"Gentlemen, today is the day, this is what I've all called you here for."
A group of men gathered around each other with smiles on their face, all of them with sadistic and often times murderous intentions in their minds. The fact of the matter was that these six men were among the worst in the world at what they did and what they did was not very nice. Five of them were hardened criminals, who had gone around the block a few times with a certain wall crawling menace, but another had been a relative newcomer, ready to gain his revenge against the entire world for what they did to him.
The first of the group of men was a man dressed in a black bodysuit with goggles, his ears completely burned off, but he could still hear thanks to the energy people generated. He was an ordinary electrician named Maxwell Dillon, someone who was belittled and knocked around, but he shifted into something more sadistic, he turned into Electro. Electro went up against Spider-Man a few times, and had failed. Now he took the offer to join up with this Sinister Six to take down the web slinger.
The second in the group was a large man in a rhino costume. He had originally been a petty thug named Alex O'Hirn but an experiment turned him into much more. He was turned into the rampaging, the sadistic Rhino, who rolled over everything that was in his path. The real question regarding him was exactly how did he go to the bathroom in that costume? That was a mystery to be solved for another time.
The third in the group was the Sandman, reconstructed and ready to settle a score with not only Spider-Man but that brat with the zappy hands that tried to kill him. Flint Marko sought revenge against a world that hated and feared him, and did not care about taking it over. He did have in the back of his mind about that one final big score.
The fourth individual was dressed in a loud costume of green with a purple cape, with a fishbowl over his head. This man's name was Quintin Beck, but he was better known as the magnificent, the masterful, Mysterio!" To him, crime was a high art and Spider-Man's demise would be one worthy of cinematic brilliance. He would personally direct the web slinger's demise eventually. Beck held a grudge towards Spider-Man, for epitomizing the utter filth that were super heroes. To Beck, super heroes were the lowest of the low and their movies were pure filth.
The fifth member of the Sinister Six was a former private investigator by the name of Mac Gargon. J. Jonah Jameson and a scientist by the name of Farley Stillwell arranged for him to be turned into the Scorpion to take down Spider-Man once and for all. Naturally, when the heat got too hot, they tried to shove him under the bus. The Scorpion was put in prison to cool his heels, until the moment where Doctor Octopus broke him out.
And that brought us to the sixth and final member of the Sinister Six, Doctor Octopus, a man who stood before them with sadistic intentions in his eyes. Ock planned this gambit for several weeks and knew that Spider-Man would not survive the experience. Sadistic fury danced in the eyes of Doctor Octopus and the rest of the Sinister Six were equally ready to destroy their greatest enemy.
"And today is the day where you all will get your just desserts, get what is owed to you, when you take Spider-Man down," Doctor Octopus continued his speech when he looked at them all. His eyes glinted with sadism and he continued to speak a bit more, addressing the team with primal fury. "Each of you have lost in individual battles, however all of us, as opposed to one on one, will be able to defeat the web slinger."
"That bug's going down," Scorpion growled, his tail going behind him and his yellow eyes glowing with menace and malice.
"Yes, there's no way the web slinger will be able to defeat us," Mysterio stated in a pompous and overblown tone of voice. "The final curtain will drop down upon him."
"Yeah, I'd be happier when the web head is under my foot," Rhino said when he stepped on a spider that crawled across the ground for emphasis.
"Strength comes in numbers, but Spider-Man is a solo act, a fact that we can exploit," Doctor Octopus said when he looked at them. "All of you have your unique abilities and skills and pooled together, it will be the web slinger's final battle."
"The web head won't know what hit him," Electro answered when he rubbed his hands together, generating sparks as he did so.
"Quite right," Octopus agreed when his eyes shifted towards the other members of the Sinister Six, long and hard towards them. "Spider-Man will not be able to sense what is coming, but we need to work together. I cannot state that fact often enough."
The members of the group nodded in agreement, they were tired of getting their asses handed to them by some obnoxious little jerk in a costume. Octopus turned when he raised his arms in the air and activated a projector screen, the members of the Sinister Six leaned in at this movement to gain a closer look.
"Now listen carefully," Octopus explained to the other five members who sat on pins and needles waiting for the scientist to explain. He shifted to look at them. "Spider-Man is drawn to heroics, he cares about the rabble down there, even if many of them think of him as a threat or a menace. We can exploit that to its fullest degree and move him in for a kill."
The Sinister Six listened when Doctor Octopus went over the plan, said plan was crazy enough to almost work, but they resolved to keep their minds open and just wait and see. If this plan was to go as promised, they would have to stand together. That could be one of the hardest things in the world for criminals for they had a huge ego problem and that lead to messes that needed to be cleaned up.
Yet the plan Doctor Octopus calculated was so sound and so swift, that they could not help but trust what was going to come. All of them wanted the web head's head, it didn't really matter right now who drew first blood or even final blood. As long as Spider-Man was out of the picture, that was all that mattered, that was the only thing that mattered. The Sinister Six were united under one cause for that reason.
Harry smiled when another session in the Danger Room was done, to be honest those were getting better and better. Well at least there were fewer injuries and the new recruits lasted a lot longer before blacking out. That was something that Harry gauged as progress. Harry and Logan alternated between sessions with them, because they felt they had a balanced perspective. Oddly enough, despite the fact that Harry did work them just as hard as Logan, or even harder, his session seemed to be a lot better received.
It had been two weeks since Jean left to clear her head and Harry found himself a bit worried, with Scott sharing that worry. Scott acted cool and cordial to Harry, but there were instances where it just seemed like they realized the same thing. A very key part in the team dynamic was missing.
"So, do you think any of them might be ready to move up?" Kitty asked Harry when she walked next to Harry from the Danger Room training session.
This was a point Harry thought about long and hard, whether or not any of the new recruits deserved a closer look at to get called up. He thought about it longer than anyone else would have. The problem was that while many of them made strides, it could be that if he gave them the nudge too soon, they could lose some key development. Plus, their training barely started, so it was too soon to tell.
Although Rachel seemed to be the furthest along, although Harry knew from the few flickers he got from her mind that she worked at this game much longer. Bobby and Amara seemed to be the most competent out of the knew recruits, providing Bobby actually kept his focus and did not show off. The New Mutants all showed potential but they were a machine that was a work in progress.
"A work in progress, Kitty, a work in progress," Harry commented to his girlfriend before the two of them walked off into the other direction.
"Speaking of works in progress, how are your lessons with the Sorcerer Supreme?" Kitty asked to Harry and Harry smiled.
"My powers are getting stronger," Harry answered to her and she raised an eyebrow, inviting him to go on further. "My powers...are based in constant sex it seems, the more often I have it, the stronger I get."
"And you're able to give women unmistakable pleasure," Kitty offered and Harry nodded to concede this point to her, before Kitty placed her hands on him. "Are you sure you're not part incubus or something?"
To be honest, Harry could not tell, the Potter family tree was a mystery to him. He supposed that there could be any number of magical creatures stretching back in every single direction.
At these thoughts, Harry entered his room with Kitty following him. Harry sat himself down on the bed and Kitty immediately straddled his lap, looking in his eyes with a smile. She wore a white tank top, black pants, and black boots and a sexy little smile before she leaned forward and certain intentions danced in her eyes.
"Time to boost your powers then," Kitty purred in his ear and Harry to the message once more.
Black Widow watched the scene from her perch point from a tree house across the mansion and could hardly believe that anyone could have sex for this long, for so often. Granted, the Black Widow enjoyed a good romp in the bedroom as much as the next person but this Harry Potter was a machine. He seemed to be built for giving women pleasure and she watched, so far his partners were teenage girls, which didn't really give her sufficient data to see how well he could pleasure a woman.
It was hard to gather such information from mere observation but the Black Widow did her best to watch intently, each and every moment. Perhaps it had been too long since she had some direct action herself but she strongly considered going in for some more in depth research.
Only when the time was right, she reminded herself. Skills of seduction were one of the prime tools in her toolbox her spy and Natasha Romanov prided herself well on those seductive skills. Said skills milked the information out of many crucial informants and if they were stubborn Natasha milked a few other things from them as well.
Sometimes, they were putty in her hands after a little shot, show a man a little leg or a flash of a breast, rub him against him and get him hot and bothered, and he would ready to spill his inner most secrets. Natasha drugged these people and got on with her life.
Other times, she had to be more creative with her missions but that creativity allowed her to go in deep. It was why Nick Fury trusted her as one of his top spies. She could get the information that most could not and many men wilted like a flower to spill their secrets.
Right now, Natasha tugged the collar of her cat suit when she continued to watch and felt a heat rising between her legs, when she summarized that when the subject was active, he gave off a strong allure that drove women wild. Especially so the more that she watched, or at least that's she summarized. Without a closer inspection, the Black Widow only could go off of guess work. She subconsciously played with the zipper of her suit and continued to watch closely.
The only thing of note other than Mr. Potter's prolific bedroom life was Jean Grey had not returned from her sabbatical but another team of agents sighted Jean, moving from motel room to motel room, not really speaking to anyone. When the time was right, she would return but SHIELD knew that if someone captured Jean Grey, there would be trouble. So they make sure no one got close enough to try.
Black Widow continued to monitor the situation at hand, carefully watching it unfold.
"I do thank you for accompanying me on this trip, especially when it is on such short notice all things considered. I do hope that you will elect a better reaction from her, as she has attacked all who have tried to reason and reconcile with her. "
This particular statement was one that intrigued Harry Potter although to be honest his intrigue began when Xavier asked him to come with him on a mission to visit a young girl who had been locked away in a mental institute. That raised many questions in the mind of Harry Potter, some that he could not begin to consider. Harry wondered why but Xavier told him that this young girl had powers that was not too similar to his own. Magic warped reality in any number of ways but this girl had the potential to take the warping of reality to entirely different levels so Harry found himself intrigued.
He wanted to know even more.
The orderlies nodded at Xavier; after all they knew him all too well from previous visits but they cast a reluctant eye towards Harry. Harry was a new person who showed up, a bit of a wild card so to speak, so they had no idea what to expect from him. For a brief second, Harry wondered if they were going to turn him away, perhaps for his own protection.
Xavier, true to form, was prompt and quick to speak up, his eyes focused on the orderlies before they nodded.
"Young Harry is here to in the hope that she'll react better to a member of her peer group," Xavier answered while Harry followed Xavier in, the wheelchair leading the way.
Behind a glass wall sat a young girl around Harry's age, maybe a year or so younger, but rather close to it. The girl had dark hair and was dressed in ragged clothes, with a collar around her neck and bracelets on her hands. Still, Harry wondered if these trinkets kept her in place very well, especially if someone like that put her mind to escaping. Harry sensed she had power, the type of power that was scary, uncontrollable. In fact, Harry knew all too well what could happen when someone's magic blew up and became unrefined.
"Wanda, hello, I'm sorry it took so long before I returned," Xavier answered in his usual cordial and diplomatic tone of voice but Harry privately wondered if Wanda believed he had good intentions or not. "I've brought a friend for you to meet. Wanda, this is Harry Potter, Harry, this is Wanda Maximoff."
"How are you doing?" Harry asked when his eyes gazed upon Wanda's but her black orbs said nothing.
Wanda considered this young man before her, he seemed nice, but after all that happened to her, she was automatically suspicious of everyone. Her own father locked in inside this mental institution because she could not be controlled, while her brother watched him, not able to speak one word to her defense. In her minds eye, she saw the needle and her begging for them to come back, that she would be good, but then there was nothing but darkness.
As for Xavier, Wanda mistrusted him because for seven years he visited her and claimed that he would do what he could to make her stay more comfortable. That did not turn out so well. The staff at this place seemed apathetic at best to her, unable to care about her plight. Her powers fluctuated more often than note whilst Wanda attempted to reign them in but without the control, anyone in her way would get hurt.
People branded her as a monster, but she was a scared fifteen year old girl who wanted some sense of sanity and security in her world. A world that crumbled underneath her feet more and more with each passing moment.
Harry peered back at her with his green eyes but Wanda still regarded everyone outside the glass as suspicious, the orderlies, the doctors, the security, Xavier, everyone was a reminder that they could be out there. They could leave any time they wanted and she was stuck in here.
"I know you're trying to be polite, I know he put you up to it," Wanda commented to finally break the silence when her eyes met Harry. She did not even look at Xavier when she talked about him, focusing her gaze firmly upon Harry.
"You've...been in here for a very long time, haven't you?" Harry asked Wanda and Wanda paused to consider the question. "You don't have to answer it..."
"Seven long years, and nothing's changed," Wanda answered when Harry finally looked at her. A bit of a pained smile crossed Wanda's face when she still tried to shut out the pain of what was happening. "Except for the dosage of drugs they put in me."
Harry made a mental note to have a word with Xavier about this to see if he could convince the orderlies not to do anything more regarding injecting things into Wanda. He was pretty sure that drugging some young mutant who had magical abilities like she had a mental illness was not helping with the stability of her powers. Harry tried to swing the conversation away from these potentially dangerous waters towards a more calm way, so Wanda did not get upset.
"It doesn't get any easier," Harry said to her in a patient voice but Wanda's eyes snapped at his face, annoyance flickered through them when she stared down Harry.
"Don't pretend you know where I'm coming from, you wouldn't know what it's like to be judged insane by your powers," Wanda told her, she got a bit testy but she was not attacking him yet. Both Xavier and Harry saw that was a good sign.
Harry leaned forward towards the cell before he looked Wanda dead on in the eye with calm intentions before he spoke.
"Yes, I know all about it, a few of my classmates said that I was evil because I talked to snakes."
"Really and did you tell them to kill or hurt people?" Wanda asked, curiosity getting the better of her. She somehow thought Harry was telling the truth although she had no idea why she felt she could trust Harry in telling the truth.
"No, I didn't," Harry responded to her and Wanda responded with a sigh, she figured people would be this stupid about powers. People tended to fear what they could not understand. "I know you're upset about what happened...but your anger causes your powers to go all out of whack."
Wanda knew that Harry knew what he was talking about but it was hard to keep a distinct hold of her anger after everything was happening. Especially when she knew that her father was out there, she heard a few words about the incident at Asteroid M and it was not that hard to put two and two together.
"If I come back and help you figure out a way to control your powers, will you cooperate?" Harry asked Wanda and she stared at him, wondering about how much she could trust in him.
Wanda paused when she considered Harry's proposal, she had a feeling that she should hear him out about this. She simply had one pressing question that she posed to Harry, eyes firmly locked onto his before she spoke.
"Will I get out of here if my powers gain control?"
Harry shook his head when he looked at Wanda before he offered an honest explanation. "I can't really decide that but perhaps if you have less episodes with what's happening, then they'll be more inclined to give you freedom."
Wanda appreciated his optimism even if she did not share it but she placed her hands on the other side of the wall, leaning back nice and hard. The young magical mutant looked back at the other young magical mutant, their eyes locked onto each other.
"At least you're honest," Wanda mumbled when she brushed her hands through her hair and sighed.
The two made light conversation for a while until the session was up and Harry paused before he gave Wanda a smile.
"I'll be back next time, I promise."
Wanda tried not to look too hopeful because that was something that would make a fool out of her. Still, that was something that she hung her hopes on and hoped that Harry returned the next time Xavier showed up. At least she had something to look forward to other than Xavier's shallow reassurances about how he would work to get out of here. After seven years, she heard enough about that song and dance not to believe it.
The latest patrol of Spider-Man had a few petty robberies that he broke up but there was nothing that the web slinger had not fought before. The web head paused ready to head on home for dinner and he would get in early tonight. That was something that was surprising for most nights Spider-Man found himself out there rather late and got the third degree from Aunt May.
It was a wonder that Aunt May did not figure out anything about his other life although if she had, Spider-Man had no idea. Given his guilt about what happened to Uncle Ben, Spider-Man could not help but feel bad about Aunt May if she found out. Would she even speak to him if she knew the role that he played by letting that guy get away?
A cry for help cut this thought process out and the web slinger turned his head around before he spun around to get closer and closer. The web slinger moved through the opening window when he moved closer, to see a young girl who grimaced and whined. She seemed hurt although how Spider-Man did not know. Rather he swung forward to conduct his hero duty.
"Hang on," Spider-Man told the girl in a reassuring voice when he dropped down to consider her. Before he could help her, his spider sense went wild and a blaring echoed through the back of his head.
The web slinger saw a pedlum swing towards him and the girl disappeared, before a familiar laugh echoed through his ears, taunting him, and tormenting him all of the way. The web slinger ducked and rolled out of the way before the one thought entered his mind.
'Great, I've been bamboozled with another Mysterio trick.'
The web slinger bounced back up to see the whirling blades and the flame throwers appear, most of them were optical illusions but every now and again there was a real weapon. Spider-Man focused long enough to trust his spider sense, that would be his guide, his best friend in the coming battle. The web head ducked and rolled before he saw the man in question.
"Alright, Beck, show's over!" Spider-Man yelled when he moved over towards Mysterio to engage the master of illusion in combat. "I don't know if the air underneath that fishbowl of yours is getting thin but..."
Spider-Man could not even finish that thought for a charging figure rushed him and knocked the web slinger to the side with a thunderous fury. The web slinger crashed down on the ground and the monstrous Rhino turned around to face him. The web head dodged another attack when Rhino moved at him and Rhino crashed against a stack of cracks.
"Where did you come from?" Spider-Man asked when he felt the stabbing pain in his side from when Rhino hit him.
"Jersey," Rhino grunted before he rushed Spider-Man once again but the web slinger shot straight lines of webbing from his web shooters and wrapped around Rhino before he blinded him.
Rhino swung around before Spider-Man smashed him into a wall to knock him down but a jolt of
electricity caused him to jump across the ground.
'Electro too, what is it, is there some kind of super villain convention in town?' Spider-Man thought when Electro fired lighting bolt after lighting bolt at the web slinger who dodged the attacks with expert precision. The web slinger rolled out of the way.
"Shocked to see me, Spider-Man," Electro taunted him when he rubbed his fingers together to send a jolt of electricity towards him. The web head dodged every single attack before the web slinger ran up the walls and dropped down to the ground. "I'm sure you're amped up to see me but that's not going to stop me from showing watts watt."
"Oh for the love of...no...just no with the puns," Spider-Man answered when he dodged the attack and rolled around to avoid each blast of electricity.
Spider-Man swung and and knocked Electro back into the wall to cause him to crash down hard to the ground. The web slinger tried to move around but the pile of dirt came to life before two large sand hammers shot out of the ground. The hammers connected with the side of Spider-Man's head to send him flying backwards. The web slinger crashed down against the wall.
Sandman fully formed to face Spider-Man and he swung his hammers but the web head ducked, caught completely off guard by Sandman's return.
"What's the matter, webs, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Sandman taunted when he rose up and grabbed Spider-Man around his fist. The web slinger struggled when Sandman tightened his grip around him.
'Great, I feel like an extra in a King Kong movie,' Spider-Man thought when the giant Sandman lifted him up in his fist and held up the web head towards his mouth. 'Oh this is going to be so wrong, on so many levels.'
Sandman popped the web slinger in his mouth and shoved him down his throat. The web slinger was trapped inside the form of Sandman where he suffocated. Fortunately, the web slinger punched out of him before he webbed onto a metal hook and pulled it forward. The hook ripped through Sandman and send the sand flying back every which direction.
The web head dropped down to the ground when he began to hack up sand over and over again.
'Now I know what cats feel like when they have hair balls,' Spider-Man thought to himself when he shook his head and knew that it was going to be a bitch to get all of the sand out of his costume.
Spider-Man turned around but once again his spider sense went wild just in time to see a large green tail swing out from nowhere. The web head had the presence of mind to duck before he scaled the wall to see the Scorpion stand there. The Scorpion aimed his tail before he shot an acidic substance from it. The wall crawler avoided the attack.
'Scorpion, Sandman, Electro, Rhino, and Mysterio,' Spider-Man thought when he shook his head. 'Where do these guys meet, some kind of online dating service or something?"
"Going to die now, web slinger,' Scorpion grunted when he aimed the tail but the web slinger shot a line of webbing and blocked it.
"No, not today, my life insurance premium hasn't kicked in yet," Spider-Man responded before he slid underneath the attack of Scorpion.
Scorpion smashed his way towards Spider-Man but the web slinger avoided the attack. Electro moved back and Spider-Man had to attack him.
Mysterio waved his cape and several robotic bats shot out to go after the web slinger, cheering wildly.
'It's official, I hate bats,' Spider-Man thought before he swung around and maneuvered Electro's attacks so they blew them up.
Spider-Man dropped down and faced his five enemies when suddenly something new attacked him. A metal arm shot out from the side and nearly nipped him in the backside but the web slinger dodged the attack, ducking and rolling before he ran up the wall and dropped down to fight his new enemy.
The man was dressed in a black trenchcoat with a grey undershirt and black pants with four metal limbs going from either side. His hair was short, black, and greasy and he wore a pair of sunglasses on his face.
"Well you're new, who are you supposed to be?" Spider-Man asked before he paused and looked at his limbs. "No, let me guess, you're the Tentacle Monster."
"You may call me Doctor Octopus," Ock stated when he raised his robotic arms and buzzsaws started at the end of them. "Know it well, arachnid, for it will be the name of the one who will annihilate you!"
Spider-Man stared down his enemy before he dove into the attack and dodged the arms one at a time, when the other members of this sinister group of six super villains surrounded him. "I for one I am happy that there's someone out there who finally knows that spiders are arachnids and not insects."
The wall crawler dodged the attacks one at a time as they stabbed towards him but they were getting closer and closer.
"You know with those arms, if the super villain thing doesn't pan out, you'll have a career in hentai ahead of you."
Doctor Octopus blocked the babbling out of his mind before he continued to spear his tentacles towards the web head again and again, with the web slinger dodging each and every individual attacks. The web slinger moved around for the attacks and ran up the wall to avoid his attacks. They continued to smash and swing at him.
"Come on, step on a spider, win a cookie!" Spider-Man taunted him when he waved his hands.
"I'll squash the bug," Rhino offered when he cracked his knuckles but Spider-Man dodged the attacks.
"Scatter," Doctor Octopus stated and the six members scattered.
'I can't defeat these guys, not head on,' Spider-Man thought when he noted the water sprinklers above and his eyes diverted to Electro.
Water added to electricity equals the perfect method for escape, at least in Spider-Man's mind. He took careful aim and used the web lines to yank open the sprinklers closest to Electro. It would not kill them given what he studied about how Electro's powers worked, at least he did not think so, but it would give them a nice shock.
"Move you fool!"
It was too late, as the water splashed Electro and short circuited him one hundred percent of the way. The web slinger made his get away when the group of super villains were momentarily inconvenienced by what went down.
Mysterio was the first to recover so he turned to Doctor Octopus.
"Now what?"
Doctor Octopus was not disturbed by this rather he sensed this an an opportunity.
"A minor setback, if Spider-Man thinks that we're going to be defeated that easily, he's sorely mistaken. Next time, we'll trap him in a place where he cannot exploit such an obvious weakness against one of our own. But as of now, let him catch his breath, it will make the hunt even more rewarding."
"Has there been any hint to where Jean's been?" Scott asked Xavier, but Xavier shook his head.
"I'm afraid there hasn't been any hint whatsoever, Scott," Xavier answered Scott when his eyes were on him. "Jean is on the move but there is no hint that she is in danger. If she is, I would hope that she would find a way to contact us."
"If she's able to," Scott answered with skepticism when he looked out into the distance.
The problem was that there seemed to be one misfortune after another regarding Scott, when he tried to grow into the roll of a leadership. Indecision was a big problem of his, making the right decision in a snap was something that failed him constantly time and time again. Scott understood that there was one member of this team who the others looked to to make the decisions, especially the younger recruits.
Scott found it the ultimate irony that the one person who people thought would lead this team was the one person who did not lead this team in any way whatsoever. The young mutant rubbed the side of his temples, he vowed to step up his game in an attempt to assure the role of leadership. In some way, he felt like he let Professor Xavier down.
After everything that Xavier did for him, that was one point that Scott could not properly reconcile in his mind. The fact of the matter was that each failure might have been a reflection on Xavier in its own way because it was Xavier who put so much faith in Scott. Yet, Scott faltered as he was unable to make the right decisions.
Unknowing to this, Harry and Rachel left after another session to put Harry's fractured mind back together.
'The fact is that this Riddle was a disturbing individual, but one cannot deny that he was resourceful,' Rachel thought to Harry carefully with a smile as they walked. 'He didn't allow himself to be defined by what other people thought were limits."
"But there were times where he went too far,' Harry thought when he remembered and Rachel responded with a crisp nod as she lightly rested her hand on Harry's.
'That's the problem, isn't it?' Rachel thought before she pulled herself out of the mental link she established and turned to Scott.
It was difficult to see him every day after everything that happened but Rachel decided to coexist with him for the time being. As she reminded herself, everything that Scott did, was yet to transpire at all. So an open mind was something Rachel needed if she was going to be able to exist in the future. She offered him a polite smile and a nod.
"Scott," Harry answered to him when he stared Scott down.
Scott decided to ask the one person who might know something about Jean, swallowing his pride when he did so. His eyes fixed on Harry before he stated one single question.
"Did you by any chance hear anything about Jean?"
Harry sensed the desperation in the voice of Scott, the fact that was one situation that he lost control of. Although to be fair, Harry thought that what Jean was going through was something that could not be pinned on Scott at all. In fact, what Jean was going through was a byproduct of everything that transpired through her life and demons she tried to lock away, with help from Xavier.
The Phoenix Force was unlike anything that Harry had ever heard about and when Harry inquired about the subject to Strange, Strange could only tell him about the legends surrounding it. There was nothing in the realm of undisputed facts and more about legend, rumors and myths. If Harry hoped to ever help Jean, he needed to find out more about the Phoenix Force and if it overwhelmed her, Harry needed to find out a way to shut it down. Right now, a temporary ceasefire was all that Harry could hope for.
"I wish I did, Scott, but honestly I haven't," Harry answered him in a tense and honest voice when he looked at him. "Jean's...she's going through a difficult time."
"What did you see in there?" Scott asked before he could help himself.
Harry's stern gaze fixed on Scott and it was Rachel who was the one who enlightened Scott on the faux pas that he committed.
"The mind is a private thing and should only be invaded when it is absolutely necessary. When I took Harry into Jean's mind weeks back, it was to save her from getting torn up. Trust me, there was no other way, Jean would have destroyed everyone before she was ripped apart. Starting with you and Xavier, and I believe I saved your life."
Scott felt properly reprimanded but he felt so frustrated not to mention helpless. There was a moment where things hung awkwardly and the two parties stared back down at each other before they went their separate ways.
Harry could not spare the slightest second that he had about worrying about the mental torment Scott was going through. He was not the X-Men therapist, actually having a therapist would be the best thing all things considered.
He stood by Rachel before the two parted ways, Rachel made her way towards the Danger Room training session and Harry prepared to watch the Danger Room training session that Rachel was in along with the rest of the new recruits.
Watching their mistakes allowed him to grow stronger and fine tune himself, figure out his own mistakes and figure out how to better himself. Being a teacher was very much different than being a student, with different changes, but Harry observed the changes that he underwent and hoped to continue to grow. He offered a bit of theory on how their powers worked but Harry knew better than anyone else that there was no substitute for practical experience.
Kurt stood next to Harry.
"Hey Kurt, here to take a look at the new recruits?" Harry asked to Kurt and Kurt took a long pause before he looked at Harry.
"Actually, there's something I need to talk to you about," Kurt responded and Harry was all ears. "There's...this girl in my class..."
"Kurt, just talk to her, if something's going to happen," Harry answered before he waved off anything before Kurt went any further.
Kurt thought that it could not be that simple but at the same time if Harry said it was, then it was worth a shot. What was the worst that could happen after all, actually Kurt spent a fair lot of time thinking about the worst that could happen. That was a scary thought that rattled the fun loving mutant to his very core and made him wonder, made him squirm even.
Harry turned his attention towards the Danger Room and allowed everything to sink in when the latest training session began. He would get some time in there before too long. Rogue, Kitty, Ororo, Xavier, Logan, and Scott, although with his mind elsewhere, popped up. He blocked all thoughts out of his mind when Rogue and Kitty stood next to him to watch Harry watch the latest training session.
"Okay, this time we're going to get through this," Bobby remarked to the rest of the team from within the Danger Room.
"Didn't you say that last time before everything to screwed up?" Jubilee asked him.
"Hey, have some faith," Bobby responded when Amara turned to him to watch him.
"Yeah, faith, let's hope you don't lose your head this time," Amara answered to him.
"Hey, he jumped a few inches to the left when he should have gone right," Tabby jumped in when the rest of the team nodded.
"So, are we going to do this thing or are we just going to stand here?" Sam asked.
"Hey, we've got this one in the bad, I have a feeling this session's going to be a lucky one," Bobby stated when he rubbed his hands together.
"Danger Room training session, simulator thirteen, beginning."
Bobby stood up when he peered off into the distance, why did the number thirteen just give him a bad omen? There was no thinking about that, he lead the rest of his team into action, hopefully they did not trip over each other in their attempt to get a good review. Harry told them to stop doing that, albeit in a good nature way.
Logan on the other hand told them to knock it off and quit clowning around, and do the session before he amped up the difficulty.
The Sinister Six surrounded their hostage, Norman Osborn in the top floor of Oscorp, secured to the chair by his abductors. They jumped him in his office and there he was.
"You won't get away with this," Norman threatened Ock when he stared down his rogue employee but Ock chuckled when he looked back at Osborn.
"We cannot get more trite and played if we try," Ock commented when his gaze flickered towards Norman before he continued to speak. "Respectable businessman Norman Osborn is the perfect hostage for Spider-Man to save. You are the perfect bait, Osborn, but remember, accidents will happen."
Norman growled when he tried to lift his bound wrists but found that was a futile endeavor. As long as these ropes binded Osborn to the chair, he was not going anywhere and his fury bubbled, angered about being so helpless. Osborn's eyes flickered in disgust when he tried to lift his wrists but found him unable to break free.
"Let us try to extort money out of him whilst we have him captured," Mysterio suggested when his gaze flickered towards Osborn from behind the fishbowl. Osborn's hateful glare reflected back towards Mysterio, it was obvious that helplessness was not something that Osborn did rather well. Time stood still while the Sinister Six considered their options, waited and watched for the web head to show up.
The wait was not long, rather the web slinger swung his way towards the windows and made his way inside. The Sinister Six made themselves rather scarce when Spider-Man moved inside and approached Osborn.
"Get me out of here," Osborn growled and Spider-Man moved over to untie Norman.
He had a feeling that this was a trap but in true super hero fashion, Spider-Man made his way inside never the less.
The spider sense blared to life when a burst of electricity shot out but the web slinger avoided an attack before he ducked and rolled out of the way. Electro moved towards the battle, Scorpion followed, Sandman appeared from a potted plant on the desk behind Osborn, and Mysterio flew in on a disc to face him.
"So, you guys again, wasn't the beating I gave you earlier tonight enough?" Spider-Man asked, when he felt braver than he actually was.
"Your recollection of events lacks accuracy," Doctor Octopus stated before he tried to stab Spider-Man with his arms but the web slinger dodged. Osborn was in the middle but Spider-Man tried to take this battle to a venue that would be more of an advantage for him; easier said than done, but he had to try.
Spider-Man ran up the walls, he could not even pause enough to throw down a snappy retort, for he was being given the run around.
"Forget it web slinger, strength comes in our numbers," Mysterio taunted when several bright bulbs shot from his cape to blind Spider-Man.
This statement from Mysterio, as over the top as it was, gave the web head the perfect inspiration. He had it on him, thankfully he exhibited the foresight to pack it otherwise he would be up a crick without a paddle. The X-Men communicator was in his hand and Spider-Man pressed a button to call them.
"Hello...guys...I could really..."
Ock pulled the communicator from his hand and flung it across the room. Then Ock grabbed Spider-Man in a titanic grip with one arm before the point of another arm moved down.
"Osborn, if you wanted a blood sample, you'll have all that you can handle in mere moments," Ock answered when Spider-Man struggled when the scientist tried to stab Spider-Man in the heart with the end of his robotic arm.