Was it a nightmare?:

Yoongi frowned, what the fuck is this shit?

He put back his phone in his pocket and he decided to text Hoseok..

Yoongi: Hoseok? Where the fuck are you? And why did you even cut the call?

Hoseok: What do you mean? You are the one who cut the call.

Yoongi: Do not lie to me. You know I don't like when my friends lie to me.

Hoseok: Are you saying I am lying to you? Unbelievable.

Yoongi: Yes, you are lying to me. Where the fuck are you?

Hoseok: I'm in my room playing games?

Yoongi saw around himself, but how? I am in his room. Where is he? He started getting scared.. He looked at those chats he just chatted with. He started trembling in fear, he typed with shaky hands.

Yoongi: But I am in your room currently..

Hoseok: wait what-

Yoongi's phone started glitching, Yoongi tapped on the screen trying to figure out what just happened. Some symbols were materializing on the phone's screen.

H%#l %$#!^$ :) :):) **** ())(@#$%

Yoongi's breathing was not in control, he was having an anxiety attack.. He threw the phone on the ground and it got broken.. He stared at the phone on the ground, he was breathing like he just ran for a marathon.

He was going to put his foot on the phone but suddenly he heard something peculiar and unintelligible sounds, he was frozen at his spot. He straightly stood on his spot, but then he noticed the computer screen of Hoseok's.. He saw Hoseok on the screen, smiling..

"H-Hoseok, how did you just- where are you?"

Yoongi asked in a trembled voice, the nervousness and worried tone could be heard in his voice. Hoseok was smiling in pain, Yoongi could see the pain in his eyes.

"Hyung, I don't know where I am now." Hoseok's eyes turned blue.. His smile was brighter than he usually smiles. Yoongi asked, "portray your surrounding Hoseok.." Hoseok looked around with that bright smile. Yoongi was getting afraid, why is he smiling like that?

Hoseok looked at Yoongi through the computer screen. "It's not exactly specific what I see, I can't really portray anything cause I am seeing several things at the same time." "then just tell me whatever you see and say it instantly." Yoongi advised as Hoseok nodded with agreement.

He again looked around..

It's a green field, there's a tunnel where the cars are going in and se-


Now, I see a road there's a bridge over ahead, there are se-


Now I see a bathroom where they all enjoy themselves by playing with water, putting one of them in the bathtub one by one.. There are se-


Where am I hyung? Why am I here? Why is N-


Why the fuck is it glitching everytime? Yoongi banged on the table and cursed under his neath. When he banged on the table, the computer screen turned to black. Yoongi saw the black screen, "no no no.. Hoseok!" Yoongi tried to re-open the computer but it wasn't giving any reaction.

He gave up, trying to think what he should do now. He decided to read the old conversation with Hoseok, trying to figure out something. He was sure that the person he was chatting with wasn't Hoseok. He turned on his phone and went to the 'message' app to read the conversation with Hoseok.

As he was scrolling up, his head started to ache.. He put the phone on his lap as he crushed his hands onto his hair gripping them tightly as tight as he could. It started aching so hard, he closed his eyes, gritting his teeth together. He started seeing something, it was all blurry.. He couldn't see any of those, it was all fuzzy.. He started seeing the things that Hoseok told.

His head was spinning so badly, he couldn't see any of those things suitably but wistfully he couldn't. It was like an illusion, an illusion with a lot of things on it. Seems like how badly Yoongi wants to see those things but unfortunately he couldn't..

He woke up while breathing heavily, but he found himself sleeping on the couch. He looked around the house, he was in Hoseok's house. How come I am in his house? Yoongi tried to recall the flashbacks but sadly he couldn't remember anything.

"I think I need rest." Yoongi decided to go to his house, before he stepped out of the house he decided to meet Hoseok.. He must be in his room playing games or doing his stuff.

He twisted the doorknob of Hoseok's room and entered it with a smile but..

Hoseok wasn't there…

Yoongi pulled out his phone and decided to text him but.. He read the old conversations with Hoseok.. NowYoongi has remembered everything that happened in this house.. But, how is it even possible? Am I hallucinating? Am I going crazy?

Was it a nightmare?

Yoongi shook his head to ignore all those things, his mind was telling him it was a nightmare but his heart was saying no, it wasn't a nightmare.

He took out his phone, swiping his phone to unlock the phone. He went to text Jin but.. he wasn't sure if he should message Jin and tell him about everything that happened to him.

Should I tell him? But we haven't played the game yet, I can't just assume both of them, even though I also didn't play the game.. will It be okay?

Yoongi's heart was saying something is going on about the game, but should he just accuse the game or Jimin and Jin? But they didn't do anything.. or maybe did it, cause we don't know anyone's secret in this world right? Or should I just keep the nightmare inside me and observe everything about this game?