Chapter 10 Progress and the Second Pokemon

"Okay Wimpod great job! Damn that last one actually hurt", said Faust picking himself up after being knocked down by Wimpod's Metal Claw.

"Wimpod!", exclaimed the Pokemon rubbing itself against Faust's legs. Faust smiled and rubbed the top of Wimpod's head.

It had been a week since his discussion with Professor Ross. He had been relentlessly training Wimpod in using his moves and how to use them in a battle. He had been using his own body as a target since there were no trainers for him to practice against. He probably could have asked Professor Ross but he didn't want to take the initiative to contact her first. 

But even without a trainer to battle against Wimpod was making rapid progress. He had grown to level 14 in just a week. Although Pokemon grew rapidly during the first few weeks, entering the mid-Junior stage within a week was too fast! Trainers would take at least a month on average to enter the Junior stage. Perhaps Wimpod's potential had a huge role to play.

Faust took out a box containing cube-shaped blocks. Yes, he had been practising every day and had managed to make some decent quality Pokeblocs. He threw a piece to Wimpod who leapt off the ground to catch it. Faust suddenly heard his phone ring. Tossing three more Blocs to Wimpod, he wiped his hands and received the call.

"Faust! We're finally going to begin the experiment today. Do you want to come over and have a look? Also, you can choose from the bunch of Eevee's we have here. I must admit, getting so many Eevees at once caused quite a stir among peers and the media", Professor Faust's voice drifted out of the phone. She sounded exceptionally happy today.

"Well, Professor Ross I shall come over then. However, I don't really know my way around here."

"No worries! I'll ask Evia to go fetch you."

Talking for a bit more, Faust finally disconnected and went to get ready. In the shower, he brought up the Item list for the day and looked through it. 

[Daily Item- Allows the user to choose one item from the list. The list is random and contains all items that have appeared in the Pokemon Video Games and the Pokemon Animation.

Today's List:

1)  Beast Ball x1

2)  Pinap Berry x50

3)  Reaper Cloth

4)  TM13 Ice Beam

5)  Charcoal

6)  Dynamax Candy x1

7)  Quick Claw x1

8)  Fishing Rod x1

9)  Silk Scarf x1

10) Fresh Water x5

The items are refreshed every day at 00:00 am.]

Faust sighed seeing the items and picked the Ice Beam TM. He had accumulated quite a few TMs now including some rare ones such as TM99 Dazzling Gleam and TR97 Psychic Fangs. 

Stepping out of the shower he quickly wore his clothes and put on a lab coat. His phone buzzed once and it was a text from an unknown number with two words.

'Outside. Waiting.'

Recalling the snoozing Wimpod into the Pokeball, Faust stepped out of the house and was met with a familiar face. Evia was the same trainer who had accompanied Professor Ross to Applegrove Town. She was the one who had used Flygon. 

"Mister Faust, nice to meet you. I am Evia, Professor Ross' personal assistant. Shall we go now?"

Before Faust could even hold out his hand for a handshake and introduce himself, Evia had already finished speaking.

Faust nodded and they began walking. The walk was uneventful, Evia didn't look like she wanted to talk and Faust didn't force her to. Though while walking he did check Evia out. She wasn't an elegant and intellectual beauty like Charlotte Ross. No, Evia was more of a glacial, raw beauty. Faust could see the outline of her well-toned calves with every step she took. He could also tell that she didn't have any makeup on and that her thin lips were naturally pink. 

Faust thought that Evia was the typical cold secretary beauty. The kind that looked down on the protagonist or purposely made life difficult for them. He sincerely hoped that would not be the case here. He had no interest in conquering any cold beauties, at least not for now. 

They arrived in front of a large circular structure that had multiple trainers patrolling. Seeing them walking towards the building, a patrolling trainer came up to them. Before the guard could say anything, he saw Evia hold up two cards and he leaned forward to examine them. He then nodded and bowed before going back to patrolling. 

"This way Mister Faust. Also, here is your ID for your entry into the SimuDome. Professor Ross may have mentioned it, the SimuDome or the Simulation Dome, where we can recreate environmental terrains found in the wild. Although the word simulation may be a misnomer because when we recreate the terrain we try to maintain as much similarity to the real deal as possible. So the fire terrain is not just a simulation but a replication. Let us go inside, Professor Ross is waiting", explained Evia handing him one of the two cards she had in her hand.

The building had a large reception like area which was empty. On a large screen in the middle of the area was a message titled 'Notice'. Faust read it.

'The Simulation Dome is undergoing critical maintenance. SimuDome facilities at this base are suspended until further notice. Personnel may choose to use the SimuDome at either the main headquarters or the Ross Genetic Laboratory in the West Beach region.'

Evia led Faust down a few flights of stairs and paused before a metal door. She looked at what Faust thought was a camera for a few moments before the door automatically opened to let them in.

'They sure are being very secretive and strict about it. Well, that's understandable, this research could possibly be revolutionary on what we understand about evolution and elemental energies.'

Faust's thoughts were interrupted by the excited voice of Professor Ross.

"Faust we are finally going to begin! We have already divided them into groups! I just can't wait to get started."

They were currently standing atop an observation deck. The deck overlooked a huge grassy field that was filled with Eevees that were lined up facing a few people that Faust identified as either researchers or assistants. Faust also noticed several fighting type Pokemon around the groups of Eevees.

"Most of the Eevees here belong to trainers who are affiliated with and endorsed by Ross labs. The trainers agreed to participate in the experiment. We couldn't fill the numbers with tamed Eevees so we had to source a few from the wild", said Professor Ross taking a clipboard from Evia and looking through it before continuing.

"We have 53 Eevees who have been tamed and the remaining 17 were sourced from the wild. The fighting types are here to restrain the wild ones and prevent any accidents. Oh, and your Eevee was obtained from the Lagoon Breeding House. Do you want to head downstairs and check it out?"

Faust nodded and they headed downstairs to the field.

As Faust got closer to the Eevees he noticed that within each group there were a few Eevees that occasionally let out growls before being quietened by the glares of the fighting type Pokemon around them. The fighting types were mainly Machoke, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, two Primeapes and a Hariyama. 

Professor Ross led him to an Eevee happily bouncing around an assistant's feet. Faust noticed that it was quite friendly and cheerful. Using the identifier on it, he found that it was a Yellow potential at the Junior stage Lvl17. 

Faust wasn't expecting a high potential Eevee and the Yellow potential was decent enough. But he couldn't help feel a trace of disappointment. Just as he was about to approach the Eevee, a commotion broke out in one of the groups of Eevees to his left.

Glancing over he saw a slightly battered Eevee growling at a Primeape who was looking at it condescendingly. Faust unconsciously used the identifier on it and was surprised.

[ Pokemon: Eevee(♀)

  Ability: Anticipation(hidden)

  Type: Normal

  Aptitude: Green

  Strength: Early Intermediate(Lvl. 22)

  Moves: Growl, Helping Hand, Tackle, Sand Attack, Swift, Covet, Double Kick, Yawn]

The Eevee was strong and even its potential was good. The most important point was it had the hidden ability Anticipation! If he evolved this Eevee into a Sylveon, it would gain the ability Pixelate! But looking at the situation Faust knew that it wasn't a tame Pokemon. He also noticed that among the wild Eevees it was the only one trying to fight back. The other wild Eevees were either growling softly or were already subdued with their heads turned away from the fighting types.

Faust hesitated for a bit before walking towards the Eevee. 

"Hey, Faust where are you going?"

Faust ignored Professor Ross and kept walking. As he was nearing the Eevee, she noticed him and turned to face him with a growl. The Eevee was warning him to not come any closer. But Faust had a theory in his mind, Eevees with Anticipation were able to sense danger and as a corollary, they should be able to tell whether a person bore them ill-will or not. Faust didn't have any ill will towards the Eevee so it would probably not attack him indiscriminately.

"Faust, what are you doing? That's a wild Eevee and it is angry! Don't get any closer!", Professor Ross warned with some panic in her voice.

Faust slowly stepped towards the Eevee with his hands up as if showing he meant no harm to it. 

"Grrr...Vee...grrr", the Eevee didn't attack but continued to warn Faust to stay back.

The Primeape looked at its trainer as if asking what to do and the trainer, in turn, looked at Professor Ross who had a tense expression on her face. This Eevee was at the Intermediate level and if it truly attacked Faust in its fury then even if Faust didn't die he would suffer grievous injuries. She nodded at the trainer.

Meanwhile, Faust had taken out a Pokepuff to entice the Eevee and have it lower its guard. The Eevee was tense but also curious about the sweet-smelling object in the human's hands. Faust was about to give the Pokepuff to Eevee when he heard the command of the Primeape's trainer.

"Primeape it's distracted! Use Brick Break!"

"No! Fucking idiot!", Faust immediately leapt towards the Eevee and grabbed it in his embrace. He felt a sharp pain as the Eevee instinctively bit his right hand. Faust felt the Eevee's teeth sink in deep but he didn't have the time to check the wound because in the next moment he felt a sharp jolt of pain in his left shoulder and heard a resounding crack before he was sent tumbling away. 

"Faust! Faust!"

Faust could hear his name but the pain was so intense that he immediately passed out. The last thing he saw was the complicated expression on the Eevee's face and he smiled.

"Call Scar here now. Get the medical unit as well!", Professor Ross ordered struggling to maintain her composure as she knelt by Faust's side and saw the ugly wound that was swelling up fast.

Faust was integral to her research! Such an accident could have happened to anyone but him. He was the most crucial component for her success. 

Just as she was about to reach out to check for how grievous the wound was she saw a brown furry creature struggle out from underneath Faust.

The Eevee was confused about the whole situation. She didn't know why this human had just saved her but she was grateful. Just as she was about to try and wake him up, Eevee noticed another human by its saviour's side. She immediately turned around and put herself between Faust and Professor Ross. She wouldn't let these 'bad' humans harm the 'good' human who had saved her. 

Professor Ross saw the Eevee shielding Faust and growling at her. She was surprised at the Eevee's behaviour but quickly began to explain to the Eevee that she would have to touch Faust to save him. Eventually, the Eevee gave in and sat next to Faust observing her surroundings vigilantly. 

When it was time to move Faust for the surgery, the Eevee once again began growling. In the end, they had to bring the Eevee in along with Faust. After everything was over, Faust was settled into a high-end medical room and an Eevee with blood caked fur was on top of his chest, with her eyes closed but ears open. 

Faust had not regained consciousness yet, but he had a slight smile on his face as if he knew that he had obtained his second Pokemon.