(4) Maverick Sullen

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Walking out of Daniel's hospital room relieved that he could finally escape this sudden family reunion and the hot seat he had been put through for a whole hour, Tian Zi headed to the nearest public toilet wanting to wash and freshen up his face. He could have done it in Daniel's room but knowing the bathroom there was covered with both the Omega and his older brother's pheromones, he would rather use the public toilet.

Tian Zi was trailing the way to the toilet preoccupied when suddenly he noticed an alluring sweet scent spread in the area. It was very faint, almost nonexistent but with his nose, he could tell where the smell was coming from.

Knowing full well what the scent was, Tian Zi tried to ignore not wanting to get involved but when he realized that the scent was coming from the toilet he was headed to, he halted his walk and contemplated. He's an unmated Dominant Alpha, even though he could control his dominant instinct quite well, resisting Omega pheromone was still a situation he didn't want to be in simply because it was too tiring.

Tian Zi was about to turn around when again suddenly heard a commotion inside the toilet as if someone was struggling inside. Various scenarios quickly materialized inside Tian Zi's mind and even though he didn't want to become some knight in shining armor for someone who might need his help at this moment, he simply could not ignore a person in possible trouble. Without another thought of doubt, Tian Zi dashed inside the toilet room kicking the door open, when he saw a man towering over a smaller figure, Tian Zi quickly frowned in annoyance.

'Really? Doing this in a public toilet at a Private hospital?' Tian Zi thought before he pulled the man on top of a sniffling Omega and threw him almost 3 meters away.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT WITH ME AND MY LOVER?" After he was suddenly thrown away, the man yelled without shame to which Tian Zi just laughed at. Lover? If the Omega was his lover, it shouldn't have looked like he was raping him and in a public toilet at that.

"You really make me sick," Tian Zi sighed before turning around to confirm the Omega of the man's claim but when he realized who the smaller figure was beside him, Tian Zi was dumbfounded.

"P-Please don't tell anyone," He simply said, trembling. His body is still hot from his sudden pre-heat attack. Tian Zi blinked his eyes unable to believe what he was seeing, Maverick Sullen, the esteemed Second Young Master of the Sullen Family who is Daniel's cousin and supposed to be an Alpha. Tian Zi blinked his eyes a couple more times before he frowned again not understanding what was the Omega talking about? 'Don't tell anyone? Don't tell what?' he thought confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about but if he's really your lover then I must apologize," Tian Zi said, scratching the back of his head and looking at the man still on the floor after he threw him earlier. Looking at the man, even though he didn't really know who Maverick Sullen was, he still couldn't believe why he would choose someone like his lover. He looked like he already fathered a 20 year older son or daughter.

"N-No. Not that! He isn't my lover," Maverick replied timidly, making Tian Zi sigh, somehow relieved at the information but then later he sighed again.

"I don't really care what other people like to do with their lives, if you want to do it in the public toilet with random people then rest assured I won't be telling anyone," Tian Zi said, he wasn't hiding the fact that this was such a bother and regretted ever choosing to dash inside the toilet earlier.

"Hmmph, mind your own business," the man suddenly interrupted as he stood up and attempted to grab Maverick again however before he could do that, Tian Zi was quick to catch his hand and glared at him as if he was looking at a cockroach.

"That I don't care what he wants to do with his life but you, if you lay your hands on someone more than half of your age younger and a member of the Sullen family, I can't assure your safety and freedom," Tian Zi warned. Although he said what he said, he just couldn't ignore the fact that Maverick was trembling from this man's touch.

"Who do you think you are and what do you care?" The man jeered as if provoking Tian Zi.

"Oh no, I don't really care. I was just saying," Tian Zi replied and let go of the man, raising his hands before leisurely walking towards the door, however, before twisting the door open he halted but didn't turn around.

"If you want to stay here then you can stay, but if you don't, you can come with me," Tian Zi said, his words directed to Maverick who's until now, still couldn't utter a single word. Thankfully hearing these words from Tian Zi, Maverick finally reacted and timidly walked towards the Alpha avoiding the man who just molested him. He didn't really know why someone like Mo Tian Zi was helping him but he was really thankful.

"Hey, I'm not done with y—" The man attempted to say but before he could finish his words, Tian Zi's foot was against his chest as he later flew 3 meters away. Seeing this, Maverick was shocked but wasn't able to say anything again. Although recently he had been seeing the Alpha through family gatherings, he didn't really know what he is like aside from always having that gloomy expression and an aura as if giving off warnings not to approach him. He was a very intimidating individual, a person would never dare approach in his lifetime.

"Be thankful that's all I'm doing to you, bastard." Tian Zi said glaring once again at the older Alpha who he just sent flying. His tone was filled with warnings but somehow even though Maverick was standing beside him, he wasn't terrified at all unlike the Alpha's usual temperament.

At last, stepping out of the toilet, Tian Zi continued to walk, giving up the fact that he was supposed to freshen up. 'Such a bother,' Tian Zi thought and without stopping, he continued to walk until he could already see the exit of the hospital, quickly forgetting that Maverick was still following him gathering the courage to say something. It wasn't until he said something that Tian Zi realized the Omega was still following him.

"U-Uhmm, where are we going?" Maverick suddenly asked. Although the Alpha saved him earlier, it didn't feel like he should just follow him wherever he wanted them to go. Plus, even though he saved him, that doesn't change the fact that he was still somewhat afraid of him.

"Ha? You're still following me?" Tian Zi suddenly said surprised. He did say to follow him but he didn't mean to follow him all the way here. He just said that earlier to save him.

"Y-you told me to follow you," Maverick said, a pinkish hue appeared on his cheeks feeling embarrassed because it didn't seem like the Alpha meant what he said earlier. He was so confused altogether and didn't know what to do.

". . ." Looking at the blushing Omega, Tian Zi suddenly had a headache coming. 'Why is this man so stupid?' Tian Zi thought. He heard a lot of things about the three elite brothers of the Sullen family before but he wasn't expecting a timid and naïve Second Young Master. Suddenly he didn't know what to say, it felt like if he said something rude, the Omega would just cry right then and there.

"I just said that to save you," Tian Zi said finally and observed Maverick more, he couldn't believe that someone like him was a couple of years older than him. He already wondered why compared to his brother he looked more feminine so this was the reason. He hid his gender quite well and his pheromones were quite nonexistent.

"O-Oh... T-thank you for saving me," Maverick said, still blushing. This was the first time that this happened to him, he had never been in a situation like he had earlier because his brothers were there to save him always, and even before then, his pheromones weren't that strong because he's been suppressing his body since it started maturing. He was just very unlucky that he was caught during some of his pre-heat attacks.

"Anyway, you should take your suppressant or something. Your scent is still leaking," Tian Zi replied with a bored look after not saying anything for three long seconds. When Maverick heard him, he nodded and smiled shyly. He was about to reply that he had indeed already taken his medicine when one of his brothers called in a hurry.

"Ricky, I was looking all over for you," He said and held on to Maverick's shoulder, checking if something was wrong with his older brother or not, ignoring that Mo Tian Zi was just at the side looking at them impatiently.

"I'm fine, Ash. You don't need to worry," Maverick replied softly.

"Then I should take my leave now," Tian Zi suddenly said and turned around without waiting for a reply. Maverick who looked at his retreating back wished to stop him but he knew he had been a bother to the younger Alpha so he just smiled softly before looking back at his brother. He also didn't think Mo Tian Zi was the kind who would spread rumors so for now he'll believe his secret won't be revealed yet.

"Did something happen to you and that stiff bastard?" Ashton asked. He was at the same age as Mo Tian Zi but he was not close to him and he never liked his arrogant personality.

"Nothing, you worry too much. And please don't call him that, he just helped me a bit," Maverick replied, not knowing that starting this day there will be more times where he'll meet and be saved by that same Alpha in the far future.

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To be Continued...