Pietro took a step back when he was caught off guard by his sister's sudden appearance and boy was she angry. The rage flashing through her eyes was rather prominent. Actually her being angry did not even begin to cover the perilous situation that Wanda was in. The young woman took a step back and glared at her brother who waved his hands in a distinct "I surrender" matter.
"Hey, Wanda, no, Wanda, it's….."
"Okay, Wanda calm down, it's obvious that Pietro's here for a good reason," Kitty stated, hoping that Harry would return before too long from wherever he was.
"Yeah, where is your fearless leader?" Pietro asked when he turned his head around from one side to the other. He took a step forward and shuddered when he saw his sister's glare on him. It was at this point where the silver haired speedster knew that there was a good reason why Wanda was locked up; not that he'd ever admit that out loud to her because he kind of valued his life.
"Is there a problem?"
Scott showed up to stare down Pietro but then he looked at him staring him down. The two mutants from rival factions stared at each other, neither of them backing down from the other at this point in time. If looks could kill both Cyclops and Quicksilver would be six feet underground.
"Where's Potter, I need to speak with your leader," Pietro stated when the fastest mutant alive looked at Scott but the would be leader of the X-Men stepped forward.
"Harry's not here," Scott stated when his gaze burned a whole through Pietro who threw his hands up into the air and shrugged his shoulders. He was fully aware that Wanda's glare was still on him which made him watch his step and more importantly his words.
"Look, there's someone who attacked us, some nut on a glider, he got the rest of my team, he's….the Green Goblin I think he said, he was completely insane, he hates all mutants, he thought that we were you, so this is all your fault, so you have to fix it, and if you don't….well you will won't you because you're the X-Men and fixing things is what you do, I mean I could just be rambling right here, but…."
"Fine, this Green Goblin, we'll help you," Scott responded but it was at this point where Harry returned and spotted Pietro. The mutant never felt more grateful to see Harry Potter in his life.
"There you are, thank God, I thought I was going to have to deal with Summers for a little bit," Pietro answered when he looked at Harry who took a step back and surveyed him. A questioning expression went in Harry's eyes. "Green Goblin, Green Goblin, that guy, he's nuts, and on a glider, he throws exploding pumpkins, he got my team, Sin will kill me, all of us, and that Taskmaster guy, he'll kill us after she does when we get back, this is the worst thing that has ever happened, I can't believe this…."
Harry slapped Pietro in the face in mid-stream to stop him from rambling.
"Thanks man, I needed that," Pietro stated when he rubbed his cheek before he stepped a little bit back to look around, his eyes darting wildly from side to side. "You've got to blast him with that magic."
"How do we know this isn't one of your inane Brotherhood plots?" Rogue asked, and Kurt looked at Pietro, suspicion dancing from his eyes.
"Yeah, that's a good question, how do we know this isn't some kind of game to lure us all over there and…WHAM!" Kurt yelled punching the air for emphasis but Pietro shook his head, Harry could hear his heart thumping into his chest at super speed.
"No, man, this is the real deal, I swear on it, scout's honor, and all that, I would never double deal you with something like this," Pietro answered but before anyone could suggest any course of action, Harry felt a psychic call in the back of his head.
"Harry, what is it?" Kitty asked she almost could sense Harry felt something and she could tell Rogue did. The New Mutants showed up, as did Logan, Ororo, and Hank.
"Could anyone please explain what is going on?" Hank asked, the furry blue mutant looking confused at the situation and Harry decided to bring him up to speed.
"Jean's been captured, so has Rachel, I'm going there now to see if I can find them, you guys deal with that Goblin," Harry answered when he looked in the sky.
"If Jean's been captured, I'm coming too," Scott stated when he looked at Harry, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
Harry turned to Scott, a firm and burning glaze was in his eyes. He could tell that Scott wanted to endear himself to Jean.
"It's too dangerous," Harry replied to Scott but that was around the wrong things to say to the mutant. Scott's eyes flickered when he turned to face Harry and his breath hitched in.
"You don't think I can handle this?"
"It's not the matter of what you can handle Summers, so pull your head out of your ass and think for a minute, I think Sinister is involved, you know Nathaniel Essex, the guy who nearly had us killed a while back," Harry stated in an annoyed voice when he rocked back and forth a little bit on his heels.
"If you…you need back up, Rogue and I will come with you," Kitty answered but Scott seemed to assert himself as team leader at the worst possible time.
"I'm coming with."
The dark haired mage threw his hands into the air in frustration; fine, it would be on his own head.
"I'll come," Wanda answered, not wanting to trust herself to be in the same room with her brother at this moment, seeing the mirror reflection of her loathed father.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked when he looked at Wanda.
"Positive," Wanda stated when she looked at Harry before the two of them walked out together, with Kitty, Rogue, and Scott following. The dark haired wizard tracked the location of them, before engulfing them in the teleportation field and they disappeared to go outside of the facility.
No sooner did Harry leave, they heard this.
The Green Goblin yelled this at the top of his lungs, flinging pumpkin bombs at the front of the Mansion, blowing it up with expert precision and destructive insanity, when he glided in.
Logan tried to attack the Green Goblin but a wave of energy shot from the monster's hand, to send the man down on the ground. Storm tried to use lightning to take down the Green Goblin but while he grimaced, he hurled a green wire from his glove to wrap around him and drop to the ground.
The New Mutants tried to attack the Green Goblin, with Bobby freezing him in place so Tabitha could nail him with one of her cherry bombs but the Goblin broke out. A dozen Multiple dupes dive bombed him, but the Goblin shrugged him off, and knocked Cannonball off. Electricity seemed to have a bit better effect on the Goblin but it was not enough to take him down for good.
The New Mutants were bound on the ground, unable to break free of their bindings, before they rolled over, trying to get out of their attack. The Goblin laughed at the top of his lungs before he saw Xavier try to use his mind reading powers.
"Really, that's rude," Green Goblin responded when he blew Xavier back in his wheel chair and knocked him out. "My mind is stronger than yours, Chucko….in fact, let's go for a spin, so I can tell you why I'm going to kill your little X-Brats."
Goblin flung the bombs over his shoulder and they connected to the ground with a solid explosion, ringing out. He flung Xavier over his shoulder and shot out through the windows, laughing all the way.
The New Mutants and the X-Men were all down, with Kurt seeing the bomb on the ground. Immediately he grabbed it and teleported out of the Institute, before he returned, just in time too.
He collapsed and now the Green Goblin had Xavier, but they noticed that Logan and Ororo managed to follow him. The X-Men tried to shake off their wounds.
They honestly had no idea what hit them but it was dangerous.
"This is the place?"
"Yes, this is where they were trapped, looks like a real horror show," Harry remarked when Kitty and Rogue shuddered.
"No kidding," Kitty offered when her eyes closed in a pained expression.
The four X-Men moved inside, with Harry looking through the windows and seeing the Marauders inside, he could have sworn that he took care of these guys already but there they were. They stood tall and ugly, well that was just Blockbuster and now many questions moved through the mage's mind.
A blast of light knocked him down and Kitty reached through the wall, pulling the large ugly mutant out, before he dropped to the ground after she buried his head inside, causing him to suffocate. Before Harry could offer the next movement, Scott entered inside which tended to be a bit sooner than the young wizard would have liked. Rogue, Kitty, and Harry followed him inside but then a towering presence looked over them.
"Greetings children, I've been expecting you."
Harry, Kitty, Rogue, and Scott turned their heads before they saw him; dressed completely in black with glowing red eyes and fearsome fangs, he was a sight to behold. Nathaniel Essex, Mister Sister, was the things that nightmares were made of and the dark haired wizard turned to face him.
"Where is Jean?" Scott asked when he looked at Sinister, but Sinister dismissed him with a wave of a hand and a blast of his hand to send him flying backwards.
"So impudent, but then again, that goes on the Summers family tree, you and your brothers," Sinister stated when he looked at Scott who looked confused at the word "brothers" and turned around, trying to find a way back to his feet but he slumped down to the ground once again. "But you're not the one I've been waiting to see."
Harry did not even wait for Sinister to finish; rather he sent a blast of golden light at the demented Darwinist but Sinister absorbed the attack before he fired back at Harry. With quick precision the mage dodged and sent a blast of green light towards him but once again a shield appeared around Sinister's body, absorbing it. There was a grimace of pain which broke his telekinetic field and injured him slightly but did not kill him.
"Impressive, that was a curse that would have killed someone that is not evolved, perhaps we are more alike than you could ever know," Sinister stated when he stared down Harry, showing all his twisted teeth in a smile.
"Harry's not a damn think like you, creep!" Kitty yelled when she looked at him, and once again, Harry blasted him.
"Really, entering my house and calling me names, perhaps someone should teach you some manners," Sinister stated in a sadistic voice before he used his telekinetic powers to hold Harry, Rogue, Kitty, and Scott at bay. "Yes, only the fittest survive and only…."
A telekinetic blast from afar knocked Sinister around enough for Harry to spring up and grab him by the throat, before he flew him through the wall. He could tell this sadistic scientist was strong but the power of magic increased Harry's strength.
A miniature explosion echoed when Harry put Sinister through the wall. He was about ready to go in for the kill but they he stopped, seeing something out of the corner of his eye.
'No way.'
Harry could see it but he could not believe it, there was Sirius Black in a tube, in suspended animation. Strange and Harry thought that there was no way that Sirius could have survived but yet there he was in that tube. He wondered about it, wondered if there was a trick or if it was something else. At this point, Harry was uncertain what he wanted to really believe.
Sinister's attack cut Harry out of his musing but a shield appeared around the mage to block the attack; his powers copying the defensive process that the scientist put inside himself.
The two locked in a stalemate, neither backing down.
"It seems that we're in an impasse," Sinister stated when both he and the wizard before him, stared down at each other with blood shot eyes. The scientist turned into a black ink and oozed into the vent, he had what he wanted, the DNA of Jean Grey.
Scott, Rogue, and Kitty entered the area to see Harry. The brunette mutant stopped when she looked at Harry and grabbed her hand.
"Is that…."
Harry nodded with Kitty and Rogue looking at Sirius in the tube, it appeared that the lights were on but no one was home. The dark haired wizard moved over to see what was happening and went into the next room to see Jean and Rachel.
Vertigo sent a wave of effects towards them all, when she was waiting but Harry stood on his feet, blocking the attack before he blasted her back.
Scott gave a pained grimace when Harpoon stabbed a super charged spear into his back but Harry blew up the spear in his hand before he could attack Kitty or Rogue. The leader of the X-Men dropped to the ground, blood dripping from underneath his shirt but before anyone could attack him, Arclight moved in.
"I've got this one," Rogue answered when she dove at the woman, smashing her through the wall.
It seemed like the longer she was with Harry, she was developing some kind of super strength and limited flight powers. It actually made her feel a bit better in a fight given the fact it allowed her to hold her own better beyond absorbing people's powers.
Riptide moved in but Rachel popped in, after Wanda freed her and Jean was freed as well, she knocked him down for the count. He took a very long nap on the ground, with Jean making sure that he did not wake up to hurt anyone again.
"We'll get Scott and Sirius out of her to get medical attention, but we've got to find Sinister, he can't have escaped!" Harry yelled when he moved out but then Kitty stopped and stared at a tank with a purple dragon inside it. She paused and looked at it and Harry looked at her, when she looked at him with imploring eyes.
"Harry, look at that, there's no way a cute little guy like that should be in a lab here like this," Kitty answered when she looked at Harry. "Do you think we can…rescue him?"
Kitty looked at Harry with puppy dog eyes and so did the dragon. Harry threw his hands up in the air in what would be defeat.
"Take him back to the Institute, with the other two, Jean, Rachel, Rogue, you can help me search for Sinister and any of his other flunkies," Harry responded when he looked over his shoulder before the five of them moved out.
Scott was in pretty bad shape, Sirius was worse, in fact Sirius was not able to get out of there. Jean kept her mind, she was certain Sinister took DNA from her, but for what purpose, she did not know. She got a brief look around his lab and saw the different types of mutant DNA on file.
They searched the facility, with Harry taking the research that he could find but he did not find Sinister anywhere. He flew the coup so to speak.
"It's your wake up call, Spidey, don't you want to be up and about for your demise?"
Spider-Man was strung upside down, wrapped in wires before the Green Goblin looked in his face, a sadistic expression in his eyes when he faced him. The web slinger knew one thing and one thing alone and that was no one in his right mind would want to wake up to that ugly mug.
"Dude, do you even have a breath mint?" Spider-Man asked when he tried to push himself free but found his arms and legs slacked. "What did…what's the point in this?"
"You failed to save Norman Osborn, the X-Men failed to save Norman Osborn, and now I'm going to make you all pay," the Green Goblin stated with his eyes dancing with malice. "Now, I understand that you….Spider-Man, you web slinging wonder, think that you can stop me but you'll find escape to be quite difficult."
"You know, people like you, you run your mouth but I'd like to see a bit more action," Spider-Man managed when he tried to use his spider strength to break free, but the web slinger found himself unable to break free.
The web slinger looked at the Green Goblin in his eyes and saw that this deranged nut was completely and utterly insane; he was going to kill the web slinger. Escape was something that was more than difficult and the web slinger wondered if he could find any easy way out. Yet there was no easy way not and Spider-Man tried to push himself against the bindings.
Xavier tried to wake up but the Green Goblin turned to face him, a sadistic expression in his eyes.
"So tell me Xavier, how does it feel to be completely helpless and at the power of another man, unable to do anything to stop your mind being utterly wrecked?" Green Goblin asked when he placed his hands around the throat of Xavier. "It's not that fun, is it? It's not a barrel of laughs, isn't it?"
"I don't know…." Xavier managed but the Green Goblin clapped one hand on his mouth.
Xavier knew one thing for sure and that was Norman Osborn flipped what passed as sanity; his mind was completely destroyed. The Headmaster of the Xavier Institute turned his head; twisting it to face his captor but there was no way out, his hands were bound to the chair, no matter how much he struggled, this was completely pointless. Not that he could walk out there in his condition to begin.
"You don't know, you don't know, such a pity, I'm sure it slipped your mind, just like the details of the X-Men slipped Norman Osborn when you wiped his memories," the Green Goblin stated when he put his hands on Xavier's face. "You remember it, don't you Chuck? Tell me, your original team, the one that you don't want to remember, they died, didn't they? And you wiped my mind because I found the truth. All of them you sent to that place, they never returned."
Xavier shook his head, he remembered this but he thought that this day was among his biggest failures; something that drove him to take more careful steps when he formed the second generation of the X-Men. Sadistic madness danced through the eyes of the Green Goblin; he knew Xavier understood himself to be guilty and he closed in for the kill, going for the throat.
"I wonder Xavier, how many people will you drive into the grave because of your dream, the foolish dream, and the inability to take the necessary actions to achieve it," the Green Goblin mused when he stared down Xavier.
Xavier tried to lift his head up proudly but the Goblin tapped on himself. He heard a creaking sound on the door and he looked up to see Arcane staring him down.
"Ah, the glorious Arcane, I must say you've been a naughty boy taking a sniff out of Uncle Normie's stash," The Green Goblin remarked when he waggled his finger and looked at Harry but the Boy-Who-Lived stood on his feet, not backing down for one second. "The joke's on you, while you might have inhaled a little bit of the joy, the Green Goblin go the entire stash."
Green Goblin shot through the air but Arcane blocked it, and two bolts of extremely powerful energy blasted against each other. The backlash caught at deranged light show with the Goblin rushing forward but Harry dodged the attack; and swept his feet out from underneath him with a well-placed tripping spell. Goblin might have had heightened resistance to magic but he was not as invulnerable as they first believed.
Storm and Wolverine popped in for the battle, with Logan diving at the Goblin, with claws bared but the sadistic super villain smacked the mutant back like he was nothing. The Goblin held his own with Storm, Wolverine, and Arcane.
A line of webbing shot around his glider and pulled it out from underneath and the Green Goblin spun around, in surprise to see Spider-Man still hanging upside down, tied up and unable to go. He saw a blonde haired girl on the catwalk above, getting way but this was all the distraction that Harry needed.
Harry blasted the Green Goblin in the back with the full force of magic he could muster, the impact repelling him back to the side. The Goblin spun around, still in it, his skin was hardened against magic, much like a dragon it seemed. Getting a full dose of the formula made the Green Goblin to be rather tough to beat but not invincible.
Green Goblin and Arcane blasted their energy bolts from their hands against each other and the two bolts collided. The two moved around, but Jean popped up and added her attack, pushing the Goblin back. Then it was Wanda, sending a hex bolt of her own into the attack. It was unrefined, a bit raw, but nevertheless it did the job and sent the Goblin flying back.
The sadistic menace propelled backwards from the impact and hit an electrical generator, causing half of the downtown area to go back. Electricity coursed through the body of the Green Goblin causing him to be charred and he screamed, electricity was the only weakness to him, it was not perfected n the goblin formula.
The naked form of Norman Osborn dropped to the ground and everyone averted their eyes away from him.
"Well there's an image that I'll be seeing in my nightmares," Jean remarked with a shudder when she looked at Norman's nude form.
Rogue and Rachel entered the room at this time but they were a bit too late to the part; the Green Goblin was already defeated and reverted back to Norman Osborn, burned and naked. Somehow, he was still breathing despite being bombarded by a lethal amount of electricity but his pupils dilated and he was in a catatonic state. At least this proved that the costume that Norman Osborn wore was not really a costume.
Harry looked at Gwen standing on the catwalk and caught her eye with a smile; the girl gave him a thumbs up as the young wizard walked over and untied Spider-Man from above.
"Yeah, I've had much better days," Spider-Man offered in a pained voice when he stepped forward and landed on his heel, turning on it when he winced. "Just got to shake off everything."
Harry knew what happened to Norman Osborn now; he sustained fatal injuries in the explosion and that twisted him into the Green Goblin before him. What Osborn became after that, well the magical mutant could not say. And given some of the rumors he heard about the businessman's practices, it did stand to reason how much of the Goblin on the inside reflected the goblin on the outside.
The new dragon that Kitty retrieved was currently sleeping outside of the medical wing of the Xavier Institute in a basket that Harry conjured but there were far more pressing problems. Scott seemed to be out of the woods for the moment although he was lucky not to have his insides splattered all over the lab by the super charged spear that he jabbed into him.
Jean stood outside of the medical wing, thinking about everything that went over in her mind but now was not the time or the place.
"Today was a tough day for all, wasn't it?" Wanda asked when she shrugged her shoulders and was actually glad to escape from the mental hospital for a little bit more, even if she got dragged in it. "It's never a dull moment with you people."
"Not here, not ever," Jean offered when she smiled.
Rogue gave a bit of a smile before she quipped. "Yeah, what is a dull moment?"
Harry stood over Sirius on the bed and the Sorcerer Supreme popped up in the flesh, performing a scan on Sirius to see what the full extent to the damage was done on him.
"The good news is that Sirius is alive," Strange answered, which caused Harry to grimace, he knew that with every bit of good news, there would come bad news. "The bad news is that the trip to the veil lapsed him into a catatonic state. He's mentally hovering an inch between life and death. There are spells to sustain him from that level but no spells could bring him back from the brink when he suffered….this is unprecedent shall we say."
Harry did not swallow this statement so easily. "You're the Sorcerer Supreme, surely could do something?"
"I will see what I can do, but any attempt to bring him back at this juncture will send him beyond and not bring him back," Strange answered Harry with a calm voice and the dark haired mage refused to believe that. It was his fault in many ways that Sirius was sent through the veil in the first place. "I will do all that I can to help you bring him back but there are some things that might beyond my control and yours as well."
Harry's face was set in a stony expression, he refused to believe it but naturally he figured Strange would have some insight. Still regardless of the fact, Harry would not rest until Sirius was brought back home and back to what would be considered to be a normal life. He refused to think Sirius was beyond all hope, there was always hope.
"I'm not going to fail him," Harry stated when he turned around, had the situation been reversed, Sirius would do what he could.
Harry understood the trip through the veil wrecked Sirius in the worst way, no one was supposed to bring him through. He wondered if any of Sinister's reseach that he acquired would help him find a way to bring Sirius back. Could science help him out where magic seemed to fail? Harry could not even begin to understand but thankfully he had a friend that was a science prodigy that would even give Reed Richards a run for his money.
Speaking of which, Harry needed to check in her straight away and he pulled out his phone to dial up Gwen.
"Hey, Gwen, how's everything going?" Harry asked her and waited for the answer.
"Peter's…he's in good spirits and….he had to spin quite the tale to his aunt, I'm pretty sure that she's getting close to figuring out his secret," Gwen remarked in an amused voice before she pushed her hands together. "And….Osborn's lapsed, he's brain dead, but they're keeping him alive as long as his estate keeps paying them money not to pull the plug."
"Gwen, I need to collaborate some research that I found, if you have the time," Harry answered and he could tell that Gwen seemed curious by the tone of her voice when she responded.
"Sure Harry, bring it over, how about on Thursday?"
"That'd be fine," Harry offered when he hung up on the phone, and Kitty, Rogue, and Rachel walked forward.
"So is everything fine?" Kitty asked when she looked at Harry.
"Not right yet but it will be," Harry answered in what he hoped was an optimistic voice although not stupidly so.
"I think we all share that hope, now that Jean's back," Rachel answered when she turned around, and Rogue nodded.
"But for how long?" Kitty asked when she shrugged and the only person who could answer turned up now.
"For a little bit…until I determine some things."
Jean offered that statement to them and Harry spent some more time with his collective but he wanted to have a word with Jean later on.
The Brotherhood rested in the totaled Boarding House, with them fearing the retribution.
"The Goblin threw some bombs at us, when he flew down the street to deal with the X-Men," Lance remarked when he rubbed his side, the pain going through it.
"Sin is going to kill us," Todd answered when Fred nodded by his side and speak of the devil, she should arrive, walking in with a purpose.
"I thought I told you to clean this place up not wreck it even more," Sin answered when a sadistic expression danced in her eyes and the Brotherhood backed up a little bit, holding their hands up in fear. She smacked them around a little bit. "Clean it up now….and don't use any powers Pietro!"
"Oh come on!" Pietro yelled when he waved his hands into the air before he backed up but Sin spoke and she was nasty as her world.
Meanwhile, she had the package, it was ready, and the X-Men would soon be powerless to stop the plans of HYDRA. This little cocktail would bring anyone and everyone with mutant powers down to their knees. At least that's what her father informed her but Sin knew better than to trust her father completely at his word. That's why she had her own plans.
The Brotherhood were left in the dark about what Sin planned but it was not like they were a vital part of her scheme either. To Sin, they were simply the dumb muscle, to be kicked around and whatever, to serve her means.
"New plan," Sin responded when she got the word. "This base has been compromised, so we're moving on."
The Brotherhood knew better than not to argue. If the X-Men came down the street or another psychotic goblin tried to kill them, they'd be gone.
Jean stood at the Xavier Institute, in many ways it was good to be home but in other ways, it felt a bit weird. She stood there, dressed in a tight black tank top that stretched around her supple curves on top and wrapped snugly around her breasts, showing nipples poking out from behind the top. Her taut midsection showcased next with a pair of jean shorts wrapped around her long shapely legs. She stood out, blowing on her lower lip and biting down when she stood out.
"Enjoying the view?"
Jean barely looked over her shoulder to know that Harry was there. She responded with a bit of a smile on her face. "Aren't you?"
"You know I am," Harry answered when he looked out to him.
"A new groundswell of confidence I see," Jean remarked lightly when she tried to piece this together and take a look at Harry. "I think a lot has changed since I left here."
"Are you trying to say that I wasn't confident?" Harry asked when he looked at Jean, half of an eyebrow raised when he stepped forward towards her. Jean reached forward, and placed a hand on his shoulder when she looked at him.
"Well you always do ooze a certain aura," Jean offered when she rolled her shoulders in a little bit of a shrug.
Harry and Jean stood next to each other, when the breeze blew with each other.
"So did you see Scott?" Harry asked when looked at Jean.
"Yeah I saw him, he looks pretty much the same after I left here," Jean answered in a joking manner when she inched a step closer to Harry.
Harry offered a question that was on his mind and Jean was kind of glad that Harry asked it. "Where do you and Scott stand?"
"Complicated," Jean offered after a moment but then she shook her head. "Actually it's not complicated….we're friends, I think we are at least. But Scott's…..there's something about you that makes him feel inadequate, actually there is something about you that makes a lot of men feel inadequate, you should have heard what Duncan said."
"So you and Duncan…."
"That's long in the distant past," Jean offered, waving her hand dismissively, to be honest, she had no idea why that relationship ever started. "But….I know something about the Phoenix Force, what I've learned, and I know that I can never be with Scott in the way that I think he wants me to be with him."
"So you think he has feelings for you," Harry offered in a nonchalant voice.
"I know he does, I read his mind, but the fact of the matter is, I sensed his fear regarding to the Phoenix and his inability to understand it," Jean remarked in a crisp tone of voice when she shifted herself and her gaze. "The Phoenix…it's a complex entity and Scott tends to see the world in black and white. Most people do, but….I don't think you do."
"There are different bright colors and shades of grey, an entire wide world," Harry mused to her out loud and Jean answered.
"Yeah a wild world and you're being quite the lady's man," Jean answered when she stepped forward. "Someone like you…well that's an Alpha Male effect going on, isn't it? Rachel, Rogue, Kitty, and Amara…I overheard her talking to Tabby in there."
Harry responded with a knowing smile and Jean placed a hand on his, he felt her soft flesh, and spotted a hit of her cleavage, a hint of her lovely legs.
"The thing about the Phoenix Force is…when it reaches full maturity, when it finishes, their partner will be finished," Jean answered when she shook her head. "Or so the legends say, I don't know how much of that is true, but unless they're strong enough to feel the power…."
"They won't last past the Phoenix's first climax," Harry finished, almost finishing Jean's thought. "And you're thinking…."
"Powerful, yes I am but the Phoenix Force has destroyed every single vessel it's used throughout all time, it's been around forever," Jean offered when she looked at him. "Because it's never bonded with someone of equal power, someone who has ever been touched by the Phoenix in its own way."
Jean decided to offer a question to Harry that she wanted to understand.
"Is there any limit to the number of women that you're willing to take on?" Jean asked him before Harry decided to respond.
"Multiples of seven are the most magically powerful, especially if it is a multiple divined by two or three prime numbers," Harry responded when he looked at Jean who look thoughtful. "The two most magically powerful numbers are three and seven. Of course the real question is how many girls can I had because some jealous guy pitches a bitch, for lack of a better term."
Jean paused to concentrate intently. "The Phoenix says that a powerful being such as yourself should not bow to anyone who thinks you should limit the number of your bonded."
Harry did not let that one slip by without a word. "The Phoenix is still in there with you?"
"She's never left me, she's just given me the control but says there will come a day where she will take it back if I'm unwilling to take the necessary steps," Jean answered when she turned to Harry. She really had no idea what that meant. "She's allowed me access to some of the abilities, and they've enhanced me, past the normal abilities of humans, just like what allowed you to survive that archway."
Harry played dumb at that moment. "What archway?"
"Harry, the Phoenix knows where you came from, you were the Chosen One, chosen to come here for a reason," Jean answered when she stepped forward and looked at Harry. "But, I understand. If….if you had a choice, would you ever return home?"
Harry shook his head, what would he return home to? The first trip through the veil nearly killed him and his friends would be a lot better without him in his life. Still Sirius's presence did weigh a very interesting point and that was if Sirius got here, could anyone else whether they be friend or foe make it here? Of course given the state that Sirius was in, the magical mutant did not have to tempt fate.
"I'm finding what I want to do here, if I went back there, I'd be made a martyr," Harry responded when he spun around to look over his shoulder to see Scott watching him out the window.
Jean stretched, to show her belly button when her shirt rode up and that caused Harry to be very distracted. There were many hot girls in the world, so he never thought he should limit himself. The trip through the veil made him stronger and there were aspects of his powers and heritage that he and Strange were slowly piece together later.
"I think I better return to my room," Jean stated when she stepped forward and looked in Harry's eyes. "If you want to come up there and talk with me in private, I'll be waiting for you."
"I'll see you later, Jean," Harry responded to her when the red head gave him a bright smile, before she inched forward. He had a promise to keep with Wanda and Jean knew that.
"I'll be seeing you, Harry, Jean remarked with a smile when her tongue trailed over her lips, seeing Scott out of the corner of her eye.
Wanda walked in when Jean walked off and she showed up with Kitty and Rogue.
"So are you ready to go?" Wanda asked and the three of them nodded, to prepare a night of hanging out.
"I'm ready, it's still early," Harry answered when Kitty and Rogue stood there, arms folded and both looking beautiful as always. "So your dragon…."
"Lockheed, that's its name," Kitty remarked when she looked at Harry and Rogue. "I wonder what a dragon would eat."
"Well raw meat," Rogue chimed in and Kitty pulled a face.
"Maybe it's a vegan dragon," Kitty offered with a smile but Rogue shook her head.
"Something tells me no," Rogue answered in a sardonic voice when she patted Kitty on the head when she pouted but they had no time to worry about that now, rather they enjoyed the night they shared.
"Osborn has no vital signs, and we believe that due to the tests, he will have no memory of being the Green Goblin and thus should have no accountability for the crimes he caused."
When the doctors left, the mouth of Norman Osborn curled into a sadistic grin, when he blinked a little bit but then his face was no longer a picture of sanity other than that. He played them all and made them believe that the Green Goblin was some random bout of psychosis. It was calculated, although he never expected to use the formula this soon.
The Black Widow felt that with the chaos, this was a perfect time to take a look in Harry's room and take a look at everything that he had. Of course, much to her surprise, there was not one thing in the young man's room that could point to him. Actually that was not surprising, given that someone with that many secrets, they would be able to hold it. Natasha knew everything about secrets and knew about what was at stake.
She crept into the room, carefully taking a few pictures but the wallpaper was bland, blasé, nothing that indicated that anything of note would happen here. Well unless one counted the countless orgies of being of not, some of them that the Widow got a detailed account of.
There was a creek and Natasha knew that he returned. She looked out and saw the new recruits on the lawn, right under the nearest exit point. That could prove to be a problem, as knocking them all out would compromise her position and the red head spy slid into the closet.
Harry returned, he had gotten permission for Wanda to stay the next couple of days and hopefully it could result in some long term arrangement. Rogue followed him into the room, dressed in a tight top and short shorts that showed off her lovely legs and ample rear.
The Black Widow paused, careful not to even breathe a little bit. If young Mr. Potter was having intercourse with one of his lovers, then it might be a while before he left. That was not the first time she had been trapped in a closet for a while time while she observed the person that she was tasked to follow having sex. Only the last time, she was following Wilson Fisk and she saw a bit more of the Kingpin of Crime than she ever wanted to.
Natasha shuddered but a man of his stature and money could buy love.
Harry and Rogue smiled at each other, when he pushed her to the bed and kissed her. The southern goth wrapped her legs around her lover, pulling him in tight, and enjoying his tongue probing her lips with the deep kiss. The two of them enjoyed their tender embrace, kissing each other, legs, and arms wrapped against each other.
The mage dipped his fingers inside the waistband of Rogue's panties.
"Well look at that, you're ready to go," Harry stated feeling the moisture but Rogue cocked an eyebrow and gave him a flirty grin, when Harry removed his pants to show Rogue what awaited for her underneath. He was going to visit Jean later but first he wanted to treat Rogue.
"Sugah, I'm always ready for your cock."
Natasha waited, her back against the wall, and she realized that one breast popped out of her body suit when she was playing with it. She rubbed her nipples, which were now erect and there was a heat between her legs, and they continued for round three it seemed. This time she was riding him, and she could….she saw what he had.
She wondered if he could….no she had to stay focused on the mission, rather she watched with wide eyes, and tugged the zipper of her body suit down a little bit more, before she reached the area between her thighs. She always went commando under this bodysuit for her purposes, and juices clung to her thighs, when she reached underneath, breathing heavily
There was a long moment of pause, and the activities on the bed ceased around an hour or so later, for some reason the Widow did not check the time. Being the spy she was, she knew not to move until she was sure that the coast was completely clear.
In a flash, Natasha found herself yanked out of the closet and then bound in ropes, half naked on the bed.
"You know I'm sure there's a pretty good reason why one of Fury's agents has been lurking around in my closet. But, I want to hear it straight from you."