Zimystian Matriarchs

Imperator Opal Blackblood. Twilight Empress.

5th of Quartutus, 1492.

Shujen Deep Dark. Depth: 1,400 Mm.


While we were not isolationists like the Lordlings, the best part about dwelling in the Deep Dark was the isolation. Few creatures dwelled in the very bowels of the Plane. None of those creatures were as prominent as the Nox. And so, no one but the Legions of Night could traverse it so easily.

To go anywhere, all we needed to do was to make the decision and go. The radiant darkness would see our path be true. The machines created from on high would see these impenetrable walls bored through. The occluded light from below would see us make the journey in record time. Our Uma, Alucard, would see it done in luxury.

Born from the body of a dusk serpent, it allowed my legion to travel in silent luxury from the comfort of our castles and sanctuaries. Us and of course, our guest.

Tava was young. Both as a Vampyr and as a member of her species. Yet, at 276 years of age, she was older than most in the Legions. She was old enough to use the species-specific manipulation technique that made elves one of the strongest species in the realms. Mana Forging. And, it turned out, she was just old enough to have witnessed Telin's Intervention.

So it was, she told me all about it when we departed for Shujen.

She told me how the actions of her cousins in Youtera saw the universe's creator appear before every elf in existence to deliver a cryptic message regarding the imminent arrival of his Champion. A select few were given tasks to prepare for his arrival and ascension. The King of her former homeland in Rhar was to teach him elven machinations. His sister, Indra of Redagh was to show him the way to the Faewoods. And now, we know the drow of Shujen was to teach him about the other half of his blood.

She told me these things while I showed her other things. The extent of her strength as a Vampyr and the limitations to it. The nature of her newfound blood magic- to use the iron in the blood we stockpiled to form weapons. I showed her the new power born from my blessing: Hemo-Technomancy; and together, we learned the extent of what it could do.

To put it simply, there was nothing it could not do. It was everything our God had either created or used to create things, tailored to be powered by blood. For us, blood was heat energy. Blood was electrical energy. It was pressure. It acted as acids, solutions, or chemicals. And so too was it power itself, operating every device, workstation, and machine as if there were a being of flesh and blood at the controls.

Or rather, only blood.

The beating heart in the center of my Uma pushed blood into every crevice, nook, artery, and vein, driving it forward through the Deep Dark in ways similar to when it was alive. Blood flowed through the scales, carrying the heat generated by friction to heat exchangers in the venom sacks that ejected their superheated contents into the caverns before us. Blood saw those metallic liquids flow inside Alucard to be processed while more blood saw them be forged, stamped, and machined into all manner of creations; tools, devices, every type of weapon, and different shades of my Brightest Night.

Yet, that was only the beginning.

We received all manner of exotic devices, robots, and implants from ICE. The Grand Hadal Establishment gave us everything from Vampyric cuisine to recreation facilities attuned to our natures. Summer Wolf Industries bestowed on us several blood-based grains, fruits, brews, and meat; allowing us to take part in grand feasts alongside our siblings- the other Legions.

No matter if it was new fighting styles, new tactics, Vampyric potions, coffins, or weapons; none of the things given to us by the Elven Devil's Troupe were greater than the gifts bestowed on us by the Flesh Mother.

The First Druid of Twilight took the greatest gift my God had given me and blessed his seed to birth Aves of Dawn, Dusk, Metal, and Blood, giving the many vampyr of my Legion mounts to match their lesser versions of the Brightest Night. Lesser, only because they were made without unicorn blood and instead used the blood of the divine creatures found in my woven world, Nue Dracule.

Naturally, we spent our journey through the Peninsula's bowels in training, honing our bodies for the trial to come just as we'd honed our spirits beneath the mountains of Rhar. Now that we had arrived, the time had come to hone our minds.

That time came when Alucard came to a rest in the Deep Dark of Shujen. We arranged ourselves in Alucard's head- the gothic castle formed before the linear Duskwoods of my mobile empire. In the throne room, where four thrones of petrified roots beset mine on either side, each straddled by a seat and lectern for their Skulls and Umbra Emperors.

Their grains, petrified into marble, glowed the same crimson hue as the eyes of my first officers as they took their posts in the chamber.

One by one, they set their Lore Skulls in place, causing their eyes to glow as their jaws cranked open to release their incantations into the room- a mist of blood and a song of destruction.

As the latter came and went, the former dissipated through the chamber to fall into the twilight pouring from the large crystal above; turning the growing fog into a tangible field of dossiers drifting around a map of an exotic locale.

"Our God will be venturing to a place called Zimysta Falls following his march through Nydorden Halls. Zimysta holds the title of the largest drow city in Nonus. Their task is to teach our God their culture. Thus The Black Plume is to do the same. A cultural exchange." I teased before allowing my Lore Skull to begin the briefing.

Egnas began by magnifying the eccentric map until a spider-shaped cavern dominated the room, its legs reaching out into the abyssal medium of the Dark World. "Named after the great waterfall the city was constructed around, Zimysta Falls is a spider-shaped cavern that houses the largest drow population in all of Nonus. Approximately sixty thousand drow dwell in the Falls with their roughly seven hundred thousand slaves.

"They are ruled by the so-called Eight Eyes of Zimysta- the High Matrons and their Houses, who in turn rule over the Eight Legs of Zimysta. Those Legs act as proxies for the Eyes, being the fangs that keep the so-called Body Houses in line. Those bodies are a merchant's guild, Ssznolu. Rough translation, Silken or Silent Art; or Treasure. and a slavers guild, Adin'agh. Rough translation, Beast Breaker.

"The bodies, the Legs, and the Eyes have been flagged for the Elven Devil's Troupe. Thus the Black Plume's focus will be on Zimysta Fall's priestesses, high priestesses, and Matrons; their clerics and rulers. Like the Noctis Legions, each matron boasts a specialty that separates her from the others. Yet unlike us, they are divided. Forever scheming and plotting against each other for their Goddess' favor."

Pausing, Egnas returned the map to its smaller position at the center and started a cascading montage of sights, sounds, and smells- memories of the things we'd expect to see in the place Drow lived.

"Their love for spiders bleeds into every aspect of their culture, including their offspring. Each matron has eight children. Six females comprised of two High Priestesses, Two Priestesses, and two specialists; and two males, monks of the astral way, like Etan Za'Darmondiel," she said, pausing on the likeness of our God's Champion before eight drow visages settled before us.

"The smallest of the Eight Eyes is the House of Eralyth Jusztiir, which holds the record for the most surface raids and the highest number of goblin slaves. Marked for destruction by Leary, the Faithful. The Seventh is the House of Phyrryn Yril'Lysaen. A house of sorcerers with demonic ancestry. Their hellfire is due to be frozen over by Geri. Likewise, the Sixth House of Alauran Abaeir, otherwise known as the House of Beasts, is slated to be harvested by Freki.

"The House of Z'ryliss Hun'ana has the largest industry in all of Zimysta, producing the most jewelry and weapons from the gems and metals their dark gnome and dwarvish slaves unearth. As such, they are slated to be conquered by the Tech Goddess, Iris Cole.

"Conversely, the Fourth House of Syndyrran Illistyn are the historians and archivists of Zimysta Falls, boasting detailed records of everything since their departure from Youtera when the portals first opened. That knowledge and the denizens of that house are due to be preserved by Rickley Ravenbrook.

"Similarly, the Third House of Khaless Noqutyl boasts the most witches and wizards of Zimysta Falls. Naturally, they have been claimed by the Eldritch Artificer, Wilson Koorb. As for the House of Barrdones Casia-Psellus, it is the wealthiest House due to its control over the merchant's guild and the agreements they've made with the gray dwarven and deep gnome strongholds nearby. To add to that, one of her grandsons is the proprietor of the slavers guild. As such, those assets are set to be repossessed by Blude.

"Lastly, there is the House of Prime Matron Etyl Za'Darmondiel. The eldest house of drow in existence. As such, they are but a branch of the greater house present in Youtera. One of many scattered across the realms. They are the most powerful in Zimysta. Not only because of their heritage but because every male in the house is either a monk, wizard, or witch. Additionally, some of them possess sorcery rarely seen across the Planes.

"The eldest of her children is Nadra Za'Darmondiel. Occupation: High Priestess. Age: 542 years. Her daughters are Yaska, 440 years; Nadde; 405 years; Nhilah, 361 years; Meelah, 319 years; Radrynn, 278 years; and Ryda, 212 years. Her sons are Sorn, 392 years; and Nijal, 372 years.

Her second daughter is Yela Za'Darmondiel. Age: 337 years. Occupation: High Priestess. Her daughters are Nym, 299 years; Daulery, 276 years; Nyx, 259 years; Shaenya, 197 years; and Schyrl, 123 years. Her sons are Sid, 106 years; and Javrith, 89 years.

"Her third daughter is Mala Za'Darmondiel. Age: 294." Egnas said and subsequently paused, making us focus on the dainty figure of an otherwise ordinary drow. "Due to her sorcerous psionic abilities, Mala Za'Darmondiel is a special case. Neither a Priestess nor a specialist, but a word that roughly translates as, 'Tool.' Her daughters are Ulile, 260 years; Haelra, 222 years; Bure, 199 years; Isstra, 176 years; Zessysn, 142 years; and Briztin, 111 years. Her sons are Belal, 88 years; and Viclin, 42 years.

"Prime Matron Etyl Za'Darmondiel's fourth daughter is Ilar Za'Darmondiel. Age: 223 years. Occupation: Specialist. Designation, Alchemist. Her daughters are Phoruca, 102 years; Ryldin, 73 years; Viconia, 32 years; and Aufa, 19 years. Her sons are Antton, 66 years; and Aldo, 51 years.

"The father of those daughters is named Selph Za'Darmondiel. Age: 710 years. Occupation: House Lore Master and Consort of the Prime Matron.

"Prime Matron Etyl Za'Darmondiel's fifth daughter is Raki Za'Darmondiel. Age: 14 years. Occupation: Inner House Slave Overseer. A twin to her sixth daughter, Ruel Za'Darmondiel. Age: 14 years. Occupation: Outer House Slave Overseer.

"Her first son is Etan Za'Darmondiel. Age: 17 years. Former Head Monk of Nydorden Halls. Former Abbot of House Za'Darmondiel.

"Her second son is Eban Za'Darmondiel, a twin to Etan. Age: 17 years. Heart Keeper of House Za'Darmondiel. Archmage of the Zimystian School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Iraezt'rae. Rough translation: Arcane secret, seeker, or quest. Their father's name is Evar Za'Darmondiel. Age: 392 years. Occupation: War Master of House Za'Darmondiel."

"And so, our mission is this. While the Black Plume walks with our God into the heart of the Demon Spider, the 8th Legion is to repeat what the Plume had done in Rhar. Inversely so.

"As for those of House Za'Darmondiel and Iraezt'rae, they are marked for change by our God, the Eternal Emperor, Amun of the Nox."