Chapter 6

"Odetta", I hear my name being shouted and banging on my door. I open my eyes and frown at the noise. I look at Javier to see him stir in his sleep. I check the time on my phone.


"Bloody hell is she even in there?" someone swears.

"She's there just calm down", my mother says.

"Let me try", my father says and then there is a light knock on my door. "Odetta?are you awake?", He asks and continues knocking.

I groan and notice that I'm still on the couch and my back hurts.

"Why don't you call her phone", father suggests.

"Good idea", noel murmurs and soon my phone is ringing.

I quickly decline the call so the ringtone doesn't wake Javier. He murmurs something and I stand up and go over to the bed and lightly stroke his cheek.

"Shhh go back to sleep", I whisper.

"She's awake", Noel says.

"Odetta honey open up", my mom says.

Why the fuck are they disturbing me in the middle of the night and couldn't they just whisper instead of talking so loud. I'm so sure that they're waking everyone in the castle up.

I stomp over to the door and unlock it.

"There's a fucking child sleeping , could you all be any louder?", I whisper yell.

"yes my fucking child that you kidnapped", a deep voice says and I look at alpha Casper.

"Sorry that I saw a wandering child, fed him,took care of him and put him to sleep", I reply with sass and glare at him.

"Now now there's no need to get ill-tempered here. Alpha Casper just thank her for taking care of your child while Odetta,you should hand over his child", Dad says.

"I'm not holding your child hostage but you could've thanked me", I say.

I enter the room and carefully pick up a sleeping Javier trying not to wake him and lay his head on my shoulder. I walk to my door and hand him over to alpha Casper.

Alpha Casper just glares at me as he holds his child. "Next time don't break down my door and shout so loud that you might wake him up"

"What makes you think there's going to be a next time?", He sneers.

"Ask him his plans for tomorrow when he wakes up" I simply say then glance around to see mum,dad and noel watching our exchange, "is that all or did I kidnap someone else cause I'm quite sleepy?"

"No dear go back to sleep", mum says and i step into my room and shut the door not bothering to listen to what they were discussing about.

I flop down on my bed and sleep wasn't so hard to come.

It's eight in the morning when I wake up. I stretch and struggle to get out of bed but end up falling on the floor. I let out a painful groan and I hear laughter. I look at the source of laughter to see noel.

"What the fuck are you doing here don't you have an alpha meeting to attend?" I mutter as I stand up.

"It doesn't start until ten so I decided to wake you up but you spoilt the fun by waking up by yourself"

"Get your ass back in your bed before alia smacks you"

"The real reason I'm awake is because she kicked me out of bed cause I apparently hog the sheets a lot"

"Good for you"

"So I'm here to take your bed hostage", he declares.

I sigh, too tired for this early morning shit, "knock yourself out. I don't think I feel sleepy anymore", I say.

He let's out a non manly squeal and jumps on my bed. I roll my eyes and pick out a pair of black jeans and a gray T-shirt, black socks and matching black underwear.

I take my outfit choice with me and enter the bathroom . I lock the door and drop the clothes on a clean surface before stripping out of my old clothes and undies and pull my hair out of it's messy bun

I enter the shower and turn the knob that brings hot water. The hot water hits my back;releasing a few knots which makes me let out a soft sigh . I make sure to scrub myself really good and use my favourite lemon body scrub and vanilla shampoo.

When I'm done,I wrap myself in a big baby blue towel and wrap my hair in a smaller baby blue towel. I dress up in the out fit I picked and spread out the towel to dry before leaving the bathroom.

Noel is already sleeping when I step out and I smile. I wipe any excess water from my hair with the smaller towel and sit in front of the make-up table mirror and plug in my hair dryer.

I comb my hair as I blow dry it and although painful, manage to comb out the knots.

"Can you stop disturbing my sleep", noel groans.

I roll my eyes,  "my room and I can do whatever I want", I reply and look at him from the mirror.

He groans louder and uses one of the pillow to cover his head. Lucky for him,my hair is dry and I switch off the blow dryer before combing my hair and putting my brown locks in to a ponytail.

"Is it possible to get breakfast now?", I ask as I slip on my a pair of fluffy house slippers.

"Maybe,I dunno", he answers and goes back to sleep.

Rolling my eyes,I leave the room and make my way out of the west wing. I stop by the guards positioned there.

"Can one of you show me the way to alpha Casper Jonathan's room?"

The guards blush but one nods, "this way miss Archibald" he says.

"And please send for breakfast for two to be served in the family dinning room"

The other guards nod and I follow the guard that is meant to take me to alpha Casper. After a long time he stops in front of a big oak door.

"This is it miss Archibald. Would you like me to escort you back?"

I nod, "thank you, this will only take a minute"

I hear shuffling in the room and my guess is that they're up. I knock on the door and don't get an answer. I knock again and I still don't get an answer.

"His beta is in the next room", the guard offers.

"No I don't need to see his beta" , I say and knock on the door again.

There is no reply for a few seconds and when I turn around to leave,the door opens to reveal a very angry looking alpha Casper.

"Good morning", I say and force a smile.

"What do you want?", He growls.

"I just wanted to ask if your son is awake no need to get angry", I snap.

He glares at me, "he isn't awake"

"Okay", I say deciding not to argue with him just in case Javier is actually asleep and turn around to leave.

"Is that breakfast daddy?", I hear Javier ask.

I turn back around to face alpha Casper who has a look of grimace on his face from his lie being found out. "no it isn't breakfast. It's odetta" I say.

He squeals and runs to the door. He squeezes past Alpha Casper's legs and hugs my legs,burying his face in my thigh.

"I woke up early and had my bath so I can come to meet you", he says and gives me a toothy grin, "don't I smell nice?"

I laugh , "you smell just like fruits"

"What are we doing today?"

"You have to ask your father first if you can come with me", I tell him and look at alpha Casper who has a deep frown on his face.

Javier spins around with his hands clasped together "dad can I please go with ody????", He pleads.

Alpha Casper raises a brow before he breaks eye contact with me and looks down at his son. His eyes soften and he takes a deep breath.

"I have breakfast", I throw in and Javier gasps , "dad please?????"

Alpha Casper rubs his temple before letting out a sigh of defeat, "yes you can-----", he says to Javier and looks at me, "--but return him by five p.m"

I nod and take Javier's hand in mine, "don't worry I will"

"And if anything happens to him,They'll be trouble", he threatens.

"No need for threats I will take care of Javier", I snap and narrow my eyes at him.

"Let's go", Javier tugs and I turn around.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey guys so today I got a comment on my books and the mistakes I'm making and how to work on it.

I really liked this so please don't forget to tell me what you think in the comment section just keep away hate.

Thank you don't forget to vote and share.