(8) Recessive

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Fyre blinked his eyes in disbelief. For reasons unknown everything just went in slow motion as he fell on Mo Tian Zi's arms, that when he was finally being carried like a princess by the Prince, he was flabbergasted beyond belief. He stared at Tian Zi's soft and flawless skin, sharp piercing eyes, beautiful lips, and nose. He had a face that looks like it was sculpted by God himself, not to mention he could feel Tian Zi's toned and hard muscles against him that he couldn't help but blush. He really hates to admit but Mo Tian Zi is really an attractive man, if not only for his rotten personality.

"Do you like it in my arms?" Tian Zi suddenly asked with his monotonous voice and expression. Fyre is small and didn't really weigh much but having to carry the Omega for more than needed, he couldn't help but talk.

"Y-You wish asshole!!" Waking up from his stunned condition, Fyre quickly roared and struggled out of the Alpha's arms to which Tian Zi didn't hesitate to let you, carefully putting the Omega down despite being slapped on his arm. The moment Fyre was standing, he quickly took a step back and hugged himself as protecting his body from the young Alpha. Seeing this, Tian Zi only frowned especially seeing that the Omega was still glaring at him.

"You know, it's not too bad to say thank you once in a while," Tian Zi said glaring at the Omega as well. He didn't really care to be honest but he didn't like that Fyre was looking at him like he did him wrong since he was the one who caught him in his arms and even carried him longer than necessary.

"I-It's your fault because you got closer to me!" Fyre accused to which Tian Zi didn't like but didn't say anything to retaliate thinking that no matter what he'll be going to say, the Omega would never admit his mistake. Instead, Tian Zi ignored Fyre and walked towards his computer screen that has a huge "Acess Granted!" plastered on the screen.

"This. No one had ever solved this except Princess," Tian Zi said, looking at Fyre who suddenly looked nervous at the mention of the nickname. He wasn't trying to hide or anything but he hated being cornered and be forced to admit it.

"T-That doesn't that mean I'm a genius?" Fyre said sounding timid at first but later his tone completely become boastful.

"No. It just means you're Princess," Tian Zi replied monotonously.

"Ha!? I don't know who that is," Fyre roared angrily. Although it's not his intention to hide from the Alpha, he just really hated that name.

"Hmmmn, well. Princess isn't really that great either. It took him weeks to solve the system and he never won a game against me. He's just a sore loser, I must say," Tian Zi suddenly said, acting like he must've made a mistake however just like what he had anticipated, Fyre immediately went furious and move to launch at Tian Zi. Fyre had always been a short-tempered person thus impairing him to make friends. Added the fact that it was pretty rare for Omegas to have such an aggressive personality, Fyre got used to having no one except his computers.

And of course, although he had only been acquainted with Tian Zi online not too long ago, they weren't close enough to call themselves friends but when Tian Zi suddenly started ignoring his challenges, he couldn't help but feel empty. It made him realize how lonely he was and that made him mad especially hearing the Alpha talking badly of him. He's indeed a sore loser but he does not want to be told to by an arrogant Prince of an Alpha.

"Woah, easy there, Tiger," Tian Zi said instantly catching Fyre's small fist and held him in place.

"I am not a loser!! You're just a fucking scum," Fyre roared which instantly brought a mischievous smile on Tian Zi's lips. He figured before meeting Fyre that the person behind Princess was a persistent and short-tempered man but he didn't think he was right.

"So you are indeed Princess," Tian Zi said and softly let go of the Omega's delicate arms.

"So what! It's not like I'm trying to hide it! But don't you dare call me that! My name ain't Princess, it's Fyre! F Y R E! Fyre!" Fyre said again and crossed his arms scuffing.

"Okay, Fyre, did you get lonely so you came and find me? Because I was ignoring you," Tian Zi teased. After that time when his Eldest brother asked him to look into Veronica Chime, he didn't have the chance to play with Princess despite his provocations. As much as he wanted to fool around and continually prove to Princess that he was never going to beat him at anything, his Older Brother's case at that time was more interesting for him.

"W-what!? Of course not you asshole. I came to find my sister after you abduct her and now forced to live with that royalty playboy, " Fyre quickly denied and soon pointed at Jonathan who was amusingly watching the two bicker with each other because it's rare for him to see such a scene unless if his friend is talking with his older brother Mo Hanlu or his mother, Laura Mo. And not to mention, Fyre Long is an Omega but Tian Zi is talking with him without being bothered.

"Hmmm, first of all, the world is truly small, to think you're Remi Long's younger brother..." Tian Zi said with a grin but then he suddenly stopped and a sudden thought flashed in his mind. Fyre Long is very skilled when it comes to hacking, he is Remi Long's younger brother and Remi is connected to Veronica Chime. Tian Zi looked at Fyre and his brows slowly knitted while Fyre only looked at him confusingly.

"What!?" Fyre asked alarmed seeing the frowns at the Alpha's expression. And suddenly when Tian Zi held his arm, Fyre squealed in surprise.

"You," Tian Zi started and glared at the distressed Omega. His grip tightened earning painful moans as Fyre struggled away.

"Zi, what are you doing? You're hurting him, " Jonathan quickly interrupted seeing how Tian Zi was now restraining the poor Omega. Tian Zi has a tall and muscular build, compared to Fyre who was small and thin, Jonathan won't be surprised if his friend accidentally snapped the Omega's arm.

"You're the one who tweaked Veronica Chime's background. You hacked into the national information database and rewrote her identity. And now you're here, are you spying on us?? Who do you work for!?" Ignoring Jonathan, Tian Zi quickly interrogated Fyre to which made the Omega's eyes turn wide. He already figures that Tian Zi was a smart guy but he didn't expect he would figure it out as soon as he revealed his identity.

"I-I can explain. L-Let go of me!" Fire struggled still but when Tian Zi heard Fyre, all his thoughts were confirmed. He suddenly started dragging Fyre out of the room and soon to the library where he locked the door leaving Jonathan banging on the door.

"Then explain all to me. Depending on your words, I'll send you straight to prison or the organization," Tian Zi said in his deep Alpha tone after throwing Fyre on top of the couch. Fyre's body started trembling as he caressed the painfully throbbing area where Tian Zi gripped a moment ago. His heart started pounding fast and his breathing began taking up a pace. He couldn't control it, whenever he's too stressed, his broken body would start to react in its attempt to defend itself. Unfortunately due to his recessive condition, the self-defense mechanism that was natural to everyone was a state Fyre had always been avoiding.

"Why are you not talking?" Tian Zi asked, his voice still filled with authority. However, just seconds later, Fyre faced Tia Zi. His cheeks were flushed, his lips slightly parted as he breathes air through it, his eyes also began to water, and most of all, pheromones started to leak out, causing Tian Zi to freeze. His body quickly started reacting sending signals to his system. Now he understood. He understood why he was fine talking with Fyre without being bothered.

Fyre Long has a recessive condition that allows his body to completely suppress his pheromones from coming out. Tian Zi is extremely sensitive to pheromones that's why he especially avoided Omegas but earlier when he met Fyre, despite almost being sure that Fyre was an Omega, he ignored the fact that he couldn't smell anything from him. Normal Omegas would naturally leak pheromones even submissives ones who have weaker pheromones than dominants but in Fyre's condition, he does not release one making it easy for him to be mistaken as a Beta. However, in some major cases or completely random, recessives tend to explode making them very dangerous for the Omega himself and the people around them.

Just like Alphas that had the ability to knot, recessive Omegas are also extremely rare. The chance of meeting one was extremely low, especially when most of them would choose to stay indoors as much as possible, afraid that their recessive condition would suddenly attack making them vulnerable to rape and trouble a lot of people.

'Fuck,' Tian Zi cursed internally and watch Fyre from a distance. But without realizing what he was doing, he suddenly found himself standing in front of Fyre and held his arm again.

"Y-You fucking asshole!" Fire mumbled as his body quivered.

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To be Continued...