Flashback (2)

"Who.. who.. are you sir?" Helena weak voice trailed like a scared cat. She sit and leaned her back on the headboard trying to grasp everything that happened, she remembered the moment she was beat by her step mother and step sister, the last thing she recalled before collapsing was the old butler volunteer to "dispose" of her body, but how does she end up being treated by this unknown man in front of her.

Lorenzo took a seat on the accent chair across of the bed where Helena currently sitting. He put both arms on the chair armrest and took a deep breathe before he started explaining everything to Helena.

"I am Lorenzo Reyes, i am your late mother friend, let say we were a co worker back then, and also Butler Kirk called me and told me everything" his eyes dimmed and his expression darken upon recalling the entire situation from butler kirk. He didn't know after Elster Lee death, the current Madam Lee of the house has abuses Helena to the extent of not allowing her to appear in public. She has been abused since the age of 11, that is a 5 years of neglect. While Madam Lee paraded her daughter and claiming she is the heir of Lee Trading and Co.

Helena saw Lorenzo solemn expression.. she lowered her head worrying about everything, she has no money to pay for the hospital bills. She raised her head slightly and spoke to Lorenzo in front of her

"Thank...thank you for saving me, i am sorry if..i..i..give you a trouble" she lowered her head again with a fear of being beat.

Seeing Helena timid like a little mouse, his heart shattered into pieces, she was an amazing child growing up, a prodigy with a bright future, she possesses a natural talent for scientific courses just at the age of 9, how can this happen, he should never leave the country after Elster death.

"Did you and Matthew Long acquainted?" Lorenzo trying to confirm something.

Her eyes widen

"Noo sir.. young master Matthew always come to the villa to see Francesca, not me..i don't know him" she started crying, worrying it will be a problem if she didn't make herself clear.

Lorenzo gazed soften, this girl has to suffered so much.

He got up from the chair and pat her head with soft gazed. His lips curved letting a gentle smile a father would give their daughter. He handed her a small rectangle case.

"Wear this from now on in public, do not removed it until you are alone"

Helena open the case and saw a hazel colors contact lenses, she understood what he means, her step mother hated her eye color, she was called a freak or a monster by them repeatedly and she is constantly reminded how ugly she was and it will be a shame for her to appeared in public.

"You need to wear this to hide your beautiful eyes, it will ward off unwanted attention" he explained it to her before continuing.

"I have scheduled a physical therapy and a psychologist for you, once the doctor cleared you. We will leave the country.."

"Are..you taking me with you?" She lowered her head still.

He raised her chin to look at him. He will make sure this girl to blossom into the most amazing woman like her mother, Eleanor Lee.

"Yes if you would like to come? There are so many kids your age there, you can make a new friends"

"Friends?" She asked, she never have a friend in her life, 16 years old as a teenage girl she never have a friend. Her mom died of childbirth, and a year later her father brought home her step mom and her daughter that is also a year old. She has been homeschooled her entire life. And kept at home, according to her step mother, her eye color will frighten anyone that sees her. She didn't know contact lenses exist to conceal it. Does mom knows it exist?

She tighten her fist! And looked at Lorenzo with a determination in her eyes. She will leave the country with him and be a better student.

"Yess i would love too, and i will get better, i promise!!!!"

"Good girl. I still have work to do, i will see you when i am back" he walked out from the room with a smile.

Waling out of the room, his gentled expression is replaced with anger, he will pay them a small price for hurting Helena, and let her deal with them as she desire when she is capable of it. An Eye for an Eye, who cares if the whole world goes blind! .

Helena looked around the ward room again and solemn lacing her heart as she thought of her life, she is also a little bit anxious to start making friend, not knowing how friendship works surely will give her a high amount of pressure, fisting her hand, she took a deep breathe and promising herself to be a better and talented person, as of revenge, she in no hurry for that, they are always will be there.