Chapter #14.- Special mail packet.

It was a normal day in the Rastford mansion, as usually with a fresh ambient with sun's light in everywhere. I was in the backyard, in the main laundry room. I had a huge laundry basket with a lot of thick dirty carpets. I was shaking a carpet patting it beater carpet, I was wearing my dust mask; gloves; and plastic apron, to avoid to get so dirty by dust and muddy rugs.

I was among a dust cloud while I was doing my job. Suddenly I heard a loud sneeze behind me: "Achoo!", I turned to see who was. It was Betsy.

"Betsy? What are you doing here? Dust is too heavy to be here without a dust mask. You know it!" I said to her.

"Tee-hee! Sorry… I forgot it… I'm just here to tell you that Miss… eh… Lyla is calling for you, she's waiting in her room" said Betsy.

"Eh? Ok" I responded.

I went to Lyla's room. I knocked the door and I asked for her.

"Missis Rastford?" I said courteously behind the door.

"Ah! It's open!" said Lyla from inside.

I opened the door. I went to Lyla's bed; she was in it with a huge box.

"Oh, did you call me Miss?" I said to her.

"Yeah, tee-hee, it's okay, I know you're in your work time, but it's okay, call me Lyla, I said it to you before, don't worry…" said Lyla warmly to me.

"Eh… okay… Lyla" I said a bit shy. Lyla just giggled. "Mmh… what is that?" I asked to her curiously when I saw the box.

"Oh! It's a packet that I asked for mail. I… I just bought some things to show you, I think you will like it!" said Lyla glad while she took her cutter that was next to her to open the box.

From the huge box, she started to take many stuffs out from it. I saw a couple of wooden pieces like a hand with five holes where fingers should be; a translucid gasmask with three screw caps where the vents should go (it looked like more a breathing mask, because it had no visor, just the muzzle that covers the mouth); three small plastic hoses with a screw cap in its tip each one, and a huge porcelain ashtray.

In a moment a thing called my attention suddenly. It looked like a chandelier, but it was so strange. it was black and it had in its tip five arms with a little hole in its each one of its own tips, but the holes were too little for a candle, and in its other end had a peak.

"Oh? What is this? Is it a kind of chandelier?" I said to Lyla while I took the thing that was in a sealed clean plastic bag. "Tee-hee! Nope. It is not a chandelier. It's a cigarette holder" responded Lyla smiled warm and giggling.

"Eh?" I exclaimed surprised. "B… bu… but… Where do I put the cigarette in this thing?" I asked amazed.

"Tee-hee! It can hold up to five cigarettes" responded Lyla and giggled.

"Eh?! Five cigarettes?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep. Wanna try?" Lyla asked to me.

"Wait… where did you order this?" I asked amazed and a bit scared.

"Oh, internet is full of surprises, I found a sex-shop such had smoking fetish articles…" said Lyla.

"Eh? Smoking fetish?" I said to her.

"Yeah… mmh, that's when you turn on to see people smoking. I saw many videos where girls were smoking like you, sometimes some girls coughed like you too while smoking, on the way I found the sex-shop, and I ordered some toys" Lyla said smiling.

"So… this holder is a kind of sex-toy for fetishists?" I asked to her while I was seeing dounting the strange holder.

"Yep…" responded Lyla.

"Mmh… I like it… I want to smoke in this thing!" I responded glad to Lyla.

Lyla giggled and she continued getting things from the box, little pink plastic bags with hearts, and at the end a cigarette pack with a pink lighter.

"Tee-hee! See that, a cigarette pack, what a good service…" said Lyla.

I giggled to her and I thought "Of course yes, is a smoking fetish sex-shop, you need a cigarette pack to use these toys".

"Yeah!" I responded to her.

Lyla smiled to me and she told me:

"Tee-hee, I ordered a packet of cigarettes packs to smoke, that sex-shop is a tobacco company too…" said Lyla and she took a little box from the huge box and she showed me it, then; she took her cutter and she opened the box, it was a packet of eight cigarette packs. "Well, there is! An order of cigarette packs! Tee-hee! C'mon, take one!" Lyla said glad to me.

I giggled anxious while I took a cigarette pack. Lyla gave me the pink lighter and the ashtray. I opened the translucid bag where was the black holder, I started to give a little tap to the cigarette pack to accommodate the tobacco inside the paper tubes; then, I opened the pack and I took one to put in the black holder, then another one, and other, until I had the five cigarettes in it.

Lyla looked anxious. I just smiling to her a bit nervous too. I put the holder in my mouth and I lighted up the cigarettes. I supposed that the long body of the holder won't let me to do the first drag until it will get full of smoke, so I did little kisses to fill the holder body with smoke, then I took the first drag.

I inhaled so deeply the smoke from the holder while I was sipping it. I grimaced, and I tried to take a sharp breath, because, in a blink, myself ended full of smoke. The cigarette smoke was overflowing from my nose and mouth while I was trying to take air, I was getting choke in own smoke. I started to cough hard the smoke almost immediately. I felt how my body got filled with cigarette smoke in a hit.

Lyla was laughing while I was coughing loud. At the end of my coughs, my eyes got watering, then; I took a breather to sigh relieved.

"Wow… that was really so much smoke…" I said while I was gasping deeply for more air.

The cigarettes literally were consumed up to a quarter. I inhaled the smoke of five cigarettes up to a quarter in my first drag. Of course, I loved it and that choke sensation turned me on a bit.

Lyla giggled and she told to me: "I wanted to try this…" while she was taking the breathing mask. Then she opened one of the plastic hoses and she put it on the mask.

Then, she put the mask on her face, smiled to me while she was giving me the other end of the hose.

"I want to breathe your smoke…" she told me smiling warm between the translucid gasmask.

I felt something in my body, something uncomfortable, like butterflies in my stomach. I liked the sensation, but I thought that it will be not well.

"Are you sure?" I asked to her a bit worried and excited.

"Mmh… yep…" responded Lyla warmly and sure of herself.

I smiled to her a bit naughty and I responded.


I sipped the holder. The thick smoke that I inhaled crossed my throat in an instant, I grimaced a bit, but I took a sharp breath to inhale the smoke deeply; then, I took the end of the hose and I blew the thick cigarette smoke into the hose slowly.

Lyla smiled. The thick smoke fogged the translucid hose while was passing in a row to fill the mask, her mouth disappeared among a thick smoke. The cigarette was compacted until it looked as if she had a cotton stretcher covering her mouth.

Lyla grimaced hard while she was breathing my smoke inside the mask. She started to cough hard into it. She looked like breath heavily, that mask was a torture instrument that making breathe obligatory to its victim the cigarette smoke from another person.

The smoke had no one escape route to let her breathe free, except the hose that was in my hand. Each time Lyla coughed or exhaled the smoke in each forced breath, smoke got out form the hose like a exhaust pipe of a car.

I loved how Lyla was suffering painfully in the smoke that I had done. In a moment, Lyla took off the mask slowly, she tried to pretend calm, but her grimace told me that she was despaired for some of air.

Lyla took a sharp breath gathering strength to cough hard and loudly. After take that loud and deeply breather, she started to cough a lot.

"Cough! Cough! Ama… cough… cough… Amazing…" tried to exclaim Lyla while she was trying to keep her coughs without achieve. She was choked by the smoky mask.

I couldn't avoid to smiled cheerfully like a girl while she was coughing breathless.

"I want to try it! I want to try it!" I said like a girl happily as if I'd saw a new toy.

Lyla gasped a couple of times and coughed loud, then she giggled weak and breathless.

"Okay…" she responded to me and she took a little breather to blew the residual smoke inside the mask to dissolve it.

She gave the mask. I was so anxious, so excited. I put the mask on my face, it covered my nose a mouth, at the first sniff, I felt the thick residual smell of the cigarette smoke. I giggled while I inhaled deeply and exhaled relaxedly.

Lyla sniggered softly and she took the holder and put the ashes in the ashtray that was next to us.

"Are you ready?" she asked to me a bit naughty.

"Yep!" I responded.

Lyla took the end of the hose and she sipped the holder to inhale smoke. she coughed the smoke and she apologized. I just giggled and she tried to smoke again.

At the second attempt, she achieved to inhaled the smoke, she grimaced a bit with the smoke overflowing from her lips. She took the end of the hose and blew the smoke inside it to fill the breathing mask.

I started to breathe among the dense smoke that Lyla had done, of course the smoke was too thick, it was hurting my nose and literally breathe was hurting me, but I just grimaced a bit to continue inhaling and exhaling inside the smoky mask.

I closed my eyes, to breathe with gently rhythm the Lyla's cigarette smoke inside the mask. Enjoying the smoke, slowly I was inhaling deeply and exhaling relaxedly. I stayed like that way for a long moment without any kind of cough and the smoke didn't get dissolved in any moment, it just entered inside me in each inhaling and returned to the mask slowly in each exhaling, just was trying to escape for its unique exit, the end of the hose.

"Oh… impressive…" exclaimed Lyla amazed whispering.

I giggled a bit inside the mask. Lyla saw me and she smiled warmly, and asked to me.

"Do you want more smoke, my smoking maid?

I tittered glad when I heard her.

"Yeah…" I said inside the mask.

Of course, the first smoke inside the mask became light after I breathed inside it and it escaped from the hose end a bit, I had a slightly smoke inside it. Lyla sipped the holder, and keeping her coughs, she blew her smoke to the hose to fill me again with it.

Again, I was full of smoke. I inhaled softly, filling my lungs gently with her cigarette smoke, and I exhaled thankful her smoke to the mask. I breathed her smoke with joyfulness for a long time. Of course, I'm not a smoke machine, I'm a human being, and I achieved to arrive to a point where I needed air. Softly, I took off the mask slowly, then; I took a deeply breather to begin to cough until I got breathless, I inhaled again to gather strength to continue coughing hard and loudly until I got to clean my lungs that was full of smoke from inside.

Lyla giggled like a girl while I was coughing hard.

"Tee-hee… do you like my toy?" asked Lyla to me.

"Cough! Cough! I loved it… cough… cough…" I responded between coughs.

Lyla saw me a bit naughty and she said me.

"Could we smoke tonight in my room… if you want it?" she said.

"Eh?" I exclaimed confused.

Lyla smiled warmly and she said me.

"I want to smoke with you, Laine and Betsy tonight… Could you come to my room tonight to smoke a cigarette, drink something and play with my new toys?" she asked to me.

"Eh… yeah… of course yes, Lyla" I responded.

"Okay… go to end your jobs… I'll wait to you and them tonight. My smoking maid, it is a date…" she told to me.

"Mmh… yeah…" I said.

I went out from her room closing the door, of course, I continued smelling her smoke inside me in my normal breath, and it made cough a lot while I was walking outside her room. I loved her cigarette smoke. I loved her breathing mask… her smoking breathing mask.