a game where you can be anything you want to be, starting from a worrier all the way to the legendary dragon worrier , where different races exist and players can interact with the npc like they were real people Many kingdoms are built daily and Other Get destroyed, a revolutionary game that lets you create your own spell and bring it to life inside of the game, many people consider Titans Fall as their second world, many rich and powerful invest real money in this game to host Competition between players for their enjoyment.
Raymond Laurence or As his friends call him Ray Is one of the Strongest players in Titans Fall being the #1 player Ray has earned his fair share of wealth and purchased top tier VR Station For his gaming needs but There's a secret to Ray's Current Ranking, Unknown to the world Ray is one of the six Game Masters of Titan Fall, Game master or GM for short are like admins for the game where they capture and fix bugs that pop up randomly, It is a very tedious Job but the Reward is very high so There's nothing to complain about.
Today As usual Ray logged into Titans Fall using his game master Persona to look for any random bugs in the game in his State of the art VR Station, once your inside your body will be paralyzed untill you end the gaming session and come out relieving you of the mental stress that comes along with long hours of playing VR. Today Though the paralyzing function of the VR Station caused The death of The 6th game master and also the No#1 on the leaderboard of titan's fall
Raymond Laurence without him even finding out.
A white Cube zoomed Past the orbit of a Green and Blue planet, At first it Seemed the cube will Leave the plants orbit but after reaching the edge of planet gravitational pull the cube Curved an Beautiful 90° circling the planet.
Inside The Cube lay a Transparent creature with human shape that was slowly waking up from its deep slumber.
The transparent Creature Is Ray who had been just recently Burned alive inside his vr Station without him noticing.
ray opened his eyes and looked around the cube
"Where am I" that was the first question that came to His mind slightly after he tried to move his Transparent body But a Jolting pain caused him to fall back on the transparent surface
[ You are finally awake Raymond Laurence ]
an ethereal voice sounded Inside rays Mind causing him to look around in panic but that action cost him another jolt of pain forcing him to calm down
"Who are you" Said Ray
[ I am what You would call God of this Planet ]
the ethereal voice sounded again inside his mind again
"And what do you want from me"
[ Raymond Laurence You Have Died and Are currently Stationed In the Orbital castle of planet 13X3B]
"How did i die, I clearly remember I was inside my VR working on a new bug I found"
[The Bug that you Tried to fix caused your death ]
" That's the most hillarious way to die To be honest " Ray mused as he Slowly moved his head to look around the place to find out what was talking to him but alas his attempts lead him to Jolts of pain everytime he moved even an inch.
[ Your quite calm About your own death ]
"Well I am here aren't I so that means you need something from me which means I am safe currently "
[ Calm and Smart, Not bad I indeed Need You to do something But that can wait, First of lets fix up your damaged soul ]
With that An cooling sensation passed through Ray's body healing the broken soul. The once near transparent soul slowly became more and more visible
after a few minutes The sensation died down and ray tried to move only this time there was no pain and he could stand up and look around the place for the first time.
[ Like what you see ]
again the same voice sounded Inside his head
" Well there's not many things to look at other than the plants and its sun but It's quite cool "
[ It is My humble home where you lay,the mortals would cause bloody war to just catch a glimpse of this Mana Stone Cube ]
"I am guessing the technology of this world isn't that advanced if they haven't seen space yet "
[ This world is different From your Other World as The laws of Physics do not apply here ]
"That's a bummer" Came Ray's sarcastic reply as during his college days he and the physics Professor were not on good term which caused him to fail even tho he was one of the sharper students in that class.
[ Now The Main Part. The planet that you see below you is called 13X3B, Here The air has MANA insted of Oxygen, Mana can be used to cast spells, make contracts, It also has a passive Physical enhancement buff the longer a Creature lives the stronger it gets------ ]
The Voice in his head started explaining about the world in a very detailed manner starting from Mana to all the different races
There's Myriad of different races in this planet Elf,dwarf,human,dark elf,are one of the most common races, the Rarest race being dragons as The dragons don't like to mix with other races only five dragon are currently in existence and no one knows where they are.
[ Now then let's Start with your Status ]
" What's a status " ray tried to keep on his best poker face when he asked that but his heart was beating Faster than a jet engine.
'Its a status a real freaking status' that was the thought that's racing inside his head when the ethereal voice sounded in his mind again
[ A status Is the general description of one's strength and heath condition ]
"How do I check it"
[ Just Think of the word 'Status' in your mind ]
With that command a Blue transparent screen came into Ray's View
[ Name : ???
Age : 0(25)
Title :
Dexterity: ???
Active Skill:???
Passive Skill:??? ]
"So...mind explain why all my status are question marks "
[ Its simple because you are just a soul at the moment so you do not have any strength for the screen to display ]
"So how do I get a race and class "
[ To get a Race you must choose a class first, your class will Select the corresponding race that best fit your soul ]
" Hmm....So how do I choose a class "
another Blue screen came into Ray's View when he said that
[ Class Selection ]
[ Elemental King ]
[ Dragon King ]
[ Mana King ]
[ Spirit King ]
[ Healer ]
[ Armament Master ]
[ To choose a specific class Say "Choose class
"Can I get Some basic Information for the classes"
multiple display popped up in front of ray this time containing all the information of the above classes.
[ Elemental King: The Bearer of This class can control the four primary Element like an extension of their body,
Races That can have elemental King class's are : Elf, Human ]
[ Dragon King: The bearer of this class is crowned the king of dragons being able to use the highest form of Draconian Magic
Race That can have The Dragon KING class :
1st Generation Pure Blood Dragon ]
[ Mana King: The bearer of this Class can control The worlds Mana Like The back of their hand Creating miracle where ever they go
Races that can have the Mana King Class : Elf, Human, Dragon]
[ Spirit King: The bearer of this class can command the highest form of spirit magic without the extensive Mana cost.
Any race can Have this class as long as the spirit approve of them ]
[ Healer: The Devoted believer may Have this class , The amount healed is directly proportional to the amount of faith towards the one true Supreme
All race can have the class depending on their faith ]
[ Armament Master: The master blacksmith May Have this class Limited to only dwarfs ]
"That's a lot to take in" Ray sighed as he looked at the information
[ You may choose a. class ]
" Well I do think Mana King would be cool since every thing has Mana in it but elemental control sounds neat too... Say what are the chances Of me becoming dragon"
[ You can become a dragon But The penalty for makes your survival chance 20% ]
"Penalty?" Ray was surprised by this new addition to his class choosing
[ Different class has different penalty one must face before the Soul and body can fully integrate together
The dragon class has the hardest penalty out of all the Classes]
"What makes it so hard"
[ The Penalty is Bathing In hot magma for 30 days before the body and soul are forged into one ]
"That sounds painful and long, What about other classes "
[ Elemental King, Mana King, spirit King, require You to spend all You life research different Uses of your class, Altho it's not dangerous or painful it becomes an hindrance to the bearers growth, Healer require to have absolute devotion to the one true God and abstaining from all the worldly desire, Finally the Armament master Requires to forge a legendary class armament which is almost impossible for a dwarf ]
" Should it be the Armament master that the hardest"
[ No. with Forging a weapon you can make slight progress every time you make a weapon But To bath in Hot magma is harder than it sounds ]
" How hot is the magma anyways "
[ The surface temperature of your old solar systems star is 5500°C the temperature of the magma is Close to that ]
"30 Days is just too long cant it be shorter"
[ The time can be shortened to Three seconds ]
" There a catch isn't it"
[ Glad your Smart, Yes The temperature Your body will feel with be raised to 1.6million°C to compare the pain you will feel Imagine a nuclear Bomb detonated inside your body multiple times ]
"This is too advanced for me to Imagine "
Ray Mumbled as he fell into deep thoughts on which class to choose
[ The dragon class is the strongest Out of all the different classes ]
" You should have said that sooner " Ray snapped at the air in front of him as he stood up from
" What are my chances "
[ 10% initial chance, I can boost it to 25% ]
"So one in four"
Ray closed his eyes as memories of his past flashed through his mind as he came to One if the most Important decision of his life
"High risk High reward"
'Choose class: dragon King' with that ray sat down and waited for the agonising pain to come but after a few moments passed there was nothing
Ray was about to move But at that moment
A huge Explosion sounded Inside his soul along with rays scream
three seconds passed by slowly each second felt like it was years as his flesh slowly started to grow covering his soul
After what felt like years Ray Opened his eyes
His body was energetic and Bursting with power there was also a peculiar feeling on his back as if he grew another arm
[ Congratulations You have successfully Formed Your body ]
'Status' This was the first thought inside Ray's mind after he opened his eyes
[ Name : ???
Age : 0(25)
Race: Ancient Dragon (1st generation)
Title :
Class: Dragon King
Dexterity: (1/2000)
Active Skill: { Dragons breath } { Flight } { Tail Whip }
Passive Skill:{ Advanced Regeneration}{Scale Armour} {Kings Aura} ]
"So I really became a dragon" Ray was Over the moon with his new identity bit there was one thing that was bugging him
"Why is my name Blank "
[ Your Old Name is too old school pick a new one that matches your identity ]
"Hmm a new name "
Ray started looking around at his body, surprisingly he had 360° vision and could see his entire body
His body was covered in Silver White Dragon scales with a spear like tail covered in scales his sharp claws also glowed a silver light essentially his entire body was covered in silver scales Making him look more like a statue then a real dragon.
"Lets have my new name Be Gin "
[ Name : Gin
Age : 0(25)
Race: Ancient Dragon (1st generation)
Title :
Class: Dragon King
Dexterity: (1/2000)
Active Skill: { Dragons breath } { Flight } { Tail Whip }
Passive Skill:{ Advanced Regeneration}{Scale Armour} {Kings Aura}]
Ray or now know as Gin checked his status Again this time his name was written correctly
"I remember you needed something from me,what is it?"
[ Ahh almost forgot the important part. Currently you are still an baby dragon so your first task is to Survive and become an adult
after that visit the Holy Capital, That is where my power is most concentrated I shall give further instructions from there]
" I see Thank You for the new power and body "
[ I am happy that you like you new body, alas all good things must come to an end I shall transport you to a good habitat that will help you grow as a dragon, Before we part any questions? ]
"Just one It says All my status have one point what does that represent"
[ This...For example If you have one point in your strength that means you are as strong as one silver dragon same applies for the rest of the status, Any more questions? ]
"None, Thank you for saving me, "
[ I look forward to seeing you again ]
with that Gin's new life in another world Begins