Chapter 9 Meeting the Grounder's

{ } Grounder Language

As Violet remembered in the show, Lincoln had managed to get away, or well, Octavia had set him free after seeing everyone high on the nuts that were not banned in the camp, so now Violet just needed to put her plan into action first get in touch with Lincoln and see if the grounders would be willing to talk from the show it seemed that Onya would be and that was after a village was set on fire since that didn't happen it seemed even more likely that she would be willing to meet.

The next step is how to meet Onya or Lexa. This was the most challenging part for Violet to plan. She vaguely remembered that at the meeting, something went wrong and that the 100 started shooting at the grounders, but she couldn't remember who had done the shooting and why it began.

So far, none of the 100 had gone missing. Wells was still alive, even if he was now keeping his head down. The last Violet saw of Wells was him talking to his dad last night, so she had managed to change some things to her joy.

Violet's best option to make sure that nothing goes wrong was to meet the grounders in an area that the grounders control, like Ton DC or Polis on her own, but Violet knew that both Clarke and Charlotte wouldn't be very happy with that. Still, since they know she had magic, it shouldn't be that hard of a sell for her after they learn about Portkeys.

Violet slowly got out of the bedding that covered her and Charlotte and looked around the camp for Octavia. After a few moments, Violet found her getting some water before walking up to her after making sure they were alone.

"I need you to pass on a message to the grounder for me," Violet said quietly.

"Can't help you. He doesn't speak the same language, and I doubt we will ever see him again," Octavia said after filling up her pouch.

"Don't take me for a fool Octavia. I need to talk to him about finding some way to live in peace. If you happen to bump into him, ask him if we can meet. He picks the place I doubt either one of us want's to fight," Violet said, filling up her pouch and walking back to Charlotte.

Violet was confident that Lincoln would agree to meet her. From what she could remember, Lincoln hated fighting and wouldn't want Octavia being caught up in it. Sure she may have to pretend to be a prisoner, but that was a small cost, and they couldn't hurt her anyway unless they set her on fire.

Violet shook Charlotte awake as she pulled the blanket off her and rolled it up, and shoved it inside a plastic bag to keep it dry if it rained.

"Errr Violet," Charlotte said, yawning.

"Come on; we have hunting to do, or the camp would starve," Violet said, handing Charlotte her bow and the water as she looked around for Clarke to tell her the plan.

Looking around, Violet couldn't see her anywhere and ruled out the dropship as she looked for Octavia in there and hadn't seen Clarke, so she guessed that she was in Finn's tent. Violet and Charlotte quickly made their way across the camp as a group of people led by Montey was setting up a bunch of monitors for Unity day when they all came together after blowing up the 13th station that Becca was on.

She found the story to be stupid as Becca could have given them all night blood, and they wouldn't have had to stay in space at all. Violet and Charlotte pulled Finn's tent open to see that Raven and Clarke were in the tent, and Clarke was checking Finn's wound while Raven stood awkwardly by watching the both of them.

Given that Finn had slept with another girl when he knew he had a girlfriend, it made sense for her to be jumpy. The only thing that Violet didn't like was the glare she was giving Clarke when she thought that Clarke wasn't looking. As for as Violet could remember, Finn never told Clarke that he had a girlfriend, so the blame lies solely on him unless Clarke does know.

"Clarke, we need to talk when you are done," Violet said, not wanting to talk about her plan with other people around as they wouldn't know about her magic, and she really didn't care what Finn and Raven had to say.

Violet and Charlotte both left the tent to give Finn some kind of privacy and stood outside waiting. Clarke came out five minutes later and motioned with her head to follow seem to catch on that it was something they didn't want others to overhear.

The three of them walked into a tent, and Violet cast a muffling charm as an extra layer of protection.

"What do you want to talk about?" Clarke asked, sitting down.

"I am planning on trying to get a meeting with the grounders," Violet said and raised her hand to stop Clarke from butting in.

"Don't forget I have magic, including the ability to teleport if need me so that I will be 100% safe and we need to do something, or it will only escalate till it ends up in war," Violet said.

"I feel like you are telling me you're doing this instead of suggesting it?" Clarke asked.

"If you can give me a good reason not to do it, then I won't, but I can't think of a single downside," Violet asked back.

Clarke just sat there thinking before letting out a sigh.

"No, I can't think of a reason for you, not to at least try," Clarke said begrudgingly.

Violet looked down at Charlotte, who looked very unhappy.

"Don't worry im not going to get hurt, and if we can stop the fighting and killing, then all the better," Violet said to Charlotte while rubbing her head.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Clarke asked.

"Well, I plan on telling them that we will rent the land we are on currently before buying land at a later date," Violet said.

"Rent them with what and buy land with what," Clarke asked, confused.

"I think you forget magic. I can make all the high-quality steel, leather or waterproof furs," Violet said, enjoying the embarrassed look on Clarke's face.

"Fine, but if your gone more than four days, the deal is off," Clarke said in a worried tone.

"How do you plan on finding them?" Charlotte asked.

"Easy by following Octavia that grounder seems to care for her, and he will make contact no doubt sometime today, and I will have him take me to the local leader," Violet said.

"Fine, but four days, not a single day more, okay," Clarke said, glaring at me.

"Yes, ma'am," Violet said, giving a half-assed salute making Clarke and Charlotte roll their eyes.

We could hear some people shouting and Monty shouting about moonshine as we all left the tent. Violet kept a close eye on Octavia, who seemed to be sneaking away in the commotion.

"Im off. See you in four days. Stay close to Clarke, okay?" Violet said, kissing Charlotte's forehead.

Violet cast a Disillusionment Charm on herself before following after Octavia, who seemed to be following a path laid out with white flowers. She kept going before going down a hole in the ground. Violet waited a few moments before casting a silencing charm on her shoes and followed after Octavia.

Violet followed the short tunnel and peeked around the corner only to see Octavia and Lincoln kissing as Octavia started to pull her clothes off, which threw Violet as she didn't remember this happening in the show coming back to her sensors Violet went back a foot and removed the spells on herself.

"Hello, I come in peace", Violet called out, not able to think of a better greeting than that, and they did come from space, so they are kinda aliens.

Violet heard both of them jump apart and could hear clothing being pulled back on as they whispered.

"Im going to walk around the corner now. I wouldn't recommend trying to attack me. It won't go in your favour, and we can all get along here," Violet warned as she slowly made her way around the corner of the passage.

Violet was glad to see that Lincoln wasn't waiting to attack him but had his knifes ready and was shielding Octavia, who also had a dagger and was peaking around Lincoln.

"Ah, Octavia, fancy meeting you here," Violet said, trying to break the tense atmosphere unsuccessfully.

"Okay, tough crowd", Violet mumbled to herself.

"Look im not armed. Just want to talk," Violet said, holding her hands up, showing that she didn't have a weapon or any that they could see.

"What you want?" Octavia asked.

"To talk to Lincoln," Violet said, seeing Lincoln twitch at the mention of his name.

Octavia and Lincoln looked at each other and started to whisper for ten or twenty seconds before they both looked back at Violet.

"What do you want with me?" Lincoln asked.

"To meet someone in charge before this dispute turns into a significant dispute, it isn't too far gone for us to talk this out and come to an understanding," Violet said.

"You want me to arrange a meeting with your people and my people", Lincoln clarified.

"No, I want you to take me to your people now so we can talk about it. If you take me to your people, then they won't have to worry about being ambushed or attacked and call it a gesture of good faith," Violet said, and she could see that he was on the fence about it before he looked back at Octavia.

"Fine, but you need to be blindfolded, and I can't promise that Anya will listen," Lincoln said.

"Right, well, I will wait outside while you can continue what you were doing," Violet said with a smirk as Octavia started blushing.

Violet climbed back up the ladder and was stood outside for a good fifteen minutes, which surprised Violet as she expected them to come right out after her.

Lincoln handed Violet a bag that she guessed was meant to go over her head. "I will tell you when to put it on," Lincoln said before turning to Octavia and giving her a deep kiss.

"Let's go," Lincoln said as he started to walk off, and Violet quickly followed after him. The journey passed in silence before Lincoln stopped and motioned to the hood with a sigh. Violet pulled on the hood as Lincoln grabbed her wrist and led her along to the town, which Violet guessed was Ton DC. Given that the sun was past midday in the sky, Violet would guess they spent 4/5 hours walking. At least she would be seen soon as it was just past noon and not the middle of the night.

Asya was led to what she guessed was a cell before the hood was pulled off as the door was shut and the grounders left with one person guarding who from the age Asya guessed was a second, which seemed quite curious about her.

Violet smiled and gave her a wave, and the young girl looked away. Violet sat down and thought she should at least try talking to the girl.

{Hi, I am Violet of the Sky} Violet said and saw the girl jump in shock before spinning around and looking at Violet.

{What you called} Violet asked kindly.

The young girl looked undecided before finally replying {Tris of the Tree Clan} the girl replied.

Violet was sure she knew the name Tris but wasn't sure how and guessed that she played a small role or was in a later season that she didn't pay much attention to.

Asya smiled and greeted her {Nice to meet you, Tris of the Tree Clan}.

Tris, hearing a noise, stiffened up and took a more what Violet guessed was meant to be a professional. A moment later, a woman that Violet did know from the show walked around the corner. She had dark blonde braided hair with black roots with hazel, almond-shaped eyes and was wearing black leather that showed signs of it being used in battle.

"Seya," Tris said, greeting who I knew to be Anya the show didn't do her justice as when watching it I always thought Anya to but a fair bit on the unattractive side, and while she was nowhere as good looking as Lexa and didn't have the whole sexy leader vibe that Lexa had on the show Anya wasn't actually bad looking.

Anya opened the Cell, and both she and Tris stepped inside.

"Lincoln tells me you wanted to talk?" Anya asked, giving me a sceptical look.

"Yes, I want to find some way for us to stop the fighting before it gets any worse talking seems the best way to do that", Violet replied.

"You invaded our land," Anya said in a flat tone.

"We didn't mean to. You saw us fall from the sky, did you not?" Violet asked.

"We did right into our land."

"We used to live on the Ark, but we are no longer able to live there, so we were sent to see if the ground was livable. We didn't even know if people were alive on the ground. Surely, there is a way for us to live peacefully." Violet asked.

"There are more of your people coming?" Anya asked.

"About 2400ish more people live on the Ark and will be coming to the ground at some point," Violet said.

"So you just want land for 2500 people, and you expect us to just give it to you," Anya said with some anger in her voice.

"Ah, see, now we are getting somewhere," Violet said and noticed that Anya and Tris both seemed angry and quickly continued.

"We don't want you to give us land. If you could tell us where we can find land that no one lives on that works, or we could buy some land if there isn't any free land," Violet said as she wasn't sure how Camp Jaha got the land they were living on. As it seemed like a prime area to set up a village, if they just took it, then she could imagine that some of the grounders would be angry at that.

"How would you buy land? Your camp seemed to be struggling for food. In fact, it looks if not for you, and you're second, they would have possibly starved or would be in an even worse position," Anya replied, disbelieving that they could buy anything.

"Well, what do you buy? I am ignorant of your culture, so I have no idea what your people value," Violet asked as she didn't know if they cared for gemstones and gold in the show. They didn't seem to care for them, and she never saw them showing off wealth in any way that people usually would.

"Fur's, metal, leather are what most people trade", Anya replied.

"We can do that," Violet replied, knowing she was able to conjure all three of those things permanently, and she could add extra charms on them to make them better, such as making them waterproof.

Anya raised her eyebrow, no doubt wondering how as they seemed to be somewhat aware of the situation in the camp.

"We have Fur and metal and can make leather, but we don't have anyone that can do smithing or make clothes or armour. As I said, our group was a test to see if we can even live on earth, so it wasn't worth risking people of skilled professions," Violet said, which was somewhat true there were people on the Ark that could make clothes and no doubt people that knew how to smith metal, but they were not part of the 100.

Violet was placing a lot of trust that due to Lexa being Anya's second that she would also want to avoid war when possible as Lexa did. After all, she let Azgeda into the coalition even after killing her lover.

"Ten ingots that is what you owe as payment, to be delivered within seven days," Anya said after a minute of thinking. Violet wasn't sure exactly what was going on in Anya's head. Maybe she didn't really want to kill a group of children, or perhaps it was the fact that we hadn't really caused any damage. After all, they hadn't set fire to a village as the show did, and Anya seemed like she would allow peace to happen. Then she was surprised that Anya didn't ask about the Ark, but Violet was sure it would come up at some point.

"Lincoln will take you back, and the place you met him is where you will meet him again when you are bringing the payment," Anya said as she turned around to leave.

"Wait," Violet said, causing them both to turn back around.

"Can I bring my second next time I come here? It would be a good learning experience for her," Violet asked well that and she hoped that Charlotte would get along with some of the seconds from Trikru.

Violet was also curious about how the Supersensory Charm, which was meant to increase a person's senses beyond normal levels, and the Quick Thought Charm, which was meant to allow the user to think and react with superhuman speed and testing it against the grounders, would be a good test. Violet noticed that she had gotten far better at hunting and using the bow and arrow ever since she cast the charms on Charlotte.

"Just your second?" Anya asked, and violet could see that she had an interested gleam in her eyes.

"Yep, just my second", Violet confirmed.

"Yes, you can bring your second", Anya said as she left with Tris and saw that Lincoln was standing outside the cell with the bag.

Violet got up and walked to the cell door. "I have to wear it leaving?" Violet asked and grabbed the bag with a sigh and pulled it over her head.

"You won't have to wear it if you come back in seven days," Lincoln said.

"I won't need seven days. We can come back in three days," Violet said as she let Lincoln guide her out of the cell and wasn't surprised to hear all the noise outside. Ton DC was the main village of Trikru, so she would guess that around 70 to 80 people lived there as she remembered that they had managed to gather 300 warriors on short notice.

The sound quickly faded away, and within thirty minutes, the noise was barely hearable and that Violet was sure due to her being a vampire-human hybrid. Lincoln finally pulled off the hood, sure that I wouldn't be able to find my way back to Ton Dc.

"Must have gone well, seeing as you aren't being tortured for information?" Lincoln said as they walked.

"I think it went well Anya is hard to read," Violet said as they walked back to the camp of the 100.

"What about the rest of the camp? They didn't seem to like 'grounders'," Lincoln said.

"Fear makes people do lots of stupid things, and if they don't like it, they can fight me to lead. It's the people from the Ark im more worried about," Violet said, thinking how the people from the Ark looked down on the grounders as they didn't use technology, so thought they were primitive.

In the end, Violet put it out of her mind as she would get some land for them, and then it was up to them as both she and Charlotte wouldn't be living with the Ark. Violet was sure that Charlotte didn't like the idea of having to listen to the people that killed her parents and Violet liked the idea even less.

Although Violet wanted to learn more about the culture of the grounders, she knew that Lincoln wouldn't tell her till he actually trusted her. The only reason that he was helping her was due to not wanting the two groups to fight, and Violet was sure that was so that Octavia wasn't hurt.

The rest of the day passed without any problem, and Violet guessed that the rest of the grounders were told not to do anything about the 100 as even when they passed some of them in the trees, they didn't do anything and didn't seem surprised that she was there. Violet was glad she found a way to meet the grounders that didn't go belly up like the show. She just wished she could remember who made it go belly up so that she could keep them away from the grounders.

In the end, she decided that she would keep Bellamy away from them, which wouldn't be hard as he wasn't even in a leadership position along with Finn and Jasper as they had both been injured by grounders, and Violet knew that Finn killed over ten of them in a panic and wouldn't risk that happening.

The sun was starting to set when the camp of the 100 was finally in view but still hidden enough that they wouldn't be able to see them. "I will see you in two days," Violet said as she walked towards the camp and saw him just nod before vanishing into the woods.

Violet walked back into camp and noticed that Finn seemed to be looking at her, no doubt wondering what she had been up to as Charlotte was always with her, and for the last day and a bit, Charlotte had been with Clarke looking around camp Violet could see that most people were still somewhat drunk from Unity day celebrations.

Violet looked around the camp for Clarke and noticed her next to the fire with Charlotte eating some roasted meat. Violet guessed that they had gone hunting as she knew they didn't have any fresh meat in. When she left early this morning, Violet quickly made her way over to them.

Charlotte saw her first. "Violet!" she shouted while jumping into a hug.

"Hey, Charlotte", Violet greeted while smiling at Clarke.

"Clarke and I went hunting," Charlotte said, handing Violet a stick of roasted meat as the three of them dead into the main command tent that they used to talk to the Ark.

"So, how did it go?" Clarke asked, sitting down.

"Well, seeing as im back and not tortured, it went well. The leader called Anya doesn't seem to want war. Not sure if that is due to us being children or that the only crime we have committed is living on their land," Violet said with a shrug.

"And buying land?" Clarke asked sceptically.

"Well, they want ten ingots of metal for living on the land we have been on and as an apology. But I think it's also a test to see if we even have things to trade, but seeing as im using magic, it's a null test for us," Violet said.

"Can we talk to the Ark? We can ask them to look for an area near to us where we can live?" Violet asked.

"Raven said there is a problem either on our side, or there's, but we haven't been able to make contact with them since this morning when the speech was being given it just cut out, and that was that no more contact since," Clarke said with a worried tone.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it other than hope they fix the problem on their side. And Charlotte, I asked Anya, and she said you can come with me when we go to deliver the ingots," Violet told her.

"Really, Yesss!" Violet said excitedly.

"You sure that is safe?" Clarke asks worriedly.

"With me ya, we can both just portkey away if there is any problem," Violet said dismissively.

Suddenly the was boom like when Raven's pod hit the atmosphere, only this one was much bigger, and they all rushed outside and looked into the sky to see an Exodos ship falling to earth. Violet wondered how she forgot that some of the people on the Ark stole a ship, and the mountain made them crash so they wouldn't land on the mountain. Violet wasn't sure if they did that due to wanting to kill everyone one on the ship or due to them being scared that the bunker they were living in would be damaged with them landing on the mountain.

Not that it mattered to Violet she had already written them off to die as they would never want to live in peace with the grounders or Sky people, and the grounders would never accept them as for 90ish years they have drained the grounders dry of blood there was just to much hate on either side. They also wanted to scoop the bone marrow out of the sky people so they could live above ground, so they had to go in Violet's book.