Constant Bicker

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"What did she say?" Fyre asked impatiently as soon as Jonathan came down from Remi's apartment. A day had passed since the Empire Hotel incident and finally today, after painstakingly avoiding the Alpha's older sister, they finally managed to have Jonathan and Remi talk.

"She said she needed space," Jonathan replied dejectedly as he walked towards Fyre and Tian Zi, but this reaction is to be expected. If suddenly you discovered that your lover was actually someone so important and on top of that already had a fiance arranged by his family, how would you react? Of course, you would want some time to think and absorb all the information. You'll be hurting a lot but at the very end, you'll have to choose between staying or leaving and then stand up for whatever decision you come up with.

"She didn't want to talk to either of us yet," Jonathan added, quickly erasing Fyre's thought of visiting Remi.

"Was she fine in the least?" Fyre asked instead. Although he knew there was no way Remi was fine, he still wanted to ask Jonathan.

"She said she's fine but I know she's not. I've hurt her. Furthermore, Marjorie came to see her," Jonathan replied helplessly, and later his tone changed into a cold one, keeping his eyes on the ground. "I told her not to come and harm Remi but she went ahead and did that to her," He added as his palm turned into a fist.

"What? What do you mean? Remi didn't say anything to me," Fyre asked worriedly. His mind going wild at the hurtful words Marjorie Wood had said to his sister. Although this was to be expected when he discovered Remi and Jonathan were dating, he never thought it would actually happen because usually that only happens in movies. There's no way it would happen in reality, people have better things to do. But if he knew this was going to happen anyway, he never would've trusted Jonathan and placed the matter in his incapable hands. He wanted to yell this but he refrained himself because he knew the Alpha was hurting just as his sister and he didn't want to make the situation worse.

"It was last night, she came to meet her after work. Remi didn't tell me what Marjorie told her but based on Remi's expression, she must've been hurt a lot," Jonathan said again, showing a pained expression. Seeing this, Fyre really couldn't retaliate. Again, he wanted to scold Jonathan and tell him 'I told you this would happen,' but in the end, he decided not to because he didn't want to add more tension to the situation. Tomorrow is already the wedding day. Jonathan let out a word that he would attend with Remi as his partner but now that had happened, that might not happen at all. Not that it matters but if Jonathan attended with Margarette as his partner, it would only hurt Remi more.

"Of course, she must have been in a lot of pain knowing all the truth from a different person but I'm sure Remi will come to understand you soon," Fyre tried to encourage even though that was out of his character. When Jonathan heard the Omega, his lips briefly turned into a smile before he nodded. It can't be helped. For now, he'll just have to give all the time and space Remi needed.

"In the meantime, you should continue hiding... Tian Zi can help you with that," Fyre said again, glancing at the Young Alpha beside them who is leaning on his car, not a care in the world. But as soon as he heard his name being mentioned, Tian Zi woke up from his daydream and stood straight.

"It's better for us to stay together until tomorrow. There might be someone tracking us down. I've also already talked to Older Brother Hanlu, he's sending me our clothes for tomorrow so we can come together," Tian Zi said which was rather reasonable in their situation. If he were to go back, there is a chance that he's being tailed. He had confidence in his talent in hiding but right now, really wasn't in the mood to do so. Plus he remembered he indeed needed to attend the wedding tomorrow, else he wanted Mo Hanlu and Ian Andrews or the entire Mo Household to become his enemies. How dare he bail on them when everything was already settled. He wasn't that shameless.

"Fine. I'm tired of all the hiding we did anyway. I can bear one more day hanging out with you guys," Fyre said with a sigh.

"Hey, it's not like I wanted to hang out with you... I've been holding myself back all this time with you around," Tian Zi burst with a frown after hearing Fyre's remark. However, he quickly shut his mouth realizing he said something he shouldn't. Meanwhile, Jonathan, who heard his friend's outburst, slowly shook his head left and right before sighing secretly. What Tian Zi said isn't just a childish outburst. For the past two days, unlike his usual self that doesn't release pheromones on a daily basis, Fyre seemed to be in constant heat for the past days but was completely unaware of it. Although it wasn't strong for Jonathan to react, it might be completely different for Tian Zi who is sensitive to pheromones.

They wanted to inform Fyre about his heat, but they also didn't want to cause unnecessary awkward situations between them. Additionally, as long as he wasn't having an attack, Fyre is just like a submissive Omega in his normal days.

Of course, it wasn't that they really needed to stay together during all this time but with their circumstances, it is best to stay together until it's safe because they don't know what will happen if they decided to separate. Tian Zi might look like someone who would abandon you any time of the day, whenever and wherever, but he is not. He's someone who couldn't leave someone alone especially when he knew something bad might happen. His words are harsh, sometimes cold and a lot of times childish, but he's the best friend anyone could ever wish for.

"Holding back? Why would you hold back, you bastard!? I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to me last time," Fyre roared. He's trying to become a better person but for some reason, both Mo Tian Zi and Jonathan Wood are also doing their best to draw out the worst of him that he couldn't help but yell almost every time they had a conversation.

"Nevermind. Whatever. Why are you still bringing up something that happened days ago, I already said it's something necessary for you to do?! Can't you just move on already? Jeeze..." Tian Zi replied stubbornly, not admitting his faults. He would never admit the fact that he purposely made the Omega wear female clothing even though the evidence was clear that it wasn't as necessary as he said it was. Fyre isn't a fool, so he quickly figured out, especially with how unusual Mo Tian Zi was acting after they left Empire Hotel.

"You fucker! You still wouldn't admit it!" Fyre yelled fuming in anger but as usual as if completely unaffected, Tian Zi just brushed off Fyre covering both his ears.

"Ahh! I'm done listening and talking to you. You wouldn't believe anything that I would say anyway. You'd only insist that I did you wrong when I didn't," Tian Zi said, still being stubborn before quickly escaping inside his car, shutting the door close in front of the two.

"YOU SHAMELESS FUCKER! YOU WILL DEFINITELY HAVE YOUR TIME!" Fyre screamed, stomping his feet. "That's it! I'm never going to come with you anymore," Fyre mumbled, shaking in anger before he quickly turned around and started walking. He came to Remi's apartment building with the two Alpha's riding a car but that does not mean he couldn't go back commuting.

"Fyre, where are you going? It's dangerous out here," Jonathan called helplessly. On top of his relationship with Remi, he also has to deal with his friends' constant bickering. He is becoming more and more stressed out.

"Leave me alone. I may not look like it but I'm older than both of you so I can definitely go home on my own," Fyre said, suddenly feeling like he's crying. Even though he's so angry, his tears are threatening to fall as well.

"Still, it's dangerous right now to be walking alone. My sister might already have someone monitoring this place so it's only a matter of time before they arrive,"

"I don't care. It's not like I have something she wants," Fyre yelled again, making Jonathan sigh. This time he finally gave up and let Fyre be as he watched the Omega slowly walking further and further. He heaved another sigh and soon decided to walk towards Tian Zi's car. When he got inside the vehicle, Jonathan briefly looked at Tian Zi who was all this time keeping his eyes on Fyre.

"You really should just admit it. I'm really grateful to the two of you for helping me but I can't fully think of my own circumstances with the two of you being like this. Zi, I'm sure you know that he's been stressing out himself all this time causing his body to react differently from his normal," Jonathan said softly. Normally, he also liked to tease Fyre because he loved the way he reacts but honestly, right now, he's tired. Both physically and mentally. He can't have the only support he has to be fighting over unreasonable things.

". . ." Not saying anything, Tian Zi continued to stare at Fyre's blurring figure before he suddenly started the engine. When Jonathan thought that his friend wouldn't listen to him, the car suddenly stopped again directly in front of where Fyre was before Tian Zi stepped out. He didn't say anything still but from Jonathan's view, Tian Zi was hugging Fyre from the back. He couldn't hear what they were saying to each other but in the end, the both of them hugged as Fyre cried.

As Jonathan looked at what was unfolding in front of him, he clutched his chest feeling pain. His heart pounded painfully looking at the two being affectionate with each other and he didn't want to admit it but he's hurting more, more than when Remi told him that she wanted space.

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To be Continued...