A Family Affair

Nick Fury, the commander of SHIELD, stood in the roach motel where he had arranged the meeting with Clint Barton. The grizzled SHIELD commander puffed on a cigar, and stood rigid, whilst he tapped his foot on the floor, and was ready for anything. Rocking back and forth, Fury saw Barton walk up, and spoke without any preamble, eyes snapped towards the face of Barton whilst he spoke.

"Status report!" Fury barked towards his agent, his one eye boring into Barton's face like a drill, a sensation that the archer felt very often, given he had dealt with Fury for many years.

Clint Barton cleared his throat, and read the status report, or rather what passed as a status report. "So far, the only peculiar thing about Harry Potter is the fact that he has two girlfriends."

"Good for him," Fury replied in a gruff voice, but he waved it off, not really interested in the teenage drama that young mutants had enjoyed. "Is there any tangible information that you've uncovered Barton?"

"No, Commander Fury, and I have studied his movements day and night, trying to find any kind of pattern whatsoever," Barton replied, in a nearly apologetic voice, and Fury just responded with a stiff nod, before inviting Barton to continue. "The fact of the matter is that Potter does seem to be a normal teenager for the most part."

Fury slammed his hands down on the desk, turned, and looked his agent straight in the eye. "Except he's not, he has powers, and the way that he arrived here was not conventional. You did report that he has been taken lessons from the Sorcerer Supreme."

"Yes, I have, and I would have to conclude that he is a magic user of some sort," Barton replied, and Fury just turned to one of his top field agents, before nodding.

"An amazing leap of deduction, but one that is true. What about the other one that you've been tracking, Magneto's top lieutenant, what has she been up to?"

"Other than terrorizing students at Bayville High School, and recruiting those misfits to the Brotherhood, and subsequently terrorizing them, nothing that we should be too alarmed about, at least for the moment, or at least nothing we can't handle," Clint replied, realizing that this entire mission was going to be one for the record books of how little information he had uncovered, but he tried to save face with an explanation. "And it isn't for any lack of trying. Mystique leaves, returns to that boarding house, and then trains those students."

Fury just stepped forward, and stroked his chin in a thoughtful manner, placing a hand to his chin whilst he pondered. There was a moment before he spoke in his own way, his voice gruff, and where he carefully calculated each word he spoke.

"Magneto is gearing up for something big, SHIELD has spotted him at least three times in the past week," Fury replied, but frustration mounted on the face of the Director of SHIELD. The grizzled agent looked Clint in the eye, and spoke once again. "The problem is he has eluded capture every single time. And Xavier isn't willing to lift a finger against his old friend, yet he is training students at that school. Both of them are mobilizing for some kind of battle, the question is what kind of battle?"

Fury had pondered this question, but at that moment, there was a minor crash that caught the attention of the eagle-eyed government agent. It was not an accidental crash either, but rather something to grab the attention of any SHIELD agents who had listened in the vicinity.

The two, Barton and Fury, spun around; their eyes peered forward, when fiery writing began to materialize before their very eyes. The two of them stopped, and stared at what was before them, or rather what was burning in the air.

You seem to want to talk to me so bad. Well it is a common courtesy to talk face to face instead of trying to spy on someone.

Fury motioned for the other agents who had been posing as hotel employees to move in, and they did. They were armed, and ready to fire at anyone who had made the slightest wrong movement.

Hello, Fury, you've been watching me ever since I had arrived here. And I must say, surely a super-secret government agent has better things to do with their time then spy on someone. Your flunky is not as good as he thinks he is, because I've already caught him several times. How I'm onto you…well wouldn't you like to know?

"Flunky!" Barton yelled in an incredulous tone, clutching his fists, but Fury placed his hand up to silence his subordinate and Barton slowly fell back into line, but his gaze remained irritated.

You want to meet me face to face, well Fury, here's your chance. You and me, one week from now, we have a little meeting. A little Q and A session, but I cannot guarantee that you will like the answers that I give you. Regardless, those answers will be given, when I arrive. Leave your friends out of it, and I'll leave mine out.

Fury was torn about what to do. On the one hand, he really wanted to know what this young man's game and origins was. And it was not like he could not get any more information later, for that was his game. On the other hand, Fury could not help, but think that this young man was trying to goad him into doing something that the SHIELD commander would end up living to regret.

Then again, Fury had one week to plan, and to plot. There were far worse outcomes to what Fury was up to. The SHIELD agent stepped forward, and offered a grizzled nod at what this young man was stating, but suspicion swam within his eyes.

"I accept, Mr. Potter, but I don't think that you'll be getting out of this building, without a few words," Fury replied, and his men and women were ready for anything.

Oh, but I already have. Keep one eye open Fury, if you can spare it.

Without another word, the writing disappeared, and Fury figured it was some kind of pre-recorded message done by magic. Fury did not pretend to even understand the base essentials of magic, but that much he could determine and knew that he should expect the unexpected.

All he knew was that Harry Potter had promised to be back here in one week for a meeting. Fury doubted that it was going to be the easiest thing in the world, and he expected the unexpected when dealing with this enigmatic young man.

If there was one thing that Nick Fury relished was a challenge, and he relished this meeting; he would get to the bottom of this entire situation. Cracking his knuckles, Fury prepared to give his men the orders. He debated the merits of watching Potter now, but given that Potter had some way to determine that one of his best agents had been watching him, the point was moot.

Fury had to plan, and had to plot, but there was one thing for sure, he would not rest until he knew plenty more information before it was all said and done.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully in the mansion, at least until the moment where Rogue had woken up in a screaming fit. Rogue had been shaken awake, for she had a nightmare, and it was one that she did not remember all of the details of.

At first, Harry scrambled in, thinking that it was one of his memories that did it to Rogue, and concern ramped up at this moment, along with guilt, a lot of guilt.

Rogue shook her head, but there was a moment where she bit on her lip nervously, and thought about everything that had transpired in that vision, trying not to let herself get rattled.

"Are you sure it wasn't one of my memories?"

"No it was something else, I think something that I got from Kurt," Rogue replied, as everyone walked into the hallway, Jean, Scott, and Kurt had all joined Kitty, Harry ,and Rogue, wondering what was occurring. Kurt's ears perked up suddenly, when Rogue mentioned his name, and his interest increased at these words.

"What, how would you have a memory about me?" Kurt asked in a confused tone of voice.

Rogue just offered a shrug; she really had no idea what had just happened, just that it did happen. The young woman shook off her head, and made her way towards the study, where Xavier was waiting.

"Professor, I had a nightmare, and I can't make any sense of it," Rogue answered, and she sat down, with Harry holding her hand. She appreciated the gesture, and it allowed Rogue to really just draw breath and get herself together, before continuing to speak to the Professor. "It wasn't a nightmare, as much of a memory…"

"At times, repressed memories can lead to a great nightmare," Xavier responded in a crisp voice, and he stroked his chin thoughtfully, taking a moment to reflect. "I can peer into your mind, and see what happened, with your permission."

Rogue just paused, and looked at Harry, offering him a questioning, and kind of tentative gaze. It was not just her memories or anyone else's memories that were in there, it was some of Harry's memories.

She had no idea what they were half the time. Rogue's mind was a muddied mess, but Harry just allowed Rogue a smile, a nod, and squeezed her hand, to allow her to continue. Rogue turned to the Professor, set her jaw, and offered a stiff nod.

"Have at it, Professor," Rogue encouraged him, taking a deep breath, and waiting for the Professor to enter her mind, feeling the gentle, and mostly subtle prod. If Rogue did not know Xavier was there, she would never have thought he was ever in her head, and reading her mind.

"Just relax Rogue, and allow the memory to flow to the front of your mind, it will allow me easier access."

It was at that moment where Xavier delved into Rogue's mind. There was a lab in the mountains, and a baby crying. A woman showed up in the doorway, yelling at what he was doing. The man stood, and the scene became rather garbled at that point. The woman was running off, with the baby in her arms, and the man stalking her, with the woman yelling that he won't get away with this.

Then at that point, the baby flew off of the side of the cliff. By a sheer miracle, they landed in the water. The baby went down river, and that's where the memory cut off.

Xavier pulled out of the memory, it was fuzzy and patchy, but he got the gist of it, and understood that there was a cause for concern.

"I believe it has to do with your mother, Kurt, and you," Xavier responded in a crisp voice, snapping his eyes towards one of his students, a serious expression on them when he looked at Kurt.

Kurt got all excited and folded his arms, before looking at the Professor. "My mother, my birth mother?"

Kurt had always wondered what happened to her, it was a wonder of all children who had been adopted, they always were curious. His adopted parents had been great, despite his less than conventional appearance, but the fact of the matter was that the fuzzy mutant wanted to know where he came from.

"Yes, that does seem to be the case," Xavier responded, in a serious voice.

"Really, she just threw you off like that?" Kitty asked, in a skeptical voice.

"She didn't throw me off, she tripped," Kurt replied, and looked at Kitty, trying to get her to understand everything. "Did you not hear what the Professor said?"

Kurt turned to the Professor at that moment, and collected his thoughts, before once again speaking, making an inquiry towards him.

"Do you think you could go deeper….see if the memory could be clearer, maybe?"

"No, we don't want to overwhelm Rogue's mind," Xavier responded, waving off Kurt's question. The fuzzy mutant's face fell, and he was genuinely disappointed at this brush-off form the Professor. "Let us try and get some sleep, we have a few more hours before the morning."

Kurt wondered if he was going to be able to sleep, thanks to the excitement. Harry walked by him, and felt as if he had to add some insight, offering Kurt some genuine advice.

"Kurt, I know you're curious about your parents, but be careful about the Pandora's box you're opening," Harry replied, and he looked directly at Kurt at this moment, offering his team mate the benefit of his knowledge. "There are some things that we are not meant to really know about our birth parents."

Harry thought about the memories that he uncovered regarding Snape of James Potter and his bullying tendencies, during their time at Hogwarts. It really did sour his image on his father, even if Sirius assured him that James had changed. Sirius was another problem for Harry, as it was becoming very clear to Harry that Sirius might not have made it through the veil after all. He had used every scanning spell, but Harry had uncovered nothing.

"Wouldn't you want to know?" Kurt asked, the innocence in his voice still prominent.

"Curiosity is not a sin, but we shall be careful how often we exercise it," Harry said in an evasive voice, and he turned towards Kitty and Rogue, a smile spreading over his face.

"Rogue, are you going to be alright?" Kitty asked, looking at her, and Rogue paused for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Rogue replied, inclining her head slightly. Rogue took a moment to reflect, and stood on the ground. Her heart beat across her chest, and Harry put an arm around her.

"As someone who said they were fine many times, and weren't, I know when someone isn't fine," Harry answered, and he pulled Rogue in. "I won't press you…"

"No, I did see a few flashes, a man in robes, sending green light at two people, and trying to send green light at a baby, and it backfired," Rogue answered, looking Harry in the eyes. "That was you."

Harry paused for the briefest moments, but he decided that there was no point in lying.


"Wait, your parents were murdered?" Kitty whispered in a horrified voice, and Harry nodded slowly, not really wanting to talk about it.

"It's not like it's something I talk about in casual conversation," Harry replied, and at that moment, both girls stood on either side of him.

"Yeah, I understand," Rogue replied, and she would not bring up the other memories she pieced together, including the one of a young boy in a cupboard, wondering if he would ever be loved, and the pain suffered when he was alone on Christmas morning.

Rogue did not want to dwell too much on these memories, for they made he depressed, and they likely would have had an effect on Harry as well.

Harry turned, and kissed both of his girls, before they went to bed. They would try to get back to sleep, at least what passed as sleep, with all that was on their mind.

Quicksilver sped up his movements, blowing past the gate of the Xavier Institute, and agitated flickered through his eyes, with the teeth of the speedy mutant gritted in pure distaste. He really felt demeaned that he would have to play super powered courier for Mystique, but the woman and the higher up had both convinced him to do so.

While Pietro was willing to defy Mystique, his father was another matter entirely. Pietro barely saw any of the old man, yet his larger than life personality still threatened him, and made him intimidated.

Not that he would ever admit it to the face of anyone, for the speedy mutant had a certain amount of pride, and a bit of an ego.

Pietro pinned the note to the door, knocked on the door, and zoomed off, before he was caught. Kitty opened the door, confused, and Harry followed. Jean and Scott were on the scene next, and Scott took the note off of the door, before taking a look at it.

"Kurt!" Scott called, and Kurt appeared almost instantly, teleporting next to Scott. His eyes flicked curiously to Scott, and the X-Men turned, handing the note to him. "It's for you."

"Me, who could it be from?" Kurt asked, and he tore open the note, to read it, and his hands trembled when the mutant did. Kurt read the note, and his expression became more and more intrigued when he got to it, and saw who it was from. "It's from my mother."

Everyone stared at each other, and that piece of news was slowly settling in with each, and every one of them.

"That's just too much of a coincidence," Jean remarked, after the silence had occurred for at least a moment. "Why would your mother…"

"Does it really matter?" Kurt asked, trying to shake off their words. "It's my mother and…"

"It matters, Kurt, for the security cameras caught who sent the letter."

Xavier rolled up at that point, and he looked his young charge in the eye. Kurt shuffled around on his feet, a bit impatiently, as he waited for Xavier to speak. There was a moment of silence before the leader of the X-Men elected to speak, and let Kurt in on the news.

"The mutant who delivered it was the member of the Brotherhood known as Quicksilver," Xavier added, and Kurt just stopped, and stared at that moment.

"That does explain how he managed to get past the security so fast, without really tripping it," Harry chimed in, and there was just something about the entire set-up that seemed fishy. Perhaps Harry was being paranoid, but the words "constant vigilance" rang out in the back of his mind. "What did your mother say, Kurt?"

Kurt was prompt to answer. "She wants me…she wants me to meet her, in the junkyard, tomorrow after dark, you know the one that is downtime, by the docks."

"Yes, I do recall the one," Xavier admitted, but his tone was impassive and there was a bit of warning lingering in it.

Scott felt compelled to give his two cents at this point. "Kurt, you do realize that this could be a trap?"

Harry did not feel it prudent to speak up about that fact, for he thought that much was obvious. Kurt held the note in his hand, and shifted on his feet. His mouth opened and shut, with the fuzzy mutant trying to gain some level of coherence at this point.

"But still, if it's my mother…"

"Then we will do everything that we must to arrange this meeting goes on without you getting hurt," Xavier replied, a part of his psyche sympathizing with Kurt's need for closure.

Kurt just shuffled on his feet, and he had felt the need to enlighten Professor Xavier about a very key part of the letter, and he leaned forward to speak to him.

"The letter writer, they said to come alone, and bring no one, especially not my teammates."

It was at this point where Xavier had become very skeptical about the intentions of Mystique, not that the X-Men leader needed many reasons. There was a plot to lure Kurt, but if he did not allow Kurt to leave, there was always a chance that he would sneak off. If Xavier learned one thing about teenagers was they could obsess in their quest for information, and often did reckless things in that quest.

"Yes, Kurt, if you feel as it is necessary, then do depart at the intended time, but make sure to take your communicator, and summon for help if it is a trap," Xavier warned Kurt, and Kurt just stood, nodding his head up and down, resembling a wind up toy.

"Thank you Professor, and I will," Kurt answered at that point, before he counted down the moments to the meeting.

Kurt disappeared, holding the note. Scott just turned to Professor Xavier, and Xavier motioned for him to come closer.

"Tail Kurt, and make sure he does not come to any harm, discreetly and from a distance," Xavier replied, in a low voice so no one could hear.

It was his fear that the Brotherhood would be involved, whether by Mystique's intentions or not, he had no idea. There was a chance that this was going to happen. Xavier knew that this could happen from the time where Kurt had signed up for the Institute.

Harry got the sense that Professor Xavier knew far more than he was letting on. He did give out some information to the students, but only when needed and Harry found himself a bit irritated by that trait. Keeping secrets was something that Harry was not too much of a fan of, especially if there were lives on the line. Harry would just have to wait and see what would transpire.

Xavier had pretty much expected that the Brotherhood would attack, that much Harry had gotten from his body language. And that meant he knew Kurt's mother was Mystique. Harry wondered if Kurt had made that connection. Somehow he doubted that, given the circumstances, and Kurt's joy. Harry hated to be the one who had to burst Kurt's bubble.

"We should prepare for tomorrow night," Scott said, and Rogue popped in, a bit late, confused about what was happening.

"Why, what are we going to do tomorrow night?" Rogue asked, a look of confusion on her face.

Kitty was the one who could not resist chiming in. "The same thing we do every night, try and take over the world."

Some people laughed, even if Harry was clueless on the reference, but pretended to go along with it. Kitty began to fill Rogue in on what had gone down seriously.

"And Mystique might be Kurt's mother," Harry told Rogue, and suddenly Rogue stood up a bit more rigid, and her fists curled, as if she imagined them around Mystique's neck.

Rogue still seemed to have a bit of an ax to grind with Mystique, and Harry really hoped that she would not get distracted from the mission at hand because of that, because when things got personal, it was when they tended to go south.

Kurt dropped down to the ground, but now that he was here, the fuzzy mutant had no clue what to say, words had failed him. There was so many things that he could have said to the woman who had given birth to him, and the woman who had not seen since he was very young.

As he arrived at the junkyard, it hit him that this was not an ideal location for a happy and cheerful family reunion. There was a moment where he dropped down, and a robed figure walked out beside him.

"Are you…her?" Kurt asked, his voice shaking when he spoke, and he leaned forward so she could hear him. "Are you…are you…my mother?"

The woman nodded, and Kurt could see the figure step forward. She had blue skin, and red hair, and these were traits that Kurt recognized immediately.

"Wait, you're her," Kurt replied, jumping backwards nearly.

"Do not be alarmed, Kurt, I had my reasons for what happened," Mystique replied, and Kurt kept his eyes on her. He would not take his eyes off of a potential opponent, even though that opponent could have been his mother. "You lived with a loving family, did you not?"

Kurt nodded, he would have to admit that this was true, and there were no complaints right there, with him staring forward until the woman spoke.

"Then there should have been no problem with what happened," Mystique replied in a crisp, and clear voice, and he stepped forward. Mother and son stepped towards each other.

"Is this just a family affair, or can anyone join the party?"

Quicksilver, Blob, Toad, and Avalanche popped up at this moment, and stared down Kurt, bad intentions in mind. Kurt slowly spun around, and clutched his fists. He had assumed that they were meeting alone, and decided to call Mystique out on this fact.

"You lied to me," Kurt replied, not in an angry voice, but a hurt voice, and Mystique turned away, spinning around. The Brotherhood would have paid for interfering on this situation, but Mystique figured out who put them up to this.

"Hey, no sweat, Wagner, the more the merrier," Quicksilver replied, and he rushed forward.

Quicksilver's feet suddenly were knocked out from underneath him at that point. The member of the Brotherhood fell down onto the ground, and rolled over. The speedster groaned, and the Brotherhood stepped up.

The X-Men arrived, with Arcane, Cyclops, Rogue, Shadowcat, and Jean showing up, to engage them in battle.

"Hey, six on four, that's not fair!" Toad groaned, and he pointed to Harry, jumping up an ddown, eyes bugging out frantically. "Especially with that guy, it's like it's twenty on four or something."

"We can handle them," Avalanche stated, and he was ready for revenge, and ready to rock. And so was the ground, with it rocking and rolling, ready to knock the X-Men off balance.

The ground stopped rocking, with Harry standing there. This time he was ready for his tricks, and the ground continued to rock at that moment. Avalanche was propelled backwards up into the air. The Blob stepped forward, and Rogue dodged Blob's slow charges, and Shadowcat dove into the ground, grabbing the ankles of the large mutant.

Blob staggered into the ground, sinking like he was in quick sand.

"Come back, and fight," Blob managed, but Cyclops used his visor to send an optic blast at Blob, once he pushed back up.

The Brotherhood's training seemed to not be that good. Toad turned around, and saw the X-Men surrounding him.

"Um, I come in peace," Toad replied, realizing that the other members of the Brotherhood had been taken out.

Toad had been knocked off to the side, smacked around like an afterthought. Mystique spun around, and took a step back, incensed.

"You ruined this, you ruined this all!" Mystique yelled, and she turned to Kurt, malice flooding her eyes. "You ruined your only chance to find out the truth by getting your friends involved."

Rogue opened her mouth, about to note the hypocrisy of what Mystique was talking about. However, there was a swirl of metal from the junkyard, and the sharp jagged edges threatened to pierce into all of them. It appeared that another figure had turned up, and that was Magneto, who had looked in the shadows. Mystique took that as her cue to leave, and she turned into a bird, before flying into the sky, becoming a face in the crowd.

Harry would have tracked her, but he was too busy repelling the debris with his spell work. The Brotherhood was on the ground, and Quicksilver was the first one to run off, as fast as his legs could go. Toad followed him next, with Avalanche taking a look, and trying to decide whether or not to take a shot at Harry whilst he was distracted.

"We better go, when the getting is good," Blob grunted towards him. As much as he would have liked to stay and smash the X-Men, even Fred knew an opportunity where he saw one.

Harry tried to push the limits of his magic, but there was so much metal in this junkyard that it was hard to push back, and gain control. The dark haired wizard had no choice, it would not be denied, and took a deep breath, summoning more power.

He summoned his power, and suddenly the metal all fell to the ground. The moment had been lost, and Magneto was gone, along with Mystique and the Brotherhood.

Kurt took a step forward, and took a deep breath, a conflict of emotions washing over the young mutant. He appreciated the X-Men backing him up, and he could almost tell that Mystique was a bit surprised to see the Brotherhood. There were so many conflicting emotions going through his mind, and it was hard to keep that in mind.

The team returned to the Xavier Institute at this point, and the entire group gathered around, to reflect on the events of the battle today. The fact of the matter was that Harry had taken charge, and knocked the Brotherhood around, turning every single attack against them. That fact was not lost on Scott, and he sat back, arms folded, and he sat back, with a sigh. Xavier wheeled forward, and Kurt just sat in the background, in the shadows.

"I wouldn't blame yourself for anything that happened, Kurt," Xavier told him, trying to convey his theory on what had occurred, at least from his observations. "Mystique likely engineered the attack, and a potential kidnapping."

"It was almost like she was surprised," Kurt offered, trying to hang onto that little fact, for it was the only thing that gave him hope.

Kurt folded his arms, and just nodded. Harry took a moment to walk forward towards Kurt, but Kurt just looked up at him, before sighing.

"Harry, you were right about everything," Kurt told him, and he sank back into the chair. "I can't believe that I was so…"

"No you wanted to know, and there were times where I wanted to know about things that happened in my past," Harry responded, but there were no words that he could say. Kurt took this in stride.

The fact Harry had gotten so close to getting his hands on Mystique, after her near escape last time frustrated him to no end whatsoever. He figured that given the choice between protecting the team, and going after the criminal, Harry knew what the answer was going to be every single time. He took a deep breath at this point, and turned to walk off, without another word.

Kitty and Rogue followed Harry down the hallway at that point. It was Kitty who at this point who was going to be the one who spoke up. A smile crossed her face, and Kitty grabbed Harry.

"You, aren't too pleased because of how that mission went, are you?" Kitty asked.

Harry shook his head at that point. To be honest, he was a bit frustrated, but failure was part of the learning process. Kitty grabbed Harry and pulled him into the next room.

"Hey, wait up, some of us have to use doors," Rogue stated in an agitated voice, and Kitty laughed when the door was locked, preventing her from entering. "You're not going to leave me hanging, are you?"

Kitty stepped forward, and walked inside, at that moment, before taking pity on Rogue, and allowing her inside. Harry was on the bed, and the two girls were ready to cheer Harry up, after what happened today. The dark haired wizard understood what was about to happen, and it was only second nature that he had performed the contraceptive spells on both girls.

"So, I wonder who's going to get a piece first," Kitty answered, a smile crossing her face.

The three of them remained rather satisfied. There was really sometimes where one had gotten pleasure, and there was really nothing to say. The three members of the X-Men found that this was the best way to unwind after a long day of battles. Some people might disagree, but it allowed them to focus, and get a good night of sleep.

Harry remained with his arms around Kitty, with Rogue resting on his on other side. The three of them did not need to say much, or feel compelled to move. In case, they wanted to get a midnight snack, it would be best if they remained close by, just in case.

Mystique folded her arms, returning to the Brotherhood Boarding house. That entire meeting could have gone rather better. The again, it had to be the X-Men who showed up. Xavier would have never allowed her to reconnect with her children. The Brotherhood showed up, and Mystique suspected that Quicksilver had put them up to it, and Magneto had put Quicksilver up to it.

She wanted to punch a wall, or at least take her aggressions out on something. Today did not go as planned, and very nearly she got caught. And the worst thing of all was the fact that she was in the debt of Magneto, and that stung the worst of all. That cut him immediately, and Mystique spun around, taking a deep breath, before putting her hands through her hair.

The tapping echoed from outside, and Magneto arrived at this moment. Mystique could barely look at Magneto, and there was a moment where the Master of Magnetism responded.

"The X-Men once again humiliated your team," Magneto remarked in a crisp voice, showing not one bit of empathy whatsoever to her plight.

Mystique clutched her fists, and glared forward, trying to keep her temper in check, despite the situation. When the Brotherhood failed at something, they somehow reverted back to being her team.

"It wasn't just the X-Men, it was one of them in particular," Mystique answered, his eye completely on Mystique, and there was a moment where the two mutants stared down at each other. "You do the know the one that we're talking about, don't you?"

"I do know," Magneto replied, not even giving her a moment to speak. "You will take a sabbatical from your role as the principal of Bayville High School, for in three weeks, my plan come to light, for mutant kind."

Mystique had known the plan, and there was no need to speak about it. Magneto had been preparing it, setting everything up, and smuggling the intended equipment past the Earth defenses. Even SHIELD had been tricked, and that was something that Magneto should have considered a feather in his cap.

Yet, the Master of Magnetism was not too pleased, for there were too many unintended variables that had been thrown into the plan that threatened to throw everything off kilter. One of them had been Harry Potter. Magneto still thought that there was a potential for the boy for his revolution, although that potential had not been realized. He seemed to be too fiercely independent for his own good.

That fact in itself was a double edged sword. One hand, Potter was not going to accept his word. On the other hand, Potter was not going to accept Xavier's blind and wide eyed idealism. It was something where Magneto was just going to wait, and see what happened, whilst he calculated the plan.

"The Brotherhood will need to step up their game if they hope to join this revolution, and you will as well," Magneto replied to Mystique, and Mystique leaned forward, gritting her teeth, and an incredulous expression flickering through her eyes.

"Of course I will join this revolution," Mystique answered, unable to believe that Magneto could state anything to the contrary.

Yet Magneto just leaned forward, and peered at Mystique from behind his helmet. The tension between the two mutants could be cut with a knife.

"The only thing that is for certain is nothing is for certain, do remember that, and don't grow complacent."

Mystique was left in the dust, and Magneto disappeared into the night, giving the shape-shifter much to think about.