
He was carefully and silently heading toward the east without even letting out a single peep, but then something from behind grabbed his bag, 'wha-!?'he was stunned, then he turned around as soon as possible, and surely it was a zombie,

Thankfully he carried the knife in his hand just in case, and he managed to slice off the zombie's head, and some blood burst out, and it made horrifying growling sound, and then slowly many more started appearing, 'wha- they can even see in the dark!???', he shouted internally,

'tch' he click his tongue, 'guess there's no other choice!', he sprint and ran as fast as he could while looking at the map, the zombies were able to see but they were not as fast, which was a good thing, but they were persistent and dragged themselves and followed him,

as they growled loudly the zombies started to multiple, and followed after him,

somehow Flynn managed to outrun them, and hid at some bushes, and after the zombies were gone he carefully got out from the bush, and looked at the map,

he raised his head and saw a haunted looking building, *gulped* is this..the.. place..?', he heard some loud roars, he flinch, those sounds could be heard even when they were still far, 'well.. whatever., it's still better than having to deal with them..,' he went inside,

it was very dark inside and the roof was dripping which made loud noise as the drips hit the floor, he light his torch,

and started walking around, he saw many rooms and a very long hallway, and as he keep on walking, he realised that the building that he had went inside was an old hospital,

'uwah, this looks like some scenes straight out from the horror movies. I'm getting goosebumps!,' 'oh wait this is already worse than a horror movie since I have to deal with those gross creatures,'

he shrug and sigh, ' whatever, everything aside, is this.... really the right place?', he asked himself, 'but according to the map this one's the building, did I got fooled?' he kept asking questions,

and as he was quietly strolling along the hallway, he saw a door which was quite clean compared to others so he decided to go inside, he creek open the door, and peeked inside,

by the looks of it, the room he had opened seemed like an office, he went inside, 'it stinks!' he complaint, but continued looking around the room, after that he started searching the room hoping that he would find something useful,

he opened the drawers, and ruffled around, there was nothing other than some files, he tried to open the other one, but it was locked, 'Oh, so this one is locked huh, is there a key?. I think I should search for one.',

he rambled to himself, and opened the other ones hoping that he would find the key, he search for the key but he did not find any kind of key, he was immensely disappointed, he sighs, then he glanced at the files

as he pulls out one of the files, and started flipping through them, they were all just some files about the patient diseases and like some important things, he was already disappointed and was not even expecting to find anything, but as he kept on flipping through those files, he noticed something weird in those files,

so he started reading, but when he read it, just as he expected it was just some medical documents, except that it had a weird kinda looking symbol, the symbol looked something similar to like a stylish calligraphy of U alphabet,

he was kinda surprised because it just couldn't be a doodle, and he searched the other documents and surely some had the symbol like things too, but some were just normal documents,

he found five documents which had those symbol like things, '?' he was confuse, he put all of the documents that didn't have those symbol things aside, and put all the onces that had those,

they were all differently created, some were like codes, others like flower and the calligraphy one, all five of them were very different from the others, but somehow they all feel like they had some type of connection to the other ones,

'it looks like some type of puzzle game,' he frown, as he concerntrated on them, and after he looked very closely he noticed that they all looked like some alphabet letters,

'do I have to recognise those letters and create a word..?', then he looked out of the window, it was almost dawn, 'i should hurry and find the solution', he was even more absorbed in those letters,

'..wait.. maybe this has something to so with the map.!' he hurriedly pulled out the map from his pocket, and when he saw the map things became much clearer,

'U.N..D..ER?' the word slip from his mouth, as soon as he saw that when the map was upside down it look like an arrow, 'this is it!', it finally made sense,so when he carefully observed the drawer, he found a piece that didn't match the drawer and when he removed

that piece he surely found a password lock,

And when he typed that word it finally unlocked, and he found a tiny key inside,

*Bing*"CONGRATS ON GUESSING THE CORRECT CODE ANSWER!" he received a notification,

after he received the notification he was certain that there was something on the underground floor, he took the key, and he rush out of the office, he was now in search for a stair that lead to the lower floor,

when he was out of the office, he realised that it was already bright and that the sun was out, he begins hurrying and then he finally found a stairs, but that area was already full with the zombies,

and behind the zombies he saw the door, while he was peeping from the corner something brush into his nose, and he suddenly sneezed, after that the Zombies all turned to him.....



Stay tune for the next chapter (。•̀ᴗ-)✧