The Tragedy (5)

On the tarmac after Helena's wounds were bandaged and treated, she looked up to see the weather started to darken slightly, the cloud looks heavy as if it waiting for the right time pour it contents to earth, Daryl stood with a fierce face looking at Helena and Ethan. He had just received a call to terminate Ethan and his friend by the higher ups, they had informed the leader of the underworld agreed to let one of their subordinate to be terminated in exchange of a one free pass before their organizations begin to be hunted again. This is not Lorenzo's order, even Lorenzo Reyes will has no saying when the chain of command involved in making the decision. With so many agents that eager to be promoted by the higher ups, they are watching Helena every movement, waiting for her to mess it up, so they can climb the ladder quickly. They cant beat her ever, so they are like hyenas waiting....

He has no choice, between Helena or Ethan, the superiors reminded hi, Helena will need to be terminated if she has been compromised. Daryl doesn't have to make a choice because he knows the answer.

He headed for Ethan and grabbing Ethan's shirt collar.

"Who knows you're here"

"No one knows, just me and him". Ethan pointed to his friend who came with him. The person is one of the subordinates that were sent by the mystery caller Ethan referred to locate Helena.

"Good to know" and Daryl stabbed the serrated KABAR knife in Ethan's chest 2 inches from his heart and twisted it. Ethan nodded weakly when he looked into Daryl's eyes, he understood Daryl chose him to be killed and not Helena. He anticipated it happening.

Ethan's face turned pale as if his blood stopped pumping for a moment.

Helena ran towards them and snatched the gun from one of the agents and pointed it at Daryl...

"Let him go!!! take me!!!!" Helena pleaded with glazed eyes.

Daryl kept stabbing the knife not intending to release it as he looked at Ethan. Ethan held the handle of the knife and mouthing "I love you" towards Helena before his eyes closed he collapsed to ground.

Helena screamed and fired a shot right into Daryl's shoulder twice, he recoiled from the impact of the shot, Helena held her hand to support Ethan that laying motionless. Thunder came crashing and rain started pouring, Ethan lying lifeless in the rain with Helena howling, her hands holding Ethan covered in blood and it flowed in a direction of the rain flow on the ground.

Ethan's pulse is getting weaker and Helena was started to panic and screaming for help while crying like a crazy person, the legendary Lilith crumble for a man. She begs for a paramedic to be called. In her life, she has never having any fear, and now she almost cant feel her bones in her body, clenching her chest as if feeling the pain that Ethan experiencing, she shuddered in tremor. Raymond, who has just arrived, has been informed by Daryl to provide paramedics nearby to bring Ethan so that he can be treated, without anyone knowing. His heart breaks seeing Helena turning weak and fragile, and it was all for a man, and today he lose someone important and his life.

"Don't you ever dare to show your face in front of me, if I come across you again, I will kill you with my own hands"

Daryl heard the cursed Helena thrown at him, he closed his eyes while his back facing her, his heart shattered, the shoulder injury he sustained cant even compare the pain in his soul now, he walked with a bloody shoulder, the blood was dripping from his arm to the ground creating a trail.

The agent who witnessed the situation was silent and shocked, under Lorenzo's instructions to Raymond, all the agents who were at the scene should be gathered so as not to divulge the incident. This is to control the damage, two best agents falling out will create a tremor in The Cabal, especially these are two the best agents.


Ethan was carried in a stretcher to the ambulance, and escorted by Raymond and Helena, while the guy that came with him was sent to a different room for "recording of the incident" purposes. The rest of agents were gathered and sent for report to the HQ. Helena keep holding Ethan's hand and placing it on her cheek, her tears keep falling like a waterfall. Raymond saw it from the corner of his eyes and can only sighed inwardly, how come he had no information of Ethan investigating Helena. He didn't find out about it, until they intercept an encrypted message locating "Lilith" in México yesterday.

He is blaming himself for his negligence, perhaps this wont be happening if he would have find out about it earlier. He reached for Helena's hand and hugged her shoulder. The most important thing Ethan need to be safe and alive or Helena will be violent and impulsively killing everyone involved especially Daryl.