
"I cant believe him, am i not his daughter?" Helena sat on the swing followed by Eleanor.

She held her daughter's hand and grab it tight to assure her that she is always going to be on her side. The serene safe feelings Helena felt right now is new for her. This is how it feels to be love by a mother.

"Even if you agree, i would not let it happen". Eleanor smiled. The twinkle in her eyes sent Helena laughing. It has been awhile since she has a sincere laugh, and now here she is sitting with her mother. A mother that was gone too soon before.

"I dont get it mom, why are you still with him. He is an awful husband to you, and i know he probably doesnt treat you right" .

"My child, of course i know. I might be quiet and calm, but i am aware of my surroundings. I know everything about his deeds. I stayed for you, i want you to marry into a good family and with a mother and father around. Perhaps once you are settling down and safe, i would also divorce him and travel around the world, relieving the life i never have."

Helena looked at her mom with a sadness in her heart. She sees her mother sacrifice as something she will fight for.

"So if i am married and happy you will leave the scumbag?".

"Yes, but a marriage for love, not for convenience!"

"Is that why you eager for me to socializes at the banquet so i can find a husband?" Helena laughed.

"Well, sort of.. I want them to know you are an amazing person, a little spoilt but not too bad" This earned a laughter from both of them.

"No one wants me mom, i am too bratty for their liking and opinionated! But if me going will make you happy, i will, and i am sorry if i was an awful child to you. I will be better and i will protect you".

"I notice your change Helly, i ask Daryl of what happen to you, and he told me, but now that i seen you turn a bad things as a lesson to be a better person and stronger version of yourself, i am so proud of you. Stay away from that Matthew boy, i don't have a good feeling of him. Seeing you refusing him, i am happy you are mature and understanding, but i don't want you to protect me, i want to protect you".

Helena can no longer hold her tears from rolling down, she hugged her mom tightly and cried on her shoulder. How she missed this mother. How life would be different if only her mother never left the world. She will not be in the Cabal; she will never be mentally unstable since a mother's love is a cure for everything.

Eleanor rubbed her daughter's hair and took out something out of her pocket.

"Here, take this and buy a beautiful gown, i saw some new arrival at the designer boutique and its pink. I have given Francesca a card as well, so this is for you. Buy something for that old Man Anderson as well".

She chuckled thinking when she was a small girl, she always went to the Manor to tutor William for school homework. It's too bad both William and his wife Katrina was taken from the world too soon, leaving the two boys' orphan.

"Definitely not pink" She laughed hugging her mom again.

Helena was brought back to the memory where she was attending the birthday banquet and wonder if that Old Fox will be the same old fox, she encounters in 2 different lives.

No one seems to change, only their life and wealth is changing in this life. Does Ethan is another bad guy in this timeline? She hopes not. That would devastate her if he were.

Back in her room, she sent a text message to Daryl;

Helena: [Lets get married]

Daryl: [You need another MRI]

Helena: [Fine, i don't want you anyway]

Daryl that was looking at his phone, scratching his head still baffled on the changes in Helena.

Another incoming message.

Helena: [ Want to go to birthday party]

Daryl: [ No, it the Anderson, right? you know i don't mingle with upper class].

Helena: [Yea, sorry! Lunch? today?]

Daryl: [ Sure, Stall no. 5?]

Helena types the restaurant name on her phone to see where it is located since, she has no clue on where it is.

Helena:[ Sure!! See you there!]

After lunch, she will find a dress to wear and planning to stop and drop the gift and leave right away before seeing Daniel. Sometimes, it gives her a panic attack at night whenever she sees Daniel hatred on her. She calm herself by reminding herself that this Daniel do not know her.

Driving the pink Chevrolet Camarro to the hospital, she waited at the loading passenger area for Daryl to come out. As he enter the car, Helena noticed the cross necklace he wore and thought to herself, he is religious. He keeps fiddling it and occasionally taking it off and twirl it inside the car in front of her face.

"Could you stop it!" . She keeps shoving it away from her since she is focusing on the road.

"You dont feel anything?" Daryl curiously asking.

"Feel? yeah! i feel annoyed of your fiddling with your necklace"

They arrived at the stall, its a small roadside stall serving authentic Hibiscus City cuisine, run by an older lady. As soon as she saw them approaching the stall, she hurriedly wiping her forehead with the towel on her shoulder and place the menu card on the table.

"I want vegetable dumpling soup, extra chili oil and 1 serving of rice"

Helena then pass the menu back to the old lady. Daryl on the other Ordering his food and still keep staring at Helena that looking around the stall wafting the smell of the soup from the big pot at the corner.

Their food arrived and Helena was famished, she ate the entire soup and rice as quickly as she goes forgetting the socialite's manner she had. Out of nowhere Daryl took out a small spray bottle containing water and started spraying on to Helena's face and reciting verses from a religious book.

Helena had just realized, Daryl had assumed she is a ghost impersonating herself, so she grabbed his bottle and threw it away.

"You are a nut case!!!!!" She wiped her face with a napkin nearby.

"Why aren't you squirming? that is a holy water i got from the local church".

"That is because i am not a ghost you idiot!!"

"You are so different!, we are friend, but you will never have lunch with me, you will never eat in this type of place, or ask me to marry you."

"Well, that was before, i am a change woman! a mature beautiful, confident and amazing woman!"

Daryl just realized; she still is the same with her narcissist behaviors.

"Was i that bad before?" Helena felt a bit disappointed in this Helena.

"Bad is too much, but you are more of your socialite's image, you have a group of friends that you hang around and you actually always bullying Francesca, not that i mind about that, something is off about her anyway, but she is always win since you are technically not too bright. Everyone knows you are the less smart in the Lee's and the most beautiful one".

"Wow...... that was bad...Daryl, i did not remember anything from before, perhaps its psychological? maybe i was trying to suppress something? i have a weird dream while unconscious, maybe i just want to be better. Can you forgive me? and help me by telling me of my former self?"

"Sure, i am glad you see the light at the end of the tunnel"

"Yeah...".. Helena though to herself, in 3 different life and she is the villain in 3 timelines. What a nuisance.


"Do you think she will atone?" Alara look at Edith.,

"Maybe, maybe not.. we technically did not tell her that she just needs to do good things and she can live and go to heaven" Edith laugh.

"Oh Edith, you are so mean!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH" The two twins laugh till their retched heart contain. That is why they are the best for this task. They have deceived too many people, and none can figure it out. They wanted to see how Helena's life play out.