Harry Potter knew many things and what he did know was that there was a thumping that echoed in the back of his head, when he tried to shift his head away from the scene around him. A part of him wondered if they had a point, perhaps something happened in the Department of Mysteries. He had a very stressful year after all and that could shift his mind into certain things, delusions. A part of him always wanted to escape to a world where he did not have to worry. It was funny, the Wizarding World was the type of world that he thought that he could escape to when he was younger but with most of everything that happened, he wished that he could escape from.
Friends, love, all delusions, he was back in a world that hated in feared him more than anything else, with very few friends. Very few people that he could trust, this was his worst nightmare come true and Harry closed his eyes when he thought it, but he felt a soft hand on his arm.
"No, despite everything that they say, the world you left was very real, it was the only reality," the red head haired girl stated in a whisper when she eyed him. "The only true reality you've ever experienced. It was a place that you could truly call home even though you never truly figured out what you could do there, but soon you will find your place."
Harry turned around slightly when he saw her there. She offered him a reassuring smile, as if to tell him anything that she could tell him.
"I don't know why you ended up here in all places, but perhaps they need a leader that will guide them, a shining beacon beyond all else, someone that they could appreciate," the girl responded when she pulled a face when she thought about that other world. "That world, you might have a handful of people who appreciate what happened but in the end you're nothing but a martyr, a tool, someone to be used and thrown away when they have lost their ability to see the truth."
Harry let that all sink in, he wondered who to believe and he heard Hermione say something but he also heard the flickers of flame around him. The wizard carefully turned around from one side or another.
"For all intents and purposes, that world ceased to exist the moment you stepped through the veil," the redhead girl stated in a morose tone. Whilst many deserved the wicked fates they did, less than a handful, did not. "Much like our respective home worlds ceased due to a lack of understanding between our races."
"How?" Harry asked her.
"Once you took the exit point out, it created a backwash, you traveled through the Zone to get here, and nearly died," the girl responded when she kept her eyes on Harry. "Everyone in that building died the moment that you stepped through. The casualties were not pretty."
A part of Harry felt a bit sickened by that fact but he saw flashes of memories, people dropping from the backwash. Hermione and the others might have already been dead to begin with thanks to the Death Eaters, that's what Harry hoped. He saw them and yet he saw something else.
The people who deserved to suffer were in torment and those who did not deserve to suffer were at peace. The very few in that world that might have had a future but given the idiots running the place, it was highly unlikely they would have much of one. So in some strange way, they were liberated.
"It is not your fault, you could not have known," she responded when the green eyes closed for a moment before they opened up. "Those who survived in that world, reality warped, this magical community….ceased to be. You going through the portal may have saved many of them from early deaths, even if they no longer remember that world or have the gifts. You with the lynchpin, without you, that magical world had no purpose. It's hard to explain really."
This was more than a lot to take in and Harry once again wondered and not for the first time if he was losing his mind. There was a lot about how he got here that did not make any sense. Yet, he had one burning question on his mind.
"What about Sirius?"
Hermione responded with a slight pained smile crossing her face. "Sirius is fine Harry, he's going to be fine, you'll see, he's shaken up but he'll be fine."
The redhead responded at the same time. "Sirius….well you saw the state of him, but if there is even the smallest chance of him being alive, I'll help you do what I can when I get here. But you must consider this possibility. Do you truly want Sirius to wake up?"
She cut off Harry before he could respond.
"He's your godfather, I get that but three things went through that portal on that night," she responded cryptically. "And just because that's his body, does not mean that his soul is the one inside should he wake."
Hermione spoke loudly when she turned to Dumbledore and the healer. "Harry is talking to air once again, Headmaster!"
"They can't see me anymore," she whispered now as she slowly faded away. "But I can't…I can't stay for longer, but you need to escape this world, while you still can."
Harry mouthed one word. "How?"
"You have the key, you've always had it, use it. And I'll be watching you, and don't worry, she is coming."
She disappeared like she was never there at all and Harry sat, shell shocked, the question of who is she, never answered.
"Mr. Potter, I thought you were well, but there is no doubt in my mind that you are still very sick," the healer said when he clicked his tongue a little bit, before he held a huge needle. "Don't worry though, this will make you all better."
Harry's eyes widened when he found himself strapped to the bed but suddenly when he wished that he was not strapped to the bed, his arms were free.
'They don't control this…I do….my mind is stronger than theirs,' Harry started as he closed his eyes.
Harry jumped up and blasted the Healer with the needle and caused him to slam into the wall.
"Harry, please!"
"Sorry, Hermione, but you're not real," Harry responded as he blew past her out of the room.
"Don't let him escape!"
Harry ran; practically flying down the hallway as fast as his legs could carry him, he panted heavily when he blinked. The energies in this room, well they were off. The moment he sealed that portal, he opened his mind up for an attack. But his mind was strong; he was not going to give into the illusion.
He saw another figure hovering in the dream scape. This was not his red head friend, rather she was blonde, had blue eyes, and floated in mid air, dressed with white fabric around her frame. A silver bracelet with an "S" etched on it hung from her wrist. She smiled towards him, she was beautiful, like an angel.
"Soon," she whispered to him with a smile on her face, reaching forward to caress his cheek. "No matter what, I'll always be with you and soon you'll see."
She floated closer to him, and wrapped her arms around him. Their lips almost touched but she slowly faded away. He was so close to touching this vision in the dream scape and he had a feeling that he had some kind of deep connection to her, like he met her before.
Their souls formed a connection, a strong connection not unlike Harry felt with more than a handful of his girls but yet at the same time, it was different. He could not place how, just that it was.
"No matter what, I'm always with you."
That voice echoed in the back of Harry's mind when he sped up his motions, his legs dragging behind him when his eyes closed and he tried to focus on it. The healers were on his heels and he knew that running was not only an option but the only option.
His mind was rattled by the attacks but he stopped with Hermione at the end of the hallway.
"Harry, please, let them help you," Hermione stated in a pleading voice. "You always listened to me, why…."
"That's just the point, I've always listened to the advice of my friend, but….I don't think anything that happened or every happened in that world matters anymore," Harry responded as he watched them. "It was a part of my life, a part of my training, my trials, but sometimes we got to move on."
"Harry, what about us?" Hermione asked as she looked at him.
"Hermione, regardless of what she said, the last time I saw you in the Department of Mysteries, you were in bad shape," Harry responded and Hermione shouted back at him, a little violently.
"That wasn't real, that battle…."
"It was real and that's what happened, and you're not Hermione," Harry responded when he grabbed her around the wrist and her face melted into a flaming entity, with demonic eyes. It angered Harry that a bastardization of his former best friend was used to trick him. "That's what I thought."
Harry whipped the bastardization of his best friend in the world that he left behind into the wall. She smashed with a huge crack and the back of her head, dropped down. She crumpled into dust and it did hurt to do that on principle but Harry knew that this was not Hermione.
'The key, the key, the key,' Harry thought over in the back of his mind.
"Remove the box from his hand."
Then it clicked, these people would not be so adamant about getting the box away from him unless it held some kind of significance and there was nothing more significant as far as Harry was concerned then getting out of this world, once and for all. He held the box in his hand and he saw the symbols glowing on the box, when he put it up to his face.
There was problem; he really did not know how to work that box. It did not exactly come with a user instruction manual that he could use and he turned the box over in his hand, when he kept a nice eye on what was on the box.
Then it hit Harry, this faux world, he manipulated it once to free himself, partially, he could manipulate it to his advantage. All he had to do was exert a certain amount of will and he could have it, it was in the palm of his hand, all he needed to do was exert it and assert the power in his hand.
A large flaming sword appeared in Harry's hand, before armor appeared around his body. It was not the type of armor that inhibited movement, but rather the type that protected himself and enhancement movement. In other words, it was borderline impossible to create in the real world but since this was within the theater of the mind, anything could be done and the wizard swung his sword.
He saw these healers for what they truly were, monsters that should be slayed, astral representatives of the demons in his mind.
"And take some of that," Harry stated with fire burning in his eyes when he jumped up and slashed the sword through the air, taking out his enemies with fury and intensity. The young wizard expertly aimed the sword, swinging through hordes of monsters.
That was a statement that never boded well but Harry kept his mind steady and carefully aimed his sword with swings, knocking his enemies back. They went down, one at a time, then two at a time, three at the time. The magical mage found it funny that the more enemies there tended to be, the easier it tended to be to take them down. It was one of those things that amused in to a certain degree but he had to stay focused on the battle at hand.
Dumbledore stepped forward with a disappointed twinkle in his eye. "This nonsense stops now I…"
Harry swung the flaming sword and decapitated the faux Dumbledore with an expert swing. He hated to admit it, but that did feel oddly therapeutic. However, the longer he stayed her, the more his body and mind would be weakened, so it was now time to open up.
"Um, would it help if I ask you to open politely?" Harry asked in a half joking, half serious matter but then suddenly, the box lit up in his hand.
The purple light filled the room around them and the box sprang open before them, the symbols shifted and changed. There was something inside the box and Harry tried to get a closer look at it. It was most certainly a crystal of some sort inside there.
"Well done," a monotone voice stated from inside the box. "You have passed one of your greatest trials."
The portal opened and there was a strangled scream but Harry paid that no mind, all he knew was that he was on his way back out of the portal. The portal sucked him on through and Portkeys weren't half bad now that he thought about it. However, it sure beat staying in this dreary place and the wizard felt a shuddering breath leave his body.
His body swirled before the light closed around him and it was back into the real world. For better or for worse, he was out of that place and back to fight Dormammu and Mordo. After defeating his attempts at possession in that world, Harry felt two hundred times more optimistic about his shot at victory.
Dormammu's eyes burned with the fire that made him a feared individual and Mordo took half a step back, swallowing in fear. This was not going to plan, and the eyes of his master flickered to him. The silence was an element that made the anticipation far worst about what the dreaded one standing before him would say. His eyes flickered with the greatest of danger and Mordo braced himself for what was going to occur next.
"Great one I…."
"Not one word, Mordo, you have failed to defeat that human," Dormammu stated when his eyes flared with danger but then he stopped and stared. "But he's not that human, is he?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand, great one," Mordo stated with his eyes widening in dismay.
"He is much more, is he not?" Dormammu asked as he watched Mordo with vicious intentions in his eyes.
Mordo's eyes flickered when he stood back, what was this Harry Potter? There were certain qualities within him that Mordo wondered why Strange would ever choose him as his apprentice. Unless….unless he was far from human. That had to be the answer; this Harry Potter was the furthest thing from being a human that there ever was.
"I must have him!" Dormammu yelled but Harry's eyes snapped open, a smile crossing his face.
"I guess I'm going to have to disappoint you as always," Harry answered, and whilst he distracted his enemy by talking, he sent a bolt of powerful magical energy. It should disable that fire head for a little bit.
Mordo muttered a strangled tongue under his breath but the spell missed Harry when he dodged out of the way. Several more spells launched towards Harry but he dodged them again and again and again, each spell flying over him. Some of them looked lethal and one of the key lessons was that if magic appeared to be lethal, it likely was. So it was a prudent idea not to get hit by any of the attacks, at least that's what Harry assumed.
'Hmm, he's a bit reliant on magic I see,' Harry thought to himself whilst he mentally calculated the body movements with a speed of a high processed calculator. He slowed down the motions in his head. 'And he remains stationary; yeah this is an attack that's easily exploited.'
Magic was not Harry's next movement that was only one of the many tools in his arsenal as he reminded himself time and time again. Magic was a part of his offense but it was not his entire bag.
In a swift motion, he propelled himself up into the air and swung around, before both of his feet connected with the head of Mordo. Mordo was not expecting a physical assault in a magical duel and he saw the amulet that Mordo wore around his neck. The wizard smiled a little bit, he knew that it was something he could exploit.
He propelled himself up, snapped the amulet from around his neck, and held it into his hand, before clutching it in his hand. The wizard watched the amulet, before he saw a portal open.
The Sorcerer Supreme was back.
"It appears that you have not won the day, Mordo!" Strange stated as he held his hands up and used a binding spell to keep Mordo into place.
"No, I won't lose, I can't lose," Mordo gasped when he felt the ties of the spell warp around him but somehow he pushed back out.
In spite himself, Harry took a moment to watch the battle between two powerful magical users, spells flying around, although Strange was a bit more nimble on his feet. Mordo was more of a rock that threw attacks while Strange sent variety spells at his enemy and kept moving. The two of them did send some extremely powerful spells back and forth at each other.
Yet, Dormammu edged closer towards the room and this gave Harry a moment to step forward.
"You or Strange will not stop me from entering this world and having all," the Devourer of Souls stated, when his eyes glowed with malice and he went towards Harry but a shield appeared around the Boy-Who-Lived.
"Care to bet?" Harry responded as he ducked his head and rolled, before three spells were fired off in succession. Two of them were to disrupt the energies around the portal and the third struck the dreaded one.
It did not injure him but it made him mad, which was exactly what Harry wanted. If he was made mad, then that meant that he would be made careless and this was playing into Harry's hands. The mage weaved around the attacks when he barely kept his eyes on Strange and Mordo around him.
There was a crack and a crunch, with Strange having bound Mordo.
"You have dug yourself in a whole that you won't be able to get out of now, Mordo," Strange stated when his glowed with power. He twisted the bindings around, crushing Mordo.
"It's not over yet," Mordo responded, but this would be a lame statement when one considered that it was in fact over, at least for today.
Blasts of magical energy fired, when Harry blasted forward, before he enhanced his fist with magical energy and he fired one huge rocket buster of a punch into the face of Dormammu. A sonic boom echoed and he screamed.
"For a powerful creature, you have a glass jaw," Harry responded with a taunting expression through his eyes.
"This isn't over," Dormammu growled as he tried to latch onto Harry but the wizard pushed back. "What are you?"
"If you have to ask, you'll never know," Harry answered with a smile crossing his face, when he shot a vicious spell that banished him quite painfully.
Would that destroy him?
Harry doubted so very much but he would have a hell of a time getting back that much was for sure. The young wizard staggered a little bit, before his knee buckled a little bit. A breath left his body and then the dark energies around the house faded.
"Harry, is everything okay?" Kitty asked over the communication link. "We're kind of outside the Sanctum and…."
"False alarm Kitty, everything's fine," Harry stated as he staggered back.
"I believe there is no more of a practical lesson that I can give you then the events that happened today," Strange stated, speaking up for the first time directly to Harry.
Everything kept coming back that box that rested in Harry's hand, when he turned it over in his hand a few times. That box had been a part of him for a few weeks but once again, the magical mage could not shake the feeling that box was part of him for much longer. It was one of those elements that he figured that it offered more secrets.
And the blonde that he saw in the dream scape, she haunted his thoughts and would not be going away any time soon. The redhead was also interesting, she seemed that either came close to matching Jean or maybe even outstripped her by a tiny bit.
"And now why won't you open?" Harry murmured to the box. He tried to blast it with a magical spell a few times, several different unlocking charms and blasting charms but all he accomplished was the box not opening itself at all.
"When the time is right, you must remain patient," the monotone responded before it grew silent.
He could have sworn that these symbols on the box changed but if there was one thing that annoyed Harry, was something was going to happen when the time was right. The mystery blonde still haunted his thoughts and she was not going anyway any time soon by the looks of these things. Harry smirked when he thought about it.
Then there was a feeling of closure, providing what she said was true. Harry thought about it, he gave up on ever returning to that world a long time ago. Going through the veil caused a wave of magic that changed a lot. In fact, magic was high level reality warping at its finest, so what if the world he knew no longer existed?
What if indeed?
Harry was kind of glad because that eliminated any possibility of him returning, where the here and the now. He was free from that dreary place.
And there was the hint about Sirius, that was among the most baffling of things of them all. Harry did wonder, oh boy did he wonder. He hoped that he would get some level of clarity when everything was all said and done. That box when it opened in the real world, that would be the key to the answers. The key to these weird dreams that he had, but the time ticked down.
"Well I don't think I intended this lesson to go that way, but I think we both have to agree that it's been enlightening for the both of us."
Harry spun around and saw Strange standing before him, smile on his face when he watched the magical mage before him, his apprentice.
"We' are rapidly reaching a certain point, a milestone in your training," Strange continued when he watched Harry. "Especially at the rate where you are assimilating the lessons and I hate to admit this but it's true. The rate your power is dangerously close to outstripping mine, it does seem a bit redundant for me to teach you."
Harry thought that the Sorcerer Supreme was showing an awful lot of confidence in him but that somehow did make sense. At the risk of sounding arrogant, he improved by leaps and bounds by the moment that he got here. And he had a crumbling foundation to build on to begin with; with the shoddy education that world gave him.
"I'm sure he tried to tempt you with a promise of going back to the world that you came from," Strange interjected.
"He did but if he thought that was going to tempt me, he doesn't know me at all," Harry answered with a smile.
"If you had a choice…"
"No," Harry stated, he believed that more strongly now ever before, he would never go back to that world, even if it still existed. Although his fears that someone got destroyed in a vain attempt to reach him were slightly put at ease by the possibility the dimensional tear warped his native dimensional into a world where there was never a hidden magical community, never a Hogwarts, never a Voldemort, Dumbledore, or any idiots at the Ministry of Magic, and thank Merlin's soiled underpants for that last part.
Did some of the people he knows still exist? Perhaps, but they were technically not the same people that he knew. And that made the break from that world cleaner than ever before. Harry knew that in his heart that by taking the hidden magical community out of that world, he somehow saved countless lives over there and if he ever returned, those lives would once again be at forfeit.
Harry smiled when he thought about everything.
"So, we're getting off the subject, as for the future of your education," Strange stated, when he steered the conversation back in the direction that he wished it to go into. "We have reached the point where independent study will be necessary, as there is precious little more than I can teach you. Although, if you wish to fine tune your skills or have questions or theories about the nature of magic, my door is open as always."
Harry would keep that in mind but now he had to figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his lfie.
"That will conclude our meeting for now," Strange stated as he watched Harry get up and leave.
Harry walked out the door, in some ways, going back there in a way allowed him to get the closure that he needed.
He eyed the box when he turned it over his hand and a smile crossed his face. There it was, the key turned over in his hand. What was going to happen next, well he was going to find out before too long. A smile crossed his face when he once again looked at the box.
The answers were at hand, if he could be bothered to figure them out. In due time, everything would come unraveled for him and the answers of his heritage would slowly pick up.
Something about that was said that resounded in Harry's ears.
'That world ceased to be, much like the worlds we came from.'
There was some times where Harry did wonder.
Harry pushed himself back against the walls outside the Danger Room, they were rapidly approaching the middle of August. For many people, going back to public school was around the corner but for Harry, there was something else around the corner. On September 1st, he would be about to step forward into that next great adventure.
The past year he trained with the X-Men he learned much but he felt that this was a necessary next step in his life.
And now it was time for him to sit down and have a talk with all of his girls regarding the new step in their training. Although it would get a bit longer to get anything official for the public eye set up, the fact of the matter was that Harry was ready to leave.
"So are you really going to do this?" Laura asked as she looked through appraising eyes at Harry.
Laura in particular had been trying to fit in to the X-Men although it been hard. The codename X-23 was something that stuck with her, although she was trying to come up with something different than that name. It was a name that was a relic from her HYDRA days.
For some reason the name Talon stuck with her but she'd have to think it over.
She would most certainly follow Harry out the door, no matter whether or not Logan pitched a bitch or not. She could not stand to be in this Institute for much longer. Xavier seemed to have a stick up his ass, that was Laura's real theory of why he was in the wheelchair .And Summers….well he had an extremely punchable face.
"I think it really has to be done," Jean answered as she saw that Harry was not one to be a part of a team unless he was the leader. And she also knew despite the fact that Harry was the popular choice, Scott was Xavier's choice. She knew why, but that was not something to get into now.
"He made his choice a long time ago," Rogue stated whilst she kept her eyes on Harry. She was able to experiment a bit more with her new powers, although it took a while for her to learn to control them. She wanted to hurt her enemies and not her friends.
Harry took a moment to look at them, all of them. Even Wanda and Laura, who he expected to follow him despite not being figured in the group, at least not yet.
"Where I go is my choice, as is where you go is your choice," Harry stated carefully when he watched him. "I'm not going to force anyone to follow me out the door."
Kitty offered him a smile before grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly. "And that's the reason why many of us are going to so follow you out the door regardless."
"We'd follow you anywhere and we stand by that," Rachel answered when she eyed Harry.
Jean smiled before she thought about everything. She mulled it over in her mind, in a month she'd be eighteen years old, and that meant that she would be an adult. Given the strained relationship she had with her parents ever since the mutant thing came to ahead, they did take little interest in their daughter's life. Despite the fact that they put on a happy face and were proud for her in public, there were other things that indicated differently.
"I do want to finish my final year at High School, and then figure out where I want to go from there but really it just changes the place I go home to," Jean responded when she turned her head around.
"Yeah, my parents would kind of kill me if I didn't go to school," Kitty answered and there was laughter.
Laura and Wanda exchanged an expression, in some ways there was gaps in their education but they could not see themselves doing the normal education thing for very long. There was something about it that rang as very false to them; perhaps they were not giving it an adequate chance.
"My parents told me that they would support my decision either way, but they would like to meet you," Amara responded when she eyed Harry with a smile.
Harry smiled; he tried to show any nerves, even though they were about ready to simmer to the surface in his body. "Is the fact that your parents want to meet me a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Well when you meet then, you'll know," Amara responded, they were being a bit secretive about the reasons why they wanted to meet Harry, although for some reason, Amara got the fact that they were extremely interested in Harry once she described them although the reason why eluded her for the moment. It was something that she felt she should know but it slipped her mind.
Rachel was prompt with her answer. "Yeah, the reasons that you know, I don't think that I'll be attending public school this fall again."
"Yeah, I suppose I should go back," Rogue answered with a shrug, although she was fifty-fifty on the entire schooling thing.
Harry paused before he fixed a stern look on his face. "I don't want any of you to neglect your educations on my account."
"Aren't you the one who done dropped out of high school?" Rogue asked him with a challenging glint in her eyes.
Harry smirked. "Actually, no, I got my high school diploma and I've got my college diploma. If you know the right people, they can pull the right strings."
They took that to mean that Harry took advantage of the debt that Fury owed him and got every single bit out of it that he could. The young wizard was one that would not be denied something when it was owed to him. The Boy-Who-Lived would have everything that he wanted.
"So, this is one of our last training sessions with you?"
Bobby stated this question, when he walked up with the rest of the new recruits.
Tabby was the next one to state a certain point. "You know, we're going to get stuck with Summers and all of your hard work will get flushed down the toilet."
"Tabby," Harry responded in a reproachful voice, but the last six months he had been training the new mutants free of charge. This was so Xavier could not pull any cards that Harry owed him, to keep him there. Not that Harry's guilt would be such where he would buy into that but he knew that was a possibility.
"Well it's the truth," Tabby remarked with a smile on her face as the other new mutants.
"Hey, he's just doing what he thinks is right," Sam stated when he watched them.
Harry agreed, he was doing what he thought was right and there was going to come a mind.
Seventeen tiny days, but there was something about the date of September First that represented a flashpoint of something that was happening but what, what was the question?
It was time to train, perhaps one of the last times he would ever step into this school. Unless Xavier wished to pay him to come back as a guest instructor but he would pop in a few times a week, train, visit, and pop back out. And it would be done on his schedule. So far Xavier did not offer Harry that, which was fine.
Perhaps Xavier thought that the harmony of his team would go a lot better without Harry here.
"So, you're really getting out of here, aren't you?" Logan asked, giving Harry an appraising look.
Harry smiled when he kept his eye on the new recruits. "Yeah, I'm really getting out of here."
"Well, good working with you at any rate and I'm sure we'll join up again," Logan responded when he watched it. "Xavier won't know what he's allowing to slip away until he's gone."
"You don't think what I'm doing is right, do you?" Harry asked.
There was a pause before Logan decided to answer.
"Kid, if I've learned one thing, there are a few right things, there is the right thing for others and the right thing for you. It ain't the fairest thing in the world but sometimes you got to do the right thing for you. Maybe you leaving will give Summers the motivation that he's been lacking to step up and live up to Xavier's belief in him."
Harry paused, Scott and him shared a few polite words lately, but it was the kind of false politeness that politicians shared with each other. He could sense the thoughts in Scott's head, there was a huge part of him that blamed Harry for this. That was why his leadership skills would falter in the end, when the heat got too hot, he had to run out of the kitchen.
"Well, I can say that this would be a loss," Ororo answered when she took a moment to watch around Harry. "At the very least, I would hope that you would come back to visit."
Harry smiled a brief smile. "Well given my abilities that is not without of the realm of possibility. And it's not like I'm dropping off the face of the planet."
"So did you get your base set up?" Ororo asked, she did hope that whatever Harry was calling his team, they could find some kind of common ground and work together. The reasons why he left, she could see, and she did inform Charles that this day was inevitable if he started to take Harry for granted. Of course, Charles could be rather stubborn but then again so could Harry. And it was obvious what would happen when two forces like that collided.
And that day did come, sooner than any of them could have expected. The training was getting stronger and there would be some new recruits coming in a few days.
"Yes, I've got it mostly set up, just a few more minor things to tweak," Harry answered when he stood and thought about it. "I want to make sure the security doesn't have any holes in it, I have people testing it the best I can."
He had to get the premises set to be perfect and dozens of other things to do before he even thought about recruitment. Even with magic and the mass amount of resources he acquired, the process was extremely laborious. He had Felicia test his security a few times with her creativity and they pinpointed a few things that would need to be fixed. And there were a couple more things that he had yet to find.
"Yeah, best of luck with that one," Logan responded when he thought of all of the times that the Mansion Security was breached. It seemed like every hole they closed, two more had been opened. Harry gently offered Xavier the opportunity to use magic to close the security holes or at the very least limit the possibility of intrusion. Xavier declined the offer, which Logan wondered about.
Yet, he was leaving, the clock ticked down bit by bit. D-Day approached rather quickly.
Laura Kinney was ruled by animalistic instincts despite the fact that she was mostly human. The dark haired girl spun around and closed her eyes before she caught his scent. It bedeviled her for as long as she got here.
"You should totally go for it," Kitty responded with a smile as she watched Laura.
"Just waiting for the right time," Laura responded as she calculated her move.
"No better time than now," Kitty answered when she watched Laura edge her way forward with a smile on her face, she did wonder what she was about to unleash but she supposed that she would find out in a matter of moments.
Harry moved his way towards his bedroom and he heard Laura come from behind him.
"Hey Laura…."
Laura shoved her mouth onto Harry's, driven wild by the desire that she had while around him before she pushed him into the room. He was the Alpha Male, no question about it, and she wanted him.
Harry was surprised at this attack but given her nature and his nature to attract girls like moth to a flame, he should have been a bit more prepared for this. Just like he should have been a bit more prepared to lose his shirt by her claws ripping through it and she shoved him back on the bed, before she straddled him a little bit. Laura wrapped her legs around Harry and pushed herself down against his crotch.
The two kissed with animalistic desire, when Harry pulled back her top and the games began.
Smut/Lemon Begins.
Smut/Lemon Ends.
Harry edged his way towards the front door the next morning, where Kurt saw him.
"Someone left a package for you," Kurt responded when he kept his eyes on Harry. "Who do you think it is?"
Harry walked forward but he stopped. He could have sworn that he saw past the paper when he edged his way there but it was a flash. He shrugged before scanning the package to see if there was any traps or enchantments on it.
He pulled a box with a chess piece out. It was the White Queen and a note that said that it was for his eyes only.
Harry was curious and also suspicious.
He would find out what the significance was all too soon.
Mystique wondered about the bargain she made with Sinister all of those months back, she was no closer to achieving her goals than she was all of those months ago when she left the Asteroid.
"Hello, Raven."
There was a swift voice and Mystique spun around to see Irene standing there.
"I bring forth a message, another vision," Irene responded to Mystique.
Mystique was intrigued.
"Sinister will unleash the Apocalypse but it will only be the beginning," Irene stated in a cryptic voice and she did not give her old friend a chance to respond. "Apocalypse comes and opens the doors for many things. Doors are opened for a conqueror and a creature that is even more unstoppable than the Juggernaut. But they pale in comparison to the dark lord, the one of the fire planet, the one that will be set free when Apocalypse meets his end."
"What if Apocalypse does not meet his end?" Mystique asked.
Irene was silent before she spoke. "Then you need not worry for no one will be here to be engulfed by the darkness."
Cryptic, very cryptic.
Mystique had other problems to worry about, she heard rumors that Magneto was recruiting. Sinister demanded that she remained in the shadows but the thought that she might have revenge was too great of an opportunity to pass up.
"But merely visions can be wrong," Irene added in a delicate voice. "Although this one has a stronger pull than the ones I have had previously."
True or not, it made Mystique think about the consequences of what Sinister's plans were going to cause.