Chapter 7

Maria tried on outfit after outfit. After nearly emptying her closet and scattering clothes across the floor, she finally settled on a Coco Chanel white boxy suit, with a bright red blouse and a yellow pussycat bow. The nipped waist and narrow skirt made Maria feel as if she was the famous Spanish actress, Pilar Bardem. A white bow gripped the top of her hair while the rest cascaded down her back.

"I hope you don't make an idiot out of yourself tonight!" she told herself as she glanced in the mirror.

"Solono come here!" Maria yelled as she peeked her head out the door looking down the long, wide hallway for his whereabouts.

As Solono approached Maria's room he smelled Femme, the perfume Julia had given Maria for her 18th birthday. She didn't wear it much, only on special occasions. He stood in the doorway and watched her rave in front of the mirror. He could not help but notice how beautiful she looked. Through the reflection Maria saw Solono staring.

"How do I look?" she asked. "Is this too much or not enough? I don't know. Maybe I should change outfits. I think I've tried on every piece of clothing that I own but nothing seems to look right."

Solono smiled.

"Well? Say something!"

Solono was amazed at Maria's beauty. He approached her and gently grabbed both of her shoulders, massaging them.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

He gently kissed her on the top of her head and smiled. Maria smiled and grabbed the brush from atop her dresser and started brushing her long black hair.

Approximately an hour later the Victorian Rococo doorbell rang. Michael was at the front gate. He was scheduled to pick Maria up at 7 p.m. but arrived at 6:45 p.m.

After getting passed security, Louis met Michael at the front door and invited him in while Maria made her way to the front entry. Michael towered over Louis in height. He chose to wear tennis sartorial, which didn't impress Louis.

"Why wouldn't he dress for the occasion?" Louis thought.

"Are you two going to play tennis?" Louis said.

"No sir. My grandmother taught my younger sister Grace and me how to make this marvelous dish called ropa vieja. I plan to make it for Maria. It is wonderful. If you like, I can make extra so Maria can share some with you and your wife."

"That is not necessary, but I appreciate your hospitality." Louis said. "Make sure my daughter is home before midnight. I don't have to remind you that no harm will come to my daughter, correct?"

"No, sir!" Michael said.

Maria, accompanied by Solono, approached.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Michael said.

Solono and Louis didn't care much for the gawking but said nothing.

"Michael, this is my brother Solono. Solono, this is Michael."

Michael gave Solono a firm shake and nod.

"Nice to meet you," Michael said.

"I've heard nothing but good things about you. I hope you two enjoy your evening. Be careful, this one can be a handful."

They all burst into laughter as Maria playfully shoved Solono. She grabbed Michael by the hand and walked towards the door.

"Bye, you two," she said as Michael opened the door. "Don't wait up!

They both watched as she left the Palace and entered Michael's vehicle.

"Have a guard follow them." He instructed.

"Yes sir."

Michael's home was approximately ten miles down the road, which equated to about a twenty-minute drive. He lived in a small three-bedroom brick bungalow in the small village of Villeta. Of the 10,000 or so people who lived in Villeta, Michael was one of the more popular residents because of his tennis accomplishments and his looks. Inside his home Maria noticed

that Michael kept his home very neat and cleaned. She noticed multiple trophies on a table in the living room that were precisely lined up according to height. Pictures neatly hung on the walls of family and tennis associates. The furniture was so well positioned that if anything was moved Michael would immediately notice.

"You are really that good in tennis I see!" Maria joked while grabbing each trophy one at time, reading the plate. "Player of the Year, Player of the Year, another Player of the Year. Wow! How'd you get so good?"

Pouring two glasses of wine, Michael handed Maria Merlot.

"Practice plus a little gift from God."

Maria had only drunk alcohol one other time; Louis forbade it. She reluctantly took the glass from Michael and sipped. He noticed Maria cringe when she tasted the wine and chose to ignore it.

"The beef has been simmering for hours so it's just about ready. It will take a few minutes to add a few spices then supper will be ready."

Maria nodded, took another sip of wine, then plopped down on the black canapé. The aroma of the ropa vieja was hypnotizing and Maria couldn't wait to sink her teeth into the meal.

Michael's boasts were well warranted. Every bite was perfection. The beef was so tender that it shredded as she touched it with her fork.

"This is unbelievably good." Maria thought to herself.

They sat at the kitchen table that Maria helped set and talked about their childhoods, politics, and religious beliefs. They also touched on some of their fears and long-term goals. That, along with her third glass of Merlot, put Maria at ease. They continued to talk while Michael washed the dishes and she cleared the table.

It was getting late and Maria reminded Michael that she would have to return home shortly.

"Do you mind if we talk more in the living room? You had a few drinks and I would hate to take you home like that. Your father would kill me. Literally."

"Okay," Maria said as she wiped her hands.

They made their way to the couch as Maria sat on one end, propping her legs up and leaning back in a mixture of comfortableness, exhaustion and slight intoxication. Instead of sitting on the other end of the sofa, Michael sat next to Maria and rested his hand on her right knee that was slightly exposed.

"Was I telling the truth about my dish? I have a real winner here, don't you agree?"

"Yes, you do Michael." Maria responded, trying not to focus on the awkwardness of his hand on her knee. "Can I have a blanket? I need a quick nap," Maria said obviously uncomfortable.

Michael nodded, rose from the sofa. He returned a few minutes later with a red cotton blanket. He laid the blanket over Maria as she snuggled in. A few minutes later she was asleep.

With no concept of how long she had been sleeping, Maria suddenly woke up and noticed Michael laying on top of her.

"What are you doing Michael? Get off of me!"

With every muscle in her body, she grunted as she tried, unsuccessfully, to lift Michael off of her.

"I see the way you look at me. Don't tell me you don't want this just as much as I do. You're lucky to even be here."

Maria noticed that her dress had been pushed up around her waist and could feel Michael forcefully inserting the tip of his penis inside of her.

"Michael please stop!"

Maria could feel Michael's breath against her neck. Her cries fell on deaf ears. He penetrated and pumped with such furry that she thought he was possessed. She dug her nails into his sweaty face. After a few minutes, he grunted and suddenly stopped. He laid on top of Maria, limp, glanced at her with a look of disgust, then climbed off her. As he buttoned his shorts, Maria jumped off the sofa and darted towards the door.

"I'm sorry!" Michael shouted as he fumbled with his shorts.

She sprinted down the dirt road with tears streaming down her face. The guard that Louis sent to follow her was asleep and didn't notice her when she sprinted past his vehicle.

"Oh my God!" is all she thought. Before she realized it, she was standing in the middle of an unfamiliar road in complete darkness. There were no streetlights or traffic to give a hint to where she was.

Out of breath, she continued to walk. If she told her father, Michael would not live to see daylight. Maybe he deserved such an ending. Maybe she should tell Julia. She's a woman, she might understand. Or maybe Solono? Solono could keep a secret.

By the time she reached home, she had cleared her face from any trace of tears or running make-up. She entered the palace as if nothing happened. As she passed Solono's room, she hesitated, then knocked.