Chapter 35: Oracle and Sacrifice(1)


In front of the Mortel duchy,

"Please my lady...please give me the antidote..."

"No." Herod completely rejected the priest who was begging him in desperation whose blood veins were transparent on his face.

When the priest was begging Herod from behind his back, Herod put his hand behind his back standing from the front of the duchy staring at the duchy, his old home two thousand years ago.

He felt a little nostalgic and his feeling was tangling, his tear dropped without him knowing. Irene who finally caught up to the priest saw Herod, she wasn't used to the black soul of Herod.

Herod looked at Irene with his tear dropped on his face, the priest and Irene never expected to see a cold person like him shed a single drop of tear.

" you know where's Marinette??" he asked Irene.

"By Marinette, was it the white-haired woman yesterday?"