You Should Be Careful

I fell down onto my knees, clutching the side of my head.

"What the... what is happening?"

The black figure was slowly being consumed, but after it coursed through my entire body, I heard its voice.

"So, apparently we were supposed to be separated to protect ourselves, but then-"

Before it could finish, I blacked out entirely.


I could feel that the floor was shaking. Upon opening my eyes, I found myself on top of a piece of stone. There were countless cracks within the ground around me. The various fragments of earth both rose and lowered, almost like they were ships in a storm.

High above in the sky was a red sun, coloring the rest of the sky a dark orange. It was as though the sun was laying its gaze on something that it found interesting.

In front of me was a familiar old man. He was down on his knees with his head down on the floor.