Let's Play Spy (3)

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"Shut up! Are you trying to ignore my question?" Fyre roared, his face turning red from both anger and embarrassment. He knew already that he looked weird, it had been a while since the last time he wore a dress but he didn't have to be told to by both Tian Zi and Jonathan. In the first place, he didn't want to wear this kind of clothes again.

"Ah, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you, Fyre," Jonathan replied and this time really took the situation seriously.

"If you're sorry then answer my question, you bastard!" Fyre roared again, stomping his feet. He looks undoubtedly furious but for Jonathan who could no longer erase the image that he saw earlier, he could only see Fyre like a sulking chihuahua. He couldn't help but find it adorable despite the serious situation.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I was honestly planning to tell Remi but as you can see, I was imprisoned here by my older sister. I tried to escape but I couldn't. My phone was also confiscated so I also have no means of communicating with her," Jonathan explained with a deep frustrated sigh. For the past three days, he realized that he was such a useless person. That despite his title, he still couldn't do anything but follow what his sisters or parents had ordered him to do.

"You fucking useless piece of shit! You're a grown-ass man! What use does that body of yours have? There are only two people guarding that door and you couldn't beat the shit out of them?" Fyre asked with a furious frown.

"You are acting too confident when sparring with Tian Zi but now you couldn't apply the same thing to those men?" Fyre added. The reason that Remi and Jonathan met in the first place was because he was guarding Remi but now this Young Alpha was telling him that he couldn't get out of the room just because there were two people guarding his room enabling him to escape? It sounded too absurd for Fyre.

". . ." Listening to the Omega, Jonathan remained silent. He couldn't tell that he tried fighting but he was eventually overpowered because he doubted himself. He doubted that he could ever escape his family's grasps. He talked big to his Older Sister but in the end, he was still a coward who couldn't truly stand for what he truly wanted. He was like a baby elephant who was tied down onto a pole he couldn't escape from and believing that despite growing up big and strong, he could never escape that same pole.

"You keep telling me that you love Remi but you're not even brave enough to stand up for it. If you knew that you couldn't escape your family, then why did you have to do this to Remi? You know she's inexperienced! You're her first lover. If you weren't confident enough to break off your engagement, then why did you have to pursue Remi if it was going to end up like this anyway. You are just being selfish, Jonathan!" Fyre yelled. He was shaking in frustration and all the emotions he was feeling all throughout the day to the point of tearing up. Additionally, he just recovered from his heat so his hormones are pretty much still all over the place.

Even though he wasn't physically with Remi all throughout these years, he truly cared for her all this time. All he ever wanted for her only sister was for her to be happy. Was that too much to ask? He didn't know who the man was as long as they could love Remi for who she was. Remi had always been by his side before they separated. She was the only one who understood and believed in him wholeheartedly.

That time when he had his first attack at school, he was only 12 years old and didn't understand much about Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. When everyone was looking at him with different eyes as if they knew who he was, Remi was the one who supported him the most. Since then he promised that before he could find his own happy ending, he would make sure Remi had found hers first.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm useless... I can't promise that I will be braver but I will try from now on. I hope you could give me another chance," Jonathan asked looking straight at Fyre's teary eyes before he smiled helplessly. He couldn't believe that the Omega he kept on teasing all this time was making him realize all of this to himself. That he was after all a very powerless being.

"I-I won't believe you until I see it," Fyre pouted making Jonathan chuckle.

"I understand... I will prove myself to Remi... to you..." Jonathan said with a smile to which Fyre only replied with a nod. His eyes were still a little teary but he quickly wiped it off as they looked at each other earnestly. Meanwhile, in the room above them, Tian Zi whistled while securely buckling his gears. All this time he was actually listening to the conversation between Jonathan and Fyre through the earpiece device Fyre had with him before he entered Jonathan's room.

"Hey, heads up. I'm coming down from the window," Tian Zi simply said informing Fyre before he skillfully climbed down, hanging in the rope. The wind was blowing strongly but that didn't scare Tian Zi even in the slightest and instead added more fuel to his already excitedly pounding heart. He does a few wall climbing activities as part of his exercise but this was the first time he was doing something this dangerous. At this moment he was 30 stories high with nothing but a slippery glass to step on and a rope keeping him from falling to his inevitable death.

Meanwhile, Fyre was still emotional when he heard Mo Tian Zi from his earpiece saying something like he was going down from the window. He was very confused at first because clearly, the only window in the room where he was in was a clear glass window that was probably as thick as bulletproof glass, however, his confusion quickly turned into surprise when he saw the Alpha outside the window hanging and later even waved at them as if what he's doing was something trivial.

"What the fuck!?" Fyre gasped as he watched the dangerous stunt Mo Tian Zi was doing together with Jonathan.

"Step back a little, I'll open up a hole in this window," Tian Zi warned, which made Fyre step back a little. He wondered how the Alpha would open up a hole in the thick glass but his question never left his mouth seeing the Alpha taking a device from his bag. He briefly sticks it to the glass and swiftly pulls something connected to it and later draws a huge circle using it. After drawing, he lightly pushed the affected area and it indeed created a hole enough for a grown man to slip in and out.

"Can you help me with this, please?" Tian Zi asked, pointing at the cut piece of the glass to which Fyre followed without delay, worried that something might happen. When finally the Alpha was inside the room with him and Jonathan, the two friends greeted each other with a brief hug. Meanwhile, looking at all of this in front of him, Fyre was relieved that nothing serious happened from the dangerous stunt but later he frowned in displeasure realizing something important.

"Hey, if you could do that in the first place, why do I have to dress like this?" Fyre suddenly blurted out his confusion stealing Tian Zi's attention. The Alpha twitched a little as he was found out however he was quick-witted and instantly found a good reason to tell Fyre when in fact, the reason he told the Omega that he had to dress as a female attendant in the hotel is because he just wanted to tease him a little. He had run Fyre a thorough background check before so he knew that Fyre was raised as a Female Omega before he switched when he was in high school. It was something he needed to do to know whether he could trust Fyre or not.

Of course, there was no way he would reveal this to Fyre and quickly matched up the Omega's frown as well. Fyre can't find out that he just truly wanted to see him in female clothing because he had been curious how he'd look all this time.

"Of course we have to make it seem like everything is normal. Sending meals into this room is a daily task for the attendants and since you already brought Jonathan's meal, we can buy him enough time to escape," Tian Zi explained with a smile and a cooing voice as if he was trying so hard to make Fyre believe his words.

"Well, you could have done it after the real attendant brought Jonathan's meal. Why do I have to be the one to send it? We could have waited until then!" Fyre complained almost pouting, his palms holding onto his dress. It felt like Mo Tian Zi was making fun of him but he had no proof of it.

"Well, I thought you wanted to talk to Jonathan as soon as possible. You were rushing to go here earlier. Besides, didn't I tell you that you look good in those clothes? You don't need to feel embarrassed," Tian Zi said with a chuckle, and this time Jonathan joined in, agreeing with his friend.

"I agree with Zi, and besides, aren't you actually very used to it? You don't seem to be uncomfortable with it," Jonathan commented. Honestly, he's glad that even after the stressful days he had gone through these past 3 days, he could still smile and forget his problem even just for a moment. Even though Fyre had come to scold him and made him realize his errors, he was still glad that despite the challenges he was facing, he still had friends who would come to his rescue and make him feel light again.

"Shut up! Don't think I have already forgiven you!" Fyre roared but with him wearing adorable female clothing, he looked even less threatening than before.

"Now, now. We don't have much time. We only have a few more minutes left so just like what we planned, you can leave the rest to me," Quickly finding the right timing to dodge the female clothing topic, Tian Zi glanced at his watch before instructing Fyre of what he will soon have to do.

"Fine. I'll endure for now," Fyre replied. He too is trying to dodge Jonathan's comment. So without wasting any more time, Fyre quickly prepared to leave the room, leaving Tian Zi and Jonathan in the room alone. Since there was nothing suspicious happening, the two guards let him through without a problem after Fyre told them that he will return to get the empty plates later. Of course, the two innocent men didn't know that they would soon find out that the person they were guarding was no longer inside the room. The only thing that was left was a huge hole in the glass window and a letter addressed to Marjorie Wood telling her that Jonathan will show up at the wedding with his lover, Remi Long.

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To be Continued...