"Then what about the two descendants of that girl after the other died, Lord Li?" asked the Heavenly King, who seemed more curious than he should be.

            Li Qian Long now sighed again. The expression on his usually smiling face now looked gloomy. Then he looked at the Heavenly King again.

            "I don't know why. But this poor girl's fate has been very painful, Your Majesty. In her second pregnancy, she will lose another fetus in a way that is more painful than before."

            "Why is it like that, Lord Li? You are the one who records the fate of all the inhabitants of the temporary realm. If it happened to him it was your fault, Lord Li! Likewise with his death first. fate to such a terrible extent, Lord Li?" annoyed the Heavenly King.

            Li Qian Long looked speechless, and then he looked at the Heavenly King with a sad look.