Return to the Deap

We arrived at the twin capitols after a few days of travel and came to a landing on the western outskirts of the city to set up a small camp for the night.

Once everyone was satiated and a bit rested, I emerged from my little foxhole to find all of the others crowded around the campfire. Admiring the twin capitols from a distance.

"If any of you want to go to the city, feel free," I said, taking my seat within the circle. "Go sightseeing, do some shopping, visit family. Do whatever. We won't be returning to this place for quite some time."

Toril softly bowed in response. "Thank you, My Lord. But, I'm fine."

"As am I," Jaimess added shortly thereafter. This was followed by a series of mute responses from all the others.

"So be it." I amiably shrugged, then jerked my thumb across the grayscale ocean. "Consider this is your last test. Deap Ridge is roughly three thousand kilometers across the sea. If you can cross that on your own, you can go anywhere. You can leave any time between now and dawn." I paused to study their daunted expressions before I turned about, collapsed my foxhole, and assumed my Wraith Form to take off. "See you on the other side!" I called over my shoulder.

And not a second later, a blue spark streaked past me. Arced off into the distance and settled on the distant mainlands after only a few moments.

While flying in my umbral form was fun, it was only half of the experience I longed for. Despite the fact that I could easily outpace sound itself during the night, the wind in my face and the forces pulling on my body whilst maneuvering was entirely missing from the act. Thus, I couldn't help but fantasize about awakening my dormant cores and finally getting my hands on gravity magic.

In my eagerness to return home; or perhaps from my bottled-up frustrations, I sped over the waters as fast as I could. Leaving Beholders in my wake until I eventually settled on the northern coast of Deap Ridge around two hours behind Toril.

And far, far ahead of the others.

At once, my young knight approached me to sit in the snow at my side. Where he leaned in close and gently said, "I don't mean to question you, Amun. But, isn't this a little too much?"

"You taught them well, Toril. Don't doubt yourself. And more, they've learned how to conserve their energy and maintain flight for longer periods of time during the course of our journey. Besides." I pointed up to the line of Beholders stretching down the monochrome sky. "We haven't exactly left them hanging. I have a constant eye on them, they have their doppelgangers, and Jaimess and Jonet are in close proximity to them as well. They aren't going to drown."

"I understand. I'm just…" He meekly turned away after his bow. "I'm worried."

"And that's a good thing." I smiled reassuringly at him. "However, don't underestimate your subordinates."

With that, we fell into a companionable silence and began the wait for the rest of them to trickle in.

After an hour of relaxation, I pulled my wagon from my Pocket and settled in my loft to finish transcribing information for the new additions. Three hours later, my task was complete. So, I emerged from my hatch to join Toril, sitting under a pop-up tent by the camp kitchen, and began pulling meats and sausages and tomatoes and cheese from the icebox.

Together, we spent the next six hours preparing one of my favorite dishes and set up the table for the others before they finally came trickling in.

The first thing to arrive was a fire-shitting hawk that killed its velocity with a few powerful gusts of wind before hovering in place for a bit. Allowing Jaimess to nonchalantly disembark and cancel the spell. Ripping the bird apart into a thousand sheets of shrinking paper.

As he joined us, a jagged shard of ice suddenly erupted from the side of the cliff, preceding Jonet ramping rocketing up in the sky above us, gracefully flipping and cartwheeling like an X-games athlete while the subtle sounds of chains followed.

While Jonet landed on a cushion of snow, Letta ascended from below the cliff and threw a chain towards the edge. After merging with the stone as it usually did, the chain pulled taut to violently swing her around and down to our little congregation. Where she rolled into a landing and deftly sprouted right back up to her feet. Leaving a semi-solid Ed and a torch-riding Giorno to anticlimactically arrive just after them.

Regardless of how tired any of them were, they were all corralled into the wagon the moment they landed. And upon entering, they seemed to be instantly revitalized from the mere sight of the deep bowls of pasta arranged around the table.

The sounds of them gorging themselves like a bunch of starved troglodytes could be clearly heard from outside. Rising higher than the caws and rattles of Karu and his harness like a feral beast rising from a deep slumber.

Though, the sight was far worse.

After I spawned my doppelganger and had him take up the reigns, I entered the wagon through my porthole and the first thing I saw was cheese, stretched over a few faces like clown makeup. That, and red sauce that was dripping from fingers like blood on a killer's hands. And chunks of meat or pasta that riddled the table like evidence in a crime scene.

All the while, Toril, Jaimess, and Jonet watched with either wide-eyed horror or unbridled amusement.

"Jesus Christ." I gasped in surprise as I settled in my loft.

Jonet gave me a curious squint before Toril broke out in a wry chuckle, shaking his head in embarrassment. "I tried to tell them." He laughed again.

"Oh, no." I quickly raised an open palm. "They've just flown for twelve hours. It's to be expected. I'm just… surprised."

Still squinting at me, Jonet leaned over the table. Nearly dipping her hair into her food as she said."That's not the first time I've heard you say that name, My Lord. What is, Gee-sus?"

"Oh!" Letta shot up from her bowl to lean uncomfortably close to the ice witch. "I've met someone with that name before. But, it was pronounced, Hay-Zeus. Never heard of Christ, though." She muttered, tapping at her chin for a while before she leaned over Jonet to look at me. "Are you sure it's not Chris?"

'I fucking swear.' I pinched the bridge of my nose and internally groaned. "Anyways." I dismissed the matter with a wave that ended with me pointing out the port-side windows. "That is our former training grounds."

As one, their eyes tracked my movements to the snow-capped complex that we once called home. It was in surprisingly good condition. Only a thick layer of snow needed to be removed from the outdoor areas and I was sure only a bit of frost was to be found on the inside.

"I'm unsure if we should continue occupying the spot going forward." I continued, speaking more to myself than to anyone else. "We'll only be in the Ridge for ten months or so, until the awakening ceremony. Though, I doubt my parents would be willing to have their long period of peace interrupted by our training. But, that's for another time."

With a sigh, I reached into my Pocket to retrieve my completed books and distribute them to their new owners a set at a time. "These contain knowledge and wisdom pertaining to bettering yourselves as a person. The topics you're to study include philosophy, arithmetics, leadership principles, and strategy. Through them, you will learn of yourself, and of others. And through these." I paused, handing out the next set. "You will learn of concepts, designs, and theories that I'm sure will elevate your skill sets. I implore you to test and create as many of these ideas as you can or use them as stepping stones to create something I couldn't imagine.

"Lastly." I paused again to deal out the last set. "These pertain to your magical affinities. With them, I expect you to not only become more powerful, but more knowledgeable of your magical nature."

I allowed them a long pause to scan through the pages and store the books away before continuing. "As I explained before. Your primary focus is to realize any design that we, or any of you, create; additionally, you are to study any and all books I transcribe for you in the future. And you must share that knowledge with no one outside of this circle. That includes my Mother, my Father, my Great-Grandfather, and the Emperor. No one." I gravely growled while leaning forward over the ledge of my loft. "Not a soul is to be aware of the contents of these books. And you must never inquire about the source of my knowledge. Understood?"

Without much delay, a triage of hurried nods and affirmations was sent my way. Assuring me that my point had been made to the lot of them.


"Now then." I leaned back onto my pillow with a sigh. "Jobs aside, the most important prerequisite to work for me is that you must be self-sufficient. Like our journey to this place, we will find ourselves having to cross vast, exotic landscapes in the coming years. Places that are far more dangerous than Odissi, or anywhere else in Maru for that matter. On top of that, we'll find ourselves separated for extended periods of time, both in the near and far future. Thus, each and every one of you must be capable of surviving on your own for an extended period of time with no guidance or supervision. That is the reason why your training has been so extensive.

"In exchange for your services, I'll provide you with working materials, provisions, housing, clothes and equipment, and most of all, safety. As for your pay." I sighed, pulling out three hefty bags from my Pocket and tossing one to each of them. "Each of you will be receiving a payment of one-hundred gold coins per week."

Letta's eyes lit up immediately before she pounced on her coin and tucked it away. Then, her eyes turned cold as they darted towards Ed, shaking his head as he said. "But… Lords usually don't pay their vassals, do they?"

"The agreement is usually land and protection in exchange for services. Seeing as how I have no land, I decided to pay you all until I do." I shrugged. "This way, each of you can have some coins saved up to use later on down the line. And I mean years from now. When you all have your own subordinates."

"Subordinates?" Giorno's brow perked up at once.

"Yes." I nodded. "For now, you all hold different occupations. But later in the future, you all will be the different department heads within my guild. And after the formation of my empire, the guild will be assimilated into it as a military force, and you all will become the royals who lead the place alongside me.

"As my knight." I gestured to my right. "Toril will be the senior non-commissioned officer of the guild. He will lead, while I command. Then, he'll take my spot to command the imperial army. Jaimess." I waved to my left. "Is my treasurer and political adviser, for now. Later, he'll be the head of logistics and administration for both organizations. Lastly, Jonet is my spy." I pointed to her. "As such, I can't particularly divulge what I have planned for her. But one day, she'll lead her own legion of thieves and spies on her own.

"Now, the three of you may be artisans." I turned to them. "However, your personal responsibilities will be far different from one another. Letta, Giorno, you are my personal watchmaker and tailor respectively. Naturally, that means your services extend to the rest of us as well. However, in the future, Letta, you will be in charge of the guild's timekeeping. You are to create and manage every watch or clock within our territory. It's a job that's just as essential as any other, if not more. Logistics, communication, and punctuality are what makes a military force great."

'And air superiority.' I internally snorted.

Nevertheless, Letta quickly bowed in her usual cheeky way. "I understand, My Lord."

"Good." I nodded. "Additionally, those books I gave you contain introductory lessons in gem cutting and jewelry making. With that and the skills you already have, I envision your work making up a large portion of our economy in the future. Which means you'll be wealthier than you already are." I grinned at her.

Ignoring the shrill squeak of glee, I turned to my tailor. "Giorno, the uniform you made for the guild couldn't have been better. If you haven't already, make a set for each of us. And then make modifications to address different environmental conditions. We'll be traveling far and wide in the future and we'll need to dress accordingly. Thus, your role is vital to our future."

"The modifications will cease once I return from the academy with the knowledge of how to make enchantments," I added. "At that time, we'll work together to create a final version. And when the guild is formed, you'll be in charge of creating, maintaining, and issuing out gear to our troops. Every piece of clothing or equipment we use will be designed by you, made by your subordinates, and inspected by your eyes for quality control.

"Of course, My Lord." He promptly bowed.

"As my chief engineer, Ed." I looked at him intently. "You will most likely have just as many subordinates as Toril, in the future. All the miners, smiths, farmers, ranchers, and construction workers will all report to you. In return, you are responsible for their safety and wellbeing, and you'll need to be aware of the progress of their bills at all times. Your last and largest responsibility will be that of city planning. Our numbers will one day reach high into the tens of thousands. We'll need to make the most use of our space and plan accordingly for growth."

"I- I'll do my best, My Lord." Ed stammered.

"Rest assured." I softly smiled. "I'll give you every tool and piece of knowledge in my arsenal to help you all succeed. And in exchange for helping me achieve my dreams, I'll help you achieve yours. So long as you tell me what they are." I snorted.

With my monologue over, a few of us lounged about or started up some small talk while the others spent the short remainder of our ride reading or cleaning up the mess they'd made.

Now outside the main gate, I stowed the carriage away in my Pocket before sending Karu on his way back to the Fell. Then, I turned to the new additions. "Jonet will show you to your quarters and give you a tour of the grounds. You're free to do whatever until further notice."

With a wave over my shoulder, I assumed my Wraith Form to dart through the formal areas, completely bypassing all the gawks and stares that would've plagued me if I'd just waltzed in.

However, despite my efforts, a loud, hoarse shout rang through the service wing the moment I returned to my physical form.

"I don't believe my eyes!" following that exclamation, a certain silver-haired man bounced around the corner and strode towards me. "Look at you, you've built up quite a stature, haven't you?" He laughed boisterously and swung, attempting to pat me on the shoulder.

Only for his hand to phase right through a mass of shadow that reformed into my barreled-over body a second later. "It's good to see you too, Gerolt." I laughed at his dumbstruck face.

He let out a strange type of nervous chuckle while he retracted his hand and rubbed like it'd just been burned. After a few seconds, a kind of glint returned to his eyes before he returned his gaze to me with reborn vigor. "You must be what, 180 centimeters tall by now? How many kilos?"

"Probably around 65, if I were soaking wet." I snorted. "I'll always and forever be a scrawny elf, Gerolt."

"One with insanely powerful sorcery." He added with a wagging finger. "Still, you've packed on quite a bit of lean muscle over the years. You look good." He grinned. Nodded. Then looked away and sighed. "But…"

"Your Grace!" Ebbet rounded the corner and immediately closed the distance in a single stride to grab a handful of my locks. "These need to be redone at once! They look far too shabby."

"After I see my parents." I quickly waved her aside. "My hair can wait."

"Very well." She harrumphed, pivoting on her heels and beckoning for me to follow behind her.

Once at my parent's lodge, she knocked three firm times before standing off to the side to presumably wait. Sheer determination burning deep in her eyes.

"Amun." Came a gentle voice.

Turning, I couldn't help but match my father's smile. He snapped forward, pulling me inside the wing and into his embrace for a long moment before pulling me away from him to size me up.

"How was it?" He finally asked.

I took a moment before answering to approach my mother, lounged across a sofa, and greet her with a firm squeeze of the hand. The radiance and warmth in her violet eyes stared at me, conveying more emotions than mere words ever could; meanwhile, I could only stare back at her, my eyes wincing madly from the phantom pain stabbing away at my mind.

Besides the training, I had the pleasure of experiencing puberty for a second time. Ironically, I'd lived for so long that I failed to see it coming back around. Without warning, I was living with a croaking voice, had hair growing in strange places, and had started to experience an abundance of feelings I had yet to experience in this life.

Though, it wasn't anything that I couldn't overcome.

Still, the chemicals that produced such feelings were strong. Up until now, I'd been able to appreciate the finer… assets I've had the pleasure of witnessing from a distance. But unfortunately, I found myself traveling with another member on my person as of late.

Ruefully so.

Regardless, I set the memories of my absence aside as I sat across from my father at his desk and threw him a warm smile. "It was fun."

His brows wrinkled in confusion a bit before returning to their neutral position a moment later. Leaning forward, he rested his chin on the backs of his hands and calmly said. "Well. With the completion of your education and training, you are hereby free to live and act as you see fit, as the Grand Duke of Odissi. Normally, this wouldn't happen until your 15th birthday. But- Well, I'm sure you know." He chuckled softly before splaying out a hand towards me. "The awakening ceremony is on the first day, of the thirteenth month. So, what will you do for the next twelve and a half months?"

"Well." I shrugged. "I picked up a few artisans while I was at the Tower. I plan to have them sell their wares to in the formal hub, with your permission of course."

"I see no issues with that."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Other than that, we'll continue studying and training until it's time for the ceremony."

It was hard to tell if he was pleased or displeased as my father exchanged a curious look with my mother.

"Of course, our training will be done away from the estate." I heavily sighed.

"Very well." Father slowly turned back to me. "Remember that if you ever need anything, just ask."

In that case.

"Are there any more books in the estate? I've already read through the library."

He another look with my mother, albeit a far more readable one, before turning his amused grin back to me.

"Above the ceiling, Amun." He grinned.

"Ahh." I nodded, turned on my feet, and burst through the door, ready to read to my heart's content.

Only for a cold hand to take hold of my shoulder. Pinning me in place.

"With me, Your Grace." Came Ebbet's cold, hard demand.