But it turns out that Chen Liao Xuan doesn't think that way. He seems to want Liu Angier and Cheng Wan Nian to keep fighting for who knows how long.

      "Y… Your Majesty… she… she's just a lady. How dare Your Majesty yell at me just because of a lady of the palace kitchen like her!"

      "She is the Lady of my room, Concubine Cheng!" Chen Liao Xuan snapped again.

      "Then why? She's just a lady! Is it so special that Your Majesty gave a necklace that even if I asked for it Your Majesty didn't give at all? Was it so special that His Majesty gave the Lady the most precious hair ornament more than His Majesty's own life?"

      Cheng Wan Nian's tears just flowed down her eyes. It never occurred to her that tonight would happen. The King who had always made her special had now been replaced by a genuinely lowly figure like Liu Angier. Lady of the palace kitchen from among humans.

      "Yes," Chen Liao Xuan replied then.