Forgive me princess

Both Helena and Molly sat on the curb divider stone on the empty lot next to the car, Molly secretly in awe seeing Helena not worrying of her dress might be covered in debris from the pavements. She enjoyed her talk with Helena even though she is occasionally blackmailing to punch her on a face if she continues to allow herself being insulted. This Molly is a graduate from a top university in management and was an intern at Anderson Corp, that is how Cade and she had met, they are currently in a stage where they are both getting to know each other, so nothing is official just yet.

"Love does make everyone blind" Helena looks flustered as she said that.

"Not blind, but careless" Molly retort.

"It's blind! look at you now! enduring all of this while that potato enjoying his expensive wine and i end up stuck with you here when i am supposed to be on my soft bed dreaming in a wonderland" They talked as if they have known each other for a long time. Molly felt the same and she has a new profound respect towards Helena. Her beautiful unique eyes and herself is so different with everyone tonight.


"Potato?" That earns a huge cackled from both, their conversations abruptly halted when Alice Vaughn came approaching with another woman next to her. Molly immediately got up and grabbing Helena's arm to lift her up as well.

"Well, well, well. if its not Molly Mane and her sidekick!" The two ladies chuckled looking at each other. Alice saw how beautiful Helena is and jealousy crept inside her and decided no one can outshine her tonight. Alice has an average look compared to anyone be it the commoner or Heiress. Nothing special about her at all, her dress and make up did a slight favor to her. Her blonde bleached hair is stiff and whoever did her updo definitely utilizing the entire can of hairspray just to to have the hair bend to create the style.

Helena had note that the woman in front of her must be Alice and the one next to her is none other than Alice's little minion. Seeing them whispering at each other, Molly slowly grabbed Helena tight, and this has made her figured they must have humiliated her to an extent. For someone that supposedly be treated better since she is the guest of Anderson, Molly does look like a scared mouse as of now.

"Really?" Alice uttered the words while her eyes staring at Helena intensely.

"Molly and the suicidal Lee's daughter. What a perfect combination, one is poor, and one is brainless. " This earned laughter from them again.

Helena letting go of Molly's hand that was holding her tightly, she immediately tapped Molly's hand as a sign to tell her to have faith. Molly seems a little unsure of what Helena's trying to do since Alice had mention about the suicide, she reckons she had read about it in the tabloid last week.

Arms crossed; Helena is letting Alice pouring every insult after insults at her while glancing at Molly once in a while.

"Pay attention, you see, she stood in front of me yapping like a chihuahua and did you see it effecting me?" Helena questioned Molly that shook her head agreeing of how unbothered Helena looked right now. If it was her, she either run or cried hearing the tormented insult Alice casually speak.

Alice stopped speaking for a moment and her eyes darted towards Molly. She realized the Helena is insulting her back by calling her a dog, then anger swallowing her to want to continue her insults but was cut off again by Helena who was still talking to Molly, teaching her like a good lecturer.

"Tsk..tskk..shhhhh" Placing her slender index finger onto her lips, Helena ignored the two again and remain calm speaking to Molly that felt awkward seeing Alice is treated like an air. She recalled how awful Alice was earlier towards her in front of other and even threaten to rip her dress off so anyone can see her as a skank.

"So rule number one, let them talk trash as much as they want, if you don't care about it, it will not affect you one bit. Trash talks from trashy person, the best place for it, it's in the garbage!"

At the same time inside the Manor, a security detail has informed Daniel and Cade that someone was caught snooping at the Manor from the outside. They have detained the person in the Manor underground cellar.

"Does anyone sees anything?" Cade question the security, he then realized he has not seen Molly in a while.

"No Young Master! We took the person right to the underground cellar right away"

Bowing to inform them. Daniel and Cade excusing themselves to deal with a threat. Aaron soon saw both brothers leaving and following them from behind since he had seen the security approaching Daniel in the middle of the party. He thought something must have happen for the brothers to leave abruptly.

They were escorted by security using the path heading to the parking lot to avoid prying eyes to observe their movements. Many have not yet had the opportunity to chat with the two brothers, so all their actions become the target of greedy eyes who want their daughter to approach Cade and Daniel hoping to be able to "sell" their daughter. Even as a mistress, they rather their future grandchild obtains the Anderson last name instead of other people.

"Have anyone seen Molly?" Cade worries flashing on his face.

"Ms. Mane and her friend were seen at the parking lot area Young Master Cade" The security answered.

"Friend?" Something was amiss, Molly came with him not knowing a single person here, he ran right away not waiting for Daniel and Aaron.

Alice heard a loud running footstep approaching towards their directions and her eyes caught Cade rushing towards them from afar, trained to keep an eye of everyone Alice panicked since Molly has a witness to tattle on them bullying her. She did the unthinkable by bashing her head on Helena's pink Camarro resulting in her screaming in pain followed by Molly and Alice's minion. Helena on the other hand look eerily calm. She saw a glimpse of Cade Anderson and the person she had been avoiding the entire night. Daniel!

Alice fell to the ground crying holding her head, her wail is greatly loud and able to attract anyone. The sound has made the three guys rushed to them followed with a dozen more security detail. Her friend squatted next to her appalled by her decision to self-harm and did not realize, Aaron was the first to arrive since he is familiar with Alice's voice.