Chapter 33

"We did not have sex" I whisper-yell at the screen of my laptop.

"What you two did is called fingering and that is a type of sex", alia says with a smug look while Quinn and Faye agree with her.

Last night,Casper and I didn't go all the way. He just fingered and gave me the best orgasm of my life, if I do say myself. The orgasm was so good that I slept off immediately after so we didn't do anything else.

"I called to ask you three if what I did was right, not to know to hear you two babbling away about my sex life"

"I wouldn't have expected you and alpha Casper" Faye says.

"It came as a surprise", alia agrees and nods.

Quinn scoffs at both of them " I knew from the start. They were bound to be together."

"Talking with you guys isn't helping at all"

"How about you tell us the story of how you and Casper started"

"Faye's right,you should tell us"

I groan out and alia laughs "okay, okay, I think that you two should go at a pace that's good enough for the both of you. Nothing is ever too fast or too slow at your pace."

"So you think we should wait?"

"I think you should test the goods before you two proceed to marking" Faye says.

Quinn slaps her palms over Faye's mouth, "don't listen to her, she's a slut". Faye licks Quinn's palms and she let's out a shriek of disgust before quickly removing her hand and rubbing her palm on her jeans.

"But if you think you're emotionally,mentally and physically ready to have sex with alpha Casper,then go for it"

Just then noel barges into the room, "who had sex with alpha Casper? Odetta had sex with alpha Casper?" He exclaims.

"We're gonna go now. Bye" alia hurriedly says and hangs up.

The screen goes blank for a second before the home screen with my icon shows up.I decide to research on some—things.

'How to pleasure your male partner during sex' I type. I read it in my head and cringe internally but I still click search. The page loads but I snap my laptop shut, not before I see some weird images and breath deeply.

"Why are you searching for this shit?" I ask myself.

I decide that going to see Dakota would be more productive than whatever it is I am doing right now. I knock on Sebastian's door to ask him if he would like to accompany me but there is no reply and his door is locked. I go downstairs to see victor and Isabella cuddling on the couch and watching a movie.

"Do you guys know where Sebastian is?"

"He went to see Anne"

I tell them thank you and leave the house. Javier and Casper are out for a father, son day which leaves me alone. The walk to Dakota's cabin is filled with me talking to myself and it takes up to thirty minutes for me to finally arrive. She isn't in front of her cabin as usual. I enter her cabin to see her holding two large bouquet of tulips and a basket in her left hand while she held her staff in her right hand. She looked like she was getting ready to go somewhere.

"I'll come back later" I say and turn around to leave but she stops me.

She hands me two tulips from a bouquet and her basket "You should follow me" she says.

"No it's okay. I don't mean to interrupt your plans."

"Just follow me"

I keep shut and don't say anything. We leave the cabin and start our journey. We walk for a while before we stop at a clearing with two head stones side by side and dead flowers in front of them. I look at Dakota to see her getting teary eyed. We walk forward till I can see the names in the head stones.

The first one read-Felix scott.16**-20**. Maybe his humble soul rest in peace;while the second read-Adrianna reed scott-Johnathan.18**-20**. You will be dearly missed.

"Your mate and daughter" I whisper.

"drop a tulip for each of them" she says and her voice cracks. I look at her to see tears sliding down her cheeks. She has a sad smile on her lips. I do as she says and drop a tulip in front of each head stone to add to the pile of dead flowers.

I step back as she steps forward. She drops a bouquet in front of Felix's tombstone. "Good afternoon sweetie. Hope you are doing okay up there. Wish I could join you but you know that it's not my time yet but I promise that it'll be soon. I miss you down here and it gets so boring you know" she says as tears keep sliding down her cheeks. "I want you to meet a very special person to both me and the world" she turns and signals for me to kneel beside her.

I kneel beside her and I search for what to say. She elbows me and I start, "hi,I'm Odetta" I look at her and she nods so I continue, "um—I live with your grandson and your mate is really cool." I rack my brain for something to say, "I don't know how to cook really and Dakota trains me so well cause she think I'm 'special'. I've never met you but you must have been a really great person" I look at Dakota but she doesn't say anything so I take that as my cue to stand up.

I take a step back as Dakota continues talking to her mate, "you hear that Felix, she even sounds special as she talks. She will do great things.Promise that I'll talk to you later."

She stands up and looks at the tombstone of Adrianna before she drops the tulip in front of it.

"My beautiful baby Anna. I really don't know what to say. I will forever keep apologising for not finding you—" Dakota pauses and I sneek a peek at her. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she's crying. This must be really hard on her.

I put a hand in her shoulder, "she might not be dead Dakota" I try to say reassuringly, ignoring that Casper said he felt it when she died.

"I could have cast a stronger location spell but I wasn't strong enough" her voice came out strangled.

I pull her into a hug, "it's not your fault Dakota"

She sobs harder as I hold her. I hug her tighter and stroke her hair. For that moment,she didn't sound like the strong Oracle I knew,she sounded like an ordinary woman crying and mourning over the death of her daughter and only child.