Chapter 26

I woke up with a big smile on my face. I tried to suppress the laugh bubbling up in my throat but I failed so miserable. I jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror.

Last night was incredible. We didn't do anything much. We just kissed and talked till maybe 2a.m or 3a.m who knows? I pat my cheeks to stop my blushing self but I doesn't work. I giggled a bit and skipped to the shower. I hummed as I showered and dressed in black tights and cropped sweatshirt because I'll be meeting up with Dakota later today. As I brushed my hair, I kept on reminiscing about last night's event. How Casper was so sweet and how great of a listener he was and—oh gosh,it was just superb.

I look at the time on my wrist watch. '10:59'. They must have had breakfast. I go down the stairs to kitchen and open the fridge to see what I can whip up when I hear Isabella shout.

"is that you odetta?"

"Yes",I shout back as I scan the fridge.

"There's already breakfast in the dinning room and we're all here"

They are all here includes Casper. Oh my. I try to purse my lips and fake indifference but a smile breaks out followed by small giggles. I swallow and bite my lips before deciding that my appearance is acceptable to be seen by them.

"Morning ody", Javier says and continues rambling to Isabella. I avoid Casper's gaze when I feel his eyes on me.

I sit beside Javier which is opposite Isabella "morning Javier. How was your night? Did you enjoy going to my grandparents'?"

He nods "yes I did. I was just telling Izzy how much fun your grandparents are" he says so enthusiastically.

"I would like to go eat at at your grandparents' considering the fact that they fed Javier to sleep"

"Dinner was amazing" he gushes then looks at me "when do we go again?"

"When I have time" I tell him.

"Well be free soon" he says to me and continues rambling on to Isabella. I share a look with Isabella and we both burst out laughing. I reach to place two French toast on my plate.

"So ody—where were you last night?"

I hesitate mid-air then snap out of my trance before clearing my throat and carefully place the French toast on my plate. "I was in my room"

"Ah but I came to check on you early in the morning maybe around 2am but you weren't in your room"

"I was checking on Javier"

"Is that so?"

I narrow my eyes at him "yes"

He hold up his hands in surrender "just concerned" he said and smiled at me.

I glance at Casper to see him reading something from his phone with a smirk on his face. He notices me looking at him and eyes  meet mine. He smiles at me and gets back to reading whatever he is reading.

I suppress a blush and take a bite out of my French toast. I roll my eyes when he winks at me and my eyes land on Sebastian. My eyes widen when I realized he saw the whole change between Casper and I.

He raises his brow and makes a hole with the index finger and thumb of his left hand before poking his right hand index finger in that hole. I frown at him and shake my head.

We have breakfast without Sebastian bringing it up but he brings it up when he decides to accompany me to see Dakota.

"Soooo—" He starts during our walk.

I raise a hand to stop him "I was with Casper last night"

"I expected a hell lot of noise during your first time with him"

I slap his forehead "we didn't have sex you dumbass"

"So what did you two do last night that had you turning to the colour of a ripe tomato"

"Thought I hid it well"

"So what did you two do?"

"We just—did stuff and talked. We kept everything PG 13"

"But it's going to be loud as fuck when you two finally do the devil's tango"

I push him lightly as I chuckle and try to hide my blush. It takes a little after ten minutes to arrive at Dakota's cabin because Sebastian ran with me on his back in his wolf form.

She's practicing some combat moves with her stick in front of her cabin when we get there. She performs some more moves before she finally stops and acknowledges our presence.

"Way to go granny" Sebastian shouts,impressed as he high fives Dakota.

"I'll soon be teaching you how to defend yourself properly"


"Yes. Now, come closer" she says and takes a few steps back.


"I said come closer"

I walk towards her and when I'm a few feet away,I bump hard into something.

"Fuck" I mutter as I rub my forehead with the heel of my palm.

She smiles and I try to move closer and come in contact with the invisible wall again. I take a step back and I reach forward with my arms but the invisible wall prevents my arms from moving further.

"What the fuck is this?" I murmur as I lightly skim my fingertips across the invisible wall.

"It's a force field that works with your will"

"What do you mean works with your will?"

"It can be summoned with your mind and it is strengthened by your will. When you're weak,the forcefield can be easily penetrated but when you're stronger and mentally focused,your forcefield can with stand anything but be warned because there is a high probability of mental harm if broken forcefully "

"What the fuck?"

"It will come in handy trust me"

"I do trust you"

"Can you teach me how to do it?" Sebastian asks.

Dakota looks at him and chuckles "it is not for your use", she continues " now I want you two to try as hard as you can to break it and come through"

I purse my lips "are you sure? you did say that mental harm is possible if broken forcefully"

She laughs " like any of you two will ever be able to break it. Now give me your best shot"

"You asked for this granny" Sebastian mutters as he stretches and moves far back before changing into his big,white wolf and running at full speed at Dakota.

He reaches just a few feet's from her before he is knocked backwards with force by the forcefield. He takes a few seconds to stand before he growls and Dakota chuckles. He charges straight at her and the forcefield throws him back.

"Why aren't you doing anything?" Dakota asks me.

"It's of no use,I can't fight at all"

"You won't be saying thatwhen I teach you but for now give me your best shot"

"Okay then", I move my head from side to side before changing into my smaller, black wolf and charging.