Chapter 109: The Downfall(6)

Diana escorted Aurora by herself to the guest room of the royal palace then left there after appointing the knights to guard the room.

Walking back to the throne room, all of the nobles, no single saint nobles, just only the corrupted nobles were presented there with the fake corpse of the emperor they prepared for Diana.

"Follow Aurora to find the emperor, if a chance comes, kill him. We'll use this fake corpse if needed." Diana glared at the rotten and smelly corpse of the emperor waving her hand to those people to take that corpse away.

"As your order, your highness!!"

Diana's POV

See? This is the power you held when you're on top of everyone having everything. This golden throne in front of us is ours.

No one will be able to abandon us. No one will compare us to someone else. No one will tell you to be perfect.

Our path to freedom only existed when we were sitting on this throne, Diana.