Festival Of Victorious Light


The King of Monster Clan said in anger after his disciples told him that both Fiend and Algestia have been killed by the new Hero of Light Shines.

"DAMN IT !!!"

He said in anger while punching at the arm of his luxurious crown chair.

Every disciple present there got goosebumps in fear.

"They both are the best disciples of mine...."

The King of the Monster Clan said while gritting his teeth in anger then he scream a name of a person.


Suddenly a Purple Hooded Woman with fair skin appear from the shadow and kneel in front of The King of Monster Clan and said in a loyal voice.

"Yes My Lord."

The King of Monster Clan looks at her, still, anger is seen in his red eyes as he said.


He stands up.

Every disciple became shocked to see him standing.


He said in a Completed angry voice.

"Don't Worry, My Lord. You don't have to make your hand dirty. I'll kill him all by myself."

She said in a loyal voice.

"Okay Then. Now GO !"

The King of Monster Clan said in anger.

"Yes My Lord."

She said in a loyal voice then immerge in the shadow.


Now on the castle of Light Shines...

In Sohan's room, Morning light shines and falls onto Sohan's face through the window.

He frowned his eyebrows and slowly opens his eyes.

"Huh? Seems like it's Morning now."

He said to himself then get up.

He take a yawn and said to himself.

"Yesternight was fun."

He smiles then is about to get up but then he feels something just next to him.

"Huh? What's this ?"

He muttered to himself in confusement then uncover the blanket and then shockingly widen his eyes while making a white eyes expression.

"Ah...How could I forget about her ?"

He said in a nervous voice.

Just beside him, Selistina is sleeping while wearing her pajamas.

(sigh) "She didn't drink. But if she did...She drinks till she's drunk."

Sohan said while giving a sigh and putting his left palm on his forehead.

Then he looks at her.

She sleeping and but she's smiling a little in her sleep.

"Hm... Having a good dream, huh ?"

Sohan said to sleepy Selistina with a smile on his face.

Then he smiles more as he said.

"Is that dream about me~"

Then he smirks a little and sighs and said while looking at the ceiling.

"This Life has more fun then before one....(sign)...I just wish..."

Then he look towards the window and said.

"...I can able to find them too."

He's talking about his parents and Selis.

Then he look towards Selistina and muttered to himself.

"Even though I'm a little confused in Selis Reincarnation...But I think Selistina is Selistina, not Selis..."

Then he look towards the ceiling while smiling and muttered to himself.

"....She was a follower of God. She may be will be a priestess here."

While Sohan is remembering the past with a smile on his face.

Selistina calls his name while in her sleep.


She said in Honey filled voice while sleeping.

Sohan widen his eyes in surprise then come closer to her and said in a surprised voice.

"Is she dreaming about me !?"

At the same time, Selistina smiles while sleeping.

Sohan smiles back and said in a proud voice.

"Hehehe. After all, she loves me too."

Then he thinks while putting his right-hand fingers on his chin.

"Good Morning kiss is good, isn't it ?"

Then he look at Selistina and came near her but before he could kiss her Selistina punches him on his face while sleeping and said.

"Evilness Must Be Destroy."


Sohan falls to the floor.

"Bad Timing... Selistina."

He said in a wobbling voice then slowly get up while rubbing his eyes.

Then he sits beside her and thinks about some other topics.

"But still..."

Then he looks at Selistina and thinks again.

"If Selistina is not Selis then where she might be? Maybe I have to take a look at the religious places in this country."

Now, while he's thinking about where to find Selis.

Selistina woke up while slowly opening her eyes.

"Hm...Sohan ?"

She muttered to herself while seeing Sohan just next to him while he is thinking about something while making a serious face.

"Where Am I ?"

She muttered to herself in a tired voice, still not waking up Completely.

Then she is about to get up but she takes a look at her clothes.

"Huh !?"

She responded while widening her eyes.

"M-M-M-My Pajamas !?"

She muttered to herself while seeing herself in her pajamas.

"Am I drunk yesternight And S-S-Sohan is thinking about something Serious..."

Then she remembered what King once said to Sohan in the dining room.


"Listen, my Son-in-law, if something like this happens again then don't hesitate to take advantage, Okay ?"

The King said proudly.

*Flashback Ends*

"Is He !?"

She muttered to herself in shock.

Her face turned bright red in Embarrassment and some tears appear in her eyes.

She gets up.

"Huh? Oh, Selistina. You're Awake."

Sohan said with a gentle smile.

Selistina looks at him with an angry gaze.

"Huh !?"

Sohan responds in little fear.

"W-W-Why it feels like I'm gonna be punished for something which I didn't do?"

Sohan thinks to himself in fear.

Then he looks at her pajamas and thinks.

"Wait! Is she misunderstood that ?"

He thinks in alert while widening his eyes

"Um... Selistina..?"

He said while trying to overcome his fear.

Selistina make her fist in anger and said.

"You Pervert..."

Then punches him on his belly by saying in popping vein anger.

"...MUST DIE !!"


Sohan screams as he falls on the floor again.

"She... Misunderstood...Again."

Sohan said to himself in a wobbling voice while making a white eyes expression.

Then he's about to get up but Selistina stabbed her sword on the floor just next to him.

"Heek !?"

Sohan responds while getting goosebumps.

He frightenedly looks at Selistina.

"Explain This !"

Selistina said in a serious voice with a red glint on her eyes because of anger.

"Even helping her when she is drunk, let me pay a huge price now."

Sohan muttered to himself while making a white circle eyes that represent his fear.

"Um... W-Well please take your Sword away first. please..."

Sohan said with a fake smile while trying to overcome his fear.


Selistina responded then take her sword and place it on the bed.

Sohan gulp down while trying to overcome his fear then he slowly get up and said.

"W-Well, you do drunk Tonight. And you're tired too that's why Father-in-law told me to take you to my room-"

But before he could finish his sentences, Selistina grab her Sword again and said in a terrible voice while pointing her sword towards Sohan.

"And You Did that, don't you ?"

"No ! No ! No ! No ! No ! NO! I Didn't! I Didn't! Believe Me."

Sohan said in fear while stepping backward.

"Then Why I'm in my Pajamas instead of the dress I wore yesternight ?"

She asked in a doubting voice.

"A Maid! A Maid changes your clothes! That's Why !"

Sohan said in fear.

"Oh...I see. So, that's why I'm in my Pajamas."

She said while looking at her pajamas.

"Yeah !"

Sohan said with a little sigh of relief.

"Hum... Doing that before marriage is forbidden, You know."

She said in her normal sweet voice.

"Yeah Yeah You're Right You're Right."

Sohan said while nodding with a fake smile.

Still can't able to smile because of fear.

"I thought that you don't love me anymore and going to kill me back then."

Sohan said while looking at Selistina with a little smile.

"No, it's not that. I Still Love You and Always will. I just thought you went with the flow and did what my dummy father told you to."

Selistina said while pouting.

"No, I didn't. I don't like taking advantage."

Sohan said while looking towards the floor with a smile.

At the same time, he thinks.

"Not from today onwards I mean."

"Hum...By the way, except that. You also didn't do anything else ?"

She asked while making a little nervous as well as Embarrassed face.

"Huh? Anything else? Like What ?"

Sohan asked confusingly while looking at her.

"Um....L-Like Kiss and Hugging me while I'm asleep."

She asked in an Embarrassed voice.

Sohan remembers when he was about to kiss her but failed then he said while trying to show his pride.

"No. I didn't."

He said in a fake proud voice.

"Even though I tried but it failed so it didn't count in it."

He thinks at the same time to satisfy himself that he's innocent.

Selistina make an indifferent face and said in a dissatisfied voice.

"You Didn't ?"

Sohan nodded and said in a proud voice while closing his eyes and showing a smug smile.

"Yeah. I didn't."

"You're Useless."

Selistina said in a dissatisfied voice.

"Ha ?"

Sohan responds confusingly while making a point eye expression.

"HA? WHY ?"

He then responded shockingly.

Selistina giggles after seeing his reaction and said.

"It's nothing."

She said with a smile.

Sohan looks at her confusingly with a sweat drop on the back of his head.

"Well, you may be tired after that fierce battle, don't you ?"

She said with a gentle smile.

"Hum...Not really."

Sohan said with a little smile.

"Well, it's fine. Let's go to Festival Of Victorious Light."

Selistina said with a charming smile while looking towards the sky through the window.

"Festival Of Victorious Light...?"

Sohan responded confusingly after hearing that.

"Yeah... It's was starting after the war between the God and Demons Ends with the Victory Of God's."

She explains with a gentle smile.

"The War... Between God and Demons..."

Sohan said with a surprised voice while widening his eyes.

"...I maybe hear that Before...But where ?"

Sohan muttered to himself in confusement while putting his right-hand fingers on his chin.

"Oh Yeah! It was on a storybook which I read back there on planet Earth."

He muttered to himself after remembering.

Then he muttered again.

"Never Expected that to be True."

Then he smiles.

"Huh? What's the matter ?"

Selistina asked Sohan after seeing him muttering to himself about something.

"Oh! It's nothing."

Sohan responds with a smile.

"Well, let's go there then."

Selistina said while looking outside the window.


Sohan said with an enthusiastic smile.

Selistina giggles after seeing him that enthusiastic.

But on the other side, the Assassin is looking at them from the other side of the wall, outside the window.

"The Festival Of Victorious Light...Humph. It will be your last happiness that you will enjoy today...Hero."

She muttered then immerse inside the shadow.

"Huh !"

Sohan responds in alert mode then runs towards the window and looks outside.

"Huh? What's the matter, Sohan ?"

Selistina said in alert after seeing him that alert all of a sudden.

She then gets up and walks towards the window where he's standing.

"I sense someone but here's no one. How could it be ?"

Sohan muttered to himself while looking around outside the window.

"What's the matter ?"

Selistina asked in worry.

"Ah... It's nothing. Maybe my Misconception. Well, let's go to the Festival Of Victorious Light."

Sohan said with a smile while trying to change the topic.

"Okay. I will go, Change my clothes first."

Selistina said with a smile.


Sohan said.

At the same time, he thinks.

"There may be someone. I must have to stay alert."

Then the female Assassin looks at Sohan from the shadow and smiles evilly.