
Zorakh wondered to himself a bit, he seemed busy in thoughts. After a while he started looking back at that strange arachnid to continue his speaking.

"Akuji era", Back in history when was an era of us kaloos where we had chosen humans as seed for kaloos to take birth, after all it's them whom we were born out of."

"If that first seed is still really existing on earth, then we might have to change our plans."


Laughter echoed in tunnels of that strange place which had taken many different paths to form a maze.

"Even if he'd been burning with hatred to seek revenge on his from all thes decades. We don't have anything to worry, that era has ended long. The one's who're to be feared is now us, Although I thank his burning rage to give us strengh each moment he breathes."

"But the milafing couldn't be wiped down because of him, the ambush teams have all been whiped out too.."

"So what Zorakh? We simply wanted to annihilate the prince by taking his vessel down, but that's not necessary anymore. Infact it's all for the good if that foolish kin of our lord has survived."

"After all, don't you want him to suffer for what he has done to us? our kaloo lord.. Lord nomed must be brought back to life and guess what's more better than a maggot's desperate scream?"

"That highbreed cosmalan prince will be the one who'll allow our lord to be freed. Fate must not be avoided!"

As the two threatening kaloos vanished out of vicinity, the red eyes of the cursing fiend shone brightly in the tank filled with dark liquid.

Time has finally come, the tiny little ship had finally reached it's destination and now lands near front of a gigantic SciFi building

"Hurry up to the quarter 003, How's the prince's vessel?"

A guard welcomed them rushingly as soon as Mano and Kano landed.

"So far we've tried to stop his conditions from getting worst, Our advanced Medical technologies have outdone themselves once again, it's a good thing we considered installing them in the right time.

"Good job Mano, Kano, however if we do not hurry, we won't be able to guarantee anything. The earthling's frail body has reached it's limit, we can't save him."

"But we have our praise for him to serve his life for the prince to Continue living."

"The universe owes him."

Kano and Mano took the boy out of their ships, Shane had been covered by many devices that had held his last breathes from continuing to vanish. They stood there with such sad eyes, as if they'd been left by someone who'd been with them from so long. It was time they'd have to say goodbye to the unfortunate poor earthling whom they'd looked after their entire life.

"He's gone.."


They look into each other's sparkling eyes and smile.

"But he'll be back with a smile next time."

Fire Queen Madelite hadn't left her place even for moment, she stood there crying and comforting her unconscious child through the glass that stood between them.

She had to realize her child was about to go.

She had to learn how to let go of the things, it was something very normal. Life only took what it was important for someone to cherish.

"Your.. erm I mean Sister Madelite, May I ask you to think of it once again.. there's still time left."

Queen Madelite couldn't respond to her brother, her eyes yet had to overcome the doubts that had taken control of herself.

"Unfortunately that time is what we don't have on our hands"

She left her son's side and started taking a step forward, a step to take a look at another body who'd been suffering Through the same fate as her child.

"Oh you poor unfortunate thing, we truly disgust ourselves to put you through so much pain just for our selfish lives to continue.. Would you have a different life if we had not been involved with you?"

She takes a look at the poor guy who had fallen into a deep slumber, it wasn't comfortable. He had to struggle for his eyes to open up and see the new world that had awaited his arrival a few steps further.

"Honorable Brother Nunama, has everyone gathered For Milafing ceremony of prince aizu?"


Nunama had a look of sadness In his eyes, he tried so hard to preach his sentence in a way so the queen won't have to get hurt or hate her people.

"Um.. We asked for everyone's presence, however the only One's to arrive were the Guardians of Air and thunder clan, Perhaps others all had been busy fulfilling their roles to carry out order of the universe."

Queen understood. She held her eyes low and tried to smile it off.

"I see.. So they yet haven't accepted prince's existince, I wouldn't my blame precious people, I did make them hurt by having a connection with a Kaloo after all, a forbidden connection with a demon. But I loved him. The prince might not be a cosmalan by blood, but through his heart, he shines the brightest."

"My precious people yet have to realize how important he is for all of us. He will rule us one day, and the fate has spoken it's last words."

Prince aizu was a child born of a Kaloo, even if he had cosmalan body of his mother, of an entity that was born out of pure light. His father's blood that made him a filthy kaloo couldn't be outlooked by his planet either. He wasn't accepted by his kindgom and people because they couldn't allow a sinful creature's heir to continue the bloodline. They couldn't accept to be ruled by him.

It was time for the milafing ceremony to begin. The prince and the earthling's body were about to become one, however..

The queen couldn't make herself to rid of those doubt she had hid in her majestic eyes. She wasn't ready, maybe it was because she was afraid of entrusting her child on an earthling's shoulders. She feared her child might not be him anymore.

What if he forgets about his responsibility and people and go back to normal earth life.

But she knew this was how it was supposed to be done.

Milafing ceremony was a ritual that allowed every cosmalan to finally receive their own physical form. It was a day that finally gave them freedom, Other than a body, they also received their attribute and began devoting their blessed strength in the name of the vast universe. Since these astral beings weren't born with their own material bodies, They had to choose a vessel that was born respectively for them among other stars. A random body that offered themselves to a certain cosmalan so it could live and finally bring out their majestic powers for peace of the universe.

Both prince aizu and Shane had been put in giant pods. It was now time for the prince to transmigrate his soul to the earth child's physical form.

-Chap 17 End.