"Commander Jiang, how presumptuous you are! What rotten thing do you want to convey to act so impudently to your own king!" snapped the Grand Eunuch. Chen Liao Xuan was silent, and he didn't say anything. He knew nothing to upset Jiang Kang Hua except for two things. First, he felt pressured while fighting, and secondly, Liu Angier was in a dangerous state.

            "I'm sorry, Grand Eunuch Cheng. I just wanted to say something important to His Majesty the King. That currently the Lady of His Majesty's chambers is being brought by Prince Wu to serve her. An insult to His Majesty the King, and I do not accept that His Majesty The king is being abused like this!"

            Jiang Kang Hua looked at Chen Liao Xuan as signaling that Chen Liao Xuan should leave immediately. Otherwise, Liu Angier would be tainted by that rotten demon-like Wu Chong Ye.

            "I know, go, Commander Jiang," Chen Liao Xuan ordered.