she has no idea that she stood there unmoved drowned in her own thoughts. Carla keeps calling her name repeatedly, and shook her shoulder lightly.

"Yes?" Helena snapped from her dazed.

"Are you okay? Would you like to stay here tonight since you have been drinking as well? I don't think its safe for you to leave at this time." Carla suggested it to Helena.

"Ahh no! Thank you though, i am not a weakling like him who cant even hold his alcohol" she chuckled. She talked to Carla for a little bit before taking her leaves.


Helena keeps driving aimlessly, even if she decided to go home, she wont be able to fall asleep, day by day, her insomnia is getting worst, her fears are started to get the best of her.

The incident 2 years ago definitely did a number to her silently. Everyone that is close to her knows her struggles, Lorenzo especially, however he is too greedy to let her go to the real world, regardless how she convince him she will lead her normal life in seclusion and humble, he knows she will still be able to attract an unwanted attentions.

Her looks alone can shake any men that sees her, let alone her skills, if it wasn't for all the disguise she used during her missions, enemies will be lining to get their hands on her. Her talent in creating a toxin that able to mimic natural cause for death is highly sought after by criminals and the black market that heard about it. It is too dangerous for her.

The car arrived in front of a villa 20minutes away from the city, the modern style villa giving a masculine vibe like the owner. The moonlight illuminating the area as its helping Helena to get a clear view on what she is seeking and the wind blew gently as she rolled her car window to get a better look of the house that she visited once.

She saw the lights from the top floor is turned off. She doesn't want to be caught snooping in the middle of the night, since she wasn't supposed to be there at the first place, feeling dejected she started her car engine and turned it around to leave.

A figured was looking through the window in the dark, he noticed the same Jeep has been randomly parked and leave after 5minutes for a year now. Its no longer a coincidence like what he thought before, is the person watching him has any connections of the mysterious car accident he get into two years ago? he wrote down the jeep tag number and send a message to his assistant to get an info from the department of motor vehicle.


Helena arrived at her penthouse, she stood at the hallway entrance and drop her key to the console table decorated with candles and flowers on her left. Taking off her contact lenses that has irritate her eyes entire day, she casually just pinching it out from her pupil and threw it in the small trashcan located under the console.

She took off her shoes and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and a wine opener. Grabbing the cigarettes and a lighter on the island counter in she stroll barefooted to the penthouse balcony. The night has a beautiful shiny starts, its a rare sight especially in the city, viewing the surrounding she can sees almost everything within the balcony view.

She retreat her steps to sit on her hanging egg chair and light up her cigarettes and chug down the wine without a glass, blowing the smoke slowly while leaning on the chair, tears started falling on her cheek uncontrollably, her nose felt sour and stuffy, the tears blurred her vision from seeing the dark starry night, as her eyes getting heavier, she started crying like a child.

" aaaaaaahhhhh it hurts!! God it hurts!!!!!! Please"

Her hand clenched on her chest to relief the pain she thought she be able to endure, chocking and sobbing on her tears, her cries finally turned into a wail that bringing her down on her knee.

Her state is pitiful, who would of thought a strong fierce woman like her are able to cry to the extend of not being able to catch her breathe, her hands tremble while clenching on her chest, she laid on the floor and curled herself like a baby with tears still pouring, the wine bottle dropped spilling it content near her. At this point who can console her heart that hurts so much. Her life is miserable, all she wants is a normal life, but what is normal?

The life she is given is never the life she wants, from her birth until today, everything about her is decided upon. Her psychological side started declining, but no one seems to care, they needed her because she is the goose that gave the golden eggs for everyone to reap its benefit.