Chapter 41

I wake up with a massive headache. I groan and stir to see Casper smiling sadly down at me. He has a cupcake with a candle in his hands and I smile despite everything.

"Happy birthday my love", he says and hands the cupcake over to me. I sit up and take it before closing my eyes and blowing at the flames.

"What did you wish for?" He says and hugs me me tighter.

I bury my head in the crook of his neck, "can't tell" I murmur.

We stay together in silence and I can hear his heart beating unevenly. I sigh and hug him closer, "stop worrying"

"It's okay if we don't go to your grandparents' today, they'll understand"

I shake my head, "my whole family is flying to celebrate with me,I don't want to waste their efforts"

"I understand"

"How is Javier?"

"He's really sad"

"I have to apologize"

After finding out that all our efforts to protect Javier were in vain because he still got hurt,I locked my self in my room and cried. I didn't let anyone in,not even Casper. He had to break the door to get in and take me to his room. Javier got really upset because he thought he did something wrong to make me cry and I didn't want to see him.

"When are you going to get someone to fix the door?"

"I fixed it myself when you were still asleep" he strokes my head lightly.

A wave of comfort washes over me and I want to cry. Having a mate is so perfect. At that moment, someone knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" Casper calls out.

"It's Javier" I hear his distressed voice behind the door and I immediately sit up.

"Come in" I say. He peeks his head in and when he sews that I'm fully awake,he runs to my side of the bed.

I pick him up and he immediately buries his head in my neck. I feel his tears and I rub his back in comfort.

"I'm sorry" he pulls back.

My eyes turn watery, "you didn't do anything wrong sweetie" I try to assure him but he cries harder.

"You were crying so hard and you didn't let me in. I wanted to stay with you because you always stay with me when I cry to make me feel better"

At that moment,I burst into tears. Javier sees my tears and sobs harder than ever, "I'm sorry sweetie,you didn't do anything wrong,I'm the one that failed to protect you"

"Don't lock me out again, okay?" He says and wipes my tears. My sight is misty from the tears and I smile at him and nod. He stops crying and leans into my embrace. He sniffs a little now and then. He then rest his head on my chest.

"Woah there buddy,this is mine" Casper exclaims as he lightly pushes Javier's head from my boobs and grabs my left boob.

Javier slaps his hand away, "you had her all night, now it's my turn" he pouts and rest his head back on my chest.

"We didn't even get to do anything" he grumbles.

"How about you go run a bath for Javier and I"

'You do realize that I could make you cum even with Javier in the room' he mind-links me.

"I'd like to see you try" I say.

He smirks, "you really want to challenge me?"

I immediately shake my head. He chuckles and enters the bathroom.

I look down at Javier whose eyes are closed shut and lips are stretched into a smile. "Happy birthday mummy" I smile at his words before shutting my eyes.

After a while Casper enters the room, "your bath is ready love"

"Thanks" I say and lead Javier to the bathroom.

We strip and enter the bath. Casper leans on the ceramic cabinet with his arms crossed as he watches Javier and I.

"Is your whole family going to be there?"

"Of course they are. You have uncle noel,aunt Faye,aunt Quinn and aunt alia. You also have a younger cousin on the way"

His eyes light up, "like Isabella does"

I nod, "and your grandparents will be there"

"I have more grandparents?"

"Grandma,grandpa, Mary and hank aren't technically your-----"

"I have seven grandparents, how cool is that?"

I look at Casper but he just shakes his head as he mind links me, 'don't bother explaining. When he's older, he'll understand'

Javier and I quickly dry up and leave the bathroom. I dress up in a pair of jeans and a maroon off-shoulder sweater with Javier playing candy crush on the bed in a towel.

I leave the suite and go to Javier's room. I quickly pick a cute outfit for him and make a mental note to move some of Javier's clothes to my room in case of situations like this.

When I get back, Casper and Javier are arguing in the closet. "She's my mate" Casper says.

Javier crosses his arms, "I loved her first"

"But i love her more and she loves me back"

"Nu-uh" Javier says and I they notice me standing at the doorway with an amused expression. Javier runs to me and grabs my hand, "tell daddy that you love me more"

"I love you more" I tell him. He gives me a bright smile and sticks his tongue out at Casper.


I smile at Casper, "he did love me first" I look at Javier, "let's give your daddy his space". I take Javier out of the closet.

I quickly dress Javier up and lightly mark-scent him before i sit in front of the mirror to brush my hair. Javier starts to tell me stories that Dakota told him and I listen attentively.

When I finish, I wear the bracelet alexa gave me yesterday as my present. I take my present for Finn and then go downstairs with Javier where Sebastian,Isabella and victor are waiting for me.

"Happy birthday Odetta" they exclaim at the same time.

I smile, "thank you so much" I laugh and sit on a stool before placing Javier on the counter top in front of me.

"Here" Sebastian just thrusts a wrapped box at me and a card. I take it from him and read the card first.

'Happy birthday Maryland' it just says.

I just softly laugh and unwrap the present before opening the shoe box. I see blue baby shoes and give him a questioning look.

"It's obvious that you're going to get pregnant soon so I gave you this"

"Couldn't you wait till a baby shower"

"You're meant to say thank you" he says with a smug face.

"Forgot a card but open my present" victor says.

I open the rectangular box with a red bow on top of it to see a white faux fur coat. I see the price tag and gasp.

"Victor, you didn't have to" I say and hug him, "this is so fucking expensive. You really didn't have too" I hug him again.

"This coat won't help the baby" Sebastian murmurs.

"But it'll help me before a baby comes. There is no baby, at the moment" I correct.

"I got you a crib but it'll arrive later this evening" Isabella just says and smiles at me. I hug her and smile at her. 

"I'm not having a baby"

"Yet" Casper says as he enters the kitchen in all his masculine glory. He looks so hot at the moment and I bite the inside of my cheek.

Isabella winks at me while Sebastian nudges me. Dakota comes in at that moment.

"Where is my precious?" She screams as she barges into the house.

"I'm here Grandma" Javier shouts.

"Not you—I'm talking about my daughter-in-law" she says and enters the room.

Everyone looks suprised, "Dakota" I gasp. She's dressed in a pair of denim jeans and blue shirt with a pair of black pumps on her feet. She completely ditched her staff which she didn't need in the first place and her graying her is in a simple ponytail not in it normal bun.

"This is the last time you all get to see me in this" she grumbles and walks towards me.

She pulls me into a hug, "my precious" she murmurs and pulls hack with a smile, "happy birthday"

"Thank you so much"

"Here" she says and hands over a big book to me.Casper takes it from me when I have difficulties holding it. "It's the book of shadows,every oracle before me owned this and I feel happy to hand it over to you"

"I feel honoured"

"You really clean up good grandma" Sebastian says.

"I will wipe the floor with your face" she threatens which makes me laugh.