First Day Of Work

Today is Helena's first day of working in a private laboratory under the Cabal, as Helena walked towards the lab she noticed the eyes that looked at her like she was a strange person, she brushed aside the strange feeling and immediately scanned her lab card given by Lorenzo.

Helena tied her hair in a ponytail so it wouldn't interfere with her work later.

she is rarely in the lab when she was still an agent for the cabal, at the same time, if Helena was in the lab she was there to help create a killer agent to use while she was on a mission. Helena hates the use of weapons to break enemies, it is complicated and easy to be detected, natural death is the best method so no further examination will be done after the mission is completed.

Helena sits on a bench facing a computer screen on a desk, the lab is about 4000sqft in size, equipped with high -end computers, and every inch of the lab is also equipped with a closed circuit camera and a special room for the employees to run an experiments.

Helena presses a button on the computer to activate it, early this morning Lorenzo gave her the password and a login id specifically for her to use in the lab, after the computer was active, Helena moved the mouse on the table connected to the computer to see each file in the computer, her eyes skimmed on the desktop screen and landed on a folder encrypted with passwords. she put her passwords trying her luck to open the file called subject 1, the mouse was pointed at the file.

Several video snapshots and data were displayed on the screen, and one of them was a video snippet in which Ethan lay lethargically on a bed in one of the treatment rooms.

Her hand shook when she saw the display on the screen, in Helena's mind why would this file was in the computer in the lab, she had instructed Raymond to discard all the information related to Ethan so that no one in the lab knew what had happened two years ago. It looks like Lorenzo deliberately letting her to find the file. How can her heart forget about the incident, the serum used is Helena's own creation, a serum that can be manipulated to make a person's memory change its originality, with the help of hypnosis, a new memory can be added to replace the lose one. Falsifying memory serum is one of the best creation she ever done during her time in the Cabal.

Without wasting time, Helena turns off the computer in front of her, and walked away to confront Lorenzo, this is what she really hates with The cabal, no matter how noble the work they do in marginalizing the cruel -hearted people of the world, cabals continue to treat their agents like they are not entitled to any other life, as if the life of an agent in The Cabal is exclusive only to cabal.

In a rage, Helena slammed the lab door and headed to the top floor where Lorenzo's office was located. She pressed the elevator button relentlessly as if venting all of her anger at the innocent button. At the same time, Helena took her cell phone in the pocket of her lab coat and dialed Raymond's number to urge him for a meet up in Lorenzo's office.

"What the hell Lorenzo? why is Ethan's video in a file storage in a computer that can be accessed by anyone with high access in cabal ?? have you lost your mind I'm tired of sacrificing for cabal and this is what you gave me in return?"

Helena's chest heaved in anger, after she hurled abusive words at Lorenzo, Lorenzo's office door opened from the outside, and the stocky man wearing glasses stood upright, he is a little stunned to see the tense situation between Lorenzo and Helena.

Lorenzo ordered the man to enter the office and close the door behind him so that their conversation would not be overheard by anyone else.

"No one can access the video, Raymond has made sure that only your password can unlock it. I want you to watch the video as a reminder that your life is not like ordinary people's. This is the essence of living as a member of the cabal."

Lorenzo calmly explained to Helena that the video was just a small reminder of the consequences of what happened two years ago, he immediately sat in his office chair that symbolizes grandeur, the magnificent chair is matched with a mahogany wooden table the size of a dining table that can accommodate 8 people. Behind Lorenzo was a glass window whose view was of the surroundings of HQ, from where Helena stood she saw Lorenzo nonchalant act as if ignoring her feelings.

In a sarcastic tone Helena chuckled and said "Have you forgotten that I am an expert on the misfortunes of living in this blood -filled world? do you think i will forget my decision, it seems that everything i did was in vain, you don't need to remind me because i won't forget even if i die and be resurrected".