"Commander Jiang, are you all right? Why are you like this?" Liu Angier panicked. How not, seeing an incident like that made her panic extraordinary. Jiang Kang Hua lay helplessly, and it was the terrifying thing he had ever seen at this time.

            Jiang Kang Hua's eyes lit up, and then he pointed to something on his belt. Liu Angier quickly took it, how surprised it would be if the object taken were the potion that she had made during the election to become the chamber lady of Chen Liao Xuan.

            "I… this?" asked Liu Angier. Jiang Kang Hua immediately snatched it up, and then he drank it. He vomited fresh blood again, but his chest, which felt crushed, immediately felt so relieved.

            "Yes, it's a potion that you make to treat people from wounds affected by even the strongest internals," Jiang Kang Hua replied.

            Liu Angier looked at Jiang Kang Hua with a confused look, and she didn't understand what was happening now.