Chapter #9.- A short story about me [Part 2].

In the middle of her mist cigarette smoke, I breathed deeply and so relieved, then I responded to Isabella.

"Okay… let me try to smoke like your way…" I said.

While I was breathing her smoke, I sipped my cigarette, I closed my eyes and I inhaled so deeply but fast, filling my lungs with my own cigarette smoke, I expanded my chest to take all the smoke as how was possible to me from my cigarette in that drag. I couldn't hold my coughs, I started to cough in front of Isabella, while smoke was escaping from my mouth and nose in each cough. I coughed for a long time so hard, and Isabella just giggled and smiled me.

"Ah… you inhaled so much smoke in a hit… try to being inhaling a bit, then, slowly, inhale a little more of smoke, with time you could do smoke clouds just like mine…" she said.

I was choking, I couldn't breathe, air in my little lungs was replaced by all of that cigarette smoke that I inhaled in and instant. I inhaled so much smoke until top. My throat was killing me, because I hurt it coughing hard, trying to clean my little lungs for all of that smoke that I had inhaled. I could feel the flavor of the cigarette smoke since inside me, in my little lungs, inside my throat and behind to my tongue. My breath was full of smoke too, I could feel it in my nose in every breathe.

"Cough… cough… cough… I want to try it again… gasp… cough…" I said to her breathless among my own coughs.

"It's okay… first try to breathe properly… it's okay… It's okay" she said and she sipped her cigarette to blew me more smoke until she covered me with it in a dense mist again.

Lyla saw me surprised and interrupted me suddenly.

"Wait! You were suffering! You couldn't breathe, and she covered you with her cigarette smoke while you were trying to breathe properly?

"Yeah…" I responded a bit turned on.

"Why? You were a girl, and she a mature woman…

"I know… but, I liked to see her smoking, and I wanted to smoke like her. I know that was so weird, but I liked it, I was choking in her smoke and mine at the same time, but, it was okay… I loved it… and now thanks to it…" I said and I sipped my cigarette, I put a hand in my chest while inhaling a massive amount of smoke with joy in a deep drag, but I didn't exhale, I just kept it inside me. "I can talk with you with smoke inside me, I think this is the sexier thing that she taught me, smoking like her it's an art for me…" I responded with smoke in each word, I kept it into me, breathing normally while smoke was overflowing softly from my nose and lips.

"Wow!" exclaimed Lyla while was seeing me surprised for all the smoke that I was expelling breathing softly and relieved.

In a moment, I took a sharp breath and coughed a couple of times, then I hawked a bit.

"Of course, I'm not a smoke machine…" I added to her then I gasped a bit and I took a deeply breathe and I sighed relieved. We giggled. The car was full of smoke with no clean air inside, we continued smoking there.

I thought that Lyla was bored listening me, so I tried to offer to her to continue smoking in the car with me.

"Well… I think you're bored… so sorry… I…" I said and she interrupted me suddenly.

"Oh, of course not, I really love your story, you learned to smoke thanks by your teacher, Missis Isabella, I think she smoked so sexy and you learned how to smoke like her… I don't know what's happen in your story, because… cause… she was and older woman than you; and you achieved to smoke with her practically with no problem being a minor, I think that a smoking teacher is a sexy thing… I like your story, please… I want to hear more… continue…" Lyla exclaimed. I continued my story.

I sipped my cigarette again but inhaling slowly, while I was near to the cigarette smoke's trail of Isabella. I inhaled a bit and I blew slowly to get a little cloud pretty close to my face. While blowing, I exhaled relieved with a "ahh" gently with open mouth. When Isabella saw the smoke in the air, she exclaimed glad "Awesome!".

I got happy, because she loved my little cigarette smoke cloud. Then she saw me and she smiled and told me:

"Okay… let's to do a cloud together…"

I nodded a bit nervous. She put her face pretty close to me until she touched my cheek with her. I got a bit embarrassed for that.

We sipped our respective cigarettes, inhaling smoke slowly, and we opened our mouth to exhale the smoke. We sighed relieved while smoke was escaping from our mouth softly, doing a huge and thick cloud of smoke, of course, I had no experience to doing smoke with another one to my side, so, I started to cough of among our cigarette smoke cloud.

"Great! It's an amazing and beautiful smoke! Don't you think that?" Isabella told me, ignoring that I was getting choke among our cigarette smoke.

"After several time going to her home, I started to smoke properly like her, until the day that I could do a lot of smoke inhaling so much of it without cough" I said to Lyla, I was keeping a secret, because I was getting turned on a lot, while I was remembering Missis Isabella way to smoke and another stuff.

Lyla did a bit silence. In a moment she saw me surprised and a bit disillusioned, I could see that in her eyes. I knew that she got that feeling because I ended the story abruptly. She just sipped her cigarette and did a cloud of smoke with her breath then, she told me:

"And... that's all?" she exclaimed among her own smoke screen.

I sipped my cigarette and I did a thicker smoke screen and responded.

"Yeah…" I responded with my gaze between open. I felt a bit tired from breathing cigarette smoke for so long. I knew that Lyla was feeling the same, because she looked tired too with, her gaze was between open too, among the massive haze around us.

Lyla giggled a bit, and she got the end of her cigarette, me too. Lyla took her cigarette butt and she put it off in the ashtray, leaving a profuse smoke trail. I did the same and I put my cigarette too, but my thick smoke trail was caressing her face gently meanwhile.

Ashtray was full of cigarettes butt and a lot of smoky black and gray ashes, while we were talking, we were smoking cigarette after cigarette, I literally lost the number that I smoked, and Lyla too.

Lyla put a hand on her lips and she coughed a couple of times breathless and harshly, she gasped a bit softly trying to recover her breath ang coughed so more. I got turned on, I really loved how Lyla was suffering, gasping for some of clean air among, shaking her body cough after cough, trying to clean her little lungs full of cigarette smoke but breathing more and more of that among the thick haze. Our massive cigarette smoke threatened to became toxic inside the pretty closed space of the car and Lyla was paying the consequences of that.

But I couldn't show myself like that, so, pretending fake worry, I asked her.

"Are you okay?" I said with a gently and softly voice to her.

Lyla ended to cough, she hawked a bit and responded almost whispered breathless.

"Yeah… I'm okay…

Oh! her voice. She responded me so softly because she couldn't breathe properly, and I was falling in love slowly while she was gasping and hawked.

After a bit she saw me and told me:

"I want to smoke one cigarette more…" she said me and hawked a bit trying to clean her throat.

I couldn't prevent to smile and I responded. "Okay, one more!" glad, while I took my cigarette pack. She took her too and we lighted our cigarettes at the same time, doing a lot of smoke. I got my first drag of it and I exhaled the smoke relieved in a sigh after a deep inhale. I saw all the smoke around me floating in the air, dancing with each breathe that I was doing.

"Ah! I like it…" I said so relieved.

Lyla blew the smoke too, she looked a bit uncomfortable blowing the smoke, she grimaced a bit and coughed a couple of times among a smoke screen. She hawked a bit again and she told me.

"Yeah… it's a beautiful mist… I really love so much to be smoking with you here…" she said me and coughed a couple of times again.

I couldn't hold it more. I wanted to kiss her. She looked so sexy coughing, gasping and smoking among our cigarette smoke screen. I was seeing the sweet cigarette smoke escaping from her lips in each blew.

I took her face with a hand softly and I our gazes encountered.

"Oh… Celia?" exclaimed Lyla almost whispered, it looked like breathless. I couldn't understand if she wanted a kiss too, and the sensation has herself captive, or the cigarette smoke inside the car was so heavy to her.

I just saw her; in a moment I closed my eyes and I got approached my lips to her. I kissed her slowly. Our cigarettes were making heavy the air around with its smoke's trails mixed. Lyla was smoking with her left hand, and I was smoking with my right hand, so, the smoke trail from both cigarettes was in the same side covering us with it; making a little cloud around us while we were kissing.

I stopped kissing her suddenly, because I felt something bad. My throat was itchy inside, and my chest was a bit shook while I was trying to breathe properly. It was a dry cough attack.

I couldn't keep my coughs. Suddenly, I started to cough a lot. My body was full of cigarette smoke, I needed to cough to clean it. I couldn't breathe, I just was breathless while I was coughing and coughing, and coughing. I was wheezing a bit while breathing among gasps trying to stop coughs, but I couldn't I just continued coughing and coughing.

I thought that Lyla will get worried, but she giggled a bit while I was coughing so hard next to her.

"So sexy…" whispered Lyla with mischievous gaze while was saw me coughing.

"Cough! Cough… what?! Cough… cough!" I tried to say but I couldn't. My coughs was too hard.

Lyla giggled a bit and she told me:

"I think you look so sexy sorrow in your coughs… among this heavy smoke in this pretty closed space. Coughing and coughing… trying to get a bit breathe while you just get more smoke from air in each breathe… I love to see you how you get choking in smoke… sorry, but that's the truth…" she said and she sipped her cigarette. "I love to see you cough in this heavy cigarette smoke…" she whispered and she blew me a cloud of smoke to my face.

I got happy and turned on, because Lyla looked so turned on too while was smoking over me. I put a hand in my mouth and I continued coughing in her smoke, the choking sensation was beautiful and exciting. Lyla was doing smoke over me, covering me with her huge smoking exhales.

Then. She giggled a bit and she got undressed. She removed her dress and showed me her nude breast, she sipped her cigarette and inhaled so much smoke, then she exhaled the smoke to her breast, taking a smoke bath.

"C'mon!" she said me among her own smoke screen and she took me gently in a softly and warm hug. "Cough me… please…" she added to me and she bring closer my face in her nude breast and she sipped her cigarette to exhale a lot of smoke from her nose, giving me a smoke bath.

I continued coughing in her breast, my open mouth was near to her little nipple. I coughed in her nipple and I licked it with my tongue tip. Lyla moaned a bit; it was music to my ears. I tried to sip my cigarette, but I just started to cough, smoke escaped form my lips in each cough over Lyla's nipple, I kissed her nipple softly while coughing. Lyla sipped her cigarette too, and she moaned with smoke to me.

My cough attack stopped, my breathe was a bit shook and soft. I saw to Lyla and she saw me. We kissed in and instant among own heavy cigarette smoke.

We continued kissing, while I was caressing her nude breast. I kissed her introducing my tongue with open mouth, she grimaced a bit while I was filling her with my saliva. Then we encountered our gazes again. She swallowed my saliva with pleasure, then we sipped our cigarettes, and repeated that deeply kiss, but wit smoke.

The hot smoke cloud from our exhales covered us in an instant. Lyla did a little guttural sound, obviously she was getting burn with the cloud of hot cigarette smoke. I just was getting turned on so more. Then she coughed a couple of times among the creamy cloud of hot smoke, sweating. I giggled a bit and I got down to her breast to continue kissing her.

I sipped my cigarette and I blew the smoke to her nipple with open mouth, doing a creamy and too hot smoke over her. Lyla grimaced a bit and moaned with pain too hard.

"Ah! It hurts! You're burning me! Smoke is too hot!" she told me with squeaky voice almost crying.

I just giggled a bit and I started to lick her nipple bathing it with my saliva. Lyla moaned so more.

Suddenly someone interrupted us.

"Missis Rastford? Are you there? What's happen? I can hear screames… is it all okay there?" said a voice. It was Layne.

"Oh! No!" I just thought I got so nervous. But, Lyla took the control and immediately she put her dress again.

"Stay here, just wait for me…" she whispered and she went to the garage door, leaving me inside the car with the heavy smoke (of course, she closed the car's door).

While Lyla was talking with Layne, I breathed deeply inside the heavy smoke and I sighed. I felt a bit dizzied. While I was seeing the mist of cigarette smoke, I started to remembered Miss Isabella. She was a really sexy smoking woman. This heavy mist of cigarette smoke, brought me flashbacks about how Miss Isabella was smoking in the table, several times she invited me to her house to teach me how to smoke like a woman. Like her way.

This dense smoke remembered me how she filled the air around me with cigarette smoke while was smoking, making dense cigarette smoke clouds, making hard my breathe, and dizzying me with it, because she loved to smoke with no air in her house, all the windows and doors was closed while she was smoking.

Yeah, I was fourteen, near to fifteen years old in that moment, but I really loved her, her boobs, her skin, her hair… and her sexy way to smoke. Suddenly Lyla came back. And she told me:

"Okay… I fix all… don't worry, this moment will be our secret…

"Oh?!" I exclaimed to her a bit surprised.

"I said her that I was masturbating while I was smoking a cigarette, because I love to smoke in secret. Because Layne knows that my husband hate cigarette smoke, so… It's okay… I'm the boss too!" she only said.

I really got surprised. She left me with no words.

"So… go to work! She's looking for you! C'mon! Hurry!" she said me.

I went out from the smoky car. Literally, while I was leaving the car, a dense and thick smoke cloud was followed me from the car.

"You look like a catwalk model with all of this smoke…" said Lyla a bit naughty. We just giggled a bit and coughed a couple of times, because we were full of cigarette smoke inside.