One More Reveal


{Ah, this is embarrassing. I'm sorry for screwing around, but I'm not joking this time, the case file is really encrypted. Not even my Captain would be able to view it again.}

Although he was the older one, the embarrassed detective was quick to apologize. Having something pulled out from your hands tasted like sour regret. Even he was curious at this point.

{All I can say for sure is that the name started with a C, but… I just can't put my hand on why a simple case like this was… Do you have an idea? Is this why you called?}

Nonetheless, he still had no dots to connect. To him this was more likely to be a mistake than the case being related to something serious, his idea of a Special Ability User was a little bit too old for him to catch on. 

"Thank you for the information, uncle. I will call you back later."