Telling about the game to Jooheon:

Yoongi decided not to overthink about those things, so he said, "guys, let's just get together. I miss how we used to be together and hang out.." Jimin and Jin took a glimpse of each other and nodded. "Of course Yoongi."

Jimin said. Yoongi didn't give any kind of expressions but Jin and Jimin were happy. But suddenly, "but.. RM, Jungkook,Taehyung, Hoseok…" Jimin said as his expressions changed to sad.

"Oh about that, I have a friend from high school. His name is Jooheon, I found out he is good at researching things. So, if I tell him to find out about the game, I think he can do it."

Yoongi looked at their faces, a disappointed expression was seen on their faces. Yoongi was confused, Jin broke eye contact with Jimin and looked at Yoongi. Now Jin is facing Yoongi, "Are you sure he can do it? Cause if he can, it will be easier for us to find our friends."

Happiness could be shown on his face. Yoongi was hella confuse, what's going on between them. "Great! I will contact him right away-``''Here's your coffees' sir." The waiter interrupted them.

All of them took their coffees and started taking a sip of their coffees, Yoongi took out his phone and went to Twitter, he went to Twitter inbox and went to Jooheon's account. He saw the last message from him, it was a voice message. He hasn't been active on Twitter since that day. He put the airpods on his ears and texted Jooheon.

Yoongi: Hey buddy.

Jooheon: Hey my brother! It's been a while. What's up?

Yoongi: I am doing well, how about you?

Jooheon: I am good as well.

Yoongi: Buddy, can I ask a favor?

Jooheon: Of course. What is it?

Yoongi: I saw you research so many things. I have found out about this game named, 'Seven Wounds'.

Jooheon: What about it?

Yoongi: So, four of my friends went missing after they played the game. I don't know where they are now, I am not even sure if they are missing or not. So, can you research this game? I will send you the link to the game if you want.

Jooheon: Sure buddy, and don't give me the link now. If I need it, I will let you know.

Yoongi: Thank you so much, oh wait.

Jooheon: Yes?

Yoongi: How much do I owe you?

Jooheon: Brother, you don't have to pay me. You are my brother, so no need :).

Yoongi: Thank you so much brother. You owe me a big thing.

Jooheon: No worries buddy.