Grand Finale P2

Harry drew in a deep breath whilst he thought about everything that occurred over the past few months to a year. His time at the X-Men was time that he thought benefitted him in the long run but it was time to move forward to the next part of his life. He held the box in his hand; Harry took time looking at it more and more over the past few weeks. The young mage kept contemplating his lot in life and most importantly where he came from.

One thing was for certain, it was not where he came from that matter, but it was where he was going next.

Harry took a moment to step forward, with the entire group of X-Men standing there. Scott was there as well, even if he looked stoic and not too anxious or excited that Harry was leaving. It was easy to figure out what the would-be leader of the X-Men was thinking. The young wizard knew that he was conflicted about everything that happened while Harry was here. If Harry left, then it would allow him to step up. But he would always be second best to Harry.

The magical mutant gave Scott plenty of opportunities to step up and be the leader that he could in fact be. However, it was his fault that he chose to squander those opportunities and instead worry about what Harry did. The wizard carefully eyed the group, smiling and waiting, watching them a little bit.

"And we can cut the tension with a knife," Nightcrawler remarked carefully, trying to lighten the mood, which was what Harry appreciated. They needed the mood lightened after everything that happened. "So I guess this is it?"

Xavier watched carefully, wondering what was going to happen now. He sensed from the moment Harry arrived that he was not one to follow the pack but rather set up and make his own mark in the world. The wizard carefully considered them, eye twitching a little bit before smiling carefully and crisply.

"So, I guess this is it," Harry repeated as he watched them, good byes were always tough even if he was just leaving the Institute.

"Couldn't you stay….for a little longer."

Harry had no idea who said that for he was distracted by the incoming arrival of someone bursting through the door. He saw in a matter of moments that Natasha stepped forward, before bending at the knees.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked, trying to assert himself but Natasha shook her head, before turning to Harry.

"We have a problem," Natasha offered with a tense expression when she motioned for Harry to follow her. Wherever Harry went, several girls tended to follow and in this case it was Kitty, Rachel, Rogue, Laura, and Jean, all of them stepping forward. Natasha allowed this to happen because she needed to talk to Harry without any issues. "Two problems actually….three?"

"Are you sure that's it?" Harry asked, dread building up in his mind. Any number of possibilities flickered through his mind with none of them good.

Natasha's expression snapped towards Harry's and she remained businesslike before she began to speak with him. "Essentially that is all, but one thing at a time. The first problem is…."

"Greetings X-Men."

"I'm guessing that's the problem," Rogue remarked in a dry voice but Rachel suddenly went pale. "Rachel what's….."

"Bastion," Rachel breathed heavily, skin flushed when she blinked heavily and practically panted.

This was the one voice that she never wanted to hear again, no matter how long she lived. He was the terror that tormented her from the past and beyond. The red haired mutant kept her ear out, neck extended and she waited for the other shoe to drop. Harry reached over and grabbed her hand, which she appreciated. He tightened around her hand, allowing a solid enough grip. The red haired girl relaxed in his grip, when the crisp voice of Bastion echoed throughout for all of them to hear.

"I have come from the future to tell you that your prospects of a peaceful world for mutants is a lie and the biggest lie here is Arcane," Bastion breathed. "Or would you the prefer the term, Superman?"

"What?" Kitty breathed in a heavy voice and this was news to Harry. He wondered if Bastion lost his mind and fried his circuits.

Rachel mulled over it in her mind, Superman, Superman, there was something about that name in the archives but she had no idea what it is.

"Harry Potter, Arcane, Kal-El, Superman, whatever name you wish to go under, Star Child, know this, for I am Bastion and I will be your decimation," the voice stated in a cold and crisp manner. "Something changed this time when you arrived and my time is becoming undone. But it doesn't matter, for once I'm no longer anchored in that part of the time stream, I will…."

"You talk a good game but why don't you back it up with a little more action?" Rogue asked, interrupting Bastion. She was ready to take them on, even if she did not understand what he was saying.

"I could expose you to the world, alien, but that would not be nearly as fun is crushing your spirit," Bastion commented, ignoring Rogue's outburst.

"I think you've mistaken me for someone else," Harry answered as he stood proud.

"I am never mistaken, I know who you are and know the danger you pose to my objective and as long as any version of you in any timeline exists, I can never win, Kal-El, " Bastion commented in a crisp voice, putting special emphasis on certain words that he stated. "But do not worry, you and your fellow companions only can hear this. I will not broadcast the fact that you are worse than a mutant, worse than a wizard."

'Nonsense, he's talking nonsense,' Jean thought to herself, folding her arms.

'Except it isn't,' the Phoenix stated in a tranquil voice.

'What are you….what are you talking about?' Jean thought back to the Phoenix.

'He is of similar extra-terrestrial origin to the force that flows through you,' the Phoenix thought to Jean. 'He is capable of much, much, more than foolish wand waving and silly incantations.'

Jean thought about this and she did know that Harry could be something special but nothing like this.

Harry was skeptical as everything, to be honest; he was not buying what Bastion was selling now. Even though that would explain everything, there was a certain amount of stubbornness that resided in Harry that prevented him from really getting completely on board with everything that was being side. The wizard's green eyes filled with discontent.

"He may be playing mind games, that's what Bastion does," Rachel answered but that would explain why Harry did not exist in her time stream. What better way not to exist if he was underneath a different name?

"Perhaps, child, perhaps not, but that is the least of your concern," Bastion answered in a crisp tone of voice when he paused for dramatic effect. "All you have to concern yourself with is the meteors that are flying into this city in two hours time. Today is the day you will leave the X-Men, star child, but it will be done in a body bag, for what comes down will be your death, providing I do not put you out of your misery first."

Harry turned to Natasha and she offered a pained express. "This was the other problem that you spoke of?"

She nodded and Harry decided to move forward with the third question.

"I hate to ask this, but why is problem number three?" Harry asked when he watched Natasha carefully. He hoped that it was not going to get worse; there was no way that this could get worse.

The problem was that things got worse. Natasha paused, trying to convey what she thought, with her eyes shifting before the spy spat it out.

"There is a rogue SHIELD agent."

"Bolivar Trask."

True to form, Nick Fury popped up, whether he was invited or not.

"SHIELD has the access codes to the security grid for the mansion, I disabled them to have Widow and myself step in to warn you of what is to come," Fury answered the unasked question. "You may want to do the exact opposite of what the X-Men does for their security, Mr. Potter, if you wish to avoid the headaches."

Harry knew that he would need to keep that in mind but he had far bigger problems.

"The third issue, Fury," Harry responded and Fury's face twisted into a grimace.

"It's this, Mr. Potter," Fury responded when he kept an eye firmly on Harry. "Bolivar Trask was a SHIELD agent working on a top secret project, for a group of robots that would be a failsafe against mutant kind."

Harry paused before shifting his expression a little bit. "And we thought that this was a good idea because…"

Fury decided to cut straight to the point. "It was a flawed idea but it appeared to be a good one at the time. We pulled the funding but Trask and another small group of SHIELD agents went AWOL, with the funding and the prototypes of the project. The Sentinels could be online but they need a test subject."

Harry was hit with it immediately as was Laura.

'Logan,' Laura thought when she cracked her knuckles.

'We'll get him back,' Rachel thought in a reassuring voice but her mind shifted to the terror that was Bastion. She remembered what he could do and feared the dangers. He became much more after he stole the body parts of several mutants for his reign of terror.

Harry hoped that she was right but now it was time for him to team up with the X-Men for one last mission. Because of the insanity, he never did his speech. Harry and the girls left the room.

With another swift expression, Harry's eyes blinked before he looked up at Xavier.

"We have a situation."

That got everyone's attention in a hurry.

The team was mobilized one more time, one last time. They split into several squads, with Harry, Rachel, Kurt, Bobby, Rogue, and Wanda being part of the first squad.

Wanda thought that this was a good way to test her skills in a more practical manner than what Harry was teaching her on the side. The dark haired mutant stood, ready for action.

There was a rattling that echoed in the background.

"Stay alert," Harry whispered to them and Rogue, Rachel, Kurt, Bobby, and Wanda all nodded; all of them expecting the worst. The ground watched with widened eyes and soon they realized what was about to drop down.

Five metal spheres swirled around in the air, causing sparks to fly before the landed one by one by one with a huge crash. They splintered the ground, cracking themselves into the pavement.

Wanda saw that they were magnetized and she saw him standing up there. This was a truer test than anything she ever could have been through not to attack. It took every amount of her will-power, strained as it might be, before she backed off. The dark haired magical mutant watched breathing when she saw her father stand tall on the ledge, looking down at them.

"Wanda, don't get caught up in him," Harry warned her breathlessly and Wanda pulled back, blinking slowly before the girl's head inclined, once, twice, and three times.

"Something's happening with those spheres," Kurt breathed and they stayed alert. Rachel frowned and Harry understood why when he heard the creaking and shifting the metallic options.

Without warning, the spheres burst open one at a time, allowing a heavy cloud of dust to appear around them. The dust blinded the line of sight from most of the group but Harry, with his enhanced eyesight, was able to see through them. The young wizard carefully watched everything around him.

"His Acolytes," Harry breathed and that's what they were for lack of a better term.

He knew that these guys would be the cream of the crop, much better than the Brotherhood ever was trained. All and all, the Brotherhood was a rag tag group of misfits that Mystique and later the Taskmaster tried to make work. But in reality, they were more or less a rudimentary exam for the bigger challenge at hand.

The first sphere burst open completely to reveal a red haired man dressed in an orange bodysuit and wearing goggles that wrapped around his face. He smiled brightly and quite maliciously, with his eyes glowing and miniature flames shot up, derived from a lighter. While he could not manifest flames, he could control them with a little spark from a lighter, a blowtorch, or a set of magic. He didn't start the fire but he kept it burning until the world stopped turning. His name was Pyro.

The second Acolyte stepped forward, someone that the X-Men were all too familiar with and they cracked their knuckles together. Sabretooth was meaner and nastier than ever and he was ready to take a bite out of the X-Men. His clawed hands and nasty teeth along with unruly mane of hair and a murderous glare that would make many people piss themselves when they went up against it.

The third Acolyte was none other than a Raging Cajun, with red hair, glowing eyes, and a trench coat with a black top and tight black pants, with a deck of playing cards. He gave a smile that would light the hearts of many women a flutter although he tended to always be one to play them. His name was Gambit and he discharged kinetic energy that could blow things up.

The fourth Acolyte was the large but gentle Russian, known as Colossus, he had been here very begrudgingly when Magneto offered him the assistance that he could not get on his own. He cracked his knuckles and was ready for a scrap.

The fifth sphere burst open to reveal a pale skinned woman with dark hair and ample assets, with black eyes. She was named Domino and her mutant power was that she never missed a shot.

"Let's begin," Magneto responded and Domino fired the first shot but Harry dodged the attack.

"Let's see how lucky you are," Harry answered before he levitated the guns out of her hand. She aimed a kick but Harry dodged it and took her down, causing her own feet to be tangled up in the attack.

Sabretooth rushed forward, arms out to grab Rachel but she put up a telekinetic shield that propelled him back and his skull cracked against it. He gave a pained growl when the telepath jumped up and knocked him backwards with a solid smash and a slam. He rolled over, wheezing in the agony.

"I'll get you little b…."

"Watch the language," Kurt responded after he dodged the attack, before flinging a brick with his tail and smashing it into the Sabretooth.

"We're about to put a little shrimp on the Barbie," Pryo stated as it lit things up..

"Seriously, could you be any more stereotypical?" Iceman asked with a roll on his eyes as he sent ice to meet the fire, but the ice melted when the pyromaniac cut through the attack.

"Going to have to fuel up a little more, mate," Pryo stated, laughing madly but Rogue knocked him out with a swift punch. She nailed him hard at half strength.

A large metal door flew forward but Rogue ducked it, pivoting around on her heel, before kicking up and launching herself into the air. Magneto was trying to direct traffic and Harry watched him and Wanda did as well.

The playing card flew towards her but Wanda deactivated it with a blast of light and sent flying back at Gambit.

"Getting a bit frisky, aren't we?" Gambit asked in a suave and sophisticated voice.

Suddenly, without warning, before the battle could get too intense, there was a rumbling beneath the ground that shook rocked them all. A platform rose up and a robot arrived, magnetized by the Master of Magnetism and brought up. He would force mutants to stand together against humanity or they would all perish in their ignorance that humans would understand.

"At least, you will step into the…."

"Mutant neutralize," the robot responded in a monotone and blasted the Master of Magnetism. He dodged out of the way, nearly tripping over himself.

"That was not part of my plan," Magneto answered when he lifted up several metal sheets but they were blasted out of the way. An energy field appeared around the robot, preventing Magneto from magnetizing it. "This was not part…."

"Nothing goes according to plan, does it Magneto?" the voice stated in a crisp monotone. "It will be a pleasure to kill you once more."

Magneto was caught off guard by this situation and SHIELD moved in but their vessel shut down.

The Sentinel prepared to engage the mutants in battle but Rachel and Harry slipped off, while others worried about the minions and the tricks, they were going to cut off the head of the attack.

'Bastion is mine,' Rachel thought to Harry through their link.

'No Bastion is ours,' Harry corrected her before they moved off into the night.

It was obvious to see what Bastion was up to and that rocked both of them to the core, causing their stomachs to turn in a twisted fury. Both Harry and Rachel edged forward, carefully keeping an eye or an ear out. They needed to reach him in time.

Bastion made one critical error; the brain of Charles Xavier left him with a thought pattern that could be tracked. Not to mention Harry was sure that all of the mutant body parts were not going to agree with each other, leaving Bastion open for an attack. He carefully edged off to the side, ready to pick and choose his next spot.

'And with his robotic parts left open when he's concerned with the outer shell, this will lead me to believe that he hasn't protected those parts,' Harry thought to himself, carefully placing a hand on the edge of his forehead. 'It has to work, it's got to work.'

Harry was able to shield his thoughts, mostly by misdirecting them into nonsense phrases that he cycled through his mind. That was the best thing for Harry, to keep everything at bay and to keep Bastion from finding out what ticked beneath the head of Harry.

'Are you sure this will work?' Rachel thought to him, closing her eyes and Harry snaked an arm around hers, pulling her in close.

'It has to work,' Harry thought, but his confidence was not as prominent as he made it out to be in the back of his mid. Still it was all or nothing. The wizard carefully edged himself forward, standing on his toes.

"I know what you are trying to do and it will not work."

"You are pretty bloody confident for someone who hasn't even won yet," Harry responded as he watched Bastion and Rachel stood rigid.

"I have won," Bastion persisted in a silky voice but Harry aimed a bolt of energy at him. He blocked it with a shield of your own. "I have your heart, I also have your powers."

"And my weaknesses as well," Harry stated when he watched Bastion, studying his movements to find flaws in them but it was frustrating as he could not get a clear reading on him. "And the weaknesses of every other single mutant that you used for your little helter-skelter body, not to imagine your own weaknesses."

"Child, do not prattle about what you do not know about."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to prematurely prattle," Harry responded with a shrug but then he shook his head.

He needed to stop hanging out with Spider-Man it was kind of corrupting his brain and causing him to make inane quips. Be that as it may, Harry jumped into the air and made his movement towards Bastion. His eyes closed, heart pounding, blood racing, and brain ticking.

Harry developed contingency plans to take down every single member of the X-Men in case of a worst case scenario like possession or brain washing.

The barrier formed around Bastion but that was just what he wanted to. A dagger shot from Harry's wrist.

The dagger disrupted the phasing abilities that he gained from ripping out Kitty's spine in the bad future and this allowed Rachel to jump in and grab him by the ankles to force him down.

An echo curse caused the psychic backlash to become too great for Bastion to handle, his human brain was overwhelmed, and Harry now closed his eyes.

Harry divided into half, then fourths, then eighths, then sixteenths, before he dove at Bastion. Several super enhanced punches knocked Bastion backwards and caused him to fly to the ground.

"This is not over," Bastion growled but then Harry grabbed two ruby quartz pieces, before flinging them into the eyes of Bastion, which blocked his optic blasts and caused his head to ring with a huge explosion.

"I beg to differ," Harry answered but flaming spears shot from him.

Duck, duck, dodge, and blast the spears, that was a nice rhythm. Then propel one's self into the air and smash into the enemy, it was much better than what most wizards did and stand there like a rock whilst taking the punishment.

"I don't think…."

Rachel joined in and joined Harry's assault, before smashing through Bastion.

Bastion skid back a little bit, his knee buckling back a little bit, but he stood his ground, knee twisting a little bit. The dangerous creation felt a fire burning through him.

"You're done Bastion."

"Now who is premature," Bastion answered after two more of the Sentinels arrived outside, to smash their way into the warehouse where they were fighting. "And there are three more being sent upon your associates. It seems like Trask only wanted to test them one at a time but my superior nature has made them work. And I can mass produce them, there is nowhere mutants can hide."

'Well actually fighting more of them might give us an advantage,' Harry thought which caused Rachel's eyes to snap towards him.

'Are you nuts?' Rachel thought to him but Harry smiled.

'Probably,' Harry answered as he saw one of the Sentinels show up.

Standard EMP pulse, could be generated by any wizard with a NEWT level education or at least moderately powered enough. Harry didn't have a NEWT level education but he had the memories of someone with that qualification. So it was time for him to kick things up a notch and fire in the whole. The young wizard carefully maneuvered around the sentinel.

The EMP pulse only cut through the air partially, striking the robotic creation.

Harry paused, that was nowhere near sufficient enough as the will of Bastion was protecting it. Suddenly, realization dawned upon him, it was simple yet effective.

The wizard could use that against Bastion.

'Split his control many different ways,' Harry thought to himself, before he flew forward, and wrapped his hand around the Sentinels, before they began to glow.

He divided them in half and then divided the halves into fourths, until he had eight sentinels as opposed to the two.

Rachel's eyebrows raised and exasperation filled her face. 'So is there any point where we….'

"Just wait for it Rach,' Harry thought to the red head fighting beside him and there was a large crack when Bastion found controlling the Sentinels to be a bit more of a laborious process that he thought it was previously. The man's eyes became rather bloodshot and blood splattered from his mouth.

"This is….you have not proven anything."

Harry broke the force field yet again and knocked his physical form for a loop. The metal cracked and snapped when the wizard propelled his enemy to the ground. There was a huge explosion when Bastion flew head over heels.

A burst of heat flew through the air and caused Harry's eyeballs to sting slightly. This caught him completely off guard but it caught Bastion even more off guard. The super intense heat flew through the air and fried Bastion upon impact.

Harry blinked, rubbing his eyeballs before he only had one statement.

"Okay, this is new," Harry responded but the magically enhanced heat vision succeeded in damaging Bastion badly.

Scott flew to the ground, landing hard with a thud, his nose almost breaking when he hit. In reality, that could not be the best plan in the world what he just tried.

"Hey, what are these overgrown bucket of bolts doing? Thinking that they can cause all of this property damage?"

"Yeah isn't that our job?"

"Quiet there Matchstick….It's Clobbering Time!"

The Thing popped up, along with the Human Torch. The Fantastic Four were going along their day, when suddenly the Baxter Building was attacked by these robots.

"So Reed, what do you make of these things?" the Thing asked as he picked up a lamppost that had been disengaged and swung it, smacking into the chest of the robot.

"They are quite impressive," Reed remarked when he analyzed them but Susan shook her head.

"Now's not the time to gush over the killer robots that are going to kill us," The Invisible Woman responded when she closed her eyes and popped up an invisible shield, which blocked the debris.

"So is this a Fantastic Four get together or do the Avengers join in?"

Iron Man popped up, blasting at the Sentinels, causing the armor to ding.

"Threat, neutralize it," the Sentinel responded in monotone but Thor summoned the thunder and laid the smackdown on the Sentinel.

"Have at thee, vile machine!" Thor bellowed, before he smashed the Sentinel, but it was adapting to Thor's attacks.

"JARVIS, get a scan of that thing, it has to have a weak spot," Iron Man responded when he put up his wrist band and began to scan the Sentinel carefully.

"At once sir," JARVIS responded, as the computer continued to scan.

"Yeah, weak spot, good luck," Hawkeye answered whilst his best shots were bouncing off of nothing.


Hulk jumped up and with a sonic boom knocked the Sentinel back, causing it to crumble and crack. The metal contorted and the Prince of Thunder dove up, before he combined the attack with Thor. The combined assaults of two of the strongest beings in the world smashed the Sentinel down and there was a huge crash when the machine bust apart.

"That wasn't so hard," Hulk stated gruffly, brushing his hands off.

"Yeah but there's about two more coming down the street, big guy," Iron Man responded when his hands lit up and he aimed a series of blasts at them. "If we can only back these guys up."

"Easier said than done," Ms. Marvel panted, when she spotted Cannonball run down the street and launch himself into one of the Sentinels and did some pretty decent damage to it. "Well that worked out well."

"I don't know how many of these things Trask has but we should assume that he might have dozens in a storehouse," Fury stated to the Avengers over the radio link. "Make sure…."

Fury paused before he got some news off screen and it twisted his stomach into a knot. The eagle eyed director of SHIELD spun around, trying to watch everything.

"Problem, boss?" Hawkeye asked as he spotted Spider-Man swinging into the battle, getting civilians out of harm's way. Beast assisted with the efforts, as did Storm off to the side.

The news crews were on the scene, filming all of it.

Thankfully the X-Men all wore wrist bands that would cause any photos or television images of their faces to be out of focus but still the people now knew at large that mutants existed, even though they did not know who they were. The Acolytes disappeared into the night, their purpose done, even if Magneto's plan kind of went off the rails.

Jean paused, before she stepped forward. Scott stopped her.

"Jean what are you doing?" Scott asked before she shoved his hand away. "You're breaking your position."

'Tell the idiot that you're saving all of mutant kind from getting wiped out,' the Phoenix thought.

However Scott was knocked down when a group of armed soldiers moved in. Kitty's eyes widened when she saw it and she turned, practically stammering when her head turned around before the brunette spat it out.

"We got to so get out of here, fallout plan seven, like Harry taught us!" Kitty yelled, trying to rally the team the best she could.

"Capture them, these specimens must not be allowed to leave," one of the army officers stated.

There was a loud siren that echoed just as Fury was finishing giving the report.

"What do you mean the meteors are going to crash into New York within fifteen minutes?" Iron Man asked, his voice nearly dropping and he looked up into the sky. There were flares.

Iron Man calibrated Fury's findings and let out a low whistle. To say this was not good would be the understatement to end all understatements. "Well, here's the deal. We're about to get plowed by the meteors in fourteen minutes and thirty nine seconds. The magnetic interference brought them faster."

"Damn Magneto," Rogue swore as she hung her head.

Wanda did not say that, if she had been allowed to deal with her father, he would not have been allowed to reign down hell on Earth. Even if it was accidental, Wanda still blamed him as with everything.

"We got to get everyone out of the city, now," Spider-Man responded but the Sentinels were making that harder that he was.

'Bastion could be anywhere,' Harry thought to himself but he blinked. 'Then again, Bastion, you just slipped up.'

He fired an electro-magnetic pulse into the air, with it smashing through the air hard and the wizard watched it explode, causing everything to rattle around them. The wizard felt pressure reign supreme after the communicator link went off.

"Yeah Kitty….what do you need?" Harry asked but there was a squealing sound.

'I'll put us on mind link,' Rachel thought to them and Harry focused a little bit, before Kitty managed to get in with the link.

'Um ten minutes,' Kitty thought in a frantic manner when she clutched her hands together.

'Ten minutes until what?' Harry responded to her, but he felt a deal of dread coming up with him. Something was happening but the real question was what.

'Meteor shower,' Kitty thought to him, frantically. 'Be careful.'

Harry looked up into the sky.

"I can stop it," Harry responded as he put his hands on his hips but Jean's eyes widened.

"A meteor shower?" Jean stated to him, thinking that Harry might have lost his mind and really she feared a little bit for his sanity. The red haired woman crossed her arms and threw her head back with a slight sight. "I don't know if you can even stop that, even with your abilities…"

"I'm not insane," Harry answered in a defensive voice, trying to figure out what he needed to do.

"You aren't going anywhere."

And Bastion was back in the game, with Harry propelling himself up with all of the power that he had. He never tapped into this much power so it caused every single nerve ending in his body to explode in flames.

Bastion was dangerous but so was Harry. Jean and Rachel joined him, before their eyes glowed.

'Together,' Harry thought to both of the red heads and there was an explosion that rang through the air.

Several explosions echoed, causing flames and fire to shoot out in every single direction. The trio smashed their way through the air, knocking the full force into their Bastion and sent the force slamming to the ground.

The sparks flew when he smashed into the ground but there was a thunderous laughter that echoed, when Jean's eyes glowed and she began to rip him apart.

"I guess you're the one who's going to kill me this time," Bastion managed as a combination of motor oil and blood splattered from his mouth. His eyes flickered into silver and they continued to spark a little bit more ,his heart beat rather firmly. "It's a pity that it's not going to matter."

Harry spiked down all of his power down onto the head of Bastion, obliterating him with the full force of his powers, but it ticked into his mind.

"Seven minutes, six minutes fifty nine seconds, six minutes fifty eight seconds."

The Sentinels began to shut down but the flares up in the air indicated that there was a bigger problem.

"Six minutes forty three seconds, six minutes forty two seconds, six minutes forty one seconds."