Forest Of Secrette Pt. 2

The boy continued his speech.

"Here's why: who was it that allowed those monsters to be set freed without confirming if the same thing won't happen again?"

"That's right, that's right! it was you!" as he points his fingers at the duo once again, A loud voice gets caught in the entire forest, a light brightens up the place.

The duo had covered up their pointy ears as they're ducking on the ground and shaking.

As they turn back to look, a giant wild beast with fangs and sharp paws had been attacked from the beam shot by the prince's finger.

The beast falls on the ground before it could have attacked.

The duo gets surprised.

"W-what the..?"

"Ooohh!!, isn't this creature called bazunga?!" ignoring the current conversation he was holding the boy jumps miles away as he hugs the creature Swifty.

"Ooohhh, this soft curly furr, I can't stop rubbing my head in it, this is definitely the rare creature from UKB(universe's knowledge books) lady Ascella talked about.

That intimidating prince from a second ago vanishes as soon as the Strange curly creature appears. His eyes sparkle brighter than the stars from the excitement.

Rubbing his head in the soft curly furr the boy is absorbed in playing with the beast, suddenly, the large eyes wide open.

The prince finds his head inside the warm slimy mouth of the creature, the creature chomps him up!

The tiny duo stands there thinking whether to be surprised or freak out of this strange situation their prince is in.

Before the creature had spit away the prince, the two loyal knights rush to attack the monster!

Their movements are stopped as the bazunga wags his tail.

Drenched in saliva, the prince is laughing on the ground as the creature licks his face.

"Hehe hey that tickles!*

The animal had become prince's friend?

"I'm sorry to have attacked you like that" the prince speak as he pats the creature's smooth furry head.

"I made sure not to hurt you in any way but why did you try attacking my friends?"

The prince still plays around with the animal gently as he asks.

Despite his cold personality, the prince was very fond of nature and the animals, He'd often hear stories about different creatures from planets by his childhood friend and a princess back on his planet.

"Oh so can someone remind me why we came here? it certainly wasn't for a trip at zoo" The Tiny boy speaks with a naughty manner.

"I hate to admit it but the shrimp shorts is right" the girl points out at the little boy with her mocking eyes.

"Who are you calling short you little pipsqueak! your height is not any different if you haven't noticed."

"Hmph I'm still few inches taller than you, shrimp!

"And that makes a difference?"

"It clearly does for me! blehh."

"Why you!"

These arguing little people go by Kano and mano.

Mano would be the girl as the boy was known as Kano, they were both siblings with a goal to serve their master. That's right, they were royal knights serving the young prince.

The spark flies between both as they continuestly argue.

Before the decades could pass continuing the duo's argue, they get interrupted as Kano let's out a loud scream!


"Hey stop it that tickles!"

Large beautiful eyes and tiny cute paws, A young bazunga wags his tail as he Licks kano.

Before Mano could have a chance to laugh at his brother found in this funny situation, she also gets lift by her cloak from behind. Two little bazungas are now on top of mano and kano as they lick them over.

"Ooohh!" the boy jumps over to the duo.

"Aww aren't you shrimpies so cute?"

"(Shrimps?)" says mano as she has a bit annoyed look on her face.

"So the Bazunga wasn't alone, it seems like it was carrying it's babies as well" says Kano as the babies are sitting on top of him sticking their tongues out.

"Yeah that explains why we were attacked, we need to leave this forest before other creatures could show up" says Shaizu as he adores the two little baby bazungas.

As he's done, the prince carries both mano and Kano in his arms like some babies.

"I guess we shouldn't be disturbing the nature, let's go, you Little shorties"

"Heyy!!" mano and Kano shout out with an embarrassed look at their faces after being called so short.

Prince shaizu asks directions from the animals and the Gang sets out to reach the town.

"I know someone when I look at their eyes" the prince suddenly speaks up as he's Walking and the duo follow his back.


"These pirates had no intentions of ever stopping."

"So I put them to an end myself"


"Star patrol HQ (SPHQ) had already sentenced their annihilation. Apparently they weren't just any regular cases which could be solved by some minors, their scheme started taking much sinister turns as the galaxies started losing their stars one after the another."

"These cases couldn't be ignored or taken lightly because these weren't some simple annihilation of random planets"

"It became much complex as only the planets in possession of Stones of Razai were taken down."

"This is the key point connecting all the mystery together."

"Of course the SPHQ prioritized the worlds and their inhabitants before they could solve these mysteries to know what the enemy's objective was."

"They couldn't manage to lose any more of the these stars lighting the universe, do they've ordered the complete annihilation of these pirates."

"But of course for their investigation to meet it's conclusion, They need some clues to cling to."

"Some third parties involved with SPHQ had refused to fulfill the order of annihilation, that's the problem with these low heads, they're still pursuing the monster to catch them alive."

"But why not?"

Mano interrupts the prince.

"Even if these Pirates are exterminated, With no clear investigation, you wouldn't know if there weren't more of them hiding?

"The loss of these pirates wouldn't have mattered as the masterminds behind them could still continue their schemes."

"You just destroyed our last bit of clues we had to solve these puzzling mysteries" mano stares at the prince with a slight angry look.

The prince smiles, "Hmph."

"Just who do you think you're talking with?"

"Why do earthlings throw their tissues when they've done using them?"

"I don't know, you're asking that question to a person who's never been to that boring satellite. and what's this 'tissue'?" Kano asks cluelessly as he picks his nose shapeless nose."

Soon afterwards he receives a dynamic punch from his sister for being so interrupting and flies all the way down.

"Tch you're boring, alright continuing on to the subject! I might already have figured out what's happening to all of these planets."

-Chap 4 End.