Chapter 74: Who will save her? (1)

Drip drip

The beautiful green carpet of grass set upon a hill, under the tree and the vast blue sky changed its color to red, the opposite color of the blue eyes which were opened wide staring at the little girl in front of him.

The hill which three children used to play together, but none of them ever set their feet on that hill ever again after the accident.

"Richard, you're hurt!!! Who did this to you??" the soft voice coming from the girl with the small lip just like her innocent pink eyes as she ran to grab ahold of the little Richard as she saw him in pain.

The edge of his chin grew red and the knee was scratched. His clothes were as if someone pushed him off the small hill.


"What's wrong?? Let me get some bandage for you..." her eyes were teary as if she was in pain. Her heart couldn't handle seeing Richard hurt.