"The new group will be arriving today," Kitty commented to Harry as she peered outside whilst she stood by Harry, Rogue, and Kurt. Jean, Scott, Ororo, and Logan helped the Professor settle the new kids in and make them feel ready for their arrival to the Mansion.
Harry nodded as he knew Xavier was busy over the past couple of weeks trying to get the groundswell of new mutants sold on the Institute. The young wizard mutant hybrid saw the files on these new mutants and the group intrigued him, some more so than others. They may certainly bring some unique abilities to light but it did remain to be seen whether or not they would fit in with the rest of the team.
"And that's not the only new arrival today, there's going to be a new Principal at the school when we get back," Kurt remarked at that moment and Harry just shook his head at that moment. "Come on, it's got to be better than the one we had."
Rogue, Kitty, and Harry exchanged skeptical looks but they did in fact share Kurt's hope that things would be better. Then again, it was hard to see this new principal being any worse than the one they had.
"Yeah, it's got to be, providing that Mystique didn't sneak back in the back door," Rogue replied at this moment before she peered forward into the distance. The sounds of several car doors could be heard and the young X-Men took it as their cue to head outside.
Harry thought that his training had gone to the point where he could be considered a senior member of the team, well the same could be said for Kitty, Rogue, and Kurt as well. They had come a long way all things considered given their initial shaky beginnings. It had been seven or eight months since most of them had joined the team and they all thought that they had gone all of the way together, making many great strides.
"Ah yes, you're here, excellent," Xavier responded when he saw Kitty, Kurt, Rogue, and Harry exit the Xavier Institute at that moment. "We're just about to bring in the new arrivals right now."
Harry looked over to the newest arrivals to take a good and long look at them before he offered a bit of a snicker and responded in a deadpan tone of voice.
"They're just a bit spirited, don't you think?"
"Yeah, just a little bit," Jean responded in a voice that contained a great deal of mirth when she watched the antics of the new recruits.
"Don't worry, I'll hose them down if they get out of control," Logan remarked in a gruff voice as the group walked forward towards the Mansion.
Xavier was at the front of the group in his wheelchair as he put a hand up to get their attention. The headmaster of the Xavier Institute was the type of person who would have all eyes upon him at all times.
"I believe that introductions are in order," Professor Xavier responded to the new members of the group at that point as they all nodded. Xavier waited for that particular motion, along with the noise, to die down before he shook his head. "Senior team members why don't you start. State your name and your powers for the rest of the group."
The senior members did just that as they all spoke rather calmly.
"My name is Jean Grey, I'm one of the senior members of this team," Jean answered in a bright voice with a smile as she looked at the newer mutants. They all nodded before she had spoken some more. "My powers are telepathy and telekinesis."
"Scott Summers, Cyclops, another senior member of the team," Scott answered before he tapped on his visor for emphasis "I shoot optic blasts from my eyes."
Scott turned around at that moment and aimed his eyes to a set of rocks to demonstrate at that moment to a series of ahs and oohs from the new class.
"Harry Potter, Arcane, and I can do all sorts of things, like clean up the messes that Scott makes," Harry answered as he waved his hand and the rocks Scott destroyed magically reconstructed themselves. Scott just looked at him but said nothing. The applause for Harry's demonstration was loud and took several moments before it died down. "I can perform magic but my mutant ability is that I can read the body language of people and their intentions."
There were some gasps at how cool this was from various members of the team.
"Logan, Wolverine, I heal, have super senses, and I'm the best in the world at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice," Logan answered in a gruff voice when when eyes focused on the team.
The New Mutants all looked at Logan, even they could tell right off the bat that Logan was the type of person that you wanted on your side and not as your enemy.
"Ororo Munroe, Storm, one of your teachers, and I can control the elements," Ororo answered at that point before she waved her hand and storm clouds appeared along with a thunderclap. Then the storm had subsided at another moment.
"Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler, and I can do this," Kurt answered when he addressed the new recruits before he vanished in a pop before he reappeared in the middle of the ground. "Ta-da!"
Kurt reappeared with the rest of the group before Rogue had picked up where they had left off at that point.
"My name is Rogue, I can absorb memories and abilities through skin to skin contact. I'm still working on my control a little bit, so try not and bump into me."
Harry noted that he was coming closer to getting the charms self-sustaining on the bracelet, he needed to have a bit more time to really get that particular part done. He would have been done in about a week or so but Rogue had told him that she would be patient enough to wait. Kitty was the final one who had commented as she took a deep breath and smiled.
"My name is Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat, and I can walk through walls and doors," Kitty answered as she went intangible to demonstrate that she could walk through the doors of the mansion before she popped her head back out with a smile.
Now it was time for the new mutants to state their names and powers, even if some of them had not quite come up with codenames yet, but they thought quickly not to be shown up by the others. A beauty with dark skin and dark hair had decided to be the first one to speak up.
"My name is Amara Aquilla, I'm the Princess of Nova-Roma, and I can manipulate the magma beneath the Earth so I guess that makes me Magma."
"Makes perfect sense to me," Harry responded giving her a smile which Amara returned at that point trying to keep her cool which was hard given her powers.
"My name's Tabitha Smith," a punk looking blonde stated at that point as she took a long look at the entire team. "Guess you're going to call me Boom-Boom."
A dark haired young boy was the person who took the bait. "Why would you be called Boom-Boom?"
Tabby just gave a wicked grin before she had unleashed a cherry bomb before it had exploded to give the young man a bit of a scare causing him to stagger backwards. He managed to recover and shook his head.
"Um, yeah, Bobby Drake, and I can turn my body into ice and control it, so call me Iceman," Bobby said at this point before he blew his fingers off to send mist in the air. "Now that's cool."
Bobby had gotten his fair share of groans and 'c'mon now' at the pun before a young man with spiky orange hair had commented it.
"Ray Crisp and I give off an electrical discharge, and I'll go by the name of Bezerker," the next mutant had said to give a short demonstration of his powers to the approving nods.
A young Chinese girl dressed in bright colors at that point had spoken in a cheerful voice. "I'm Jubilation Lee, but you can call me Jubilee, and I shoot off fireworks with my hands, see!"
Jubilee had given them a bit of a show at this point but it seemed to not be as refined. She offered an apologetic smile and she shrugged at this point.
"Sorry about that, I can normally control that a little bit better, okay maybe not the first time, I kind of blew up the VCR and then the stereo and then half of my room but I've got them under control for the most part."
There were a few laughs from the rest of the group.
"Sam Guthrie," a blonde young man stated at this point as he closed his eyes before he shot into the air like a cork and landed on the ground. He dropped down to the ground and gave a shrug. "You can call me Cannonball."
The youngest of the New Mutants was the one the next one who had spoken, at about twelve or thirteen years old with dark hair. "I'm Jamie Madrox call me Multiple because I can do this."
Sure enough he split himself into multiple copies and Harry could see how something like that could be useful for multitasking. There were spells that could be used to replicate that ability he was certain but he was just getting up to the level where he could head out and do such a thing. Then again one could say the same thing about many of the mutant powers even though it was extremely advanced charm work.
"Roberto da Costa, I turn the sun into my strength, call me Sunspot," a Brazilian young man stated at that point.
The final member of the New Mutants spoke up at this point, she was a shy Scottish girl with red hair in pigtails. "Rahne Sinclair, I can turn into a wolf, call me Wolfsbane."
She demonstrated her ability at that point with the entire group nodding. Xavier turned to his fellow X-Men as he proceeded to go to the next step of the introduction.
"Now that the entire team knows each other, I believe it is prudent to show you to your rooms," Xavier answered before he wheeled forward with the senior members of the X-Men team going and the New Mutants as they were following them, awe struck at the sights around them.
There were many questions about what was going to happen as the team would take a chance to scope out the new recruits when they had their first Danger Room session this weekend. Right now it was time for them to settle in and get to know each other, along with the rest of the team, along with getting settled into school for their first week.
It was going to be an interesting time, they all knew that much but how interesting it was, they only could begin to guess.
"I don't even know why we bother to go to school, we're just going to get ridiculed."
Those were the words that came out of the mouth of Toad on Monday morning the day that they were due back to school after the holidays. It was a statement that was justified and Blob nodded his head in response. These two particular members of the Brotherhood felt now was the time to know when to go and when to fold.
Lance shook his head as he looked at Fred and Todd, they always slacked off at the worst possible times. It was an aspect of the pair of them that frustrated him to a supreme degree. He tried his hardest to keep the Brotherhood running all ship-shape and make sure they did not fall into any kind of rut. The problem as he saw it was when his only competent subordinate was Pietro who had his own ego problems which turned out to be huge problems to keep this team running.
Still Lance refused to give up because up to this point he had worked too hard. It was time for him to get some revenge on the X-Men, or in particular of one of their members. And the revenge would be held on camera at that point because the final months of the school year at Bayville High School was about to start with a new principal as the school would be rebuilt.
It would be a new age for many reasons and one of them was going to be where they would finally get the respect that the Brotherhood felt they deserved. It was time for redemption and Lance was determined to keep the team focused. His eyes snapped towards Todd and Fred before he spoke.
"Guys, you better focus," Lance answered when he talked to the team members. "If you want to get some respect around here we got to go out there and seize the day."
"Respect, jeez man you sound like that Dangerfield guy," Todd remarked when he rolled his eyes but Lance had just brushed that off.
"After what happened on Asteroid M, the X-Men got the better of us and we ran. Every time we've fought the X-Men one thing has happened."
Todd chimed in with what he thought was the best answer. "We get our butts kicked?"
Lance pretended that he did not hear Toad before he pressed on. "They are always prepared for us, but this time we're going to be prepared for them. We're not going to let them push us around anymore. We're going to head into that pep rally and strike hard and the X-Men are going to be the ones that's going to be eating dirt."
Todd and Fred both nodded in response to this bold declaration but they were not completely convinced by this speech that Lance gave them. The fact of the matter was that with Mystique leading them the X-Men really did knock them around most of the time and without Mystique to give them that focus they were just a group of guys rooming together. They spent more time trying to get together enough scratch to keep the lights on and food in the fridge then anything.
Keeping food in the fridge was going to be an uphill battle with Blob in the house but that was beside the point. Lance drew him a deep breath and turned to his fellow brothers in arms in the Brotherhood.
"I've explained the plan to you," Lance continued when he tried to get these two motivate. "The X-Men pride themselves on being anonymous, let's see what we do when we expose what they really are to the entire world. Then we'll embarrass them for the whole world to see."
Todd and Fred gave a half-hearted cheer as Pietro zipped in after Lance's speech wrapped up as he looked around.
"I didn't miss anything important, did I?" Pietro asked before Lance gave him an extremely agitated expression where if looks could kill, Pietro would be dead. Pietro did seem to be late to the party more times than he cared to remember. Which was really strange, given that Pietro was the fastest mutant alive.
Lance's eyes just looked at his team at this point and annoyance filled them. "Just stick with the plan and we'll be fine."
"Right stick with the plan, got it, got it, it's good," Pietro answered in his usual hyperactive manner.
The Brotherhood were united, perhaps not cohesively, but it was time to right the wrongs of the past, step in, and dominate each and every battle from this point forward. Pietro, Lance, Todd, and Fred all prepared for what would happen on the next day. The Brotherhood were all ready to go and ready to rock.
All of the students of Bayville High School gathered around for an outside assembly at that point and they all cheered nice and loudly as the new principal stepped around with the assembled faculty who walked around a bit before sitting down. After some of the weird rumors that the faculty heard about things that happened around this school, they were all on pins and needles as they waited for some kind of bomb to drop.
Harry, Kurt, Rogue, and Kitty sat in the stands. Kitty and Rogue were on either side of Harry while Kurt was in the row behind them with several other students surrounding them. Jean and Scott were off elsewhere on the bleachers, although sitting far away from each other. While they put on a cordial relationship for the new recruits, things were still frosty between them personally.
"So there's the new guy," Kurt whispered when he had looked up to take a look at them.
"Yeah, that's the new guy," Harry confirmed at that moment as he spotted several other members of the New Mutants, most of them freshmen, with a couple of exceptions. "He doesn't seem overly malicious."
"I don't think he's Mystique," Kitty piped in as Rogue rolled her eyes and spoke in a calm voice.
"Mystique is a shape-shifter she could be any of us."
Kurt suddenly sat up straight and his eyes shifted suspiciously but Harry shook his head at Kurt which got him to sit back down.
"Unless Mystique has found a way to drastically change her body language, it's not her," Harry responded as he peered out into the distance whilst he threw an arm over both of his girlfriends. "Never seen that guy before, which might not be a bad thing, but we'll see what he has to say."
The man was a typical run of the mill middle aged man with dark hair, a blue suit, and thick glasses. He tapped on the microphone and looked up at them. He resembled a politician more than an educator but Harry supposed that was just as well because there were a great deal of politics involving high school.
"Greetings, I'm Edward Kelly, and I'm the new Principal of Bayville High School," Kelly responded at that point. "After Principal Darkholme's unexpected sabbatical, the school board has looked long and hard for a replacement and I must say that I'm proud to be the one who they have chosen to step into the lofty position."
There was the standard round of applause that had come with this opening statement that someone would normally have given during one of these speeches. Harry rocked back on the chair and remained on his guard, so far so good. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and he preferred that it stayed that way.
"The theme of the rest of the year is change, change will be brought with only the help of each and every one of you."
"Hey, Principal K, you want change, well we're bringing the change right here, kicking it, Brotherhood style!"
Several eyes snapped over and Harry winced at that point before Kitty shook her head long enough to give an exasperated sigh at that point.
"Do these guys ever take the hint?"
Harry held up a hand for a moment to see what this was all about but he had the feeling that it was not going to be good. It seemed like Harry was going to be proven right as he heard the half hearted protests of Principal Kelly but he got shoved off to the side like he was nothing. Lance took center stage at this point as he looked at everyone.
"Bayville, you've been lied to, deceived to by a group that is trying to hide who they are!" Lance yelled at the top of his lungs. "You see, we're not like you, and thank God for that. But you know what we are…"
"We're far better than ever are, we're the superior evolution of you geeks," Pietro answered as he cut in. "Why don't you tell him, Lance?"
Lance was going to tell him but he found his microphone short out in his hand as did the loud speakers.
'Potter,' Lance thought in frustration as he caused the ground to rumble beneath him as his teeth gritted. 'He always ruins everything.'
Sure enough Harry ruined everything when he had killed the loud speakers but there were other things at this point that could leave evidence. A few people had out their cell phones and Harry had to create a huge electro-magnetic field to shut them all down. Lance stood on the ground and looked up before he yelled at the top of his lungs.
"The time has come to tell you what we are. We're mutants, the Brotherhood, but there are other people who are mutants and they are…"
Lance found himself struck unfortunately silent at that point with Harry having gotten him with a silencing charm. He knew they knew what he did but no one else would find out. A silencing charm was passive magic instead of active magic without the tell-tale flash of magic as opposed to a stunning spell or a banishing spell that could have been used.
"Hey, it's Potter, he's a witch, burn him!" Todd yelled feeling braver then he ever was before and suddenly Lance decided to rock the ground beneath them to try and cause some havoc to salvage the fact that he had been silenced.
Harry cursed his luck but he managed to use a charm to slow down most of the falling debris that had been created by the tremor.
'Jean, I hope you can wipe their minds, or the Professor hears what happens, because if I memory modify them, their brains are going to be Swiss cheese,' Harry thought frantically as Kitty, Rogue, and Kurt all scrambled in to try and help mitigate the damage.
Sure enough there were cameras on as the ground shifted in front of them when suddenly a pulse that did not belong to Harry shorted them out at that time. Harry managed to repair the debris with Principal Kelly looking at him strangle but suddenly Kelly dropped to his knees, as did several other people.
Sure enough there was some force wiping their memories but Harry could not see who it is. Jean seemed utterly baffled as well as they could not see who the telepath was in question. However, with a quick peak into their minds, Harry could sense that no one remembered anything from when the Brotherhood showed up to cause havoc until now.
He could have sworn he saw someone in the light, but they disappeared. As did the Brotherhood who had thought that they had proved their point. Little did they know that the point was soon lost.
Whoever it was, Harry was thankful for them because he had a guardian angel on his side today. Mutants could have gotten exposed big time today. And who knew how much people could have overreacted.
There was a chance that they dodged a bullet, a really prominent bullet.
The Brotherhood arrived back to the Boarding House as they thought that they had been ones to pull something over the X-Men. However, that was furthest from the truth, the Brotherhood had not struck at all. In fact, their little plan had failed and it became clear in a matter of moments when there was no news about their little stunt.
"I thought that would be top billing, top billing, who cares about some celebrity getting a divorce after being married for three days?" Todd raged in a disgusted voice as Lance just fumed silently as he put his jeep into park.
"So much for our plan to get us some respect," Pietro remarked in a caustic voice as Lance just grumbled when he gritted his teeth. "Hey, there's no need for that, did you get your voice back yet?"
Lance shook his head furiously as he climbed out of the jeep as he thought about everything that had happened. To be honest this was a day that could have gone much better but it had just went down the crapper. He gritted his teeth at this point as he continued to walk towards the driveway.
"No need to give us the silent treatment man, just tell us what's really on your mind," Todd responded with a bit of grin but the ground began to shake beneath them. The slimy mutant staggered long enough to recover before he shook his head. "Hey, given the intensity of the shakes I think he's pissed."
"Either that, or Fred's stomach's on the war path again," Pietro answered before the mutant in question just nodded at that point. Come to think about it, he was a bit hungry.
There was no question about it the Brotherhood had seen better days that much was for sure. The entire group made their way inside and pulled the door open. They half expected some bill collectors to show up or something because Mystique had left and no one had paid a dime towards anything in their house.
Yet there was someone who was sitting in their house which caused the entire Brotherhood to stop and stare. This was a guest that showed up to greet them and they had most certainly not invited anyone. Todd, Lance, Fred, and Pietro exchanged apprehensive expressions as they saw their newest arrival inside the boarding house.
"Brotherhood, I was wondering when you returned back," the guest answered he was dressed in a white cloak with a black skull like mask as he stared down at them. His eyes radiated malevolence from beneath his mask.
"Just who are you?" Todd asked being the only one who was going to be able to speak up and ask the question.
"You may call me...the Taskmaster," the man answered in a brisk voice. "And I have observed you Brotherhood boys for a long time from afar, you're sloppy, unrefined, but I will not deny that you have potential."
Pietro just raised an eyebrow when he saw this man enter his house and begin to talk trash to him. He was not going to take that kind of trash talk lying down before he tried to bum rush this Taskmaster guy at super speed. A funny thing happened when the fastest mutant alive tried this attack.
Taskmaster read his attacks coming even if they had come at super speed before he twisted Pietro's arm behind his back and twisted him down to the ground. The silver haired mutant winced at this point when his arm was wrenched behind his back before he was shoved down to the ground with excessive force.
"Too slow," Taskmaster responded as he stepped back at that point to appreciate the irony of his statement. "You children are weak, soft, and lack discipline. Mystique used you as punch bags but I can refine you in a well-trained force of young mutant soldiers."
The Brotherhood realized that had just been owned by some guy who didn't appear to have mutant powers. The Taskmaster stepped back as he looked at the Brotherhood boys before he responded with another swift string of words.
"Unless you don't think you're hard enough."
"Just give me another shot and I'll take that guy out," Pietro answered at that moment but Taskmaster looked him long in the eye long and cold.
The Taskmaster prided himself as being one of the top fighters in the world where he had photographic memory that was second to none. He also could read his enemy's body language to pinpoint their attacks with the precision and take them down just like that. The fighter looked at the Brotherhood and he motioned for Pietro to try and attack him again.
Once again Pietro tried to attack and once more the Taskmaster knocked him down to the ground before he twisted his arm behind his back. Taskmaster popped back up at this point to stare him directly in the eye as he pinned his enemy down.
"I do believe that I have proven my point," Taskmaster responded with his voice remaining calm and crisp. "My first piece of advice is to engage your brain at twice the speed of your mouth and actions."
Pietro offered a brisk nod of his head as he thought that he would get them next time but right now he was on the ground to wince in pain. The young mutant had never been so humiliated in his life. He rolled over to take a moment to recall what had just went on, he had a feeling that some kind of learning experience had been gifted upon him at that moment.
The Brotherhood could not really say no to a guy like this but they did wonder what the catch was. There was no way a skilled guy like this showed up and offered them training, not without a catch.
The Taskmaster folded his hands over his chest, they could be molded into fighters. It was time for him to settle an old score with an old enemy named Nick Fury. A reckoning between those two had been a long coming.
"And you need superior leadership, in addition to your training, but I've got just the person in mind," Taskmaster answered when he stepped back and revealed a young woman with quite the presence enter the room.
This dismissal of his leadership peeved Lance, even though he could not do anything but shake the ground in discontent. The other Brotherhood members found their attention diverted to the woman who entered the room dressed in red leather with her red hair framing her face and she had a belt buckle with a skull on it. Her eyes looked at the team before she turned with a smile to address the Brotherhood.
"My name is Sinthea Shmidt, your new leader, and superior, but you can call me, Sin," the young woman said in a brisk and seductive voice, with the hints of a German accent.
"Babe, I'll call you anything you want," Pietro responded when he was in dream land when he looked at this vision of womanhood but she turned around.
"Clean up this place, it's a pig sty, do you really have any pride in yourself?" Sin asked when she looked at the other members of the Brotherhood. "No one you cannot defeat those X-Men, the quality of this hovel represents the quality of your mind."
Sin turned around, HYDRA briefed her on the X-Men, but the one she was most interested in was the one she assumed was their leader. The one with the codename of Arcane, she saw photos of him and she was intrigued.
The Taskmaster plotted his revenge on Fury, while he and Sin whipped the Brotherhood into shape.
Harry watched the Danger Room Session that had started up, the first one with the New Mutants as he sat beside Professor Xavier. When Xavier offered him the chance to help observe and critique the training sessions for the beginner class Harry jumped on it as an exercise for his abilities. After all, it would be an interesting exercise in his own abilities to keep an eye on the progress and efforts of others.
Even if said progress and efforts were not really up to snuff at this point but Harry recalled some of the earlier Danger Room training sessions that he had with Kurt, Kitty, and Rogue. It was just something where he shuddered to think about them but it was all part of the learning experience.
"So it wasn't you who had managed to wipe everyone's memories, Professor?" Harry asked to confirm something that him and Xavier had been discussing previously before the Danger Room Session had started.
Xavier had confirmed his statement with a shake of his head as the Danger Room session had officially begun. "No, it was not I but we do have a telepath on the loose so that is something that we must watch closely. Also there's the fact that there is magnetic interference in the air beyond your magical interference."
Jean and Scott popped up at this point of the conversation as they watched Harry having his eyes glued to the Danger Room session.
"Magneto lives then," Jean concluded as she addressed Xavier, with Kitty, Rogue, Kurt, Logan, and Ororo all filing in at that moment.
"Yes, we should have figured that without an identifiable body there was a good chance," Xavier agreed as he turned to do his own observation as Harry did.
"So how's the fresh meat doing?" Logan asked to change the subjects, before Xavier had given him a slightly reproachful look before he commented.
"The new students are doing quite nicely in their latest Danger Room training session. No worse than any other group."
"That'd be kind of hard," Kitty answered at that point as she shuddered.
Given the benefit of hindsight, some of those early Danger Room sessions that the four of them had when they had joined the team were kind of abysmal. Of course whether or not it was abysmal with Harry leading them or not, that was something that Kitty could not say.
"Hey, we weren't that bad, we didn't die in there," Kurt stated as he tried to put a bright spin on things.
"Without the lethal protocols shut up, it is kind of impossible to die in there," Harry responded before his eyes had remained on the Danger Room training session.
That was a statement that was agreed to by all as the New Mutants had been thrown into the deep end without a wading pool at that point. He could see them make the rookie mistakes of checking to see the reactions of their supervisors when they should be focusing on what was going on around them in the Danger Room.
The key was to block out all of the distractions, the world did not exist beyond those Danger Room walls when they were training. It was easy to get tripped up by the fact that people were watching you in the Danger Room training session as it lead to a lack of focus. That would be one of the lessons that Harry hoped to impart upon them.
Harry winced as one of the flame throwers had nearly gotten Iceman, that one looked like it hurt. Boom Boom could have used some work on her aim, okay her aim was fine. It just needed to be directed more towards the targets in the Danger Room than taking out her teammates.
Cannonball propelled himself into the air before he tried to smash himself into the laser blasts from high above. Multiple tried to split himself into several dupes but the key word was try at this point. His dupes began to trip over themselves as he did not really have the control just yet.
Harry could see Magma looking for him for his response or maybe for other reasons for as far as Harry knew. There was a moment to determine that later for Harry had to watch every single member of the Danger Room training sessions. There was a time where the team did seem to work a bit better with each other even though they still tripped over each other.
"They aren't too bad, per say," Rogue answered as she looked at Kitty and Harry who had watched closely. The pair of them responded with two identical nods.
"Yeah, but they aren't too good to say the very least," Kitty responded at that point before Harry just put up a hand.
Scott could tell that the team had licked of discipline as he watched them all at that point. He thought that they needed to step up their efforts just a little bit. He could see Jean wince and Logan just snorted. It was obvious that these new kids were a work in progress.
Harry continued to watch as the entire hour training session occurred with the group who tried to keep their heads above the water. They flew into the battle harder and harder as the clock continued to tick down just a little bit at a time.
The Danger Room Session ticked by with Harry making notes on each individual team member. He thought that it would be best if he had given them a status report about things they did well and things they could improve on. Actually, Harry thought about this when he was doing the DA, but never got around to doing it before the club had gotten found out when that sneak had betrayed them.
Harry watched the Danger Room session wrap to a close as the various members of the New Mutants staggered out of it. They looked near on the verge of collapse which caused a shadow of a smile to cross over Harry's face. He had most certainly been down that road before.
None of them seemed to want to say anything for fear that if they opened their mouths that they would throw up.
"There's room for improvement," Harry offered them before anyone else could say anything. "I've taken some notes and tomorrow I'll give you a list of things that you can improve on."
The New Mutants nodded as they had feared the worst.
"I'm sure Logan will have some suggestions as well," Harry added at that point before Logan had offered a brisk nod, he might have a few suggestions for this entire lot.
Right now Harry thought that they entire group should be pleased that they had survived their first session in the Danger Room where there was many more to come.
And it would only get tougher of them from here.