
Special Thanks: Takanomiyo#8702 for the cover

Billions of years. It had taken billions of years for something to catch the interest of the three brothers. The three Supreme Gods - who knew no birth, who knew no form, who knew no beginning, who knew no end, and who created all things. Ren-Shai, the god of Time, Fate, and Luck. Aba-Shai, the god of Life, Creation, and Spirits. Lan-Shai, the god of Death, Destruction, and the Void. In an eternal dance of creating existences, forgetting about them, and coming back to find messes, the Three had created the first beings. The lesser gods.

Each multiverse had several lesser gods attached to it, but they were as distant from their creators as the Sun from the next closest star, treated as janitors for the messes they were created to fix. The Three existed only to create, destroy, and continue. So, that is what they did. Until a species caught their attention. Humans. Their continual cycles of Creation, Destruction, and attempting to defy fate caught the attention of the Three. Not in a bad way, but more in the way one would watch television while they were bored.

The three watched humanity's struggles, pain, and suffering with an indifferent disposition, having no frame of reference to relate to them. Sometimes they punished humans who intruded or violated what the Three represented. Some would call it an act of God, but the Three called it amusement. However, of the Three, Ren-Shai was the most curious. Unlike Aba-Shai and Lan-Shai, he did not often act against the humans trying to defy what he was - as fate was set in stone. Ren-Shai did, however, wonder what would drive them to strive so hard against him.

"Brothers, we have watched humans strive day in and day out against us. Never have we wondered why - as it is just dust being dust. It does, however, make me wonder. Have we really given them such a lot in their existence that they despise all we are?" Ren-Shai asked. "I ask permission to experience their existence. We watch these silly beings, amused by them, but we know nothing about them. As Fate, I would seek to understand the place of things within me," he said.

"An interesting thought, dear brother," Aba-Shai said. "But if we permit you to do this, we cannot let you break the balance. If you are to inhabit a human, it will be one who embodies both myself and Lan-Shai so as to not break the balance of that universe."

"I agree with Aba-Shai," Lan-Shai replied. The three brothers brought their essences together - as they had no form, but Void, Light, and a tangle of threads. A single line lit up and one of the threads pulled Ren-Shai's essence toward itself.

An elementary student was dying and comatose in his bed as his poverty-ridden family couldn't afford to bring him to a hospital. As his thread thinned, Ren-Shai connected to it, making it his own.

That day, five year old Tyler Ray died - surrounded by his mother, father, and younger sister. That day, Ren-Shai opened his eyes, reversing the damage done to the brain inside of the body he was inhabiting. A god had entered the world, a child had died, and that child's family rejoiced when their son opened his eyes.