"She is not just a human. Even though she is very weak and stupid she has the holy essence. And with that essence, I can heal wounds and my strength quickly just by touching her. That's the reason why when I lost in the war I was still alive until now," explained Chen Liao Xuan again.

      Now Li Zheng Xi seems to understand. Does that mean this is a coincidence? Liu Angier's arrival here with Jiang Kang Hua was it fate?

      "Sorry, Your Majesty. If it is true that Lady Liu has such great power. Does that mean that when Your Majesty feels exhausted and this year's eighth full moon, Your Majesty does not need any more austerities as usual?" Li Zheng Xi asked, trying to be sure.

      "True. But, if her power is to be drained that much, what she's doing isn't touching you,"


      "She has to serve me in bed,"