Chapter 21

After watching the sunrise with Dakota, she walks me home and I arrive at the house at around 7a.m. I walk in after Dakota refuses all offer to have breakfast here and immediately Javier runs to me and hugs me.

"Where were you?", He asks, "I was so worried"

I go down on one knee and ruffle his hair, "I was with oracle Dakota so, no need to worry"

He breathes out a sigh of relief, "I was worried that you left"

"I would never leave you okay?"

He hugs me, "promise?"

"Promise", I mutter back.

I stand up and he leads me to the kitchen with Isabella who making waffles.

"What are we eating?", I yawn.

"Where were you? We were so worried"

"I was with oracle Dakota. I'm so sorry for the commotion"

She shrugs, "it's okay. Thank goodness you came back before alpha Casper noticed"

"We're having waffles and egg by the way", she answers my earlier question.

I go upstairs to my room and brush my teeth before taking a quick shower. I brush my hair, leaving it to air dry and put on a black T-shirt and washed out jeans. I slip on black socks before I leave my room and go downstairs.

"Where were you?", Sebastian asks as I enter the kitchen.

"I was with the oracle Sebastian—I doubt she will try to kill me"

He frowns, "at least inform me when you leave"

"I highly doubt that you would've appreciated me waking you up by four in the morning to tell you that I'm going out"

"You went out by four?", Isabella,Sebastian and Javier exclaim at once.

I put my my hands up in mock surrender, "the oracle was calling, I couldn't leave her hanging"

"The patrol guards could have killed you", Sebastian said.

"He's right but maybe oracle Dakota made sure that nothing happened to her"

Sebastian ignores what Isabella said, "if anything happened to you, guess whose head will be hanging from your father's wall?"

"No need to over exaggerate"

"I'm serious Odetta, please don't go running off like that"

"I'll be leaving very early in the morning now so you ready to cope with that?"

"Odetta Maryland", he warns with a mocking smile.

"I will find your middle name", I threaten. He knew I despised my middle name with everything I had in me.

My phone rings as he gives me a disapproving look. I smile at him and answer the phone call.

"How are you holding up there in the capital?"

"Good. I have been meeting the oracle lately"

"Really? Why?"

"I'm just learning a thing or two", I shrug and try to sound nonchalant about it.

"That must be great."

"It is"

"And alpha Casper?"

I frown at the mention of his name, "why are you asking about him?"

"I thought maybe after sometime, you two will—"She trails off but I understand what she's truing to say.

"Mom", I whine.

She laughs, "okay, I'm sorry. Have you met your grandparents?"

"Oh yes I have and I'm going to visit them very soon again"

"How are they holding up?"

"They have sleepovers now like a hunch of teenagers", I face palm myself.

"Old people can have sleepovers too Odetta"

"And Mary and grandma are still the same"

"Next time you see them, tell them we'll be visiting during Christmas"

"Got it"

"And noel says that he's never borrowing you his Porsche"

"Tell him to fuck off"

"Language young lady, and Sebastian?"

"Still not harmed with him around so, everything is good"

"I have to go,we love you", she hangs up and put my phone back in the front pocket of my jeans.

"Your middle name is Maryland?", Isabella asks as she passes a plate of waffle and chicken to me.

I glare at Sebastian who is sporting a wide grin. "yes" I answer.

"My middle name is Hamilton"

"That's so cool—mine is just ugly"

He touches my shoulder reassuringly, "Maryland is a beautiful name. I'll make sure to call my daughter Maryland "

I shake my head abruptly at javier's comment, "not on my watch", I say "but thank you for the compliment"

We eat and I finish eating before anyone else.

"Thank you for the breakfast Isabella", I tell her and smile before looking at Javier, "I'll be back to spend my afternoon with you but where is your father?"

He takes a moment to think, "he's in his office"

"Where is his office?"

"It's the room beside his room but he's in the office in town"

I groan in annoyance

"We're going out Javier and Sebastian so eat up"

Isabella has a driver drive us to the office in town after we've eaten and changed. He parks in the car park beside the huge building which just said 'jonathan'

"This way", Javier leads us out of the car park and into the building.

Everyone just ignores us when they see Javier with us. We enter the elevator and Javier stretches and hits a button before the doors close and we start going up.

We reach the last floor and Javier starts dragging me towards a large door.

"Excuse me miss, is Alpha Jonathan expecting you?" The red haired woman behind the desk asks.


Javier cuts me off, "We're here to see my dad", he says but she's not even focused on us anymore. She's staring at Sebastian and I give a knowing smile.

I clear my throat and she snaps out of her trance "sorry", she mutters as she blushes, "you can go in"

"Are you coming Sebastian?"

He's still staring at the red-haired woman and shakes his head, "don't worry I'll be right here"

"Of course you will", I smile.

I don't hear anything as I near the door but once I open it slightly, I hear alpha Casper's raised voice. He immediately shuts his mouth as Javier and I enter the room.

He smiles at the sight of Javier. "How is my little alpha?"

"He's fine dad", Javier answers and hugs alpha Casper back, "you look tired"

Alpha Casper gives a half-hearted smile, "it's because I haven't seen you in a while but now that you're here, I feel better already"

"The famous Odetta", Victor exclaims,making his presence known.

"You're officially noticed Victor", I smile.

"I'm sure you're here for Casper"

I nod, "yes I am"

"Well I'll be off with Javier", he smiles as he grabs Javier's hand.

"I'll be quick so we can go out okay?", I tell Javier and look at Victor, "behind that door,there's probably a mating ceremony so make sure to cover Javier's eyes as you walk past and give them privacy"

Victor's eyes widen as he struggles not to laugh and nods before he leaves with Javier.

"So what do you want?", He asks and leans on the table. I take a seat on the sofa that victor sat on.

"We need to talk"

He scoffs, "I obviously assume that you didn't come to stare at me"

I narrow my eyes at him. How am I meant to love this man? I ignore him and think of the real reason I'm here.

"Would anyone be able to eavesdrop on our conversation?"

"The door is sound proof"

"I had a talk with oracle Dakota", I start, "and she told me that Javier is special and something is coming", I say slowly and watch his expression carefully but he doesn't give anything away, "and she said that you would explain"

He doesn't say anything for a while, he just stares at me.I shift in my seat, uncomfortable under his stare.

"What else did she tell you?"

"That Javier has phoenix blood but it's stronger in him"

He just nods and takes a deep breath, "Javier has the ability to manipulate,control and produce fire"

My eyes widen, "you're not shitting me right?"

"Does this look like the face of someone who is joking?", His expression hasn't even changed since we started talking.

"His blood can make creatures immortal"

"Doesn't oracle Dakota have the same blood and—his mother"

"That's why she died, they thought that she was the one with the stronger blood that's why she was killed", his jaw clenches.

"Does Javier know?"

He shake this head, "he knows that he's special and people shouldn't know about it but he doesn't know that he could be killed that why I need him protected at all times"

"Is he safe now?"

"He's the least safe now", he says as he takes his seat behind his desk.


"I have men dying and notes being sent. They have pictures of him sleeping sent, even the night he slept with you when you first arrived"

"What the fuck?"

"I don't know why they haven't attacked yet or where they are", he groans, he sounds frustrated and he put his face on his hands and stays there for a while.

I hesitantly make my way over to him. I place my hands on his shoulders. They tense under my touch and soon they relax.

"I don't know what to do", he mutters.

"I don't know what to say that will give you a solution or piece of mind but I'm training with Dakota to protect javier"

I put a little pressure on his shoulder as I inwardly laugh at my failed attempt of a massage. Dakota must be happy now.

"Thank you and at least now you can protect Javier better"

I wanted to ask him who 'they' were but he was already stressed enough.

"You look rough", I murmur and pull my hands from his shoulder.

"I haven't eaten in a while and I can't remember the last time I slept"

"You need to go back to the house"

He looks at me, "I need to take care of this"

"You'll take care of it at home after you've eaten and slept", I tell him and start arranging and stacking the papers on his desk. When I'm done, I carry the papers and look at alpha Casper who is staring at me.

"I'm taking you home", I say, "did I do something wrong or disrespect you this time?", I ask when he doesn't say anything or make a move.

He ignores my tone and shakes his head, "Thank you", he simply mutters which shocks me.

He stands up and takes his jacket laying on the chair in front of him. We walk out and he locks the door with a key and his face contours into one of confusion as he takes in the sight in front of him.

Sebastian has the red haired lady on her desk and he's in between her legs. They don't recognize us looking at them as they make out but I clear my throat and they notice both of us.

"Oh, shit I'm sorry sir", she says hurriedly as she pushes a blushing Sebastian away and jumps down.

"It's okay. You can leave early together ", he says and walks away. He hold the door for me as I pass and we see Victor and Javier playing 'I spy with my little eyes'

Victor raises an eyebrow at me, "I spy with my little eyes a flustered guard"

"Hope you got her number Sebastian", I say and victor and I laugh.

"Where are we gonna go now ody?", Javier asks as we enter the elevator.

I bite the inside of my cheek, "sorry Javier we will go out tomorrow but today's plan are cancelled"

"Is it because of daddy?"

I frown, "of course not"

"Well I'm sure he's coming home for you"

"Atta boy", victor laughs and high fives Javier who doesn't know what victor is getting at.

Sebastian let's out a chuckle and I try not to appear to be blushing as I glare at victor with a frown. I peek at alpha Casper but he's face isn't giving anything away.

"Do you have your car here Victor?", I ask when we leave the building.


I purse my lips and think of how ruined my plans are then I think of a new way to get Casper home without him driving.

"Why do you ask?"

"Sebastian would you make sure that Javier gets home safely?"


"I'll be driving alpha Casper home if you're wondering"

"I can drive myself", he grunts.

"as much as I would enjoy my life better if you were not around, I would prefer if you're alive because you're in no state to drive yourself"

He doesn't say anything,not a word or a sound. This—is—surprising. Maybe when he gets energy, he'll be able to make snarky comments again.

"This is great", Victor exclaims.

"Hope you get his number", Sebastian says.

"On second thought, I'll drive your car home victor while you drive alpha Casper home"

Victor abruptly shakes his head but I hold my hand out and he finally gives in and gives me his car keys. I hand over the stack of paper to him when I spot his car.

"See you guys at home"