Escape From Earth.

Back on Earth the samurai has been dealing with the monsters while Kano has Disappeared into the thin air.

A computerized voice of a woman spoke in a room filled with dim light, it was a spaceship Kano used to travel on earth, the entire construction was done by some space engineers so the technologies that were attached to it would definitely have put earth engineers in shame.

"Kara! are you listening to me? hurry up and active the healing option, Mano and the milafing are in grave danger. We can't allow the earth kid to die!"

Suddenly the dim lights brightened up, activating the whole functions of the ship and it's cockpit where Kano had been sitting.

With a minute of pain the entire wounds of Mano and Kano had been recovered by some strange spray, it was leaking out in form of fog from some tiny little holes from all around the spaceship, their bodies were now as good as new. Except Shane for Shane his condition had still been turning severe more and more each minute because it was not any ordinary injury to be fixed.

"Mano are you alright?!"

"Who are you talking with Kano you fool? of course I'm alright!" The pained girl who couldn't even open her eyes a while ago suddenly burst out loud.

Kano smiled instead of getting irritated on his usual routine. He could finally have a sigh of relief because his sister's usual pestering nature had confirmed her health.

"It's not over yet mano, we have to hurry up to star the patrol, Milafing ritual is about to end. And with prince, even his vessel has been severely damaged, if one of them dies, it's over!"

"I realize that! as long as we keep the the earth child in our ship's pod there's a high chance of survival. But we can't just sit here and expect the kaloos to do nothing."

Screens after screens float in the air keeping the duo too busy to look at each other's face as they talked while pressing the floating buttons.

Their tiny little fingers knew they had to hurry up and get going!

"I don't know who that earthling was but we've been saved thanks to him, i do feel bad for him, but his sacrifice won't be in vein. Those kaloos aren't someone an earthling could take on. They'll be here any moment now.

"I Know that, I've sent a backup signal to headquarters, they'll be sending their fastest ships for help just in case there's any attack."

"Now that's re assuring!"

The earth boy was hanging on a thread while the two little aliens took him in the space, he was placed in a mini healing pod so he won't have to lose any more of his little life he had remained, what was Kano and Mano's motive, and why did they kept calling shane a Milafing?

Tiny little spaceship travelled across countless of giant stars in speed of light, leaving the earth millions of light-years behind.

Meanwhile in the middle of the vast universe, right on a giant red planet, the footsteps of someone who had been walking impatiently echoed.

This was planet cosmala, Home of majestic entities entitled by many glorious names, "Guardians of the universe", "Light force", "angels", "elemental guardians" etc. The names went by and the ending was never revealed. Their job was nothing but one thing, Protection of the universe!

"Your highness, Ship no. 08.3 had taken their flight, they're in trouble as the milafing had been attacked!"

"But your majesty doesn't have to fear, The elite force is own their way to escort them just in case there won't be any ambush."

A woman was standing, her whole body burst into flames and her eyes were dripping lava in form of tears. Just now she'd been looking at a giant tank but she changes her direction as soon as her soldiers come to her presence.

"I-i see."

Without much emotions, she hardly brings herself to say a word and looks back at the tank once again. it's a tank or something you'd call a "stasis chamber", A giant cylinder made out of glass, from the inside there seemed a young little boy whom entire body shone like some bright coals, but each moment a second would pass, his shine would slowly Disappear, he was letting out his last breathes under a mask which had covered his face.

A soldier that stood there talking had taken a form of a tall muscular man, with half his head shaved he was wearing a space armour covered in inflammable devices here and there.

"Your highness, please try reconsidering things for a change, why would you choose an earth specie for such an important cause? Through our records, the earthlings are bunch of life forms filled with greed, hatred and many negative emotions, they much more resemble a kaloo than a pure blooded Cosmalan, What if that thing steals prince aizu's body and put him in wrong use?!"

The queen wipes her tears and speaks as she touches her child's face through the glass.

"Soldier Nunama, No.. Brother, I request you'd call me by the title we have through our blood. I realize your fears, True that earthlings have impurities and they're filled with sins.

"But where's Darkness there's light, there's kindness and gentleness brimming through that body arriving toward us. He has both kindness and he has evilness, that's what a human is, that's what you'd called being balanced, making him a perfect fit for our highbreed prince. We must trust our fates to that chosen milafing!"

"Hey, brother nunama, do you remember why we must have a Milafing?"

-Chap 15 End.