The good news for Bobby Drake, better known as Iceman was that he always wanted to be on television. Call it a quirk in his personality or whatever, but television appealed to him and his sense of drama. He smiled when he thought of all of the possibilities that being on television could bring. His very being tingled with excitement and he wondered what was going to come next. The young mutant turned to his fellow team members, Magma,Nightcrawler, Rogue, Shadowcat, and Arcane, when they stood on the stage, but none of them looked to be too happy with what was going on.
In fact some of them looked rather peeved.
Then again, Bobby supposed that he could not blame them at all, given that they were unexpectedly sucked through the television screen against their will. Nightcrawler, Arcane, and Shadowcat looked rather agitated when they saw this Deadpool character show up. Personally, Bobby never met him in his life, although he did wonder if that was a good thing or not."
"Let's tell our fabulous contestants what they've won!" Deadpool chanted when he looked down at them from the podium.
Rogue's eyes spun around and agitation filled her eyes, before she looked at Deadpool. "I'll tell you what you've won, my fist in your face!"
Deadpool waved his finger in a reprimanding manner, a smile crossing his face, when he looked down at Rogue from his pedestal. "Temper, temper."
"I haven't even begun to lose my temper!" Rogue shouted but Harry grabbed her by the hand, he wanted to warn her that what she was about to do was not a good idea. The young mutant shifted a little bit when Harry held her hand. "I'm...I suppose you have some ideas on how to get out of here, so we don't have to listen to that guy's voice much longer."
"I'm sure he does," Kitty answered in an approving voice, when she looked back at Harry, who paused and blinked a little bit. "Or he will in a minute, I guess."
Harry mulled over the situation in his mind, he remembered the rules for training, it was always a good idea to have a plan and a backup plan. That way if the first plan flew off the rails, one could pull their back up plan out of their hat. It was a longshot that any single plan would work but longshots was what Harry Potter lived for. He turned to his team members and offered a sigh.
"Let's figure out what he is up to."
"Figure it out no more, oh Harry Boy!" Deadpool stated, his voice echoing from the skybox, amplified a hundredfold. "You see, I've developed a nice little game, a game that the two of us could play. I've brought forth some guests, who are not infringing upon copyright in any way whatsoever."
There was a buzzing, when Deadpool felt he had to clarify that point for any legal type people that might be hovering around. The last thing he wanted to do was get his pants sued off. He quite liked his pants intact thank you very much.
"Back by the demand of absolutely nobody...THE CONFORMITY CUBS!"
A flying troupe of multi colored bears with hearts with the words "conform" and "obey" etched on their chests appeared. They gave a sinister and sugary laughter, when they approached the group, their eyes glowing in a creepy manner.
'Umbridge would approve,' Harry thought, shaking his head.
"You will conform."
"Hugs are the way of the future."
"You will have no feelings that will be against the mindset the hive. All will have bright smiles or will be eradicated."
"You will care."
"System error. Reboot programming."
Rogue pulled a face before she offered a statement that reflected the mindset of the entire group. "Those things are hideous!"
Harry would have to agree and he showed his agreement by aiming a shot at one of the bears, decapitating it with a well-placed spell. He watched as the head of the cute, fluffy, and quite creepy bear blew off its shoulders, flying to the ground.
"Bobby, freeze them!"
Bobby aimed his hands and the bears froze, before they shattered to the ground, into millions of pieces. Kitty reached up towards them, pushing her hands through, before she short circuited them. There was an explosion when the bears blew to dust. Rogue jumped up in the air, taking flight, and she used her super strength to punch one of the bear's heads clean off.
"Yeah, that won't give any kids nightmares."
Amara turned around, lighting the bears up. She looked quite flummoxed about the situation and turned to the rest of the group, biting down on her lip.
"Is this what passes as entertainment?"
Kitty rolled her eyes. "Trust me, no one finds it entertaining."
She smashed several of the bears into pieces, causing them to fly in every single direction in a shower of mulit-color sparks. They ground to a stop when they landed on the ground, twisting and scrapping when they did. Harry waited before he conjured a solid spear and lit it on fire, before he blew up several of the wicked creations in one shot.
"Oh that's going to leave a mark, hey, I just painted that one, watch it, watch it!"
"Does this guy ever shut up?"
That statement by Bobby got sad shakes of the head of Kurt, Kitty, and Harry who used a triple team attack.
"I even think these things are hideous," Kurt stated when he shuddered and teleported out of the way of a beam. He figured that it was not a good idea if he got hit by these laser blasts, they would either hurt or hypnotize him again, either was not an attractive option. He dropped down to the ground and he twisted the head off, causing it to snap off. Rogue grabbed the head from his hands and crushed it in hers.
Deadpool watched the insanity of it all, he was running out of his sugary coated super soldiers, but thankfully he had a back-up plan. One should always have a back up plan for reasons like this, because there will be always be someone who would ruin his first plan. He felt the heat pour on when Magma took out one of the legions of cubs with her powers.
"And Round Two, fight!"
Deadpool released the robotic ninja monkeys. Why was it robotic ninja monkeys? It was Deadpool, that's all of the people needed to know. He thought it was an extremely good idea.
Deadpool watched when Harry Potter ran through his army like a hot knife through butter. It was just as well, he got this great deal of robot parts. But that was another story for another time, now, Deadpool had to wait for these particular robots to get mowed down. He hummed elevator music when he waited and watched the action, rocking back and forth on his seat. He folded his arms when he inclined his head and watched the action through his beady eyes.
"Nothing really of note is happening...that was a nice tandem attack."
Deadpool tapped his pen when he watched and decided to spice things up with some robotic clown penguins. Why robotic clown penguins? Again, it was Deadpool, there was no explanation that was needed beyond him being Deadpool.
"What is this guys obsession with random and weird robots?"
Rogue asked this question in an agitated manner when she smashed said robots into hundreds of little pieces. The young mutant continued to hammer her enemies, attacking them with fury and sending them flying in every single direction. The mutant fought through with fierce determination, but her dream was to go forward and wrap her hands around Deadpool's throat hard to strangle the life out of him.
"It's Deadpool, don't ask."
Kitty smiled when Harry responded with that statement. He grabbed her by the hands and swung her, causing her to fly through the robots. She phased through it, causing it to blow up when she pulled the right wires. The brunette landed carefully on her feet, before spinning around.
"Wise words to live by," Kitty answered when she tried to punch one of the robots but a shielding appeared around it. "And I've been blocked out...wonderful."
Kitty pouted in anger but Harry smiled, he knew that when there was a will, there was a way, there always was a way. He summoned the full force of his powers to himself, and they crashed in the air. They lit up several of the robots and exploded in a shower of nuts and bolts. They flopped to the ground, nowhere near complete and Harry dropped to the ground, but it was not because of exhaustion, it was fake out. Although why he was faking out robots, he had no idea, because it was not like they knew.
Harry blasted the robots with an attack and the battle raged on.
Deadpool waited for everything to cool down, a smile crossing his face beneath his mask and he decided to pass the time in between fights. Plus the children would get bored pretty soon, they had short attention spans.
"So, one of the great literary classics was called My Immortal," Deadpool narrated when he put on a pair of glasses and read. "It has been said that this has been a masterwork of a devious troll but I say it is the work of a literary genius whose talent cannot be classed by any mortal means. The character of Ebony or is it Enoby, is a complex and deep character, with layers that us mere mortals cannot even begin to comprehend."
Deadpool paused and smiled before he went back into his monologue.
"And with such biting and cutting edge dialogue like, "what the hell are you doing, motherfucker" and "he put his thingy in my you-know-what and we did it for the first time", how could you not be enthralled with such a literary work of genius. GENIUS! GENIUS! SUGAR! But mostly Genius! But also sugar!"
Deadpool paused.
Deadpool's head turned around and he winced slightly, for it was time for the boss to show up and if Deadpool knew the boss, he was not going to be too happy. He waited on him to arrive, taking a moment to lean back and sigh. This was not going according to anything that he planned but sure enough, the boss walked in or rather rolled in. Deadpool tried to stand up to be professional or at least as professional as he was going to be.
To describe Mojo, well to describe him in one word, that word would simply be hideous. To describe him in two words "ugly motherfucker" came to mind. He was the color of rancid milk, with yellow eyes and liver spots, along with sharp teeth. He walked around on mechanical legs due to being too fat to walk out of him.
"You aren't delivering me the ratings."
"What do you want me to do?" Deadpool asked when he looked at his boss. "I'm trying to run an entertaining program here and I can't do it with network executives butting it."
Mojo shook his head. "Entertaining, pah-shaw, that's not entertaining, that is not bringing in the coveted two to five demographic. We need more body humor, more puns; we need people dropping their pants."
"Really, you think kids are that stupid?" Deadpool asked when he turned to Mojo.
"We need jokes about the toilet, increased by two hundred percent," Mojo responded when he looked at Deadpool before his face twisted into a grin. "We need humor."
Deadpool decided to enlighten his boss on one simple matter. "You see when we make those jokes, the children are laughing at us and not with us."
"Pah-shaw, you don't know anything about entertainment."
'And Mr. Executive knows what sells?' Deadpool thought when he turned his head around.
"Okay, you want ratings," Deadpool stated when he focused back on the matter at hand. "There's...there's one question."
Mojo invited him to clarify, so Deadpool did.
"Do you want me to do this while I juggle flaming wine glasses while gerbils gnaw on my bits or not?"
"Don't get cute with me, Wilson!"
Deadpool threw his hands up, offering an innocent pose to Mojo before he stated. "Hey, I prefer the term roguishly handsome, really. And hey, there's no need...there's no need to give me the third degree, I'm going, I'll get things done, trust me, you'll see."
"You better, for your sake."
"I thought we were getting plenty of positive reviews," Deadpool answered when he folded his arms and inclined his head. "You know, on the Internet."
Mojo's face twisted into a skeptical expression. "That's a lie, THERE'S NOTHING POSITIVE WRITTEN ON THE INTERNET!"
Spit flew in the general direction of Deadpool wondered what he could have been thinking when he agreed to work with a network television executive. They were a rather pushy lot all things considered, they wanted everything done yesterday and not a second before. He wanted to bang his head against something hard and solid, likely the wall, but that was beside the point. The Merc With the Mouth was about to get serious or at least as serious as he ever got.
The point was that Deadpool needed to keep a closer eye on his new co-stars.
"And remember, Wilson, if the ratings drop under your watch, you'll be the one that will be canceled. Just ask your predecessor."
Said predecessor rested on the floor, smoke coming from his head and Deadpool shuddered, that was a hell of a way to leave an impression, albeit it was not a very good impression. Never the less, Deadpool spun around, he knew what was on the line now, namely his life and since he was quite fond of it, he was not about to lose it.
Back to action, the X-Men were dealing with their enemies, another string of robots. This was one of those good news, bad news situations. On the one hand, they had several moving targets to work with, where they blasted their enemies down.
On the bad news front, the targets were infinite, no matter what their best efforts were, they kept coming.
"The key to getting out of here is the remote control," Harry answered when he looked up and it struck him immediately. "We need to get Deadpool to relinquish the remote!"
Rogue rolled her eyes a little bit and scoffed. "Get...get another guy to relinquish is precious remote control? Are you crazy, that's never going to work?"
"Yeah, for sure, I'm a guy, and even I know that's a crapshoot at best," Bobby stated, when he aimed his hands and launched cold jets of ice. He froze his enemies and once again they shattered to the ground.
Kitty smashed through one of the enemies, with Amara and Rogue helping her. Kurt jumped into the attack, leaving the carnage of broken robot parts in his wake. The fuzzy mutant's eyes snapped up before he turned around and sighed.
"That's...that's the only shot we have."
"That's for sure," Harry agreed when he propelled some flaming daggers from his hand and shot them at his adversaries. He saw a door, locked, likely some kind of area where Deadpool was broadcasting his little messages for them.
It was locked, by mundane means but magic, well magic could do anything and Harry was willing to hammer that fact out. He pushed himself forward, waiting for everyone to move around him. They knew by now what he wanted to accomplish without communicating with him. That was a good thing, they could surround him and block him. His team covered his back, as they should; it was what good team members did. It was what a good team leader accomplished when he molded them into a working unit.
Harry fired an attack and blew the door off of the hinges.
Security came, in the form of giant turtles dressed like ninjas, again Harry was going to abstain comment.
Harry nailed one of the turtles hard with an attack. It was carrying a pizza but the pizza quickly fell to the ground and out of his grasp.
"I've got your back Harry!"
That was Kitty, she rushed forward, doing a somersault and looking nimble, before she smashed one of the attacks down with both feet. The robotic turtles that did ninjitsu and were likely teenagers and mutants as well, but a catchy name for them escaped Harry at the moment. However, they were taken down handily. Sparks flew from them, when Kitty and Harry rushed their way up the stairs, followed by Kurt, Rogue, Amara, and Bobby.
"Don't let them up here!"
Harry was about tired of this fooling around by Deadpool and he stormed his way up the stairs, it was almost like he was storming the castle. His eyes narrowed, before he decided to ask in the nicest way possible the following question.
Harry pulled the remote control device from Deadpool's hand with a summoning spell and it landed in his head. Harry caught it and smug satisfaction filled his face.
"I've got it."
"That's cheating."
Harry retorted back. "No that's winning, and so is this."
He blasted Deadpool hard and he blew to pieces, to reveal that he was a robot.
"Oh right, like I'd be anywhere near this situation, with a person who actually kills people that tries to kill them, like I'd be putting myself in a situation where I'd be killed by them. I might be the Merc With the Mouth but I'm also a Merc with a brain. Plus the fanboys would riot if I got killed off, so got to keep myself alive somehow."
Deadpool's face appeared on the video scream, masked, wearing a Speedo and sipping a martini while he was on the beach.
"Yeah, that was fun, you blew up one of my best droids, and you got the magical remote, it's funny what you can find at a garage sale these days, or wherever I found it, I can't keep these things straight in my head," Deadpool responded when he winked at the group who stared back at him with contempt. "Tough crowd, oh boy, that's a tough crowd. All I'm going to say, is Albus Severus Potter...worst threesome ever. Now Lily Luna Potter...that's a threesome made of win."
Harry decided to shake his head, he really had no idea what Deadpool was talking about and neither did his teammates. They were going to assume that he was completely and utterly nuts. All he knew was that he had the remote control in his hands and that was what wins truly were made of. All he had to do was activate it and he would find his way home in a matter of time. He smiled but suddenly a figure appeared before them all.
"Oh no you don't."
Harry turned towards him and Kitty and Kurt looked at him with widened eyes. Rogue spoke for all of them with her next statement, which was said with widened eyes and a disgusted expression on her face.
Harry paused, blinking, that was a good question, what in the hell was that thing indeed? The young wizard did not know, in fact he kept blinking and staring his adversary down. This abomination had pasty white skin, the color of rancid milk and that was only the tip of the iceberg. He stood before the ground, glaring menacingly when he stared them down. His teeth twisted when he stared down the X-Men and then, much to their horror, he began to speak.
"I'm not going to let my rating's draws get away that easily. You guys, you're a hit, you've actually managed to keep the viewers interested and believe me, given the attention span of some of these people, that's saying a lot. A hell of a lot, if you want to...we're going to keep you together. The lot of you, you're going to be stars, superstars, for as lot as you get the ratings. When you stop getting the ratings, well canceled, you know how that goes."
Kitty raised an eyebrow before she asked the obvious question. "Is this guy for real?"
Harry swallowed and turned a little bit, shivering slightly. "I'm afraid so."
"Look, we just want to go home," Kurt responded when he looked at them. "So could you, get out of the way, and maybe we can all get out of here, remain friends, that would be great, wouldn't it?"
Something told Harry that it was not going to be that easy. The television director laughed when he looked at them, shaking his head before he smirked.
"Leave, leave, no, no, no, nopers, you see, I now own you, each and every one of you..."
Harry pressed a button on the remote control, which muted him. He smiled, before he programmed it to send him off.
"I sent him to a test pattern," Harry answered with a shrug and Kitty asked the obvious question.
"How did you know how to send him to a test pattern?"
"I read the manual when he was going on his speech," Harry answered to the group and Kurt smiled brightly.
"Makes sense to me."
Rogue offered a smile of her own before she turned her head around. "Yeah, makes a lot of sense to since you read that manual, I don't suppose there's a way for you to get us all out of here, before our brain rots for too much television?"
Amara, Bobby, and Kitty all agreed and Harry held the remote control in his hand, before he pointed it and it propelled the entire group outside of the television. A flash of light engulfed them as they rode the waves back to the Xavier Institute. They appeared in a crash, about a half of an hour after they left.
Logan looked at them when they arrived, his eyebrow cocked. "Dare I ask?"
Harry shrugged and smirked before he answered the question. "I don't want to talk about it ever again."
"Me either," Rogue answered when they all nodded in affirmation, today's battle was going to be one of those things where they walked in and did not talk about it, even though it did seem like it was a good idea at the time.
"Let's never speak of this mission ever again," Kurt stated with a shudder.
"Agreed," Harry responded and the group nodded carefully.
Kitty's face twisted into a bright smile before she spoke. "You know, all and all, I think I'll go for a good book, because I've had enough television for one day."
"Yeah, can't argue with that," Bobby answered with Logan raising an eyebrow.
"The ice cube reading voluntarily, must have been something in there if we're able to accomplish that feat."
Harry's face twisted into a smile before he remarked in a calm and casual voice. "You have no idea."
"I'm sure I can imagine something," Logan responded when he folded his arms. Jean walked over, pleased that Harry was okay but they could worry about that later.
"You all did well in there."
"I hope we did," Kitty stated when she smiled and looked at them all.
"Needs work, but will do for now."
From Logan, Harry would take that praise one hundred percent of the way. The young wizard thought about what they needed to do. He had a training session tomorrow and a series of meetings with a bunch of different people. He hoped that the insanity died down enough for him to get all that he needed to get done, done, or there was going to be a problem. Things looked really promising and Harry hoped to keep that up, when his team adapted and improved.
Another day, another session in the Danger Room and it was long and grueling as always. Harry felt that he needed to push the new recruits to their fullest, if there was no pain, there was no gain, or so the saying went. Plus he learned more from falling on his face, then succeeding. Some of these training simulations were destined to make them cope with failure and to adapt from it.
"Take a few minute break whilst I load the next training simulation."
Harry saw Xavier standing before him and he figured this conversation was going to come. Although he did not know that it was going to come this sooner or later. They had been dancing around the subject for weeks now.
"Professor, how may I help you?"
Xavier decided to remain cool, or as cool as he could .Given the situation, Harry suspected that there was some tension in the air. "I heard some rumors that you were considering leaving the Institute come September 1st and I wish to verify if they are accurate or not."
"I am considering all options, but yes, my leaving is a strong possibility," Harry answered diplomatically before he continued in a diplomatic tone of voice. "Allow me to say that I appreciate what the Xavier Institute has given me but I do think that it's time for me to find my own place in the world, that I can build on my own."
He did not want to mention the dreams that he had been having, because he felt that was on a need to know basis. Plus he felt it was his journey to take and his alone. There was something about, something that would tell him where he really was.
Xavier decided to prod for some information but he did not want to sound like was trying to stall Harry's leaving. If he did something like that, he feared that the time table would be accelerated. "Is there anything that I could do to change your mind?"
Harry frowned before he looked at Xavier. "I fear that everything being either you or Magneto is unfair, Professor. What if people had a third option?"
Xavier remained silent; he did not want to enlighten Harry on what the third option was. He knew of the Hellfire Club and its existence. Both Magneto and Xavier agreed that the Club was too powerful although there was no way to put it down. Both had their contacts inside the Club, which would give them information. Right now they were plotting and planning.
"I think that you've done a good job in setting up this school," Harry responded, not mentioning the flaws he found, because if Xavier couldn't see them, then he saw no reason why he should tell him. "Granted, nothing is perfect."
"We would have to agree on that statement," Xavier responded when he watched Harry load up the training simulator. "If this is about your tension with Scott..."
"Trust me, any problem Scott has with me is his problem because I don't have a problem with him," Harry answered when he turned his back on Xavier. "He's got to learn that being a leader is more than being handed that distinction on a silver platter."
"Yes, I believe I may have put too much faith in him, too soon, "Xavier mused, when he thought about this point. "I do hope that your group whatever it is and the X-Men could work together."
"It's not like I'm moving to a different planet," Harry responded carefully when he loaded the training simulator up, getting everything ready to go. It sure felt like he was from one sometimes but that was beside the point. He drew in a deep breath. "We're still going to be in this together, I just hope...well I just hope that everything turns out for the best with humans and mutants."
Xavier could take that statement any way he wanted to, to be honest, Harry left it open to interpretation.
The problem was that there were good mutants and good humans, and bad mutants and bad humans. Harry understood that this would not be all sunshine and roses. He continued to watch the training session, thinking about how far they've come but how far they're yet to go.
He was hoping that Xavier would offer him some incentive to stay, that would make him almost reconsider. Even if his mind was essentially made up.
Yet Harry was offered nothing so he shrugged. He did wonder what this would do for the team but he had to worry about what was best for him. The Xavier Institute allowed him to fine tune his skills and put himself back on his feet. After those skills were fine-tuned, he could move on and move forward with everything in life.
He hoped that he could find out answers about himself, about these dreams that he thought about. And also about curing Sirius, but so far that was one dead end after another. There was something that he could use but it was out of reach. And he sadly came to the conclusion that Sirius might not be the same Sirius, that part could not be denied.
"Multiple, excellent work today, the wrist band I got is working wonders. Of course, there will be a time where you need to learn how to control your duplication without it, as magical trinkets and electronics can make you become lazy."
Multiple nodded, he supposed this made some degree of sense.
"Sunspot, not bad today, although you may want to keep it up with wearing that modified suit of yours."
Sunspot understood, the suit trained him to naturally absorb the sun's rays.
"Boom Boom, targeting is good, although try and offer a bit more speed and finesse."
"Gotcha," Tabitha stated with a smile.
Harry really thought that he had far less notes for these people then before. Although there were rumors that Xavier was going to get another batch of mutants come the fall, there were more blips coming in than ever before. Harry might want to stick around for a little bit to see if there was any talent that he could scout before he moved off into the night.
"You are a very difficult man to get in touch with."
Felicia Hardy, better known as the Black Cat, sat before Harry. She dressed in a black jacket, along with a tight black top that showed her cleavage. She wore blue jeans that slung down low. She faced Harry, who had Jean and Kitty in toe with him. Not that he could not handle himself but it was important that he had a little bit of backup in case someone attacked him, as they were want to do in public.
"Well, see you're quite the lady's man," Felicia responded when she faced the trio of them.
"You must be Felicia," Kitty stated when she looked at the older girl, she looked about nineteen, twenty years old. "I'll look forward to getting to know you better later."
Felicia offered a grin at the implications that statement offered, before she turned around the envelope that she had in her hand and passed it to Harry. "There it is everything that I got, I took my cut but if you don't believe me, you can check it out."
Harry explained to Jean and Kitty that he conjured real jewels which were far more valuable than the fake ones at the museum that Felicia tried to steal. Sure enough, she came through.
"I only steal from people who can afford to take the loss, your Osborns, your Fisks, the Shaws, people like that," Felicia commented when she ran her hands through her hair and smiled. "The people who I wouldn't lose any sleep at night thinking that they lost money and I don't think you would lose that much sleep either."
Harry would have to agree, a few rich people down, it wasn't like some of these names were not doing anything that could be borderline illegal.
"I love to stay longer but...I've got to do the secret identity thing, for my mother's sake at least," Felicia answered when she reached forward and gave Harry a nice kiss on the lips, before she pulled back. "I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty more of each other. Let me know if you need me to get anything else. Or if you want to conjure a few more jewels."
"No it's best to do that sparingly, every few months, although with deals like that, we're not hurting for money," Harry stated when he looked at Jean and Kitty.
Jean decided to state something to Harry, waiting until Felicia departed from the premises to make her move.
"When you leave..."
"Jean, that's not for a while yet," Harry responded when he looked back at her. "Trust me, it's a few months, at most."
Kitty was not buying it for a moment, she knew that Harry had most of everything lined up. "I can't believe that you can't just walk out whenever you please."
Harry agreed, technically speaking he could walk out of the Xavier at any time he pleased, at least of three months ago, but the problem was premises and everything. Also security equipment was going to be something that could be a concern. Harry wanted to have a mixture of magical and mundane security systems, so he did not have to rely on or get screwed over by one or another. He worked with Forge to try and get some ideas together. He also had a few other contacts that he worked with. He also had a contact at NASA.
The Xavier Institute had a state of the art security system but given all of the people who broke in, Harry thought that Xavier should have gotten a second opinion. If nothing else, the security system has been compromised on seventeen separate occasions. That was the kind of record that concerned Harry. It was a good thing that some of the people inside were more competent.
Harry on the other hand, had a lot to do, and the first thing possible was to meet with his lawyer friend to talk about his options regarding Wanda. He wanted to keep his promise to get her out of the Asylum by the end of the summer.
He hoped that when he talked to his lawyer, she'll have a lot of the right answers.