Board meeting 2

Liliy Pov

I was expecting all the shareholders to be on his side, and i was never expecting this not even in my wildest dream,

wait a minute,

Was this Chole handwork? When i looked toward Chole, she just smiled at me, which means this was her doing.

Wow! i got myself a capable assistant, or rather, should i say good work Lilianna for appointing yourself a capable assistant, but let wait and see what else she can do. Did she threaten them or what.

"I never declared my daughter dead the doctor did, and all i did was annoucing what the doctor told me." James said anxiously.

"And you did not wait for validation before making an announcement," Mr. Badmus asked mockily.

Wow! this is what they call the fight for power,

Badmus had being james best friend forever, well according to the memories i obtained from Lilianna. They have been in this together like forever, and now he can't ever wait to pull him out of the game.

"I didn't validate it cause i trusted him," James said, trying to justify himself.

"Sister, it wasn't dad's fault but the doctor's because he was the one who told us that you were dead."

"Oh! you don't need to tell me. The doctor already said that it was his mistake earlier for declaring me dead without proper medication" i said bluntly.

I can see the suprise on everyone face, why are they suprise anyway is not like Lilianna was not always like this, yes i acted nonchalant for being declared dead and it not like is my fault for being emotionless.

When i looked up, i saw everyone eye on me waiting for the next order or what i was going to do next.

"There won't be any take over today, I'm still in charge, i'm still the boss, I'm going nowhere, am here to stay, and for your information i am the mysterious shareholder.

"Wait! what? James shouted

"Come on dad am not dead, and i never gave my shares to anyone which still means i am in charge.

"I will make sure that the shares stop droppin. This meeting is adjourned goodbye everyone.

I didn't even wait for anyone of them to ask any question before leaving.

* * * * *

James Pov

I can feel the increase of my heart rate doing the board meeting, i felt hot every where, my mouth was dry and i kept staring at all the snakes i called friend doing the board meeting, backstabbers that what they are, how much did she give them to support her and it so unlike her to want power, Lilianna never seek power she only took over cause i asked i to when the shares were droping back then and she was smart and good at everything so i let her rule over the company so why was she suddenly intrested in power.

Helena was petrified due to the turn of the event. i need to go home i talk to her before she does anything drastic.

* * * * *

Ray Pov

I'm here at the mall today to check how things are going. After listening to the manager in charge of the mall, i stood up and walked out.

'I need a break right now,' i thought to myself. So i decided to stroll around the park near the mall. While walking and looking at the beautiful Serene around me, i bumped into a lady. She almost fell, but i wrapped my arm around her waist to help balance her footing properly.

That was so unlike me, i never let women touch me, and neither do i touch them.

"Are you alright?" i asked before i could stop myself.

"Yeah I'm good, thanks anyway".

Her voice was magical and the most amazing voice i have heard in my life.

I was expecting to see her blush and all, that what every lady i have met does.

I am attracted to her, this is feeling is so new to me, and i am loving it. For the first time in my life, i am sexual aroused.

Seeing that she was about to leave, it woke me from my thoughts.

"Hey, wait up," i called out while running towards her.

"What?" she asked blankly.

"Ray Manchester" I said offering my hand for handshake.


This is awkward

"That my name what yours?" even though she refuse to take my hand, i didn't back out rather i tried again.

" i never asked what was your name and i see no reason to tell you mine.